[go: nahoru, domu]

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// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This handler stores page load metrics, including web vitals,
* and exports them in the shape of a map with the following shape:
* Map(FrameId -> Map(navigationID -> metrics) )
* It also exports all markers in a trace in an array.
* Some metrics are taken directly from a page load events (AKA markers) like DCL.
* Others require processing multiple events to be determined, like CLS and TBT.
import * as Platform from '../../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as Helpers from '../helpers/helpers.js';
import {KnownEventName, type TraceEventHandlerName, type HandlerData, type Handlers} from './types.js';
import * as Types from '../types/types.js';
import {data as metaHandlerData} from './MetaHandler.js';
import {data as rendererHandlerData} from './RendererHandler.js';
* This represents the metric scores for all navigations, for all frames in a trace.
* Given a frame id, the map points to another map from navigation id to metric scores.
* The metric scores include the event related to the metric as well as the data regarding
* the score itself.
const metricScoresByFrameId = new Map<string, Map<string, Map<MetricName, MetricScore>>>();
* Page load events with no associated duration that happened in the
* main frame.
let allMarkerEvents: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent[] = [];
let allFinalLCPEvents: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent[] = [];
export function reset(): void {
pageLoadEventsArray = [];
allMarkerEvents = [];
allFinalLCPEvents = [];
let pageLoadEventsArray: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent[] = [];
// Once we've found the LCP events in the trace we want to fetch their DOM Node
// from the backend. We could do this by parsing through our Map of frame =>
// navigation => metric, but it's easier to keep a set of LCP events. As we
// parse the trace, any time we store an LCP candidate as the potential LCP
// event, we store the event here. If we later find a new candidate in the
// trace, we store that and delete the prior event. When we've parsed the
// entire trace this set will contain all the LCP events that were used - e.g.
// the candidates that were the actual LCP events.
const selectedLCPCandidateEvents = new Set<Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventLargestContentfulPaintCandidate>();
export const MarkerName =
['MarkDOMContent', 'MarkLoad', 'firstPaint', 'firstContentfulPaint', 'largestContentfulPaint::Candidate'] as const;
const markerTypeGuards = [
interface MakerEvent extends Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventData {
name: typeof MarkerName[number];
export function isTraceEventMarkerEvent(event: Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventData): event is MakerEvent {
return markerTypeGuards.some(fn => fn(event));
const pageLoadEventTypeGuards = [
export function eventIsPageLoadEvent(event: Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventData):
event is Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent {
return pageLoadEventTypeGuards.some(fn => fn(event));
export function handleEvent(event: Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventData): void {
if (!eventIsPageLoadEvent(event)) {
function storePageLoadMetricAgainstNavigationId(
navigation: Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventNavigationStart, event: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent): void {
const navigationId = navigation.args.data?.navigationId;
if (!navigationId) {
throw new Error('Navigation event unexpectedly had no navigation ID.');
const frameId = getFrameIdForPageLoadEvent(event);
const {rendererProcessesByFrame} = metaHandlerData();
// If either of these pieces of data do not exist, the most likely
// explanation is that the page load metric we found is for a frame/process
// combo that the MetaHandler discarded. This typically happens if we get a
// navigation event with an empty URL. Therefore, we will silently return and
// drop this metric. If we didn't care about the navigation, we certainly do
// not need to care about metrics for that navigation.
const rendererProcessesInFrame = rendererProcessesByFrame.get(frameId);
if (!rendererProcessesInFrame) {
const processData = rendererProcessesInFrame.get(event.pid);
if (!processData) {
// We compare the timestamp of the event to determine if it happened during the
// time window in which its process was considered active.
const eventBelongsToProcess = event.ts >= processData.window.min && event.ts <= processData.window.max;
if (!eventBelongsToProcess) {
// If the event occurred outside its process' active time window we ignore it.
