[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 7271af37dd5223efdd92ee35a12941eac1f8482b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as i18n from '../../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as Buttons from '../../../ui/components/buttons/buttons.js';
import * as ComponentHelpers from '../../../ui/components/helpers/helpers.js';
import * as IconButton from '../../../ui/components/icon_button/icon_button.js';
import * as UI from '../../../ui/legacy/legacy.js';
import * as LitHtml from '../../../ui/lit-html/lit-html.js';
import * as Menus from '../../../ui/components/menus/menus.js';
import type * as Converters from '../converters/converters.js';
import * as Models from '../models/models.js';
import stepViewStyles from './stepView.css.js';
import {type StepEditedEvent} from './StepEditor.js';
import {
type TimelineSectionData,
} from './TimelineSection.js';
const deployMenuArrow = new URL(
const UIStrings = {
*@description Title for the step type that configures the viewport
setViewportClickTitle: 'Set viewport',
*@description Title for the customStep step type
customStepTitle: 'Custom step',
*@description Title for the click step type
clickStepTitle: 'Click',
*@description Title for the double click step type
doubleClickStepTitle: 'Double click',
*@description Title for the hover step type
hoverStepTitle: 'Hover',
*@description Title for the emulateNetworkConditions step type
emulateNetworkConditionsStepTitle: 'Emulate network conditions',
*@description Title for the change step type
changeStepTitle: 'Change',
*@description Title for the close step type
closeStepTitle: 'Close',
*@description Title for the scroll step type
scrollStepTitle: 'Scroll',
*@description Title for the key up step type. `up` refers to the state of the keyboard key: it's released, i.e., up. It does not refer to the down arrow key specifically.
keyUpStepTitle: 'Key up',
*@description Title for the navigate step type
navigateStepTitle: 'Navigate',
*@description Title for the key down step type. `down` refers to the state of the keyboard key: it's pressed, i.e., down. It does not refer to the down arrow key specifically.
keyDownStepTitle: 'Key down',
*@description Title for the waitForElement step type
waitForElementStepTitle: 'Wait for element',
*@description Title for the waitForExpression step type
waitForExpressionStepTitle: 'Wait for expression',
*@description Title for elements with role button
elementRoleButton: 'Button',
*@description Title for elements with role input
elementRoleInput: 'Input',
*@description Default title for elements without a specific role
elementRoleFallback: 'Element',
*@description The title of the button in the step's context menu that adds a new step before the current one.
addStepBefore: 'Add step before',
*@description The title of the button in the step's context menu that adds a new step after the current one.
addStepAfter: 'Add step after',
*@description The title of the button in the step's context menu that removes the step.
removeStep: 'Remove step',
*@description The title of the button that open the step's context menu.
openStepActions: 'Open step actions',
*@description The title of the button in the step's context menu that adds a breakpoint.
addBreakpoint: 'Add breakpoint',
*@description The title of the button in the step's context menu that removes a breakpoint.
removeBreakpoint: 'Remove breakpoint',
* @description A menu item item in the context menu that expands another menu which list all
* the formats the user can copy the recording as.
copyAs: 'Copy as',
* @description The title of the menu group that holds actions on recording steps.
stepManagement: 'Manage steps',
* @description The title of the menu group that holds actions related to breakpoints.
