[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6a17f9edb63118da7493bb63b71397b8dbe8a119 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/posix/global_descriptors.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/syscall_broker/broker_command.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/syscall_broker/broker_file_permission.h"
#include "services/service_manager/sandbox/export.h"
#include "services/service_manager/sandbox/linux/sandbox_seccomp_bpf_linux.h"
#include "services/service_manager/sandbox/sandbox_type.h"
#include "services/service_manager/sandbox/sanitizer_buildflags.h"
#include <sanitizer/common_interface_defs.h>
namespace base {
template <typename T>
struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
class Thread;
} // namespace base
namespace sandbox {
namespace syscall_broker {
class BrokerProcess;
} // namespace syscall_broker
class SetuidSandboxClient;
} // namespace sandbox
namespace service_manager {
// A singleton class to represent and change our sandboxing state for the
// three main Linux sandboxes.
// The sandboxing model allows using two layers of sandboxing. The first layer
// can be implemented either with unprivileged namespaces or with the setuid
// sandbox. This class provides a way to engage the namespace sandbox, but does
// not deal with the legacy setuid sandbox directly.
// The second layer is mainly based on seccomp-bpf and is engaged with
// InitializeSandbox(). InitializeSandbox() is also responsible for "sealing"
// the first layer of sandboxing. That is, InitializeSandbox must always be
// called to have any meaningful sandboxing at all.
// This is a list of sandbox IPC methods which the renderer may send to the
// sandbox host. See
// https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/docs/linux/sandbox_ipc.md
// This isn't the full list, values < 32 are reserved for methods called from
// Skia, and values < 64 are reserved for libc_interceptor.cc.
enum LinuxSandboxIPCMethods {
// These form a bitmask which describes the conditions of the Linux sandbox.
// Note: this doesn't strictly give you the current status, it states
// what will be enabled when the relevant processes are initialized.
enum Status {
// SUID sandbox active.
kSUID = 1 << 0,
// Sandbox is using a new PID namespace.
kPIDNS = 1 << 1,
// Sandbox is using a new network namespace.
kNetNS = 1 << 2,
// seccomp-bpf sandbox active.
kSeccompBPF = 1 << 3,
// The Yama LSM module is present and enforcing.
kYama = 1 << 4,
// seccomp-bpf sandbox is active and the kernel supports TSYNC.
kSeccompTSYNC = 1 << 5,
// User namespace sandbox active.
kUserNS = 1 << 6,
// A flag that denotes an invalid sandbox status.
kInvalid = 1 << 31,
// SandboxLinux Options are a superset of SandboxSecompBPF Options.
struct Options : public SandboxSeccompBPF::Options {
// When running with a zygote, the namespace sandbox will have already
// been engaged prior to initializing SandboxLinux itself, and need not
// be done so again. Set to true to indicate that there isn't a zygote
// for this process and the step is to be performed here explicitly.
bool engage_namespace_sandbox = false;
// Allow starting the sandbox with multiple threads already running. This
// will enable TSYNC for seccomp-BPF, which syncs the seccomp-BPF policy
// across all running threads.
bool allow_threads_during_sandbox_init = false;
// Enables the CHECK for open directories. The open directory check is only
// useful for the chroot jail (from the semantic layer of the sandbox), and
// can safely be disabled if we are only enabling the seccomp-BPF layer.
bool check_for_open_directories = true;
// Callers can provide this hook to run code right before the policy
// is passed to the BPF compiler and the sandbox is engaged. If
// pre_sandbox_hook() returns true, the sandbox will be engaged
// afterwards, otherwise the process is terminated.
using PreSandboxHook = base::OnceCallback<bool(Options)>;
// Get our singleton instance.
static SandboxLinux* GetInstance();
// Do some initialization that can only be done before any of the sandboxes
// are enabled. If using the setuid sandbox, this should be called manually
// before the setuid sandbox is engaged.
// Security: When this runs, it is imperative that either InitializeSandbox()
// runs as well or that all file descriptors returned in
// GetFileDescriptorsToClose() get closed.
// Otherwise file descriptors that bypass the security of the setuid sandbox
// would be kept open. One must be particularly careful if a process performs
// a fork().
void PreinitializeSandbox();
// Check that the current process is the init process of a new PID
// namespace and then proceed to drop access to the file system by using
// a new unprivileged namespace. This is a layer-1 sandbox.
// In order for this sandbox to be effective, it must be "sealed" by calling
// InitializeSandbox().
// Terminates the process in case the sandboxing operations cannot complete
// successfully.
void EngageNamespaceSandbox(bool from_zygote);
// Performs the same actions as EngageNamespaceSandbox, but is allowed to
// to fail. This is useful when sandboxed non-renderer processes could
// benefit from extra sandboxing but is not strictly required on systems that
// don't support unprivileged user namespaces.
// Zygote should use EngageNamespaceSandbox instead.
bool EngageNamespaceSandboxIfPossible();
// Return a list of file descriptors to close if PreinitializeSandbox() ran
// but InitializeSandbox() won't. Avoid using.
// TODO(jln): get rid of this hack.
std::vector<int> GetFileDescriptorsToClose();
// Seal an eventual layer-1 sandbox and initialize the layer-2 sandbox with
// an adequate policy depending on the process type and command line
// arguments.
