[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 25ee2f9b7be57c954511fc382e44ee2b3fd44966 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult('Tests accessibility in the editor pane in sources panel using the axe-core linter.');
// axe-core issue #1444 -- role="tree" requires children with role="treeitem",
// but it is reasonable to have trees with no leaves.
// Ignore 'aria-required-children' rule for tablist because it doesn't accommodate empty tablist.
'aria-required-children': {
enabled: false,
selector: ':not(.tabbed-pane-header-tabs)'
await TestRunner.loadTestModule('axe_core_test_runner');
await TestRunner.loadTestModule('sources_test_runner');
await UI.viewManager.showView('sources');
await setup();
await runTest();
async function setup() {
const projects = Workspace.workspace.projectsForType(Workspace.projectTypes.FileSystem);
const snippetsProject = projects.find(
project => Persistence.FileSystemWorkspaceBinding.fileSystemType(project) === 'snippets');
const uiSourceCode1 = await snippetsProject.createFile('');
await Common.Revealer.reveal(uiSourceCode1);
const uiSourceCode2 = await snippetsProject.createFile('');
await Common.Revealer.reveal(uiSourceCode2);
async function runTest() {
// Verify contents of the TabHeader to make sure files are open
const tabbedPane = UI.panels.sources.sourcesView().editorContainer.tabbedPane;
const tabs = tabbedPane.tabs;
TestRunner.addResult('All tabs:');
tabs.forEach(tab => TestRunner.addResult(tab.title));
await runA11yTest();
async function runA11yTest() {
await UI.viewManager.showView('sources');
const element = UI.panels.sources.sourcesView().contentElement;
await AxeCoreTestRunner.runValidation(element, NO_REQUIRED_CHILDREN_RULESET);