breakpoints: 'Breakpoints',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings(
const i18nString = i18n.i18n.getLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'devtools-step-view': StepView;
export const enum State {
Default = 'default',
Success = 'success',
Current = 'current',
Outstanding = 'outstanding',
Error = 'error',
Stopped = 'stopped',
export interface StepViewData {
state: State;
step?: Models.Schema.Step;
section?: Models.Section.Section;
error?: Error;
hasBreakpoint: boolean;
isEndOfGroup: boolean;
isStartOfGroup: boolean;
isFirstSection: boolean;
isLastSection: boolean;
stepIndex: number;
sectionIndex: number;
isRecording: boolean;
isPlaying: boolean;
removable: boolean;
builtInConverters: Converters.Converter.Converter[];
extensionConverters: Converters.Converter.Converter[];
isSelected: boolean;
recorderSettings: Models.RecorderSettings.RecorderSettings;
export class CaptureSelectorsEvent extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'captureselectors';
data: Models.Schema.StepWithSelectors&Partial<Models.Schema.ClickAttributes>;
step: Models.Schema.StepWithSelectors&Partial<Models.Schema.ClickAttributes>,
) {
super(CaptureSelectorsEvent.eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true});
this.data = step;
export class StopSelectorsCaptureEvent extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'stopselectorscapture';
constructor() {
super(StopSelectorsCaptureEvent.eventName, {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
export class CopyStepEvent extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'copystep';
step: Models.Schema.Step;
constructor(step: Models.Schema.Step) {
super(CopyStepEvent.eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true});
this.step = step;
export class StepChanged extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'stepchanged';
currentStep: Models.Schema.Step;
newStep: Models.Schema.Step;
constructor(currentStep: Models.Schema.Step, newStep: Models.Schema.Step) {
super(StepChanged.eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true});
this.currentStep = currentStep;
this.newStep = newStep;
export const enum AddStepPosition {
BEFORE = 'before',
AFTER = 'after',
export class AddStep extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'addstep';
position: AddStepPosition;
stepOrSection: Models.Schema.Step|Models.Section.Section;
stepOrSection: Models.Schema.Step|Models.Section.Section,
position: AddStepPosition,
) {
super(AddStep.eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true});
this.stepOrSection = stepOrSection;
this.position = position;
export class RemoveStep extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'removestep';
step: Models.Schema.Step;
constructor(step: Models.Schema.Step) {
super(RemoveStep.eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true});
this.step = step;
export class AddBreakpointEvent extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'addbreakpoint';
index: number;
constructor(index: number) {
super(AddBreakpointEvent.eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true});
this.index = index;
export class RemoveBreakpointEvent extends Event {
static readonly eventName = 'removebreakpoint';
index: number;
constructor(index: number) {
super(RemoveBreakpointEvent.eventName, {bubbles: true, composed: true});
this.index = index;
const actionsMenuIconUrl = new URL(
const COPY_ACTION_PREFIX = 'copy-step-as-';
type Action = {
id: string,
label: string,
group: string,
groupTitle: string,
export class StepView extends HTMLElement {
static readonly litTagName = LitHtml.literal`devtools-step-view`;
readonly #shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
#step?: Models.Schema.Step;
#section?: Models.Section.Section;
#state = State.Default;
#error?: Error;
#showDetails: boolean = false;
#isEndOfGroup: boolean = false;
#isStartOfGroup: boolean = false;
#stepIndex = 0;
#sectionIndex = 0;
#isFirstSection: boolean = false;
#isLastSection: boolean = false;
#isRecording = false;
#isPlaying = false;
#actionsMenuButton?: Buttons.Button.Button;
#actionsMenuExpanded = false;
#isVisible = false;
#observer: IntersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(result => {
this.#isVisible = result[0].isIntersecting;
#hasBreakpoint = false;
#removable = true;
#builtInConverters?: Converters.Converter.Converter[];
