[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 022be8056fb746c0ceba16adea5a4c91ed895648 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as Common from '../../core/common/common.js';
import type * as Platform from '../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as Root from '../../core/root/root.js';
import {Context} from './Context.js';
export interface ActionDelegate {
handleAction(_context: Context, _actionId: string): boolean;
export class Action extends Common.ObjectWrapper.ObjectWrapper {
_enabled = true;
_toggled = false;
private actionRegistration: ActionRegistration;
constructor(actionRegistration: ActionRegistration) {
this.actionRegistration = actionRegistration;
id(): string {
return this.actionRegistration.actionId;
async execute(): Promise<boolean> {
if (!this.actionRegistration.loadActionDelegate) {
return false;
const delegate = await this.actionRegistration.loadActionDelegate();
const actionId = this.id();
return delegate.handleAction(Context.instance(), actionId);
icon(): string|undefined {
return this.actionRegistration.iconClass;
toggledIcon(): string|undefined {
return this.actionRegistration.toggledIconClass;
toggleWithRedColor(): boolean {
return Boolean(this.actionRegistration.toggleWithRedColor);
setEnabled(enabled: boolean): void {
if (this._enabled === enabled) {
this._enabled = enabled;
this.dispatchEventToListeners(Events.Enabled, enabled);
enabled(): boolean {
return this._enabled;
category(): string {
return this.actionRegistration.category;
tags(): string|void {
if (this.actionRegistration.tags) {
// Get localized keys and separate by null character to prevent fuzzy matching from matching across them.
return this.actionRegistration.tags.map(tag => tag()).join('\0');
toggleable(): boolean {
return Boolean(this.actionRegistration.toggleable);
title(): string {
let title = this.actionRegistration.title ? this.actionRegistration.title() : '';
const options = this.actionRegistration.options;
if (options) {
// Actions with an 'options' property don't have a title field. Instead, the displayed
// title is taken from the 'title' property of the option that is not active. Only one of the
// two options can be active at a given moment and the 'toggled' property of the action along
// with the 'value' of the options are used to determine which one it is.
for (const pair of options) {
if (pair.value !== this._toggled) {
title = pair.title();
return title;
toggled(): boolean {
return this._toggled;
setToggled(toggled: boolean): void {
console.assert(this.toggleable(), 'Shouldn\'t be toggling an untoggleable action', this.id());
if (this._toggled === toggled) {
this._toggled = toggled;
this.dispatchEventToListeners(Events.Toggled, toggled);
options(): undefined|Array<ExtensionOption> {
return this.actionRegistration.options;
contextTypes(): undefined|Array<Function> {
if (this.actionRegistration.contextTypes) {
return this.actionRegistration.contextTypes();
return undefined;
canInstantiate(): boolean {
return Boolean(this.actionRegistration.loadActionDelegate);
bindings(): Array<Binding>|undefined {
return this.actionRegistration.bindings;
experiment(): string|undefined {
return this.actionRegistration.experiment;
condition(): string|undefined {
return this.actionRegistration.condition;
order(): number|undefined {
return this.actionRegistration.order;
const registeredActionExtensions: Array<Action> = [];
const actionIdSet = new Set<string>();
export function registerActionExtension(registration: ActionRegistration): void {
const actionId = registration.actionId;
if (actionIdSet.has(actionId)) {
throw new Error(`Duplicate Action id '${actionId}': ${new Error().stack}`);
registeredActionExtensions.push(new Action(registration));
export function getRegisteredActionExtensions(): Array<Action> {
return registeredActionExtensions
action => Root.Runtime.Runtime.isDescriptorEnabled(
{experiment: action.experiment(), condition: action.condition()}))
.sort((firstAction, secondAction) => {
const order1 = firstAction.order() || 0;
const order2 = secondAction.order() || 0;
return order1 - order2;
export function maybeRemoveActionExtension(actionId: string): boolean {
const actionIndex = registeredActionExtensions.findIndex(action => action.id() === actionId);
if (actionIndex < 0 || !actionIdSet.delete(actionId)) {
return false;
registeredActionExtensions.splice(actionIndex, 1);
return true;
export const enum Platforms {
All = 'All platforms',
Mac = 'mac',
WindowsLinux = 'windows,linux',
Android = 'Android',
Windows = 'windows',
export const Events = {
Enabled: Symbol('Enabled'),
Toggled: Symbol('Toggled'),
// TODO(crbug.com/1181019)
export const ActionCategory = {
ELEMENTS: 'Elements',
SCREENSHOT: 'Screenshot',
NETWORK: 'Network',
MEMORY: 'Memory',
JAVASCRIPT_PROFILER: 'JavaScript Profiler',
CONSOLE: 'Console',
PERFORMANCE: 'Performance',
MOBILE: 'Mobile',
SENSORS: 'Sensors',
HELP: 'Help',
INPUTS: 'Inputs',
LAYERS: 'Layers',
NAVIGATION: 'Navigation',
DRAWER: 'Drawer',
GLOBAL: 'Global',
RESOURCES: 'Resources',
BACKGROUND_SERVICES: 'Background Services',
SETTINGS: 'Settings',
DEBUGGER: 'Debugger',
SOURCES: 'Sources',
type ActionCategory = typeof ActionCategory[keyof typeof ActionCategory];
export const enum IconClass {
LARGEICON_NODE_SEARCH = 'largeicon-node-search',
LARGEICON_START_RECORDING = 'largeicon-start-recording',
LARGEICON_STOP_RECORDING = 'largeicon-stop-recording',
LARGEICON_REFRESH = 'largeicon-refresh',
LARGEICON_CLEAR = 'largeicon-clear',
LARGEICON_VISIBILITY = 'largeicon-visibility',
LARGEICON_PHONE = 'largeicon-phone',
LARGEICON_PLAY = 'largeicon-play',
LARGEICON_DOWNLOAD = 'largeicon-download',
LARGEICON_PAUSE = 'largeicon-pause',
LARGEICON_RESUME = 'largeicon-resume',
LARGEICON_TRASH_BIN = 'largeicon-trash-bin',
LARGEICON_SETTINGS_GEAR = 'largeicon-settings-gear',
LARGEICON_STEP_OVER = 'largeicon-step-over',
LARGE_ICON_STEP_INTO = 'largeicon-step-into',
LARGE_ICON_STEP = 'largeicon-step',
LARGE_ICON_STEP_OUT = 'largeicon-step-out',
LARGE_ICON_DEACTIVATE_BREAKPOINTS = 'largeicon-deactivate-breakpoints',
LARGE_ICON_ADD = 'largeicon-add',
export const enum KeybindSet {
DEVTOOLS_DEFAULT = 'devToolsDefault',
VS_CODE = 'vsCode',
export interface ExtensionOption {
value: boolean;
title: () => Platform.UIString.LocalizedString;
text?: string;
export interface Binding {
platform?: Platforms;
shortcut: string;
keybindSets?: Array<KeybindSet>;
* The representation of an action extension to be registered.
