[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ad66f526bb917f32dda7cd349cfc97e02652b053 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as Common from '../../core/common/common.js';
import * as i18n from '../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as Platform from '../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as Root from '../../core/root/root.js';
import * as SDK from '../../core/sdk/sdk.js';
import * as TimelineModel from '../../models/timeline_model/timeline_model.js';
import * as TraceEngine from '../../models/trace/trace.js';
import type * as Protocol from '../../generated/protocol.js';
import {PerformanceModel} from './PerformanceModel.js';
const UIStrings = {
* @description Text in Timeline Controller of the Performance panel.
* A "CPU profile" is a recorded performance measurement how a specific target behaves.
* "Target" in this context can mean a web page, service or normal worker.
* "Not available" is used as there are multiple things that can go wrong, but we do not
* know what exactly, just that the CPU profile was not correctly recorded.
cpuProfileForATargetIsNot: 'CPU profile for a target is not available.',
*@description Text in Timeline Controller of the Performance panel indicating that the Performance Panel cannot
* record a performance trace because the type of target (where possible types are page, service worker and shared
* worker) doesn't support it.
tracingNotSupported: 'Performance trace recording not supported for this type of target',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings('panels/timeline/TimelineController.ts', UIStrings);
const i18nString = i18n.i18n.getLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
export class TimelineController implements SDK.TargetManager.SDKModelObserver<SDK.CPUProfilerModel.CPUProfilerModel>,
SDK.TracingManager.TracingManagerClient {
private readonly target: SDK.Target.Target;
private tracingManager: SDK.TracingManager.TracingManager|null;
private performanceModel: PerformanceModel;
private readonly client: Client;
private readonly tracingModel: SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel;
// TODO(crbug.com/1172300) Ignored during the jsdoc to ts migration
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
private tracingCompleteCallback?: ((value: any) => void)|null;
private profiling?: boolean;
// TODO(crbug.com/1172300) Ignored during the jsdoc to ts migration
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
private cpuProfiles?: Map<any, any>|null;
constructor(target: SDK.Target.Target, client: Client) {
this.target = target;
this.tracingManager = target.model(SDK.TracingManager.TracingManager);
this.performanceModel = new PerformanceModel();
this.client = client;
this.tracingModel = new SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel();
SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().observeModels(SDK.CPUProfilerModel.CPUProfilerModel, this);
dispose(): void {
SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().unobserveModels(SDK.CPUProfilerModel.CPUProfilerModel, this);
mainTarget(): SDK.Target.Target {
return this.target;
async startRecording(options: RecordingOptions): Promise<Protocol.ProtocolResponseWithError> {
function disabledByDefault(category: string): string {
return 'disabled-by-default-' + category;
// The following categories are also used in other tools, but this panel
// offers the possibility of turning them off (see below).
// 'disabled-by-default-devtools.screenshot'
// └ default: on, option: captureFilmStrip
// 'disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline.invalidationTracking'
// └ default: off, experiment: timelineInvalidationTracking
// 'disabled-by-default-v8.cpu_profiler'
// └ default: on, option: enableJSSampling
const categoriesArray = [
Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('timelineShowAllEvents') ? '*' : '-*',
if (Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('timelineV8RuntimeCallStats') && options.enableJSSampling) {
if (options.enableJSSampling) {
if (Root.Runtime.experiments.isEnabled('timelineInvalidationTracking')) {
if (options.capturePictures) {
disabledByDefault('devtools.timeline.layers'), disabledByDefault('devtools.timeline.picture'),
if (options.captureFilmStrip) {
const response = await this.startRecordingWithCategories(categoriesArray.join(','));
if (response.getError()) {
await this.waitForTracingToStop(false);
await SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().resumeAllTargets();
return response;
async stopRecording(): Promise<PerformanceModel> {
if (this.tracingManager) {
await this.waitForTracingToStop(true);
await this.allSourcesFinished();
return this.performanceModel;
getPerformanceModel(): PerformanceModel {
return this.performanceModel;
private async waitForTracingToStop(awaitTracingCompleteCallback: boolean): Promise<void> {
const tracingStoppedPromises = [];
if (this.tracingManager && awaitTracingCompleteCallback) {
tracingStoppedPromises.push(new Promise(resolve => {
this.tracingCompleteCallback = resolve;
await Promise.all(tracingStoppedPromises);
modelAdded(cpuProfilerModel: SDK.CPUProfilerModel.CPUProfilerModel): void {
if (this.profiling) {
void cpuProfilerModel.startRecording();
modelRemoved(_cpuProfilerModel: SDK.CPUProfilerModel.CPUProfilerModel): void {
// FIXME: We'd like to stop profiling on the target and retrieve a profile
// but it's too late. Backend connection is closed.
private addCpuProfile(targetId: Protocol.Target.TargetID|'main', cpuProfile: Protocol.Profiler.Profile|null): void {
if (!cpuProfile) {
if (!this.cpuProfiles) {
this.cpuProfiles = new Map();
this.cpuProfiles.set(targetId, cpuProfile);
private async stopProfilingOnAllModels(): Promise<void> {
const models =
this.profiling ? SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().models(SDK.CPUProfilerModel.CPUProfilerModel) : [];
this.profiling = false;
const promises = [];
for (const model of models) {
const targetId = model.target().id();
const modelPromise = model.stopRecording().then(this.addCpuProfile.bind(this, targetId));
await Promise.all(promises);
private async startRecordingWithCategories(categories: string): Promise<Protocol.ProtocolResponseWithError> {
if (!this.tracingManager) {
throw new Error(UIStrings.tracingNotSupported);
// There might be a significant delay in the beginning of timeline recording
// caused by starting CPU profiler, that needs to traverse JS heap to collect
// all the functions data.
await SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().suspendAllTargets('performance-timeline');
return this.tracingManager.start(this, categories, '');
traceEventsCollected(events: SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload[]): void {
tracingComplete(): void {
if (!this.tracingCompleteCallback) {
this.tracingCompleteCallback = null;
private async allSourcesFinished(): Promise<void> {
await this.finalizeTrace();
private async finalizeTrace(): Promise<void> {
await SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().resumeAllTargets();
await this.client.loadingComplete(this.tracingModel, null);
private injectCpuProfileEvent(pid: number, tid: number, cpuProfile: Protocol.Profiler.Profile|null): void {
if (!cpuProfile) {
// TODO(crbug/1011811): This event type is not compatible with the SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload.
