[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d8ffba901911e018351aa026bb3abcb4bcc946b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type * as Platform from '../../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as i18n from '../../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as Buttons from '../../../ui/components/buttons/buttons.js';
import * as SDK from '../../../core/sdk/sdk.js';
import * as LitHtml from '../../../ui/lit-html/lit-html.js';
import * as Root from '../../../core/root/root.js';
import * as ReportView from '../../../ui/components/report_view/report_view.js';
import * as UI from '../../../ui/legacy/legacy.js';
import * as Protocol from '../../../generated/protocol.js';
import * as IconButton from '../../../ui/components/icon_button/icon_button.js';
import * as ComponentHelpers from '../../../ui/components/helpers/helpers.js';
import * as Coordinator from '../../../ui/components/render_coordinator/render_coordinator.js';
import * as ChromeLink from '../../../ui/components/chrome_link/chrome_link.js';
import * as ExpandableList from '../../../ui/components/expandable_list/expandable_list.js';
import * as TreeOutline from '../../../ui/components/tree_outline/tree_outline.js';
import {NotRestoredReasonDescription} from './BackForwardCacheStrings.js';
import backForwardCacheViewStyles from './backForwardCacheView.css.js';
const UIStrings = {
* @description Title text in back/forward cache view of the Application panel
mainFrame: 'Main Frame',
* @description Title text in back/forward cache view of the Application panel
backForwardCacheTitle: 'Back/forward cache',
* @description Status text for the status of the main frame
unavailable: 'unavailable',
* @description Entry name text in the back/forward cache view of the Application panel
url: 'URL:',
* @description Status text for the status of the back/forward cache status
unknown: 'Unknown Status',
* @description Status text for the status of the back/forward cache status indicating that
* the back/forward cache was not used and a normal navigation occured instead.
'Not served from back/forward cache: to trigger back/forward cache, use Chrome\'s back/forward buttons, or use the test button below to automatically navigate away and back.',
* @description Status text for the status of the back/forward cache status indicating that
* the back/forward cache was used to restore the page instead of reloading it.
restoredFromBFCache: 'Successfully served from back/forward cache.',
* @description Label for a list of reasons which prevent the page from being eligible for
* back/forward cache. These reasons are actionable i.e. they can be cleaned up to make the
* page eligible for back/forward cache.
pageSupportNeeded: 'Actionable',
* @description Explanation for actionable items which prevent the page from being eligible
* for back/forward cache.
'These reasons are actionable i.e. they can be cleaned up to make the page eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Label for a list of reasons which prevent the page from being eligible for
* back/forward cache. These reasons are circumstantial / not actionable i.e. they cannot be
* cleaned up by developers to make the page eligible for back/forward cache.
circumstantial: 'Not Actionable',
* @description Explanation for circumstantial/non-actionable items which prevent the page from being eligible
* for back/forward cache.
'These reasons are not actionable i.e. caching was prevented by something outside of the direct control of the page.',
* @description Label for a list of reasons which prevent the page from being eligible for
* back/forward cache. These reasons are pending support by chrome i.e. in a future version
* of chrome they will not prevent back/forward cache usage anymore.
supportPending: 'Pending Support',
* @description Label for the button to test whether BFCache is available for the page
runTest: 'Test back/forward cache',
* @description Label for the disabled button while the test is running
runningTest: 'Running test',
* @description Link Text about explanation of back/forward cache
learnMore: 'Learn more: back/forward cache eligibility',
* @description Link Text about unload handler
neverUseUnload: 'Learn more: Never use unload handler',
* @description Explanation for 'pending support' items which prevent the page from being eligible
* for back/forward cache.
