[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 40a81eeb2751bad3f6ed39b8ece7b9143b2110ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type * as Common from '../../core/common/common.js';
import type * as TextUtils from '../../models/text_utils/text_utils.js';
import type {AnchorBehavior} from './GlassPane.js';
import type {Suggestion} from './SuggestBox.js';
import type {Widget} from './Widget.js';
export interface TextEditorFactory {
createEditor(options: Options): TextEditor;
export interface TextEditor extends Common.EventTarget.EventTarget {
widget(): Widget;
fullRange(): TextUtils.TextRange.TextRange;
selection(): TextUtils.TextRange.TextRange;
setSelection(selection: TextUtils.TextRange.TextRange): void;
text(textRange?: TextUtils.TextRange.TextRange): string;
textWithCurrentSuggestion(): string;
setText(text: string): void;
line(lineNumber: number): string;
newlineAndIndent(): void;
addKeyDownHandler(handler: (arg0: KeyboardEvent) => void): void;
configureAutocomplete(config: AutocompleteConfig|null): void;
clearAutocomplete(): void;
visualCoordinates(lineNumber: number, columnNumber: number): {
x: number,
y: number,
tokenAtTextPosition(lineNumber: number, columnNumber: number): {
startColumn: number,
endColumn: number,
type: string,
setPlaceholder(placeholder: string): void;
// TODO(crbug.com/1167717): Make this a const enum again
// eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/const_enum
export enum Events {
CursorChanged = 'CursorChanged',
TextChanged = 'TextChanged',
SuggestionChanged = 'SuggestionChanged',
export interface Options {
bracketMatchingSetting?: Common.Settings.Setting<boolean>;
devtoolsAccessibleName?: string;
lineNumbers: boolean;
lineWrapping: boolean;
mimeType?: string;
autoHeight?: boolean;
padBottom?: boolean;
maxHighlightLength?: number;
placeholder?: string;
lineWiseCopyCut?: boolean;
inputStyle?: string;
export interface AutocompleteConfig {
substituteRangeCallback?: ((arg0: number, arg1: number) => TextUtils.TextRange.TextRange | null);
tooltipCallback?: ((arg0: number, arg1: number) => Promise<Element|null>);
((arg0: TextUtils.TextRange.TextRange, arg1: TextUtils.TextRange.TextRange,
arg2?: boolean|undefined) => Promise<Suggestion[]>| null);
isWordChar?: ((arg0: string) => boolean);
anchorBehavior?: AnchorBehavior;