[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f656780ec4d42853a7b0e25d0e1c6bd1b2027095 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @ts-ignore Importing CSS is handled in Rollup.
import commonStyle from './common.css';
import {adoptStyleSheet} from './common.js';
import {gridStyle} from './highlight_grid_common.js';
import {DistancesOverlay} from './tool_distances.js';
// @ts-ignore Importing CSS is handled in Rollup.
import highlightGridStyle from './tool_grid.css';
// @ts-ignore Importing CSS is handled in Rollup.
import highlightStyle from './tool_highlight.css';
import {HighlightOverlay} from './tool_highlight.js';
// @ts-ignore Importing CSS is handled in Rollup.
import pausedStyle from './tool_paused.css';
import {PausedOverlay} from './tool_paused.js';
import {PersistentOverlay} from './tool_persistent.js';
// @ts-ignore Importing CSS is handled in Rollup.
import screenshotStyle from './tool_screenshot.css';
import {ScreenshotOverlay} from './tool_screenshot.js';
// @ts-ignore Importing CSS is handled in Rollup.
import sourceOrderStyle from './tool_source_order.css';
import {SourceOrderOverlay} from './tool_source_order.js';
import {ViewportSizeOverlay} from './tool_viewport_size.js';
const gridStyleSheet = new CSSStyleSheet();
const highlightOverlay = new HighlightOverlay(window, [highlightStyle, gridStyleSheet]);
const persistentOverlay = new PersistentOverlay(window, [highlightGridStyle, gridStyleSheet]);
const distancesOverlay = new DistancesOverlay(window);
const pausedOverlay = new PausedOverlay(window, pausedStyle);
const screenshotOverlay = new ScreenshotOverlay(window, screenshotStyle);
const sourceOrderOverlay = new SourceOrderOverlay(window, sourceOrderStyle);
const viewportSizeOverlay = new ViewportSizeOverlay(window);
interface Overlays {
distances: DistancesOverlay;
highlight: HighlightOverlay;
persistent: PersistentOverlay;
paused: PausedOverlay;
screenshot: ScreenshotOverlay;
sourceOrder: SourceOrderOverlay;
viewportSize: ViewportSizeOverlay;
type PlatformName = string;
// Key in this object is the name the backend refers to a particular overlay by.
const overlays: Overlays = {
distances: distancesOverlay,
highlight: highlightOverlay,
persistent: persistentOverlay,
paused: pausedOverlay,
screenshot: screenshotOverlay,
sourceOrder: sourceOrderOverlay,
viewportSize: viewportSizeOverlay,
let currentOverlay: Overlays[keyof Overlays];
let platformName: PlatformName;
type MessageLookup = {
'setOverlay': keyof Overlays; 'setPlatform': PlatformName;
const dispatch = <K extends keyof MessageLookup>(message: [a: K, b: MessageLookup[K]]) => {
const functionName = message[0];
if (functionName === 'setOverlay') {
const overlayName = message[1] as keyof Overlays;
if (currentOverlay) {
currentOverlay = overlays[overlayName];
// TODO: setPlatform invokes install() for compatibility with the backend.
// The call to install() can be removed from setPlatform() after the backend is updated.
if (!currentOverlay.installed) {
} else if (functionName === 'setPlatform') {
platformName = message[1];
} else {
// Window has an additional dispatch function added, so retype as unknown first
(window as unknown as {dispatch: Function}).dispatch = dispatch;