[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 6efb15331a08ab9ad8849c61892f0db6464528d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/* eslint-disable rulesdir/no_underscored_properties */
import * as Common from '../../core/common/common.js';
import * as Host from '../../core/host/host.js';
import * as Platform from '../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as Root from '../../core/root/root.js';
import type {Action} from './ActionRegistration.js';
import {getRegisteredActionExtensions, KeybindSet} from './ActionRegistration.js';
import type {ActionRegistry} from './ActionRegistry.js';
import {Context} from './Context.js';
import {Dialog} from './Dialog.js';
import {KeyboardShortcut, Modifiers, Type} from './KeyboardShortcut.js';
import {isEditing} from './UIUtils.js';
let shortcutRegistryInstance: ShortcutRegistry|undefined;
export class ShortcutRegistry {
_actionRegistry: ActionRegistry;
_actionToShortcut: Platform.MapUtilities.Multimap<string, KeyboardShortcut>;
_keyMap: ShortcutTreeNode;
_activePrefixKey: ShortcutTreeNode|null;
_activePrefixTimeout: number|null;
_consumePrefix: (() => Promise<void>)|null;
_devToolsDefaultShortcutActions: Set<string>;
_disabledDefaultShortcutsForAction: Platform.MapUtilities.Multimap<string, KeyboardShortcut>;
_keybindSetSetting: Common.Settings.Setting<string>;
_userShortcutsSetting: Common.Settings.Setting<KeyboardShortcut[]>;
constructor(actionRegistry: ActionRegistry) {
this._actionRegistry = actionRegistry;
this._actionToShortcut = new Platform.MapUtilities.Multimap();
this._keyMap = new ShortcutTreeNode(0, 0);
this._activePrefixKey = null;
this._activePrefixTimeout = null;
this._consumePrefix = null;
this._devToolsDefaultShortcutActions = new Set();
this._disabledDefaultShortcutsForAction = new Platform.MapUtilities.Multimap();
this._keybindSetSetting = Common.Settings.Settings.instance().moduleSetting('activeKeybindSet');
this._keybindSetSetting.addChangeListener(event => {
this._userShortcutsSetting = Common.Settings.Settings.instance().moduleSetting('userShortcuts');
this._userShortcutsSetting.addChangeListener(this._registerBindings, this);
static instance(opts: {
forceNew: boolean|null,
actionRegistry: ActionRegistry|null,
} = {forceNew: null, actionRegistry: null}): ShortcutRegistry {
const {forceNew, actionRegistry} = opts;
if (!shortcutRegistryInstance || forceNew) {
if (!actionRegistry) {
throw new Error('Missing actionRegistry for shortcutRegistry');
shortcutRegistryInstance = new ShortcutRegistry(actionRegistry);
return shortcutRegistryInstance;
static removeInstance(): void {
shortcutRegistryInstance = undefined;
_applicableActions(key: number, handlers: {
[x: string]: () => Promise<boolean>,
}|undefined = {}): Action[] {
let actions: string[] = [];
const keyMap = this._activePrefixKey || this._keyMap;
const keyNode = keyMap.getNode(key);
if (keyNode) {
actions = keyNode.actions();
const applicableActions = this._actionRegistry.applicableActions(actions, Context.instance());
if (keyNode) {
for (const actionId of Object.keys(handlers)) {
if (keyNode.actions().indexOf(actionId) >= 0) {
const action = this._actionRegistry.action(actionId);
if (action) {
return applicableActions;
shortcutsForAction(action: string): KeyboardShortcut[] {
return [...this._actionToShortcut.get(action)];
actionsForDescriptors(descriptors: {
key: number,
name: string,
}[]): string[] {
let keyMapNode: (ShortcutTreeNode|null)|ShortcutTreeNode = this._keyMap;
for (const {key} of descriptors) {
if (!keyMapNode) {
return [];
keyMapNode = keyMapNode.getNode(key);
return keyMapNode ? keyMapNode.actions() : [];
globalShortcutKeys(): number[] {
const keys = [];
for (const node of this._keyMap.chords().values()) {
const actions = node.actions();
const applicableActions = this._actionRegistry.applicableActions(actions, Context.instance());
if (applicableActions.length || node.hasChords()) {
return keys;
keysForActions(actionIds: string[]): number[] {
const keys = actionIds.flatMap(
action => [...this._actionToShortcut.get(action)].flatMap(
shortcut => shortcut.descriptors.map(descriptor => descriptor.key)));
return [...(new Set(keys))];
shortcutTitleForAction(actionId: string): string|undefined {
for (const shortcut of this._actionToShortcut.get(actionId)) {
return shortcut.title();
return undefined;
handleShortcut(event: KeyboardEvent, handlers?: {
[x: string]: () => Promise<boolean>,
}): void {
this.handleKey(KeyboardShortcut.makeKeyFromEvent(event), event.key, event, handlers);
actionHasDefaultShortcut(actionId: string): boolean {
return this._devToolsDefaultShortcutActions.has(actionId);
addShortcutListener(element: Element, handlers: {
[x: string]: () => Promise<boolean>,
}): (arg0: Event) => void {
// We only want keys for these specific actions to get handled this
// way; all others should be allowed to bubble up.