#extensionConverters?: Converters.Converter.Converter[];
#isSelected = false;
#recorderSettings?: Models.RecorderSettings.RecorderSettings;
set data(data: StepViewData) {
const prevState = this.#state;
this.#step = data.step;
this.#section = data.section;
this.#state = data.state;
this.#error = data.error;
this.#isEndOfGroup = data.isEndOfGroup;
this.#isStartOfGroup = data.isStartOfGroup;
this.#stepIndex = data.stepIndex;
this.#sectionIndex = data.sectionIndex;
this.#isFirstSection = data.isFirstSection;
this.#isLastSection = data.isLastSection;
this.#isRecording = data.isRecording;
this.#isPlaying = data.isPlaying;
this.#hasBreakpoint = data.hasBreakpoint;
this.#removable = data.removable;
this.#builtInConverters = data.builtInConverters;
this.#extensionConverters = data.extensionConverters;
this.#isSelected = data.isSelected;
this.#recorderSettings = data.recorderSettings;
if (this.#state !== prevState && this.#state === 'current' && !this.#isVisible) {
get step(): Models.Schema.Step|undefined {
return this.#step;
get section(): Models.Section.Section|undefined {
return this.#section;
connectedCallback(): void {
this.#shadow.adoptedStyleSheets = [stepViewStyles];
disconnectedCallback(): void {
#toggleShowDetails(): void {
this.#showDetails = !this.#showDetails;
#onToggleShowDetailsKeydown(event: Event): void {
const keyboardEvent = event as KeyboardEvent;
if (keyboardEvent.key === 'Enter' || keyboardEvent.key === ' ') {
#getStepTypeTitle(): string|LitHtml.TemplateResult {
if (this.#section) {
return this.#section.title ? this.#section.title : LitHtml.html`<span class="fallback">(No Title)</span>`;
if (!this.#step) {
throw new Error('Missing both step and section');
switch (this.#step.type) {
case Models.Schema.StepType.CustomStep:
return i18nString(UIStrings.customStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.SetViewport:
return i18nString(UIStrings.setViewportClickTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.Click:
return i18nString(UIStrings.clickStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.DoubleClick:
return i18nString(UIStrings.doubleClickStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.Hover:
return i18nString(UIStrings.hoverStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.EmulateNetworkConditions:
return i18nString(UIStrings.emulateNetworkConditionsStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.Change:
return i18nString(UIStrings.changeStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.Close:
return i18nString(UIStrings.closeStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.Scroll:
return i18nString(UIStrings.scrollStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.KeyUp:
return i18nString(UIStrings.keyUpStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.KeyDown:
return i18nString(UIStrings.keyDownStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.WaitForElement:
return i18nString(UIStrings.waitForElementStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.WaitForExpression:
return i18nString(UIStrings.waitForExpressionStepTitle);
case Models.Schema.StepType.Navigate:
return i18nString(UIStrings.navigateStepTitle);
#getElementRoleTitle(role: string): string {
switch (role) {
case 'button':
return i18nString(UIStrings.elementRoleButton);
case 'input':
return i18nString(UIStrings.elementRoleInput);
return i18nString(UIStrings.elementRoleFallback);
#getSelectorPreview(): string {
if (!this.#step || !('selectors' in this.#step)) {
return '';
const ariaSelector = this.#step.selectors.flat().find(selector => selector.startsWith('aria/'));
if (!ariaSelector) {
return '';
const m = ariaSelector.match(/^aria\/(.+?)(\[role="(.+)"\])?$/);
if (!m) {
return '';
return `${this.#getElementRoleTitle(m[3])} "${m[1]}"`;
#getSectionPreview(): string {
if (!this.#section) {
return '';
return this.#section.url;
#stepEdited(event: StepEditedEvent): void {
const step = this.#step || this.#section?.causingStep;
if (!step) {
throw new Error('Expected step.');
this.dispatchEvent(new StepChanged(step, event.data));
#handleStepAction(event: Menus.Menu.MenuItemSelectedEvent): void {
switch (event.itemValue) {
case 'add-step-before': {
const stepOrSection = this.#step || this.#section;
if (!stepOrSection) {
throw new Error('Expected step or section.');
this.dispatchEvent(new AddStep(stepOrSection, AddStepPosition.BEFORE));
