[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 2087863995d9ac8c29b011e232d5514d1977a987 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type * as puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
import {
} from '../../shared/helper.js';
const REQUEST_LIST_SELECTOR = '.network-log-grid tbody';
* Select the Network tab in DevTools
export async function navigateToNetworkTab(testName: string) {
await goToResource(`network/${testName}`);
await click('#tab-network');
// Make sure the network tab is shown on the screen
await waitFor('.network-log-grid');
* Wait until a certain number of requests are shown in the request list.
* @param numberOfRequests The expected number of requests to wait for.
* @param selector Optional. The selector to use to get the list of requests.
export async function waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(numberOfRequests: number) {
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const requests = await getAllRequestNames();
return requests.length >= numberOfRequests && Boolean(requests.map(name => name ? name.trim() : '').join(''));
export async function getAllRequestNames() {
const requests = await $$(REQUEST_LIST_SELECTOR + ' .name-column');
return await Promise.all(requests.map(request => request.evaluate(r => r.childNodes[1].textContent)));
export async function getNumberOfRequests() {
return (await getAllRequestNames()).length;
export async function getSelectedRequestName() {
const request = await $(REQUEST_LIST_SELECTOR + ' tr.selected .name-column');
if (!request) {
return null;
return await request.evaluate(node => {
return node && node.childNodes[1].textContent;
export async function selectRequestByName(name: string, clickOptions?: puppeteer.ClickOptions) {
const selector = REQUEST_LIST_SELECTOR + ' .name-column';
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
// Finding he click position is done in a single frontend.evaluate call
// to make sure the element still exists after finding the element.
// If this were done outside of evaluate code, it would be possible for an
// element to be removed from the dom between the $$(.selector) call and the
// click(element) call.
const rect = await frontend.evaluate((name, selector) => {
const elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (const element of elements) {
if (element.childNodes[1].textContent === name) {
const {left, top, width, height} = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return {left, top, width, height};
return null;
}, name, selector);
if (rect) {
const x = rect.left + rect.width * 0.5;
const y = rect.top + rect.height * 0.5;
await frontend.mouse.click(x, y, clickOptions);
export async function waitForSelectedRequestChange(initialRequestName: string|null) {
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const name = await getSelectedRequestName();
return name !== initialRequestName;
export async function setPersistLog(persist: boolean) {
await setCheckBox('[title="Do not clear log on page reload / navigation"]', persist);
export async function setCacheDisabled(disabled: boolean): Promise<void> {
await setCheckBox('[title^="Disable cache"]', disabled);
export async function setTimeWindow(): Promise<void> {
const overviewGridCursorArea = await waitFor('.overview-grid-cursor-area');
await overviewGridCursorArea.click({offset: {x: 0, y: 10}});
export async function clearTimeWindow(): Promise<void> {
const overviewGridCursorArea = await waitFor('.overview-grid-cursor-area');
await overviewGridCursorArea.click({count: 2});
export async function getTextFromHeadersRow(row: puppeteer.ElementHandle<Element>) {
const headerNameElement = await waitFor('.header-name', row);
const headerNameText = await headerNameElement.evaluate(el => el.textContent || '');
const headerValueElement = await waitFor('.header-value', row);
let headerValueText = (await headerValueElement.evaluate(el => el.textContent || '')).trim();
if (headerValueText === '') {
const headerValueEditableSpanComponent = await waitFor('.header-value devtools-editable-span', row);
const editableSpan = await waitFor('.editable', headerValueEditableSpanComponent);
headerValueText = (await editableSpan.evaluate(el => el.textContent || '')).trim();
return [headerNameText.trim(), headerValueText];