export interface ActionRegistration {
* The unique id of an Action extension.
actionId: string;
* The category with which the action is displayed in the UI.
category: ActionCategory;
* The title with which the action is displayed in the UI.
title?: () => Platform.UIString.LocalizedString;
* The type of the icon used to trigger the action.
iconClass?: IconClass;
* Whether the style of the icon toggles on interaction.
toggledIconClass?: IconClass;
* Whether the class 'toolbar-toggle-with-red-color' is toggled on the icon on interaction.
toggleWithRedColor?: boolean;
* Words used to find an action in the Command Menu.
tags?: Array<() => Platform.UIString.LocalizedString>;
* Whether the action is toggleable.
toggleable?: boolean;
* Loads the class that handles the action when it is triggered. The common pattern for implementing
* this function relies on having the module that contains the action’s handler lazily loaded. For example:
* ```js
* let loadedElementsModule;
* async function loadElementsModule() {
* if (!loadedElementsModule) {
* loadedElementsModule = await import('./elements.js');
* }
* return loadedElementsModule;
* }
* UI.ActionRegistration.registerActionExtension({
* <...>
* async loadActionDelegate() {
* const Elements = await loadElementsModule();
* return Elements.ElementsPanel.ElementsActionDelegate.instance();
* },
* <...>
* });
* ```
loadActionDelegate?: () => Promise<ActionDelegate>;
* Returns the classes that represent the 'context flavors' under which the action is available for triggering.
* The context of the application is described in 'flavors' that are usually views added and removed to the context
* as the user interacts with the application (e.g when the user moves across views). (See UI.Context)
* When the action is supposed to be available globally, that is, it does not depend on the application to have
* a specific context, the value of this property should be undefined.
* Because the method is synchronous, context types should be already loaded when the method is invoked.
* In the case that an action has context types it depends on, and they haven't been loaded yet, the function should
* return an empty array. Once the context types have been loaded, the function should return an array with all types
* that it depends on.
* The common pattern for implementing this function is relying on having the module with the corresponding context
* types loaded and stored when the related 'view' extension is loaded asynchronously. As an example:
* ```js
* let loadedElementsModule;
* async function loadElementsModule() {
* if (!loadedElementsModule) {
* loadedElementsModule = await import('./elements.js');
* }
* return loadedElementsModule;
* }
* function maybeRetrieveContextTypes(getClassCallBack: (elementsModule: typeof Elements) => unknown[]): unknown[] {
* if (loadedElementsModule === undefined) {
* return [];
* }
* return getClassCallBack(loadedElementsModule);
* }
* UI.ActionRegistration.registerActionExtension({
* contextTypes() {
* return maybeRetrieveContextTypes(Elements => [Elements.ElementsPanel.ElementsPanel]);
* }
* <...>
* });
* ```
contextTypes?: () => Array<Function>;
* The descriptions for each of the two states in which a toggleable action can be.
options?: Array<ExtensionOption>;
* The description of the variables (e.g. platform, keys and keybind sets) under which a keyboard shortcut triggers the action.
* If a keybind must be available on all platforms, its 'platform' property must be undefined. The same applies to keybind sets
* and the keybindSet property.
* Keybinds also depend on the context types of their corresponding action, and so they will only be available when such context types
* are flavors of the current appliaction context.
bindings?: Array<Binding>;
* The name of the experiment an action is associated with. Enabling and disabling the declared
* experiment will enable and disable the action respectively.
experiment?: Root.Runtime.ExperimentName;
* A condition represented as a string the action's availability depends on. Conditions come
* from the queryParamsObject defined in Runtime and just as the experiment field, they determine the availability
* of the setting. A condition can be negated by prepending a ‘!’ to the value of the condition
* property and in that case the behaviour of the action's availability will be inverted.
condition?: Root.Runtime.ConditionName;
* Used to sort actions when all registered actions are queried.
order?: number;