[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: b0e2575e192df5ff5d4217911f1a6bf1b5ae25e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "components/user_education/common/help_bubble_params.h"
#include "components/user_education/webui/tracked_element_webui.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_controller.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "ui/base/interaction/element_identifier.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
#include "ui/webui/resources/cr_components/help_bubble/help_bubble.mojom.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace user_education {
class HelpBubble;
class HelpBubbleWebUI;
// Base class abstracting away IPC so that handler functionality can be tested
// entirely with mocks.
class HelpBubbleHandlerBase : public help_bubble::mojom::HelpBubbleHandler {
HelpBubbleHandlerBase(const HelpBubbleHandlerBase&) = delete;
HelpBubbleHandlerBase(const std::vector<ui::ElementIdentifier>& identifiers,
ui::ElementContext context);
~HelpBubbleHandlerBase() override;
void operator=(const HelpBubbleHandlerBase&) = delete;
// Returns the context. Currently this is tied to the WebUIController and not
// the browser that holds it, as (at least for tab contents) the owning
// browser can change during the handler's lifespan.
ui::ElementContext context() const { return context_; }
// Returns the associated `WebUIController`. This should not change over the
// lifetime of the handler.
virtual content::WebUIController* GetController() = 0;
// Returns the WebContents associated with the controller. This is a
// convenience method. A contents should be associated with the controller but
// it is probably good to check for null.
content::WebContents* GetWebContents();
// Returns the RenderWidgetHost associated with the controller. This is a
// convenience method. A host should be associated with the controller but it
// is probably good to check for null.
content::RenderWidgetHost* GetRenderWidgetHost();
// Provides reliable access to a HelpBubbleClient. Derived classes should
// create a ClientProvider and pass it to the HelpBubbleHandlerBase
// constructor. This ensures that the client can still be accessed even as the
// derived class is being destructed (for example, telling the help bubble to
// close).
class ClientProvider {
ClientProvider() = default;
ClientProvider(const ClientProvider& other) = delete;
virtual ~ClientProvider() = default;
void operator=(const ClientProvider& other) = delete;
// Returns the client. Should always return a valid value.
virtual help_bubble::mojom::HelpBubbleClient* GetClient() = 0;
// Provides runtime visibility of the WebContents via the RenderWidgetHost.
// Stubbed here for testing.
class VisibilityProvider {
VisibilityProvider() = default;
VisibilityProvider(const VisibilityProvider& other) = delete;
virtual ~VisibilityProvider() = default;
void operator=(const VisibilityProvider& other) = delete;
void set_handler(HelpBubbleHandlerBase* handler) { handler_ = handler; }
// Does the check if visibility is currently unknown. Returns
// `absl::nullopt` if the visibility cannot be determined (this should be
// treated as "not visible" for most purposes).
// This method may lazily instantiate some visibility-tracking logic.
virtual absl::optional<bool> CheckIsVisible() const = 0;
HelpBubbleHandlerBase* handler() const { return handler_; }
// Sets a new visibility state when visibility changes via an external
// event.
void SetLastKnownVisibility(absl::optional<bool> visible);
base::raw_ptr<HelpBubbleHandlerBase> handler_;
HelpBubbleHandlerBase(std::unique_ptr<ClientProvider> client_provider,
std::unique_ptr<VisibilityProvider> visibility_provider,
const std::vector<ui::ElementIdentifier>& identifiers,
ui::ElementContext context);
help_bubble::mojom::HelpBubbleClient* GetClient();
ClientProvider* client_provider() { return client_provider_.get(); }
// Override to use mojo error handling; defaults to NOTREACHED().