'Chrome support for these reasons is pending i.e. they will not prevent the page from being eligible for back/forward cache in a future version of Chrome.',
* @description Text that precedes displaying a link to the extension which blocked the page from being eligible for back/forward cache.
blockingExtensionId: 'Extension id: ',
* @description Label for the 'Frames' section of the back/forward cache view, which shows a frame tree of the
* page with reasons why the frames can't be cached.
framesTitle: 'Frames',
* @description Top level summary of the total number of issues found in a single frame.
issuesInSingleFrame: '{n, plural, =1 {# issue found in 1 frame.} other {# issues found in 1 frame.}}',
* @description Top level summary of the total number of issues found and the number of frames they were found in.
* 'm' is never less than 2.
* @example {3} m
issuesInMultipleFrames: '{n, plural, =1 {# issue found in {m} frames.} other {# issues found in {m} frames.}}',
* @description Shows the number of frames with a particular issue.
framesPerIssue: '{n, plural, =1 {# frame} other {# frames}}',
*@description Title for a frame in the frame tree that doesn't have a URL. Placeholder indicates which number frame with a blank URL it is.
*@example {3} PH1
blankURLTitle: 'Blank URL [{PH1}]',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings('panels/application/components/BackForwardCacheView.ts', UIStrings);
const i18nString = i18n.i18n.getLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
const enum ScreenStatusType {
Running = 'Running',
Result = 'Result',
export class BackForwardCacheViewWrapper extends UI.ThrottledWidget.ThrottledWidget {
readonly #bfcacheView: BackForwardCacheView;
constructor(bfcacheView: BackForwardCacheView) {
super(true, 1000);
this.#bfcacheView = bfcacheView;
SDK.ResourceTreeModel.Events.PrimaryPageChanged, this.update, this);
SDK.ResourceTreeModel.Events.BackForwardCacheDetailsUpdated, this.update, this);
async doUpdate(): Promise<void> {
this.#bfcacheView.data = {frame: this.#getMainFrame()};
#getMainResourceTreeModel(): SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel|null {
const mainTarget = SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().primaryPageTarget();
return mainTarget?.model(SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel) || null;
#getMainFrame(): SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeFrame|null {
return this.#getMainResourceTreeModel()?.mainFrame || null;
const coordinator = Coordinator.RenderCoordinator.RenderCoordinator.instance();
export interface BackForwardCacheViewData {
frame: SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeFrame|null;
export class BackForwardCacheView extends HTMLElement {
static readonly litTagName = LitHtml.literal`devtools-resources-back-forward-cache-view`;
readonly #shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
#frame: SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeFrame|null = null;
#screenStatus = ScreenStatusType.Result;
#nextNodeId = 0;
#historyIndex = 0;
connectedCallback(): void {
this.#shadow.adoptedStyleSheets = [backForwardCacheViewStyles];
set data(data: BackForwardCacheViewData) {
this.#frame = data.frame;
void this.#render();
async #render(): Promise<void> {
await coordinator.write('BackForwardCacheView render', () => {
// Disabled until https://crbug.com/1079231 is fixed.
// clang-format off
<${ReportView.ReportView.Report.litTagName} .data=${
{reportTitle: i18nString(UIStrings.backForwardCacheTitle)} as ReportView.ReportView.ReportData
`, this.#shadow, {host: this});
// clang-format on
#renderBackForwardCacheTestResult(): void {
SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel, SDK.ResourceTreeModel.Events.FrameNavigated,
this.#renderBackForwardCacheTestResult, this);
this.#screenStatus = ScreenStatusType.Result;
void this.#render();
async #onNavigatedAway(): Promise<void> {
SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel, SDK.ResourceTreeModel.Events.FrameNavigated, this.#onNavigatedAway,
await this.#waitAndGoBackInHistory(50);
async #waitAndGoBackInHistory(delay: number): Promise<void> {
const mainTarget = SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().primaryPageTarget();
const resourceTreeModel = mainTarget?.model(SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel);
const historyResults = await resourceTreeModel?.navigationHistory();
if (!resourceTreeModel || !historyResults) {
// The navigation history can be delayed. If this is the case we wait and
// check again later. Otherwise it would be possible to press the 'Test
// BFCache' button again too soon, leading to the browser stepping back in
// history without returning to the correct page.
