[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 5cc338a9a6d02af56b5710758d34c6da3a1e157c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/* eslint-disable rulesdir/es_modules_import */
import {assert} from 'chai';
import {
} from '../../../test/shared/helper.js';
import {
} from '../../../test/shared/mocha-extensions.js';
import {
} from './helpers.js';
import {type RecorderActions} from '../../../front_end/panels/recorder/recorder-actions.js';
import {type UserFlow} from '../../../front_end/panels/recorder/models/Schema.js';
import {assertMatchesJSONSnapshot} from '../../../test/shared/snapshots.js';
import {type StepChanged} from '../../../front_end/panels/recorder/components/StepView.js';
describe('Recorder', function() {
if (this.timeout() !== 0) {
it('should capture the initial page as the url of the first section', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture clicks on buttons', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#test');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture multiple clicks with duration', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
const element = await target.waitForSelector('#test');
const point = await element.clickablePoint();
await target.mouse.move(point.x, point.y);
await target.mouse.down();
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 350));
await target.mouse.up();
await target.mouse.down();
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 350));
await target.mouse.up();
const recording = await stopRecording();
const steps = (recording as UserFlow).steps.slice(2);
assert.strictEqual(steps.length, 2);
for (const step of steps) {
assert.strictEqual(step.type, 'click');
assert.isTrue('duration' in step && step.duration && step.duration > 350);
it('should capture non-primary clicks and double clicks', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#mouse-button', {button: 'middle'});
await target.click('#mouse-button', {button: 'right'});
await target.click('#mouse-button', {button: 'forward' as 'left'});
await target.click('#mouse-button', {button: 'back' as 'left'});
await target.click('#mouse-button', {clickCount: 1});
await target.click('#mouse-button', {clickCount: 2});
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture clicks on input buttons', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/input.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#reset');
await target.click('#submit');
await target.click('#button');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture clicks on buttons with custom selector attribute', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html', {
selectorAttribute: 'data-devtools-test',
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#selector-attribute');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture Enter key presses on buttons', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
const button = await target.waitForSelector('#test');
await button?.press('Enter');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should not capture synthetic events', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#synthetic');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture implicit form submissions', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/form.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#name');
await target.type('#name', 'test');
await target.keyboard.down('Enter');
await target.waitForFunction(() => {
return window.location.href.endsWith('form.html?name=test');
await target.keyboard.up('Enter');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture clicks on submit buttons inside of forms as click steps', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#form-button');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should build an ARIA selector for the parent element that is interactive', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#span');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should fall back to a css selector if an element does not have an accessible and interactive parent',
async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#span2');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should create an aria selector even if the element is within a shadow root', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('pierce/#inner-span');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should record clicks on shadow DOM elements with slots containing text nodes only', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/shadow-text-node.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('custom-button');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should record interactions with elements within iframes', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.mainFrame().childFrames()[0].click('#in-iframe');
await target.mainFrame().childFrames()[0].childFrames()[0].click('aria/Inner iframe button');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should wait for navigations in the generated scripts', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('aria/Page 2');
await target.waitForFunction(() => {
return window.location.href.endsWith('recorder2.html');
await target.waitForSelector('aria/Back to Page 1');
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const recording = await getCurrentRecording();
return (recording as {steps: unknown[]}).steps.length >= 3;
await target.click('aria/Back to Page 1');
await target.waitForFunction(() => {
return window.location.href.endsWith('recorder.html');
const recording = await stopRecording();
// TODO: remove flakiness from recording network conditions.
it.skip('[crbug.com/1224832]: should also record network conditions', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html', {
networkCondition: 'Fast 3G',
const {frontend, target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#test');
await frontend.bringToFront();
await changeNetworkConditions('Slow 3G');
await openRecorderPanel();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#test');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture keyboard events on inputs', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/input.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.keyboard.press('Tab');
await target.keyboard.type('1');
await target.keyboard.press('Tab');
await target.keyboard.type('2');
// TODO(alexrudenko): for some reason the headless test does not flush the buffer
// when recording is stopped.
await target.evaluate(
() => (document.querySelector('#two') as HTMLElement).blur(),
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture keyboard events on non-text inputs', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/input.html', {untrustedEvents: true});
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
const color = await target.waitForSelector('#color');
await color.click();
// Imitating an input event.
await color.evaluate(el => {
const element = el as HTMLInputElement;
element.value = '#333333';
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {bubbles: true}));
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture navigation without change', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/input.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.keyboard.press('Tab');
await target.keyboard.down('Shift');
await target.keyboard.press('Tab');
await target.keyboard.up('Shift');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture a change that causes navigation without blur or change', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/programmatic-navigation-on-keydown.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.keyboard.press('1');
await target.keyboard.press('Enter', {delay: 50});
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const controller = await getRecordingController();
return controller.evaluate(
c => c.getCurrentRecordingForTesting()?.flow.steps.length === 5,
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should associate events with right navigations', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/multiple-navigations.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('button');
await target.waitForFunction(() => {
return window.location.href.endsWith('input.html');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should work for select elements', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/select.html', {untrustedEvents: true});
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#select');
await target.select('#select', 'O2');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should work for checkbox elements', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/checkbox.html', {untrustedEvents: true});
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#checkbox');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should work for elements modified on mousedown', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/input.html', {untrustedEvents: true});
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#to-be-modified');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should record OOPIF interactions', async () => {
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await startRecording('recorder/oopif.html', {untrustedEvents: true});
await target.bringToFront();
const frame = target.frames().find(frame => frame.url().endsWith('iframe1.html'));
const link = await frame?.waitForSelector('aria/To iframe 2');
const frame2Promise = target.waitForFrame(
frame => frame.url().endsWith('iframe2.html'),
await link?.click();
const frame2 = await frame2Promise;
await frame2?.waitForSelector('aria/To iframe 1');
// Preventive timeout because apparently out-of-process targets might trigger late events that
// cause handled errors in DevTools.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 250));
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should capture and store screenshots for every section', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
await stopRecording();
const screenshot = await frontend.waitForSelector(
'pierce/.section .screenshot',
it('should record interactions with popups', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html', {untrustedEvents: true});
const {target, browser} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
const openPopupButton = await target.waitForSelector('aria/Open Popup');
// Popups are separate targets so Recorder is only able to learn about them
// after a while. To allow no-flaky testing, we need to synchronise with the
// frontend here.