const allowlistKeyMap = new ShortcutTreeNode(0, 0);
const shortcuts = Object.keys(handlers).flatMap(action => [...this._actionToShortcut.get(action)]);
shortcuts.forEach(shortcut => {
allowlistKeyMap.addKeyMapping(shortcut.descriptors.map(descriptor => descriptor.key), shortcut.action);
const listener = (event: Event): void => {
const key = KeyboardShortcut.makeKeyFromEvent((event as KeyboardEvent));
const keyMap = this._activePrefixKey ? allowlistKeyMap.getNode(this._activePrefixKey.key()) : allowlistKeyMap;
if (!keyMap) {
if (keyMap.getNode(key)) {
this.handleShortcut((event as KeyboardEvent), handlers);
element.addEventListener('keydown', listener);
return listener;
async handleKey(key: number, domKey: string, event?: KeyboardEvent, handlers?: {
[x: string]: () => Promise<boolean>,
}): Promise<void> {
const keyModifiers = key >> 8;
const hasHandlersOrPrefixKey = Boolean(handlers) || Boolean(this._activePrefixKey);
const keyMapNode = this._keyMap.getNode(key);
const maybeHasActions =
(this._applicableActions(key, handlers)).length > 0 || (keyMapNode && keyMapNode.hasChords());
if ((!hasHandlersOrPrefixKey && isPossiblyInputKey()) || !maybeHasActions ||
KeyboardShortcut.isModifier(KeyboardShortcut.keyCodeAndModifiersFromKey(key).keyCode)) {
if (event) {
if (!hasHandlersOrPrefixKey && Dialog.hasInstance()) {
if (this._activePrefixTimeout) {
const handled = await maybeExecuteActionForKey.call(this);
this._activePrefixKey = null;
this._activePrefixTimeout = null;
if (handled) {
if (this._consumePrefix) {
await this._consumePrefix();
if (keyMapNode && keyMapNode.hasChords()) {
this._activePrefixKey = keyMapNode;
this._consumePrefix = async(): Promise<void> => {
this._activePrefixKey = null;
this._activePrefixTimeout = null;
await maybeExecuteActionForKey.call(this);
this._activePrefixTimeout = window.setTimeout(this._consumePrefix, KeyTimeout);
} else {
await maybeExecuteActionForKey.call(this);
function isPossiblyInputKey(): boolean {
if (!event || !isEditing() || /^F\d+|Control|Shift|Alt|Meta|Escape|Win|U\+001B$/.test(domKey)) {
return false;
if (!keyModifiers) {
return true;
const modifiers = Modifiers;
// Undo/Redo will also cause input, so textual undo should take precedence over DevTools undo when editing.
if (Host.Platform.isMac()) {
if (KeyboardShortcut.makeKey('z', modifiers.Meta) === key) {
return true;
if (KeyboardShortcut.makeKey('z', modifiers.Meta | modifiers.Shift) === key) {
return true;
} else {
if (KeyboardShortcut.makeKey('z', modifiers.Ctrl) === key) {
return true;
if (KeyboardShortcut.makeKey('y', modifiers.Ctrl) === key) {
return true;
if (!Host.Platform.isWin() && KeyboardShortcut.makeKey('z', modifiers.Ctrl | modifiers.Shift) === key) {
return true;
if ((keyModifiers & (modifiers.Ctrl | modifiers.Alt)) === (modifiers.Ctrl | modifiers.Alt)) {
return Host.Platform.isWin();
return !hasModifier(modifiers.Ctrl) && !hasModifier(modifiers.Alt) && !hasModifier(modifiers.Meta);
function hasModifier(mod: number): boolean {
return Boolean(keyModifiers & mod);
/** ;
async function maybeExecuteActionForKey(this: ShortcutRegistry): Promise<boolean> {
const actions = this._applicableActions(key, handlers);
if (!actions.length) {
return false;
for (const action of actions) {
let handled;
if (handlers && handlers[action.id()]) {
handled = await handlers[action.id()]();
if (!handlers) {
handled = await action.execute();
if (handled) {
return true;
return false;
registerUserShortcut(shortcut: KeyboardShortcut): void {
for (const otherShortcut of this._disabledDefaultShortcutsForAction.get(shortcut.action)) {
if (otherShortcut.descriptorsMatch(shortcut.descriptors) &&
otherShortcut.hasKeybindSet(this._keybindSetSetting.get())) {
// this user shortcut is the same as a disabled default shortcut,
// so we should just enable the default
for (const otherShortcut of this._actionToShortcut.get(shortcut.action)) {
if (otherShortcut.descriptorsMatch(shortcut.descriptors) &&
otherShortcut.hasKeybindSet(this._keybindSetSetting.get())) {
// don't allow duplicate shortcuts
removeShortcut(shortcut: KeyboardShortcut): void {
if (shortcut.type === Type.DefaultShortcut || shortcut.type === Type.KeybindSetShortcut) {
} else {
disabledDefaultsForAction(actionId: string): Set<KeyboardShortcut> {