virtual void ReportBadMessage(base::StringPiece error);
friend class VisibilityProvider;
friend class FloatingWebUIHelpBubbleFactory;
friend class HelpBubbleFactoryWebUI;
friend class HelpBubbleWebUI;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(HelpBubbleHandlerTest, ExternalHelpBubbleUpdated);
struct ElementData;
bool is_web_contents_visible() const {
return web_contents_visibility_.value_or(false);
std::unique_ptr<HelpBubbleWebUI> CreateHelpBubble(
ui::ElementIdentifier target,
HelpBubbleParams params);
void OnHelpBubbleClosing(ui::ElementIdentifier anchor_id);
bool ToggleHelpBubbleFocusForAccessibility(ui::ElementIdentifier anchor_id);
gfx::Rect GetHelpBubbleBoundsInScreen(ui::ElementIdentifier anchor_id) const;
void OnFloatingHelpBubbleCreated(ui::ElementIdentifier anchor_id,
HelpBubble* help_bubble);
void OnFloatingHelpBubbleClosed(ui::ElementIdentifier anchor_id,
HelpBubble* help_bubble);
void OnWebContentsVisibilityChanged(absl::optional<bool> visibility);
// mojom::HelpBubbleHandler:
void HelpBubbleAnchorVisibilityChanged(const std::string& identifier_name,
bool visible,
const gfx::RectF& rect) final;
void HelpBubbleAnchorActivated(const std::string& identifier_name) final;
void HelpBubbleAnchorCustomEvent(const std::string& identifier_name,
const std::string& event_name) final;
void HelpBubbleButtonPressed(const std::string& identifier_name,
uint8_t button) final;
void HelpBubbleClosed(
const std::string& identifier_name,
help_bubble::mojom::HelpBubbleClosedReason reason) final;
ElementData* GetDataByName(const std::string& identifier_name,
ui::ElementIdentifier* found_identifier = nullptr);
// The visibility of the corresponding WebContents in the browser; will be:
// - true if the WebContents is visible on the screen
// - false if the WebContents is rendered, but currently hidden (e.g. a
// background tab or hidden side panel)
// - nullopt if the visibility is not yet known, or there is no render host
// to query for visibility
absl::optional<bool> web_contents_visibility_;
std::unique_ptr<ClientProvider> client_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<VisibilityProvider> visibility_provider_;
const ui::ElementContext context_;
std::map<ui::ElementIdentifier, ElementData> element_data_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HelpBubbleHandlerBase> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
// Handler for WebUI that support displaying help bubbles in Polymer.
// The corresponding mojom and mixin files to support help bubbles on the WebUI
// side are located in the project at:
// //ui/webui/resources/cr_components/help_bubble/
// Full usage recommendations can be found in README.md.
// SECURITY NOTE: a `HelpBubbleHandler` is owned by a `WebUIController` that
// implements `HelpBubbleHandlerFactory`, and typically has a lifespan limited
// to a subset of the corresponding WebUI page's lifespan. Reloading the page
// can cause it to be discarded and recreated (and a common attack vector is
// triggering a recreate). If a class has a raw_ptr to a
// HelpBubbleHandler[Base], then a test MUST be added to ensure that the class
// releases the reference when the HelpBubbleHandler is destroyed. Tests are
// already provided for `HelpBubbleWebUI` and `TrackedElementWebUI` in
// help_bubble_handler_unittest.cc.
class HelpBubbleHandler : public HelpBubbleHandlerBase {
// Create a help bubble handler (called from the HelpBubbleHandlerFactory
// method). The `identifier` is used to create a placeholder TrackedElement
// that can be referenced by ElementTracker, InteractionSequence,
// HelpBubbleFactory, FeaturePromoController, etc.
// Note: Because WebContents are portable between browser windows, the context
// of the placeholder element will not match the browser window that initially
// contains it. This may change in future for WebContents that are embedded in
// primary or secondary UI rather than in a (movable) tab.
mojo::PendingRemote<help_bubble::mojom::HelpBubbleClient> pending_client,
content::WebUIController* controller,
const std::vector<ui::ElementIdentifier>& identifiers);
~HelpBubbleHandler() override;
// HelpBubbleHandlerBase:
content::WebUIController* GetController() override;
class ClientProvider;
class VisibilityProvider;
void ReportBadMessage(base::StringPiece error) override;
mojo::Receiver<help_bubble::mojom::HelpBubbleHandler> receiver_;
const base::raw_ptr<content::WebUIController> controller_;
} // namespace user_education