// EventPayload requires many properties to be defined but it's not clear if they will have
// any side effects.
const cpuProfileEvent = ({
cat: SDK.TracingModel.DevToolsMetadataEventCategory,
ph: TraceEngine.Types.TraceEvents.Phase.INSTANT,
ts: this.tracingModel.maximumRecordTime() * 1000,
pid: pid,
tid: tid,
name: TimelineModel.TimelineModel.RecordType.CpuProfile,
args: {data: {cpuProfile: cpuProfile}},
// TODO(crbug.com/1172300) Ignored during the jsdoc to ts migration
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
} as any);
private buildTargetToProcessIdMap(): Map<string, number>|null {
const metadataEventTypes = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineModelImpl.DevToolsMetadataEvent;
const metadataEvents = this.tracingModel.devToolsMetadataEvents();
const browserMetaEvent = metadataEvents.find(e => e.name === metadataEventTypes.TracingStartedInBrowser);
if (!browserMetaEvent) {
return null;
const pseudoPidToFrames = new Platform.MapUtilities.Multimap<string, string>();
const targetIdToPid = new Map<string, number>();
// TODO(crbug.com/1172300) Ignored during the jsdoc to ts migration
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const frames: any[] = browserMetaEvent.args.data.frames;
for (const frameInfo of frames) {
targetIdToPid.set(frameInfo.frame, frameInfo.processId);
for (const event of metadataEvents) {
const data = event.args.data;
switch (event.name) {
case metadataEventTypes.FrameCommittedInBrowser:
if (data.processId) {
targetIdToPid.set(data.frame, data.processId);
} else {
pseudoPidToFrames.set(data.processPseudoId, data.frame);
case metadataEventTypes.ProcessReadyInBrowser:
for (const frame of pseudoPidToFrames.get(data.processPseudoId) || []) {
targetIdToPid.set(frame, data.processId);
const mainFrame = frames.find(frame => !frame.parent);
const mainRendererProcessId = mainFrame.processId;
const mainProcess = this.tracingModel.getProcessById(mainRendererProcessId);
if (mainProcess) {
const target = SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().primaryPageTarget();
if (target) {
targetIdToPid.set(target.id(), mainProcess.id());
return targetIdToPid;
private injectCpuProfileEvents(): void {
if (!this.cpuProfiles) {
const metadataEventTypes = TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineModelImpl.DevToolsMetadataEvent;
const metadataEvents = this.tracingModel.devToolsMetadataEvents();
const targetIdToPid = this.buildTargetToProcessIdMap();
if (targetIdToPid) {
for (const [id, profile] of this.cpuProfiles) {
const pid = targetIdToPid.get(id);
if (!pid) {
const process = this.tracingModel.getProcessById(pid);
const thread =
process && process.threadByName(TimelineModel.TimelineModel.TimelineModelImpl.RendererMainThreadName);
if (thread) {
this.injectCpuProfileEvent(pid, thread.id(), profile);
} else {
// Legacy backends support.
const filteredEvents = metadataEvents.filter(event => event.name === metadataEventTypes.TracingStartedInPage);
const mainMetaEvent = filteredEvents[filteredEvents.length - 1];
if (mainMetaEvent) {
const pid = mainMetaEvent.thread.process().id();
if (this.tracingManager) {
const mainCpuProfile = this.cpuProfiles.get(this.tracingManager.target().id());
this.injectCpuProfileEvent(pid, mainMetaEvent.thread.id(), mainCpuProfile);
} else {
// Or there was no tracing manager in the main target at all, in this case build the model full
// of cpu profiles.
let tid = 0;
for (const pair of this.cpuProfiles) {
const target = SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().targetById(pair[0]);
const name = target && target.name();
pair[1], ++tid, /* injectPageEvent */ tid === 1, name));
const workerMetaEvents =
metadataEvents.filter(event => event.name === metadataEventTypes.TracingSessionIdForWorker);
for (const metaEvent of workerMetaEvents) {
const workerId = metaEvent.args['data']['workerId'];
const cpuProfile = this.cpuProfiles.get(workerId);
this.injectCpuProfileEvent(metaEvent.thread.process().id(), metaEvent.args['data']['workerThreadId'], cpuProfile);
this.cpuProfiles = null;
tracingBufferUsage(usage: number): void {
eventsRetrievalProgress(progress: number): void {
export interface Client {
recordingProgress(usage: number): void;
loadingStarted(): void;
processingStarted(): void;
loadingProgress(progress?: number): void;
tracingModel: SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel|null,
exclusiveFilter: TimelineModel.TimelineModelFilter.TimelineModelFilter|null): Promise<void>;
loadingCompleteForTest(): void;
export interface RecordingOptions {
enableJSSampling?: boolean;
capturePictures?: boolean;
captureFilmStrip?: boolean;