[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 8af4c4c9b3014054c1b5dcfc70bdcdabd9a2fb00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "cc/base/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/base/region.h"
#include "cc/base/tiling_data.h"
#include "cc/tiles/tile.h"
#include "cc/tiles/tile_priority.h"
#include "cc/trees/occlusion.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
namespace cc {
class PictureLayerTiling;
class PrioritizedTile;
class RasterSource;
class CC_EXPORT PictureLayerTilingClient {
// Create a tile at the given content_rect (in the contents scale of the
// tiling) This might return null if the client cannot create such a tile.
virtual ScopedTilePtr CreateTile(float contents_scale,
const gfx::Rect& content_rect) = 0;
virtual gfx::Size CalculateTileSize(
const gfx::Size& content_bounds) const = 0;
// This invalidation region defines the area (if any, it can by null) that
// tiles can not be shared between pending and active trees.
virtual const Region* GetPendingInvalidation() = 0;
virtual const PictureLayerTiling* GetPendingOrActiveTwinTiling(
const PictureLayerTiling* tiling) const = 0;
virtual TilePriority::PriorityBin GetMaxTilePriorityBin() const = 0;
virtual bool RequiresHighResToDraw() const = 0;
virtual ~PictureLayerTilingClient() {}
class CC_EXPORT PictureLayerTiling {
static const int kBorderTexels = 1;
PictureLayerTilingClient* client() const { return client_; }
static float CalculateSoonBorderDistance(
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_in_content_space,
float content_to_screen_scale);
// Create a tiling with no tiles. CreateTile() must be called to add some.
static scoped_ptr<PictureLayerTiling> Create(
WhichTree tree,
float contents_scale,
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source,
PictureLayerTilingClient* client,
float tiling_interest_area_viewport_multiplier,
float skewport_target_time_in_seconds,
int skewport_extrapolation_limit_in_content_pixels);
void SetRasterSourceAndResize(scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source);
void Invalidate(const Region& layer_invalidation);
void CreateMissingTilesInLiveTilesRect();
void TakeTilesAndPropertiesFrom(PictureLayerTiling* pending_twin,
const Region& layer_invalidation);
bool IsTileRequiredForActivation(const Tile* tile) const;
bool IsTileRequiredForDraw(const Tile* tile) const;
void set_resolution(TileResolution resolution) { resolution_ = resolution; }
TileResolution resolution() const { return resolution_; }
void set_can_require_tiles_for_activation(bool can_require_tiles) {
can_require_tiles_for_activation_ = can_require_tiles;
RasterSource* raster_source() const { return raster_source_.get(); }
gfx::Size tiling_size() const { return tiling_data_.tiling_size(); }
gfx::Rect live_tiles_rect() const { return live_tiles_rect_; }
gfx::Size tile_size() const { return tiling_data_.max_texture_size(); }
float contents_scale() const { return contents_scale_; }
const TilingData* tiling_data() const { return &tiling_data_; }
Tile* TileAt(int i, int j) const {
TileMap::const_iterator iter = tiles_.find(TileMapKey(i, j));
return iter == tiles_.end() ? nullptr : iter->second;
bool has_tiles() const { return !tiles_.empty(); }
// For testing functionality.
void CreateAllTilesForTesting() {
const TilingData& TilingDataForTesting() const { return tiling_data_; }
std::vector<Tile*> AllTilesForTesting() const {
std::vector<Tile*> all_tiles;
for (TileMap::const_iterator it = tiles_.begin(); it != tiles_.end(); ++it)
return all_tiles;
void UpdateAllRequiredStateForTesting() {
for (const auto& key_tile_pair : tiles_)
std::map<const Tile*, PrioritizedTile>
UpdateAndGetAllPrioritizedTilesForTesting() const;
void SetAllTilesOccludedForTesting() {
gfx::Rect viewport_in_layer_space =
ScaleToEnclosingRect(current_visible_rect_, 1.0f / contents_scale_);
current_occlusion_in_layer_space_ =
const gfx::Rect& GetCurrentVisibleRectForTesting() const {
return current_visible_rect_;
// Iterate over all tiles to fill content_rect. Even if tiles are invalid
// (i.e. no valid resource) this tiling should still iterate over them.
