[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 83340b9091d018d837637bf6453dd1a84077b445 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chai';
import type * as puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
import {
} from '../../shared/helper.js';
import {describe, it} from '../../shared/mocha-extensions.js';
import {navigateToCssOverviewTab, startCaptureCSSOverview} from '../helpers/css-overview-helpers.js';
import {
} from '../helpers/elements-helpers.js';
import {openCommandMenu} from '../helpers/quick_open-helpers.js';
import {closeSecurityTab, navigateToSecurityTab} from '../helpers/security-helpers.js';
import {openPanelViaMoreTools, openSettingsTab} from '../helpers/settings-helpers.js';
interface UserMetrics {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
Action: {[name: string]: number};
interface EnumHistogramEvent {
actionName: string;
actionCode: number;
interface EnumHistogramEventWithOptionalCode {
actionName: string;
actionCode?: number;
interface PerformanceHistogramEvent {
histogramName: string;
duration: number;
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
interface Window {
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
Host: {
UserMetrics: UserMetrics,
userMetrics: {
actionTaken(name: number): void,
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
function retrieveRecordedHistogramEvents(frontend: puppeteer.Page): Promise<EnumHistogramEvent[]> {
// @ts-ignore
return frontend.evaluate(() => window.InspectorFrontendHost.recordedEnumeratedHistograms);
function retrieveRecordedPerformanceHistogramEvents(frontend: puppeteer.Page): Promise<PerformanceHistogramEvent[]> {
// @ts-ignore
return frontend.evaluate(() => window.InspectorFrontendHost.recordedPerformanceHistograms);
async function assertHistogramEventsInclude(expected: EnumHistogramEvent[]) {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const events = await retrieveRecordedHistogramEvents(frontend);
try {
assert.includeDeepMembers(events, expected);
return true;
} catch {
return false;
async function waitForHistogramEvent(expected: EnumHistogramEventWithOptionalCode) {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const events = await retrieveRecordedHistogramEvents(frontend);
return events.find(
e => e.actionName === expected.actionName && (!('value' in expected) || e.actionCode === expected.actionCode));
describe('User Metrics', () => {
it('dispatches dock and undock events', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.evaluate(() => {
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.ActionTaken',
actionCode: 1, // WindowDocked.
actionName: 'DevTools.ActionTaken',
actionCode: 2, // WindowUndocked.
it('dispatches a metric event the console drawer', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.keyboard.press('Escape');
await frontend.waitForSelector('.console-view');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 10, // drawer-console-view.
actionName: 'DevTools.KeyboardShortcutFired',
actionCode: 17, // main.toggle-drawer
it('dispatches events for views', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
// Head to the Timeline tab.
await click('#tab-timeline');
await frontend.waitForSelector('.timeline');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([{
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 5, // Timeline.
it('dispatches events for triple dot items', async () => {
await openPanelViaMoreTools('Animations');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 10, // 'console-view'.
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 11, // 'animations'.
it('dispatches events for opening issues drawer via hamburger menu', async () => {
await openPanelViaMoreTools('Issues');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssuesPanelOpenedFrom',
actionCode: 3, // 'HamburgerMenu'.
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 10, // 'console-view'.
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 37, // 'issues-pane'.
