[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 99624e0289f19fea472251aef0b09a55abc5d885 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {
} from '../../shared/helper.js';
export const openPanelViaMoreTools = async (panelTitle: string) => {
// Head to the triple dot menu.
await click('aria/Customize and control DevTools');
// Open the “More Tools” option.
const moreTools = await waitForAria('More tools[role="menuitem"]');
await moreTools.hover();
// Click the desired menu item
await click(`aria/${panelTitle}[role="menuitem"]`);
// Wait for the corresponding panel to appear.
await waitForAria(`${panelTitle} panel[role="tabpanel"]`);
export const openSettingsTab = async (tabTitle: string) => {
const gearIconSelector = '.toolbar-button[aria-label="Settings"]';
const settingsMenuSelector = `.tabbed-pane-header-tab[aria-label="${tabTitle}"]`;
const panelSelector = `.view-container[aria-label="${tabTitle} panel"]`;
// Click on the Settings Gear toolbar icon.
await click(gearIconSelector);
// Click on the Settings tab and wait for the panel to appear.
await waitFor(settingsMenuSelector);
await click(settingsMenuSelector);
await waitFor(panelSelector);
export const closeSettings = async () => {
await click('.dialog-close-button');
export const togglePreferenceInSettingsTab = async (label: string, shouldBeChecked?: boolean) => {
await openSettingsTab('Preferences');
const selector = `[aria-label="${label}"]`;
await scrollElementIntoView(selector);
const preference = await waitFor(selector);
const value = await preference.evaluate(checkbox => (checkbox as HTMLInputElement).checked);
if (value !== shouldBeChecked) {
await clickElement(preference);
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const newValue = await preference.evaluate(checkbox => (checkbox as HTMLInputElement).checked);
return newValue !== value;
await closeSettings();
export const setIgnoreListPattern = async (pattern: string) => {
await openSettingsTab('Ignore List');
await click('[aria-label="Add filename pattern"]');
const textBox = await waitFor('[aria-label="Add Pattern"]');
await clickElement(textBox);
await textBox.type(pattern);
await textBox.type('\n');
await waitFor(`[title="Ignore scripts whose names match '${pattern}'"]`);
await closeSettings();
export const toggleIgnoreListing = async (enable: boolean) => {
await openSettingsTab('Ignore List');
const enabledPattern = '.ignore-list-options:not(.ignore-listing-disabled)';
const disabledPattern = '.ignore-list-options.ignore-listing-disabled';
await waitFor(enable ? disabledPattern : enabledPattern);
await click('[title="Enable Ignore Listing"]');
await waitFor(enable ? enabledPattern : disabledPattern);
await closeSettings();