if (historyResults.currentIndex === this.#historyIndex) {
window.setTimeout(this.#waitAndGoBackInHistory.bind(this, delay * 2), delay);
} else {
SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel, SDK.ResourceTreeModel.Events.FrameNavigated,
this.#renderBackForwardCacheTestResult, this);
resourceTreeModel.navigateToHistoryEntry(historyResults.entries[historyResults.currentIndex - 1]);
async #navigateAwayAndBack(): Promise<void> {
// Checking BFCache Compatibility
const mainTarget = SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().primaryPageTarget();
const resourceTreeModel = mainTarget?.model(SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel);
const historyResults = await resourceTreeModel?.navigationHistory();
if (!resourceTreeModel || !historyResults) {
this.#historyIndex = historyResults.currentIndex;
this.#screenStatus = ScreenStatusType.Running;
void this.#render();
// This event listener is removed inside of onNavigatedAway().
SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeModel, SDK.ResourceTreeModel.Events.FrameNavigated, this.#onNavigatedAway,
// We can know whether the current page can use BFCache
// as the browser navigates to another unrelated page and goes back to the current page.
// We chose "chrome://terms" because it must be cross-site.
// Ideally, We want to have our own testing page like "chrome: //bfcache-test".
void resourceTreeModel.navigate('chrome://terms' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString);
#renderMainFrameInformation(): LitHtml.TemplateResult {
if (!this.#frame) {
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
// clang-format on
const isTestRunning = (this.#screenStatus === ScreenStatusType.Running);
// Prevent running BFCache test on the DevTools window itself via DevTools on DevTools
const isTestingForbidden = this.#frame.url.startsWith('devtools://');
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
<div class="report-line">
<div class="report-key">
<div class="report-value" title=${this.#frame.url}>
.disabled=${isTestRunning || isTestingForbidden}
${isTestRunning ? LitHtml.html`
<x-link href="https://web.dev/bfcache/" class="link">
// clang-format on
#maybeRenderFrameTree(explanationTree: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree|
undefined): LitHtml.LitTemplate {
if (!explanationTree || (explanationTree.explanations.length === 0 && explanationTree.children.length === 0) ||
!Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('bfcacheDisplayTree')) {
return LitHtml.nothing;
function treeNodeRenderer(node: TreeOutline.TreeOutlineUtils.TreeNode<FrameTreeNodeData>): LitHtml.TemplateResult {
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
<div class="text-ellipsis">
${node.treeNodeData.iconName ? LitHtml.html`
<${IconButton.Icon.Icon.litTagName} class="inline-icon" style="margin-bottom: -3px;" .data=${{
iconName: node.treeNodeData.iconName,
color: 'var(--color-text-secondary)',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
} as IconButton.Icon.IconData}>
` : LitHtml.nothing}
// clang-format on
const frameTreeData = this.#buildFrameTreeDataRecursive(explanationTree, {blankCount: 1});
// Override the icon for the outermost frame.
frameTreeData.node.treeNodeData.iconName = 'frame';
let title = '';
// The translation pipeline does not support nested plurals. We avoid this
// here by pulling out the logic for one of the plurals into code instead.
if (frameTreeData.frameCount === 1) {
title = i18nString(UIStrings.issuesInSingleFrame, {n: frameTreeData.issueCount});
} else {
title = i18nString(UIStrings.issuesInMultipleFrames, {n: frameTreeData.issueCount, m: frameTreeData.frameCount});
const root: TreeOutline.TreeOutlineUtils.TreeNode<FrameTreeNodeData> = {
treeNodeData: {
text: title,
id: 'root',
children: () => Promise.resolve([frameTreeData.node]),
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
<div class="report-line">
<div class="report-key">
<div class="report-value">
<${TreeOutline.TreeOutline.TreeOutline.litTagName} .data=${{
tree: [root],
defaultRenderer: treeNodeRenderer,
compact: true,
} as TreeOutline.TreeOutline.TreeOutlineData<FrameTreeNodeData>}>
// clang-format on
// Builds a subtree of the frame tree, conaining only frames with BFCache issues and their ancestors.