it('dispatches event when opening issues drawer via command menu', async () => {
await openCommandMenu();
await typeText('issues');
await waitFor('.filtered-list-widget-title');
await pressKey('Enter');
await waitFor('[aria-label="Issues panel"]');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssuesPanelOpenedFrom',
actionCode: 5, // CommandMenu
it('dispatches an event when F1 is used to open settings', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.keyboard.press('F1');
await waitFor('.settings-window-main');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 29,
actionName: 'DevTools.KeyboardShortcutFired',
actionCode: 22, // settings.show
it('dispatches an event when Ctrl/Meta+F8 is used to deactivate breakpoints', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await click('#tab-sources');
await waitFor('#sources-panel-sources-view');
switch (platform) {
case 'mac':
await frontend.keyboard.down('Meta');
case 'linux':
case 'win32':
await frontend.keyboard.down('Control');
await frontend.keyboard.press('F8');
switch (platform) {
case 'mac':
await frontend.keyboard.up('Meta');
case 'linux':
case 'win32':
await frontend.keyboard.up('Control');
await waitFor('[aria-label="Activate breakpoints"]');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 4, // sources
actionName: 'DevTools.KeyboardShortcutFired',
actionCode: 35, // debugger.toggle-breakpoints-active
it('dispatches an event when the keybindSet setting is changed', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.keyboard.press('F1');
await waitFor('.settings-window-main');
await click('[aria-label="Shortcuts"]');
await waitFor('.keybinds-set-select');
const keybindSetSelect = await $('.keybinds-set-select select') as puppeteer.ElementHandle<HTMLSelectElement>;
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 29, // settings-preferences
actionName: 'DevTools.KeyboardShortcutFired',
actionCode: 22, // settings.show
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 38, // settings-keybinds
actionName: 'DevTools.KeybindSetSettingChanged',
actionCode: 1, // vsCode
it('dispatches closed panel events for views', async () => {
// Focus and close a tab
await navigateToSecurityTab();
await closeSecurityTab();
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 16, // Security
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 1,
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelClosed',
actionCode: 16, // Security
it('dispatches an event when experiments are enabled and disabled', async () => {
await openSettingsTab('Experiments');
const customThemeCheckbox = await waitFor('[title="Allow extensions to load custom stylesheets"]');
// Enable the experiment
await customThemeCheckbox.click();
// Disable the experiment
await customThemeCheckbox.click();
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 29, // settings-preferences
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 31, // Experiments
actionName: 'DevTools.ExperimentEnabled',
actionCode: 0, // Allow extensions to load custom stylesheets
actionName: 'DevTools.ExperimentDisabled',
actionCode: 0, // Allow extensions to load custom stylesheets
it('tracks panel loading', async () => {
// We specify the selected panel here because the default behavior is to go to the
// elements panel, but this means we won't get the PanelLoaded event. Instead we
// request that the resetPages helper sets the timeline as the target panel, and
// we wait for the timeline in the test. This means, in turn, we get the PanelLoaded
// event.
await reloadDevTools({selectedPanel: {name: 'timeline'}});
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await waitFor('.timeline');
const events = await retrieveRecordedPerformanceHistogramEvents(frontend);
assert.strictEqual(events.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(events[0].histogramName, 'DevTools.Launch.Timeline');
it('records the selected language', async () => {
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.Language',
actionCode: 17, // en-US
it('records the sync setting', async () => {
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([{
actionName: 'DevTools.SyncSetting',
actionCode: 1, // Chrome Sync is disabled
describe('User Metrics for CSS Overview', () => {
it('dispatch events when capture overview button hit', async () => {
await goToResource('css_overview/default.html');
await navigateToCssOverviewTab();
await startCaptureCSSOverview();
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.PanelShown',
actionCode: 39, // cssoverview
actionName: 'DevTools.ActionTaken',
actionCode: 41, // CaptureCssOverviewClicked
describe('User Metrics for sidebar panes', () => {
it('dispatches sidebar panes events for navigating Elements Panel sidebar panes', async () => {
await navigateToSidePane('Computed');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.Elements.SidebarTabShown',
actionCode: 2, // Computed
it('should not dispatch sidebar panes events for navigating to the same pane', async () => {
await navigateToSidePane('Styles');
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
const events = await retrieveRecordedHistogramEvents(frontend);
const eventNames = events.map(event => event.actionName);
