[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 9dd19cbfc2816eaa42a6b484e81b480a4b3f3fcd [file] [log] [blame]
# Controls whether goma is enabled or not. If you generally use goma but
# want to disable goma for a single build, consider using the environment
# variable GOMA_DISABLED.
enabled = False
install = "$GOMA_DIR"
# Controls settings for the generated Xcode project. If jobs is non-zero
# it will be passed to the ninja invocation in Xcode project.
jobs = 0
# Controls the build output. The only supported values are "64-bit", "32-bit"
# and "fat" (for a fat binary supporting both "32-bit" and "64-bit" cpus).
arch = "64-bit"
# Values in that section will be copied verbatim in the generated args.gn file.
target_os = "ios"
enable_remoting = false
# List of target files to pass to --filters argument of gn gen when generating
# the Xcode project. By default, list all targets from ios/ and ios_internal/
# and the targets corresponding to the unit tests run on the bots.
filter_0 = "//base:base_unittests"
filter_1 = "//components:components_unittests"
filter_2 = "//crypto:crypto_unittests"
filter_3 = "//google_apis:google_apis_unittests"
filter_4 = "//ios/*"
filter_5 = "//ios_internal/*"
filter_6 = "//net:net_unittests"
filter_7 = "//services:services_unittests"
filter_8 = "//skia:skia_unittests"
filter_9 = "//sql:sql_unittests"
filter_a = "//ui/base:ui_base_unittests"
filter_b = "//ui/gfx:gfx_unittests"
filter_c = "//url:url_unittests"
filter_d = "//third_party/crashpad/*"
filter_e = "//content/shell/*"
filter_f = "//third_party/blink/*"
filter_g = "//content/test:content_unittests"
filter_h = "//cc:cc_unittests"