// The union of all geometry_rect calls for each element iterated over should
// exactly equal content_rect and no two geometry_rects should intersect.
class CC_EXPORT CoverageIterator {
CoverageIterator(const PictureLayerTiling* tiling,
float dest_scale,
const gfx::Rect& rect);
// Visible rect (no borders), always in the space of content_rect,
// regardless of the contents scale of the tiling.
gfx::Rect geometry_rect() const;
// Texture rect (in texels) for geometry_rect
gfx::RectF texture_rect() const;
Tile* operator->() const { return current_tile_; }
Tile* operator*() const { return current_tile_; }
CoverageIterator& operator++();
operator bool() const { return tile_j_ <= bottom_; }
int i() const { return tile_i_; }
int j() const { return tile_j_; }
const PictureLayerTiling* tiling_;
gfx::Rect dest_rect_;
float dest_to_content_scale_;
Tile* current_tile_;
gfx::Rect current_geometry_rect_;
int tile_i_;
int tile_j_;
int left_;
int top_;
int right_;
int bottom_;
friend class PictureLayerTiling;
void Reset();
bool ComputeTilePriorityRects(const gfx::Rect& viewport_in_layer_space,
float ideal_contents_scale,
double current_frame_time_in_seconds,
const Occlusion& occlusion_in_layer_space);
void GetAllPrioritizedTilesForTracing(
std::vector<PrioritizedTile>* prioritized_tiles) const;
void AsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* array) const;
size_t GPUMemoryUsageInBytes() const;
struct RectExpansionCache {
gfx::Rect previous_start;
gfx::Rect previous_bounds;
gfx::Rect previous_result;
int64 previous_target;
gfx::Rect ExpandRectEquallyToAreaBoundedBy(
const gfx::Rect& starting_rect,
int64 target_area,
const gfx::Rect& bounding_rect,
RectExpansionCache* cache);
friend class CoverageIterator;
friend class PrioritizedTile;
friend class TilingSetRasterQueueAll;
friend class TilingSetRasterQueueRequired;
friend class TilingSetEvictionQueue;
// PENDING VISIBLE RECT refers to the visible rect that will become current
// upon activation (ie, the pending tree's visible rect). Tiles in this
// region that are not part of the current visible rect are all handled
// here. Note that when processing a pending tree, this rect is the same as
// the visible rect so no tiles are processed in this case.
enum PriorityRectType {
using TileMapKey = std::pair<int, int>;
using TileMap = base::ScopedPtrHashMap<TileMapKey, ScopedTilePtr>;
struct FrameVisibleRect {
gfx::Rect visible_rect_in_content_space;
double frame_time_in_seconds = 0.0;
PictureLayerTiling(WhichTree tree,
float contents_scale,
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source,
PictureLayerTilingClient* client,
float tiling_interest_area_viewport_multiplier,
float skewport_target_time_in_seconds,
int skewport_extrapolation_limit_in_content_pixels);
void SetLiveTilesRect(const gfx::Rect& live_tiles_rect);
void VerifyLiveTilesRect(bool is_on_recycle_tree) const;
Tile* CreateTile(int i, int j);
// Returns true if the Tile existed and was removed from the tiling.
bool RemoveTileAt(int i, int j);
bool TilingMatchesTileIndices(const PictureLayerTiling* twin) const;
// Computes a skewport. The calculation extrapolates the last visible
// rect and the current visible rect to expand the skewport to where it
// would be in |skewport_target_time| seconds. Note that the skewport
// is guaranteed to contain the current visible rect.
gfx::Rect ComputeSkewport(double current_frame_time_in_seconds,
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_in_content_space)
// Save the required data for computing tile priorities later.