assert.notInclude(eventNames, 'DevTools.Elements.SidebarTabShown');
it('dispatches sidebar panes events for switching to \'Filesystem\' tab in the \'Sources\' panel', async () => {
await click('#tab-sources');
await navigateToSidePane('Filesystem');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.Sources.SidebarTabShown',
actionCode: 2, // navigator-files
describe('User Metrics for Issue Panel', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await enableExperiment('contrastIssues');
await openPanelViaMoreTools('Issues');
it('dispatches an event when a LowTextContrastIssue is created', async () => {
await goToResource('elements/low-contrast.html');
await waitFor('.issue');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 41, // LowTextContrastIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 41, // LowTextContrastIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 41, // LowTextContrastIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 41, // LowTextContrastIssue
it('dispatches an event when a SharedArrayBufferIssue is created', async () => {
await goToResource('issues/sab-issue.rawresponse');
await waitFor('.issue');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 37, // SharedArrayBufferIssue::CreationIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 60, // DeprecationIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 36, // SharedArrayBufferIssue::TransferIssue
it('dispatch events when a link to an element is clicked', async () => {
await goToResource('elements/element-reveal-inline-issue.html');
await waitFor('.issue');
await click('.issue');
await waitFor('.element-reveal-icon');
await scrollElementIntoView('.element-reveal-icon');
await click('.element-reveal-icon');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 1, // ContentSecurityPolicyIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 1, // ContentSecurityPolicyIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssuesPanelIssueExpanded',
actionCode: 4, // ContentSecurityPolicy
actionName: 'DevTools.IssuesPanelResourceOpened',
actionCode: 7, // ContentSecurityPolicyElement
it('dispatch events when a "Learn More" link is clicked', async () => {
await goToResource('elements/element-reveal-inline-issue.html');
await waitFor('.issue');
await click('.issue');
await waitFor('.link-list x-link');
await scrollElementIntoView('.link-list x-link');
await click('.link-list x-link');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 1, // ContentSecurityPolicyIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 1, // ContentSecurityPolicyIssue
actionName: 'DevTools.IssuesPanelIssueExpanded',
actionCode: 4, // ContentSecurityPolicy
actionName: 'DevTools.IssuesPanelResourceOpened',
actionCode: 12, // ContentSecurityPolicyLearnMore
it('dispatches events when Quirks Mode issues are created', async () => {
await goToResource('elements/quirks-mode-iframes.html');
await waitFor('.issue');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 58, // QuirksModeIssue::QuirksMode
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 59, // QuirksModeIssue::LimitedQuirksMode
it('dispatches an event when a Client Hints are used with invalid origin for DelegateCH', async () => {
await goToResource('issues/client-hint-issue-DelegateCH-MetaTagAllowListInvalidOrigin.html');
await waitFor('.issue');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 61, // ClientHintIssue::MetaTagAllowListInvalidOrigin
it('dispatches an event when a Client Hints are modified by javascript for DelegateCH', async () => {
await goToResource('issues/client-hint-issue-DelegateCH-MetaTagModifiedHTML.html');
await waitFor('.issue');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.IssueCreated',
actionCode: 62, // ClientHintIssue::MetaTagModifiedHTML
describe('User Metrics for CSS custom properties in the Styles pane', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await goToResource('elements/css-variables.html');
await navigateToSidePane('Styles');
await waitForElementsStyleSection();
await waitForContentOfSelectedElementsNode('<body>\u200B');
await focusElementsTree();
it('dispatch events when capture overview button hit', async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.keyboard.press('ArrowRight');
await waitForContentOfSelectedElementsNode('<div id=\u200B"properties-to-inspect">\u200B</div>\u200B');
await click('.link-swatch-link');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.ActionTaken',
actionCode: 47, // CustomPropertyLinkClicked
it('dispatch events when a custom property value is edited', async () => {
await editCSSProperty('body, body', '--color', '#f06');
await assertHistogramEventsInclude([
actionName: 'DevTools.ActionTaken',
actionCode: 14, // StyleRuleEdited
actionName: 'DevTools.ActionTaken',
actionCode: 48, // CustomPropertyEdited
describe('User Metrics for the Page Resource Loader', () => {
it('dispatches an event when a source map is loaded', async () => {
await goToResource('sources/script-with-sourcemap-without-mappings.html');
await waitForHistogramEvent(
actionName: 'DevTools.DeveloperResourceLoaded',
actionCode: 0, // LoadThroughPageViaTarget
await waitForHistogramEvent(
actionName: 'DevTools.DeveloperResourceScheme',