[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 5f33d1470f11c152976b1e4ab6e7bf295dba9dbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/file_version_info_win.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/file_version_info.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
using base::FilePath;
FileVersionInfoWin::FileVersionInfoWin(void* data, int language, int code_page)
: language_(language), code_page_(code_page) {
data_.reset((char*) data);
fixed_file_info_ = NULL;
UINT size;
::VerQueryValue(data_.get(), L"\\", (LPVOID*)&fixed_file_info_, &size);
FileVersionInfoWin::~FileVersionInfoWin() {
typedef struct {
WORD language;
WORD code_page;
} LanguageAndCodePage;
// static
FileVersionInfo* FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForModule(
HMODULE module) {
// Note that the use of MAX_PATH is basically in line with what we do for
// all registered paths (PathProviderWin).
wchar_t system_buffer[MAX_PATH];
system_buffer[0] = 0;
if (!GetModuleFileName(module, system_buffer, MAX_PATH))
return NULL;
FilePath app_path(system_buffer);
return CreateFileVersionInfo(app_path);
// static
FileVersionInfo* FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfo(
const FilePath& file_path) {
DWORD dummy;
const wchar_t* path = file_path.value().c_str();
DWORD length = ::GetFileVersionInfoSize(path, &dummy);
if (length == 0)
return NULL;
void* data = calloc(length, 1);
if (!data)
return NULL;
if (!::GetFileVersionInfo(path, dummy, length, data)) {
return NULL;
LanguageAndCodePage* translate = NULL;
uint32 page_count;
BOOL query_result = VerQueryValue(data, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation",
(void**) &translate, &page_count);
if (query_result && translate) {
return new FileVersionInfoWin(data, translate->language,
} else {
return NULL;
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::company_name() {
return GetStringValue(L"CompanyName");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::company_short_name() {
return GetStringValue(L"CompanyShortName");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::internal_name() {
return GetStringValue(L"InternalName");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::product_name() {
return GetStringValue(L"ProductName");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::product_short_name() {
return GetStringValue(L"ProductShortName");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::comments() {
return GetStringValue(L"Comments");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::legal_copyright() {
return GetStringValue(L"LegalCopyright");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::product_version() {
return GetStringValue(L"ProductVersion");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::file_description() {
return GetStringValue(L"FileDescription");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::legal_trademarks() {
return GetStringValue(L"LegalTrademarks");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::private_build() {
return GetStringValue(L"PrivateBuild");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::file_version() {
return GetStringValue(L"FileVersion");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::original_filename() {
return GetStringValue(L"OriginalFilename");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::special_build() {
return GetStringValue(L"SpecialBuild");
base::string16 FileVersionInfoWin::last_change() {
return GetStringValue(L"LastChange");
bool FileVersionInfoWin::is_official_build() {
return (GetStringValue(L"Official Build").compare(L"1") == 0);
bool FileVersionInfoWin::GetValue(const wchar_t* name,
std::wstring* value_str) {
WORD lang_codepage[8];
int i = 0;
// Use the language and codepage from the DLL.
lang_codepage[i++] = language_;
lang_codepage[i++] = code_page_;
// Use the default language and codepage from the DLL.
lang_codepage[i++] = ::GetUserDefaultLangID();
lang_codepage[i++] = code_page_;
// Use the language from the DLL and Latin codepage (most common).
lang_codepage[i++] = language_;
lang_codepage[i++] = 1252;
// Use the default language and Latin codepage (most common).
lang_codepage[i++] = ::GetUserDefaultLangID();
lang_codepage[i++] = 1252;
i = 0;
while (i < arraysize(lang_codepage)) {
wchar_t sub_block[MAX_PATH];
WORD language = lang_codepage[i++];
WORD code_page = lang_codepage[i++];
_snwprintf_s(sub_block, MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH,
L"\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\%ls", language, code_page, name);
LPVOID value = NULL;
uint32 size;
BOOL r = ::VerQueryValue(data_.get(), sub_block, &value, &size);
if (r && value) {
return true;
return false;
std::wstring FileVersionInfoWin::GetStringValue(const wchar_t* name) {
std::wstring str;
if (GetValue(name, &str))
return str;
return L"";