void SetTilePriorityRects(float content_to_screen_scale_,
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_in_content_space,
const gfx::Rect& skewport,
const gfx::Rect& soon_border_rect,
const gfx::Rect& eventually_rect,
const Occlusion& occlusion_in_layer_space);
bool NeedsUpdateForFrameAtTimeAndViewport(
double frame_time_in_seconds,
const gfx::Rect& viewport_in_layer_space) {
return frame_time_in_seconds !=
visible_rect_history_[0].frame_time_in_seconds ||
viewport_in_layer_space != last_viewport_in_layer_space_;
void UpdateVisibleRectHistory(
double frame_time_in_seconds,
const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_in_content_space) {
visible_rect_history_[1] = visible_rect_history_[0];
visible_rect_history_[0].frame_time_in_seconds = frame_time_in_seconds;
visible_rect_history_[0].visible_rect_in_content_space =
// If we don't have a second history item, set it to the most recent one.
if (visible_rect_history_[1].frame_time_in_seconds == 0.0)
visible_rect_history_[1] = visible_rect_history_[0];
bool IsTileOccludedOnCurrentTree(const Tile* tile) const;
bool ShouldCreateTileAt(int i, int j) const;
bool IsTileOccluded(const Tile* tile) const;
void UpdateRequiredStatesOnTile(Tile* tile) const;
PrioritizedTile MakePrioritizedTile(
Tile* tile,
PriorityRectType priority_rect_type) const;
TilePriority ComputePriorityForTile(
const Tile* tile,
PriorityRectType priority_rect_type) const;
PriorityRectType ComputePriorityRectTypeForTile(const Tile* tile) const;
bool has_visible_rect_tiles() const { return has_visible_rect_tiles_; }
bool has_skewport_rect_tiles() const { return has_skewport_rect_tiles_; }
bool has_soon_border_rect_tiles() const {
return has_soon_border_rect_tiles_;
bool has_eventually_rect_tiles() const { return has_eventually_rect_tiles_; }
const gfx::Rect& current_visible_rect() const {
return current_visible_rect_;
gfx::Rect pending_visible_rect() const {
const PictureLayerTiling* pending_tiling =
tree_ == ACTIVE_TREE ? client_->GetPendingOrActiveTwinTiling(this)
: this;
if (pending_tiling)
return pending_tiling->current_visible_rect();
return gfx::Rect();
const gfx::Rect& current_skewport_rect() const {
return current_skewport_rect_;
const gfx::Rect& current_soon_border_rect() const {
return current_soon_border_rect_;
const gfx::Rect& current_eventually_rect() const {
return current_eventually_rect_;
bool has_ever_been_updated() const {
return visible_rect_history_[0].frame_time_in_seconds != 0.0;
void RemoveTilesInRegion(const Region& layer_region, bool recreate_tiles);
const float tiling_interest_area_viewport_multiplier_;
const float skewport_target_time_in_seconds_;
const int skewport_extrapolation_limit_in_content_pixels_;
// Given properties.
const float contents_scale_;
PictureLayerTilingClient* const client_;
const WhichTree tree_;
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source_;
TileResolution resolution_;
// Internal data.
TilingData tiling_data_;
TileMap tiles_; // It is not legal to have a NULL tile in the tiles_ map.
gfx::Rect live_tiles_rect_;
gfx::Rect last_viewport_in_layer_space_;
// State saved for computing velocities based upon finite differences.
FrameVisibleRect visible_rect_history_[2];
bool can_require_tiles_for_activation_;
// Iteration rects in content space.
gfx::Rect current_visible_rect_;
gfx::Rect current_skewport_rect_;
gfx::Rect current_soon_border_rect_;
gfx::Rect current_eventually_rect_;
// Other properties used for tile iteration and prioritization.
float current_content_to_screen_scale_;
Occlusion current_occlusion_in_layer_space_;
bool has_visible_rect_tiles_;
bool has_skewport_rect_tiles_;
bool has_soon_border_rect_tiles_;
bool has_eventually_rect_tiles_;
RectExpansionCache expansion_cache_;
} // namespace cc