[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: c8ef36adfc3a25df0f13ada76f8714ac4877aa70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/* eslint-disable rulesdir/no_underscored_properties */
import * as ComponentHelpers from '../components/helpers/helpers.js';
import {appendStyle} from './utils/append-style.js';
import {XElement} from './XElement.js';
// TODO(crbug.com/1172300) Ignored during the jsdoc to ts migration
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
let _observer: ResizeObserver|null = null;
// TODO(crbug.com/1172300) Ignored during the jsdoc to ts migration
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
const _storedScrollPositions = new WeakMap<Element, {
scrollLeft: number,
scrollTop: number,
export class XWidget extends XElement {
_visible: boolean;
_shadowRoot!: DocumentFragment|null;
_defaultFocusedElement: Element|null;
_elementsToRestoreScrollPositionsFor: Element[];
_onShownCallback!: (() => void)|null;
_onHiddenCallback!: (() => void)|null;
_onResizedCallback!: (() => void)|null;
constructor() {
this.style.setProperty('display', 'flex');
this.style.setProperty('flex-direction', 'column');
this.style.setProperty('align-items', 'stretch');
this.style.setProperty('justify-content', 'flex-start');
this.style.setProperty('contain', 'layout style');
this._visible = false;
this._defaultFocusedElement = null;
this._elementsToRestoreScrollPositionsFor = [];
if (!_observer) {
_observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
for (const entry of entries) {
const widget = (entry.target as XWidget);
if (widget._visible && widget._onResizedCallback) {
isShowing(): boolean {
return this._visible;
registerRequiredCSS(cssFile: string): void {
appendStyle(this._shadowRoot || this, cssFile);
setOnShown(callback: (() => void)|null): void {
this._onShownCallback = callback;
setOnHidden(callback: (() => void)|null): void {
this._onHiddenCallback = callback;
setOnResized(callback: (() => void)|null): void {
this._onResizedCallback = callback;
setElementsToRestoreScrollPositionsFor(elements: Element[]): void {
for (const element of this._elementsToRestoreScrollPositionsFor) {
element.removeEventListener('scroll', XWidget._storeScrollPosition, {capture: false});
this._elementsToRestoreScrollPositionsFor = elements;
for (const element of this._elementsToRestoreScrollPositionsFor) {
element.addEventListener('scroll', XWidget._storeScrollPosition, {passive: true, capture: false});
restoreScrollPositions(): void {
for (const element of this._elementsToRestoreScrollPositionsFor) {
const storedPositions = _storedScrollPositions.get(element);
if (storedPositions) {
element.scrollTop = storedPositions.scrollTop;
element.scrollLeft = storedPositions.scrollLeft;
static _storeScrollPosition(event: Event): void {
const element = (event.currentTarget as Element);
_storedScrollPositions.set(element, {scrollLeft: element.scrollLeft, scrollTop: element.scrollTop});
setDefaultFocusedElement(element: Element|null): void {
if (element && !this.isSelfOrAncestor(element)) {
throw new Error('Default focus must be descendant');
this._defaultFocusedElement = element;
focus(): void {
if (!this._visible) {
let element;
if (this._defaultFocusedElement && this.isSelfOrAncestor(this._defaultFocusedElement)) {
element = this._defaultFocusedElement;
} else if (this.tabIndex !== -1) {
element = this;
} else {
let child = this.traverseNextNode(this);
while (child) {
if ((child instanceof XWidget) && child._visible) {
element = child;
child = child.traverseNextNode(this);
if (!element || element.hasFocus()) {
if (element === this) {
} else {
(element as HTMLElement).focus();
connectedCallback(): void {
this._visible = true;
if (this._onShownCallback) {
disconnectedCallback(): void {
this._visible = false;
if (this._onHiddenCallback) {
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('x-widget', XWidget);