const recorderHandledPopup = onRecorderAttachedToTarget();
await openPopupButton?.click();
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const controller = await getRecordingController();
return controller.evaluate(c => {
const steps = c.getCurrentRecordingForTesting()?.flow.steps;
return steps?.length === 3 && steps[1].assertedEvents?.length === 1;
const popupTarget = await browser.waitForTarget(
target => target.url().endsWith('popup.html'),
const popupPage = await popupTarget.page();
await popupPage?.bringToFront();
await recorderHandledPopup;
const buttonInPopup = await popupPage?.waitForSelector(
'aria/Button in Popup',
await buttonInPopup?.click();
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const controller = await getRecordingController();
return controller.evaluate(
c => c.getCurrentRecordingForTesting()?.flow.steps.length === 4,
await popupPage?.close();
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should break out shifts in text controls', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/input.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.keyboard.press('Tab');
await target.keyboard.type('1');
await target.keyboard.press('Shift');
await target.keyboard.type('d');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should work with contiguous inputs', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/input.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
// Focus the first input in the contiguous line of inputs.
await target.waitForSelector('#contiguous-field-1');
await target.focus('#contiguous-field-1');
// This should type into `#contiguous-field-1` and `#contiguous-field-2` due
// to the in-page script.
await target.keyboard.type('somethingworks');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should work with shadow inputs', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/shadow-input.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('custom-input');
await target.keyboard.type('works');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should edit while recording', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.bringToFront();
const steps = await waitForFunction(async () => {
const steps = await frontend.$$('pierce/devtools-step-view');
return steps.length === 3 ? steps : undefined;
const lastStep = steps.pop();
if (!lastStep) {
throw new Error('Step is not found.');
await lastStep.click({button: 'right'});
const removeStep = await waitForAria('Remove step[role="menuitem"]');
await removeStep.click();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#test');
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should edit the type while recording', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.click('#test');
await frontend.bringToFront();
const steps = await waitForFunction(async () => {
const steps = await frontend.$$('pierce/devtools-step-view');
return steps.length === 5 ? steps : undefined;
const step = steps.pop();
const title = await step.waitForSelector(':scope >>>> .main-title');
await title.click();
const input = await step.waitForSelector(
':scope >>>> devtools-recorder-step-editor >>>> div:nth-of-type(1) > devtools-recorder-input');
await input.focus();
const eventPromise = step.evaluate(element => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
element.addEventListener('stepchanged', (event: Event) => {
resolve((event as StepChanged).newStep);
}, {once: true});
await frontend.keyboard.type('emulateNetworkConditions');
await frontend.keyboard.press('Enter');
assertMatchesJSONSnapshot(await eventPromise);
const recording = await stopRecording();
it('should add an assertion through the button', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.bringToFront();
// Find the button.
const button = await waitForFunction(async () => {
return frontend.$('pierce/.add-assertion-button');
if (!button) {
throw new Error('Add assertion button not found.');
// Add an assertion.
await button.click();
await renderCoordinatorQueueEmpty();
// Get the latest step.
const step = await frontend.$('pierce/.section:last-child devtools-step-view:last-of-type');
if (!step) {
throw new Error('Could not find step.');
// Check that it's expanded.
if (!(await step.$('pierce/devtools-timeline-section.expanded'))) {
throw new Error('Last step is not open.');
// Check that it's the correct step.
assert.strictEqual(await step.$eval('pierce/.main-title', element => element.textContent), 'Wait for element');
const recording = await stopRecording();
describe('Shortcuts', () => {
it('should not open create a new recording while recording', async () => {
await startRecordingViaShortcut('recorder/recorder.html');
const controller = await getRecordingController();
await controller.evaluate(element => {
return element.handleActions(
'chrome_recorder.create-recording' as RecorderActions.CreateRecording,
const page = await controller.evaluate(element => {
return element.getCurrentPageForTesting();
assert.isTrue(page !== 'CreateRecordingPage');
await stopRecording();
it('should start with keyboard shortcut while on the create page', async () => {
await fillCreateRecordingForm('recorder/recorder.html');
await startOrStopRecordingShortcut();
const recording = (await stopRecording()) as UserFlow;
it('should stop with keyboard shortcut without recording it', async () => {
await startRecordingViaShortcut('recorder/recorder.html');
const recording = (await startOrStopRecordingShortcut()) as UserFlow;
assertRecordingMatchesSnapshot({...recording, title: 'Test recording'});
it('should stop recording with shortcut on the target', async () => {
await startRecording('recorder/recorder.html');
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.bringToFront();
await target.keyboard.down('e');
await target.keyboard.up('e');
const recording = (await startOrStopRecordingShortcut(
)) as UserFlow;