[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 747fd5a615e1bbab5f63779cda32d4f37f3d4023 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/* eslint-disable rulesdir/no_underscored_properties */
import * as Host from '../../core/host/host.js';
import * as Platform from '../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as ComponentHelpers from '../components/helpers/helpers.js';
import * as ARIAUtils from './ARIAUtils.js';
import type {ContextMenu, Provider} from './ContextMenu.js';
import {html} from './Fragment.js';
import {Tooltip} from './Tooltip.js';
import {addReferrerToURLIfNecessary, copyLinkAddressLabel, MaxLengthForDisplayedURLs, openLinkExternallyLabel} from './UIUtils.js';
import {XElement} from './XElement.js';
export class XLink extends XElement {
tabIndex: number;
target: string;
rel: string;
_href: string|null;
_clickable: boolean;
_onClick: (arg0: Event) => void;
_onKeyDown: (arg0: Event) => void;
static create(url: string, linkText?: string, className?: string, preventClick?: boolean): HTMLElement {
if (!linkText) {
linkText = url;
className = className || '';
// clang-format off
// TODO(dgozman): migrate css from 'devtools-link' to 'x-link'.
const element = html `
<x-link href='${url}' class='${className} devtools-link' ${preventClick ? 'no-click' : ''}
>${Platform.StringUtilities.trimMiddle(linkText, MaxLengthForDisplayedURLs)}</x-link>`;
// clang-format on
return /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ element as HTMLElement;
constructor() {
this.style.setProperty('display', 'inline');
this.tabIndex = 0;
this.target = '_blank';
this.rel = 'noopener';
this._href = null;
this._clickable = true;
this._onClick = (event: Event): void => {
Host.InspectorFrontendHost.InspectorFrontendHostInstance.openInNewTab((this._href as string));
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('x-link-invoke'));
this._onKeyDown = (event: Event): void => {
if (isEnterOrSpaceKey(event)) {
Host.InspectorFrontendHost.InspectorFrontendHostInstance.openInNewTab((this._href as string));
this.dispatchEvent(new Event('x-link-invoke'));
static get observedAttributes(): string[] {
// TODO(dgozman): should be super.observedAttributes, but it does not compile.
return XElement.observedAttributes.concat(['href', 'no-click']);
get href(): string|null {
return this._href;
attributeChangedCallback(attr: string, oldValue: string|null, newValue: string|null): void {
if (attr === 'no-click') {
this._clickable = !newValue;
if (attr === 'href') {
// For invalid or non-absolute URLs, `href` should remain `null`.
if (!newValue) {
newValue = '';
let href: string|null = null;
let url: URL|null = null;
try {
url = new URL(addReferrerToURLIfNecessary(newValue));
href = url.toString();
} catch {
if (url && url.protocol === 'javascript:') {
href = null;
this._href = href;
Tooltip.install(this, newValue);
super.attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldValue, newValue);
_updateClick(): void {
if (this._href !== null && this._clickable) {
this.addEventListener('click', this._onClick, false);
this.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown, false);
this.style.setProperty('cursor', 'pointer');
} else {
this.removeEventListener('click', this._onClick, false);
this.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown, false);
let contextMenuProviderInstance: ContextMenuProvider;
export class ContextMenuProvider implements Provider {
static instance(opts: {
forceNew: boolean|null,
} = {forceNew: null}): ContextMenuProvider {
const {forceNew} = opts;
if (!contextMenuProviderInstance || forceNew) {
contextMenuProviderInstance = new ContextMenuProvider();
return contextMenuProviderInstance;
appendApplicableItems(event: Event, contextMenu: ContextMenu, target: Object): void {
let targetNode: (Node|null) = (target as Node | null);
while (targetNode && !(targetNode instanceof XLink)) {
targetNode = targetNode.parentNodeOrShadowHost();
if (!targetNode || !targetNode._href) {
const node: XLink = targetNode;
contextMenu.revealSection().appendItem(openLinkExternallyLabel(), () => {
if (node._href) {
contextMenu.revealSection().appendItem(copyLinkAddressLabel(), () => {
if (node._href) {
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('x-link', XLink);