// Currently the layer-2 sandbox is composed of seccomp-bpf and address space
// limitations.
// This function should only be called without any thread running.
bool InitializeSandbox(SandboxType sandbox_type,
PreSandboxHook hook,
const Options& options);
// Stop |thread| in a way that can be trusted by the sandbox.
void StopThread(base::Thread* thread);
// Returns the status of the renderer, worker and ppapi sandbox. Can only
// be queried after going through PreinitializeSandbox(). This is a bitmask
// and uses the constants defined in "enum Status" above. Since the
// status needs to be provided before the sandboxes are actually started,
// this returns what will actually happen once InitializeSandbox()
// is called from inside these processes.
int GetStatus();
// Returns true if the current process is single-threaded or if the number
// of threads cannot be determined.
bool IsSingleThreaded() const;
// Returns true if we started Seccomp BPF.
bool seccomp_bpf_started() const;
// Simple accessor for our instance of the setuid sandbox. Will never return
// NULL.
// There is no StartSetuidSandbox(), the SetuidSandboxClient instance should
// be used directly.
sandbox::SetuidSandboxClient* setuid_sandbox_client() const;
// Check the policy and eventually start the seccomp-bpf sandbox. Fine to be
// called with threads, as long as
// |options.allow_threads_during_sandbox_init| is true and the kernel
// supports seccomp's TSYNC feature. If TSYNC is not available we treat
// multiple threads as a fatal error.
bool StartSeccompBPF(service_manager::SandboxType sandbox_type,
PreSandboxHook hook,
const Options& options);
// Limit the address space of the current process (and its children) to make
// some vulnerabilities harder to exploit. Writes the errno due to setrlimit
// (including 0 if no error) into |error|.
bool LimitAddressSpace(int* error);
// Returns a file descriptor to proc. The file descriptor is no longer valid
// after the sandbox has been sealed.
int proc_fd() const {
DCHECK_NE(-1, proc_fd_);
return proc_fd_;
__sanitizer_sandbox_arguments* sanitizer_args() const {
return sanitizer_args_.get();
// A BrokerProcess is a helper that is started before the sandbox is engaged,
// typically from a pre-sandbox hook, that will serve requests to access
// files over an IPC channel. The client of this runs from a SIGSYS handler
// triggered by the seccomp-bpf sandbox.
// |client_sandbox_policy| is the policy being run by the client, and is
// used to derive the equivalent broker-side policy.
// |broker_side_hook| is an alternate pre-sandbox hook to be run before the
// broker itself gets sandboxed, to which the broker side policy and
// |options| are passed.
// Crashes the process if the broker can not be started since continuation
// is impossible (and presumably unsafe).
// This should never be destroyed, as after the sandbox is started it is
// vital to the process.
void StartBrokerProcess(
const sandbox::syscall_broker::BrokerCommandSet& allowed_command_set,
std::vector<sandbox::syscall_broker::BrokerFilePermission> permissions,
PreSandboxHook broker_side_hook,
const Options& options);
sandbox::syscall_broker::BrokerProcess* broker_process() const {
return broker_process_;
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<SandboxLinux>;
// We must have been pre_initialized_ before using these.
bool seccomp_bpf_supported() const;
bool seccomp_bpf_with_tsync_supported() const;
// Returns true if it can be determined that the current process has open
// directories that are not managed by the SandboxLinux class. This would
// be a vulnerability as it would allow to bypass the setuid sandbox.
bool HasOpenDirectories() const;
// The last part of the initialization is to make sure any temporary "hole"
// in the sandbox is closed. For now, this consists of closing proc_fd_.
void SealSandbox();
// GetStatus() makes promises as to how the sandbox will behave. This
// checks that no promises have been broken.
void CheckForBrokenPromises(service_manager::SandboxType sandbox_type);
// Stop |thread| and make sure it does not appear in /proc/self/tasks/
// anymore.
void StopThreadAndEnsureNotCounted(base::Thread* thread) const;
// Engages the namespace sandbox as described for EngageNamespaceSandbox.
// Returns false if it fails to transition to a new user namespace, but
// after transitioning to a new user namespace we don't allow this function
// to fail.
bool EngageNamespaceSandboxInternal(bool from_zygote);
// A file descriptor to /proc. It's dangerous to have it around as it could
// allow for sandbox bypasses. It needs to be closed before we consider
// ourselves sandboxed.
int proc_fd_;
bool seccomp_bpf_started_;
// The value returned by GetStatus(). Gets computed once and then cached.
int sandbox_status_flags_;
// Did PreinitializeSandbox() run?
bool pre_initialized_;
bool seccomp_bpf_supported_; // Accurate if pre_initialized_.
bool seccomp_bpf_with_tsync_supported_; // Accurate if pre_initialized_.
bool yama_is_enforcing_; // Accurate if pre_initialized_.
bool initialize_sandbox_ran_; // InitializeSandbox() was called.
std::unique_ptr<sandbox::SetuidSandboxClient> setuid_sandbox_client_;
std::unique_ptr<__sanitizer_sandbox_arguments> sanitizer_args_;
sandbox::syscall_broker::BrokerProcess* broker_process_; // Leaked as global.
} // namespace service_manager