// Returns the root node, the number of frames in the subtree, and the number of issues in the subtree.
explanationTree: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree,
nextBlankURLCount: {blankCount: number}):
{node: TreeOutline.TreeOutlineUtils.TreeNode<FrameTreeNodeData>, frameCount: number, issueCount: number} {
let frameCount = 1;
let issueCount = 0;
const children: TreeOutline.TreeOutlineUtils.TreeNode<FrameTreeNodeData>[] = [];
let nodeUrlText = '';
if (explanationTree.url.length) {
nodeUrlText = explanationTree.url;
} else {
nodeUrlText = i18nString(UIStrings.blankURLTitle, {PH1: nextBlankURLCount.blankCount});
nextBlankURLCount.blankCount += 1;
for (const explanation of explanationTree.explanations) {
const child = {treeNodeData: {text: explanation.reason}, id: String(this.#nextNodeId++)};
issueCount += 1;
for (const child of explanationTree.children) {
const frameTreeData = this.#buildFrameTreeDataRecursive(child, nextBlankURLCount);
if (frameTreeData.issueCount > 0) {
issueCount += frameTreeData.issueCount;
frameCount += frameTreeData.frameCount;
let node: TreeOutline.TreeOutlineUtils.TreeNode<FrameTreeNodeData> = {
treeNodeData: {
text: `(${issueCount}) ${nodeUrlText}`,
id: String(this.#nextNodeId++),
if (children.length) {
node = {
children: () => Promise.resolve(children),
node.treeNodeData.iconName = 'iframe';
} else if (!explanationTree.url.length) {
// If the current node increased the blank count, but it has no children and
// is therefore not shown, decrement the blank count again.
nextBlankURLCount.blankCount -= 1;
return {node, frameCount, issueCount};
#renderBackForwardCacheStatus(status: boolean|undefined): LitHtml.TemplateResult {
switch (status) {
case true:
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
<div class="status">
<${IconButton.Icon.Icon.litTagName} class="inline-icon" .data=${{
iconName: 'check-circle',
color: 'var(--icon-checkmark-green)',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
} as IconButton.Icon.IconData}>
// clang-format on
case false:
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
<div class="status">
<${IconButton.Icon.Icon.litTagName} class="inline-icon" .data=${{
iconName: 'clear',
color: 'var(--icon-default)',
width: '20px',
height: '20px',
} as IconButton.Icon.IconData}>
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
// clang-format on
explanationTree: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree,
nextBlankURLCount: {blankCount: number},
outputMap: Map<Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason, string[]>): void {
let url = explanationTree.url;
if (url.length === 0) {
url = i18nString(UIStrings.blankURLTitle, {PH1: nextBlankURLCount.blankCount});
nextBlankURLCount.blankCount += 1;
explanationTree.explanations.forEach(explanation => {
let frames: string[]|undefined = outputMap.get(explanation.reason);
if (frames === undefined) {
frames = [url];
outputMap.set(explanation.reason, frames);
} else {
explanationTree.children.map(child => {
this.#buildReasonToFramesMap(child, nextBlankURLCount, outputMap);
explanations: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation[],
explanationTree: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree|undefined): LitHtml.LitTemplate {
if (explanations.length === 0) {
return LitHtml.nothing;
const pageSupportNeeded = explanations.filter(
explanation => explanation.type === Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType.PageSupportNeeded);
const supportPending = explanations.filter(
explanation => explanation.type === Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType.SupportPending);
const circumstantial = explanations.filter(
explanation => explanation.type === Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType.Circumstantial);
const reasonToFramesMap: Map<Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason, string[]> = new Map();
if (explanationTree) {
this.#buildReasonToFramesMap(explanationTree, {blankCount: 1}, reasonToFramesMap);
// Disabled until https://crbug.com/1079231 is fixed.