return this._disabledDefaultShortcutsForAction.get(actionId);
_addShortcutToSetting(shortcut: KeyboardShortcut): void {
const userShortcuts = this._userShortcutsSetting.get();
_removeShortcutFromSetting(shortcut: KeyboardShortcut): void {
const userShortcuts = this._userShortcutsSetting.get();
const index = userShortcuts.findIndex(shortcut.equals, shortcut);
if (index !== -1) {
userShortcuts.splice(index, 1);
_registerShortcut(shortcut: KeyboardShortcut): void {
this._actionToShortcut.set(shortcut.action, shortcut);
this._keyMap.addKeyMapping(shortcut.descriptors.map(descriptor => descriptor.key), shortcut.action);
_registerBindings(): void {
const keybindSet = this._keybindSetSetting.get();
const forwardedKeys: {
keyCode: number,
modifiers: number,
}[] = [];
if (Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('keyboardShortcutEditor')) {
const userShortcuts = this._userShortcutsSetting.get();
for (const userShortcut of userShortcuts) {
const shortcut = KeyboardShortcut.createShortcutFromSettingObject(userShortcut);
if (shortcut.type === Type.DisabledDefault) {
this._disabledDefaultShortcutsForAction.set(shortcut.action, shortcut);
} else {
if (ForwardedActions.has(shortcut.action)) {
...shortcut.descriptors.map(descriptor => KeyboardShortcut.keyCodeAndModifiersFromKey(descriptor.key)));
for (const actionExtension of getRegisteredActionExtensions()) {
const actionId = actionExtension.id();
const bindings = actionExtension.bindings();
for (let i = 0; bindings && i < bindings.length; ++i) {
const keybindSets = bindings[i].keybindSets;
if (!platformMatches(bindings[i].platform) || !keybindSetsMatch(keybindSets)) {
const keys = bindings[i].shortcut.split(/\s+/);
const shortcutDescriptors = keys.map(KeyboardShortcut.makeDescriptorFromBindingShortcut);
if (shortcutDescriptors.length > 0) {
if (this._isDisabledDefault(shortcutDescriptors, actionId)) {
if (ForwardedActions.has(actionId)) {
...shortcutDescriptors.map(shortcut => KeyboardShortcut.keyCodeAndModifiersFromKey(shortcut.key)));
if (!keybindSets) {
this._registerShortcut(new KeyboardShortcut(shortcutDescriptors, actionId, Type.DefaultShortcut));
} else {
if (keybindSets.includes(KeybindSet.DEVTOOLS_DEFAULT)) {
new KeyboardShortcut(shortcutDescriptors, actionId, Type.KeybindSetShortcut, new Set(keybindSets)));
function platformMatches(platformsString?: string): boolean {
if (!platformsString) {
return true;
const platforms = platformsString.split(',');
let isMatch = false;
const currentPlatform = Host.Platform.platform();
for (let i = 0; !isMatch && i < platforms.length; ++i) {
isMatch = platforms[i] === currentPlatform;
return isMatch;
function keybindSetsMatch(keybindSets?: string[]): boolean {
if (!keybindSets) {
return true;
return keybindSets.includes(keybindSet);
shortcutDescriptors: {
key: number,
name: string,
action: string): boolean {
const disabledDefaults = this._disabledDefaultShortcutsForAction.get(action);
for (const disabledDefault of disabledDefaults) {
if (disabledDefault.descriptorsMatch(shortcutDescriptors)) {
return true;
return false;
export class ShortcutTreeNode {
_key: number;
_actions: string[];
_chords: Map<number, ShortcutTreeNode>;
_depth: number;
constructor(key: number, depth: number = 0) {
this._key = key;
this._actions = [];
this._chords = new Map();
this._depth = depth;
addAction(action: string): void {
key(): number {
return this._key;
chords(): Map<number, ShortcutTreeNode> {
return this._chords;
hasChords(): boolean {
return this._chords.size > 0;
addKeyMapping(keys: number[], action: string): void {
if (keys.length < this._depth) {
if (keys.length === this._depth) {
} else {
const key = keys[this._depth];
if (!this._chords.has(key)) {
this._chords.set(key, new ShortcutTreeNode(key, this._depth + 1));
(this._chords.get(key) as ShortcutTreeNode).addKeyMapping(keys, action);
getNode(key: number): ShortcutTreeNode|null {
return this._chords.get(key) || null;
actions(): string[] {
return this._actions;
clear(): void {
this._actions = [];
this._chords = new Map();
export class ForwardedShortcut {
static instance = new ForwardedShortcut();
export const ForwardedActions = new Set<string>([
export const KeyTimeout = 1000;
export const DefaultShortcutSetting = 'devToolsDefault';