case 'add-step-after': {
const stepOrSection = this.#step || this.#section;
if (!stepOrSection) {
throw new Error('Expected step or section.');
this.dispatchEvent(new AddStep(stepOrSection, AddStepPosition.AFTER));
case 'remove-step': {
const causingStep = this.#section?.causingStep;
if (!this.#step && !causingStep) {
throw new Error('Expected step.');
new RemoveStep(this.#step || (causingStep as Models.Schema.Step)),
case 'add-breakpoint': {
if (!this.#step) {
throw new Error('Expected step');
this.dispatchEvent(new AddBreakpointEvent(this.#stepIndex));
case 'remove-breakpoint': {
if (!this.#step) {
throw new Error('Expected step');
this.dispatchEvent(new RemoveBreakpointEvent(this.#stepIndex));
default: {
const actionId = event.itemValue as string;
if (!actionId.startsWith(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX)) {
throw new Error('Unknown step action.');
const copyStep = this.#step || this.#section?.causingStep;
if (!copyStep) {
throw new Error('Step not found.');
const converterId = actionId.substring(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX.length);
if (this.#recorderSettings) {
this.#recorderSettings.preferredCopyFormat = converterId;
this.dispatchEvent(new CopyStepEvent(structuredClone(copyStep)));
#onToggleActionsMenu(event: Event): void {
this.#actionsMenuExpanded = !this.#actionsMenuExpanded;
#onCloseActionsMenu(): void {
this.#actionsMenuExpanded = false;
#onBreakpointClick(): void {
if (this.#hasBreakpoint) {
this.dispatchEvent(new RemoveBreakpointEvent(this.#stepIndex));
} else {
this.dispatchEvent(new AddBreakpointEvent(this.#stepIndex));
#getActionsMenuButton(): Buttons.Button.Button {
if (!this.#actionsMenuButton) {
throw new Error('Missing actionsMenuButton');
return this.#actionsMenuButton;
#getActions = (): Array<Action> => {
const actions = [];
if (!this.#isPlaying) {
if (this.#step) {
id: 'add-step-before',
label: i18nString(UIStrings.addStepBefore),
group: 'stepManagement',
groupTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.stepManagement),
id: 'add-step-after',
label: i18nString(UIStrings.addStepAfter),
group: 'stepManagement',
groupTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.stepManagement),
if (this.#removable) {
id: 'remove-step',
group: 'stepManagement',
groupTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.stepManagement),
label: i18nString(UIStrings.removeStep),
if (this.#step && !this.#isRecording) {
if (this.#hasBreakpoint) {
id: 'remove-breakpoint',
label: i18nString(UIStrings.removeBreakpoint),
group: 'breakPointManagement',
groupTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.breakpoints),
} else {
id: 'add-breakpoint',
label: i18nString(UIStrings.addBreakpoint),
group: 'breakPointManagement',
groupTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.breakpoints),
if (this.#step) {
for (const converter of this.#builtInConverters || []) {
id: COPY_ACTION_PREFIX + converter.getId(),
label: converter.getFormatName(),
group: 'copy',
groupTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.copyAs),
for (const converter of this.#extensionConverters || []) {
id: COPY_ACTION_PREFIX + converter.getId(),
label: converter.getFormatName(),
group: 'copy',
groupTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.copyAs),
return actions;
#renderStepActions(): LitHtml.TemplateResult|null {
const actions = this.#getActions();
const groupsById = new Map<string, Action[]>();
for (const action of actions) {
const group = groupsById.get(action.group);
if (!group) {
groupsById.set(action.group, [action]);
} else {
const groups = [];
for (const [group, actions] of groupsById) {
groupTitle: actions[0].groupTitle,
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
@keydown=${(event: Event): void => {
on-render=${ComponentHelpers.Directives.nodeRenderedCallback(node => {
this.#actionsMenuButton = node as Buttons.Button.Button;
variant: Buttons.Button.Variant.TOOLBAR,
iconUrl: actionsMenuIconUrl,
size: Buttons.Button.Size.SMALL,
title: i18nString(UIStrings.openStepActions),
} as Buttons.Button.ButtonData
item => item.group,
item => {
return LitHtml.html`
item => item.id,
item => {
return LitHtml.html`<${Menus.Menu.MenuItem.litTagName}
// clang-format on
# MouseEvent): void => {
if (event.button !== 2) {
// 2 = secondary button = right click. We only show context menus if the
// user has right clicked.