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
${this.#renderExplanations(i18nString(UIStrings.pageSupportNeeded), i18nString(UIStrings.pageSupportNeededExplanation), pageSupportNeeded, reasonToFramesMap)}
${this.#renderExplanations(i18nString(UIStrings.supportPending), i18nString(UIStrings.supportPendingExplanation), supportPending, reasonToFramesMap)}
${this.#renderExplanations(i18nString(UIStrings.circumstantial), i18nString(UIStrings.circumstantialExplanation), circumstantial, reasonToFramesMap)}
// clang-format on
category: Platform.UIString.LocalizedString, explainerText: Platform.UIString.LocalizedString,
explanations: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation[],
reasonToFramesMap: Map<Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason, string[]>): LitHtml.TemplateResult {
// Disabled until https://crbug.com/1079231 is fixed.
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
${explanations.length > 0 ? LitHtml.html`
<div class="help-outline-icon">
<${IconButton.Icon.Icon.litTagName} class="inline-icon" .data=${{
iconName: 'help',
color: 'var(--icon-default)',
width: '16px',
height: '16px',
} as IconButton.Icon.IconData} title=${explainerText}>
${explanations.map(explanation => this.#renderReason(explanation, reasonToFramesMap.get(explanation.reason)))}
` : LitHtml.nothing}
// clang-format on
#maybeRenderReasonContext(explanation: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation): LitHtml.LitTemplate {
if (explanation.reason ===
Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason.EmbedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame &&
explanation.context) {
const link = 'chrome://extensions/?id=' + explanation.context;
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`${i18nString(UIStrings.blockingExtensionId)}
<${ChromeLink.ChromeLink.ChromeLink.litTagName} .href=${link}>${explanation.context}</${ChromeLink.ChromeLink.ChromeLink.litTagName}>`;
// clang-format on
return LitHtml.nothing;
#renderFramesPerReason(frames: string[]|undefined): LitHtml.LitTemplate {
if (frames === undefined || frames.length === 0 || !Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('bfcacheDisplayTree')) {
return LitHtml.nothing;
const rows = [LitHtml.html`<div>${i18nString(UIStrings.framesPerIssue, {n: frames.length})}</div>`];
rows.push(...frames.map(url => LitHtml.html`<div class="text-ellipsis" title=${url}>${url}</div>`));
return LitHtml.html`
<div class="explanation-frames">
<${ExpandableList.ExpandableList.ExpandableList.litTagName} .data=${
{rows} as
#maybeRenderDeepLinkToUnload(explanation: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation): LitHtml.LitTemplate {
if (explanation.reason === Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason.UnloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame ||
explanation.reason === Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason.UnloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame) {
return LitHtml.html`
<x-link href="https://web.dev/bfcache/#never-use-the-unload-event" class="link">
return LitHtml.nothing;
#renderReason(explanation: Protocol.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation, frames: string[]|undefined):
LitHtml.TemplateResult {
// clang-format off
return LitHtml.html`
${(explanation.reason in NotRestoredReasonDescription) ?
<div class="circled-exclamation-icon">
<${IconButton.Icon.Icon.litTagName} class="inline-icon" .data=${{
iconName: 'circled_exclamation_icon',
color: 'orange',
width: '16px',
height: '16px',
} as IconButton.Icon.IconData}>
</div>` :
<div class="gray-text">
// clang-format on
interface FrameTreeNodeData {
text: string;
iconName?: string;
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('devtools-resources-back-forward-cache-view', BackForwardCacheView);
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'devtools-resources-back-forward-cache-view': BackForwardCacheView;