const menu = new UI.ContextMenu.ContextMenu(event);
const actions = this.#getActions();
const copyActions = actions.filter(
item => item.id.startsWith(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX),
const otherActions = actions.filter(
item => !item.id.startsWith(COPY_ACTION_PREFIX),
for (const item of otherActions) {
const section = menu.section(item.group);
section.appendItem(item.label, () => {
new Menus.Menu.MenuItemSelectedEvent(item.id),
const preferredCopyAction = copyActions.find(
item => item.id === COPY_ACTION_PREFIX + this.#recorderSettings?.preferredCopyFormat,
if (preferredCopyAction) {
menu.section('copy').appendItem(preferredCopyAction.label, () => {
new Menus.Menu.MenuItemSelectedEvent(preferredCopyAction.id),
if (copyActions.length) {
const copyAs = menu.section('copy').appendSubMenuItem(i18nString(UIStrings.copyAs));
for (const item of copyActions) {
if (item === preferredCopyAction) {
copyAs.section(item.group).appendItem(item.label, () => {
new Menus.Menu.MenuItemSelectedEvent(item.id),
void menu.show();
#render(): void {
if (!this.#step && !this.#section) {
const stepClasses = {
step: true,
expanded: this.#showDetails,
'is-success': this.#state === State.Success,
'is-current': this.#state === State.Current,
'is-outstanding': this.#state === State.Outstanding,
'is-error': this.#state === State.Error,
'is-stopped': this.#state === State.Stopped,
'is-start-of-group': this.#isStartOfGroup,
'is-first-section': this.#isFirstSection,
'has-breakpoint': this.#hasBreakpoint,
const isExpandable = Boolean(this.#step);
const mainTitle = this.#getStepTypeTitle();
const subtitle = this.#step ? this.#getSelectorPreview() : this.#getSectionPreview();
// clang-format off
<${TimelineSection.litTagName} .data=${
isFirstSection: this.#isFirstSection,
isLastSection: this.#isLastSection,
isStartOfGroup: this.#isStartOfGroup,
isEndOfGroup: this.#isEndOfGroup,
isSelected: this.#isSelected,
} as TimelineSectionData
} @contextmenu=${this.#onStepContextMenu} data-step-index=${
} data-section-index=${
} class=${LitHtml.Directives.classMap(stepClasses)}>
<svg slot="icon" width="24" height="24" height="100%" class="icon">
<circle class="circle-icon"/>
<g class="error-icon">
<path d="M1.5 1.5L6.5 6.5" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path d="M1.5 6.5L6.5 1.5" stroke="white" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/>
<path @click=${this.#onBreakpointClick.bind(
)} class="breakpoint-icon" d="M2.5 5.5H17.7098L21.4241 12L17.7098 18.5H2.5V5.5Z"/>
<div class="summary">
<div class="title-container ${isExpandable ? 'action' : ''}"
@click=${isExpandable && this.#toggleShowDetails.bind(this)}
isExpandable && this.#onToggleShowDetailsKeydown.bind(this)
aria-role=${isExpandable ? 'button' : ''}
aria-label=${isExpandable ? 'Show details for step' : ''}
? LitHtml.html`<${IconButton.Icon.Icon.litTagName}
iconPath: deployMenuArrow,
color: 'var(--color-text-primary)',
} as IconButton.Icon.IconData
: ''
<div class="title">
<div class="main-title" title=${mainTitle}>${mainTitle}</div>
<div class="subtitle" title=${subtitle}>${subtitle}</div>
<div class="filler"></div>
<div class="details">
this.#step &&
this.#section?.causingStep &&
this.#error &&
<div class="error" role="alert">
{ host: this },
// clang-format on
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('devtools-step-view', StepView);