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventFirstContentfulPaint(event)) {
const fcpTime = Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(event.ts - navigation.ts);
const score = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(fcpTime, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.SECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const classification = scoreClassificationForFirstContentfulPaint(fcpTime);
const metricScore = {event, score, metricName: MetricName.FCP, classification, navigation};
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, metricScore);
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventFirstPaint(event)) {
const paintTime = Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(event.ts - navigation.ts);
const score = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(paintTime, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.SECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const classification = ScoreClassification.UNCLASSIFIED;
const metricScore = {event, score, metricName: MetricName.FP, classification, navigation};
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, metricScore);
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventMarkDOMContent(event)) {
const dclTime = Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(event.ts - navigation.ts);
const score = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(dclTime, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.SECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const metricScore = {
metricName: MetricName.DCL,
classification: scoreClassificationForDOMContentLoaded(dclTime),
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, metricScore);
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventInteractiveTime(event)) {
const ttiValue = Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(event.ts - navigation.ts);
const ttiScore = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(ttiValue, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.SECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const tti = {
score: ttiScore,
metricName: MetricName.TTI,
classification: scoreClassificationForTimeToInteractive(ttiValue),
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, tti);
const tbtValue =
const tbtScore = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(tbtValue, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const tbt = {
score: tbtScore,
metricName: MetricName.TBT,
classification: scoreClassificationForTotalBlockingTime(tbtValue),
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, tbt);
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventMarkLoad(event)) {
const loadTime = Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(event.ts - navigation.ts);
const score = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(loadTime, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.SECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const metricScore = {
metricName: MetricName.L,
classification: ScoreClassification.UNCLASSIFIED,
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, metricScore);
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLargestContentfulPaintCandidate(event)) {
const candidateIndex = event.args.data?.candidateIndex;
if (!candidateIndex) {
throw new Error('Largest Contenful Paint unexpectedly had no candidateIndex.');
const lcpTime = Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(event.ts - navigation.ts);
const lcpScore = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(lcpTime, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.SECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const lcp = {
score: lcpScore,
metricName: MetricName.LCP,
classification: scoreClassificationForLargestContentfulPaint(lcpTime),
const metricsByNavigation = Platform.MapUtilities.getWithDefault(metricScoresByFrameId, frameId, () => new Map());
const metrics = Platform.MapUtilities.getWithDefault(metricsByNavigation, navigationId, () => new Map());
const lastLCPCandidate = metrics.get(MetricName.LCP);
if (lastLCPCandidate === undefined) {
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, lcp);
const lastLCPCandidateEvent = lastLCPCandidate.event;
if (!Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLargestContentfulPaintCandidate(lastLCPCandidateEvent)) {
const lastCandidateIndex = lastLCPCandidateEvent.args.data?.candidateIndex;
if (!lastCandidateIndex) {
// lastCandidateIndex cannot be undefined because we don't store candidates with
// with an undefined candidateIndex value. This check is only to make TypeScript
// treat the field as not undefined below.
if (lastCandidateIndex < candidateIndex) {
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, lcp);
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLayoutShift(event)) {
return Platform.assertNever(event, `Unexpected event type: ${event}`);
function storeMetricScore(frameId: string, navigationId: string, metricScore: MetricScore): void {
const metricsByNavigation = Platform.MapUtilities.getWithDefault(metricScoresByFrameId, frameId, () => new Map());
const metrics = Platform.MapUtilities.getWithDefault(metricsByNavigation, navigationId, () => new Map());
// If an entry with that metric name is present, delete it so that the new entry that
// will replace it is added at the end of the map. This way we guarantee the map entries
// are ordered in ASC manner by timestamp.
metrics.set(metricScore.metricName, metricScore);
if (metricScore.metricName === MetricName.LCP && metricScore.event) {
export function getFrameIdForPageLoadEvent(event: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent): string {
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventFirstContentfulPaint(event) ||
Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventInteractiveTime(event) ||
Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLargestContentfulPaintCandidate(event) ||
Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLayoutShift(event) || Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventFirstPaint(event)) {
return event.args.frame;
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventMarkDOMContent(event) || Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventMarkLoad(event)) {
const frameId = event.args.data?.frame;
if (!frameId) {
throw new Error('MarkDOMContent unexpectedly had no frame ID.');
return frameId;
Platform.assertNever(event, `Unexpected event type: ${event}`);
function getNavigationForPageLoadEvent(event: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent):
Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventNavigationStart|null {
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventFirstContentfulPaint(event) ||
Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLargestContentfulPaintCandidate(event) ||
Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventFirstPaint(event)) {
const navigationId = event.args.data?.navigationId;
if (!navigationId) {
throw new Error('Trace event unexpectedly had no navigation ID.');
const {navigationsByNavigationId} = metaHandlerData();
const navigation = navigationsByNavigationId.get(navigationId);
if (!navigation) {
// This event's navigation has been filtered out by the meta handler as a noise event.
return null;
return navigation;
if (Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventMarkDOMContent(event) || Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventInteractiveTime(event) ||
Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLayoutShift(event) || Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventMarkLoad(event)) {
const frameId = getFrameIdForPageLoadEvent(event);
const {navigationsByFrameId} = metaHandlerData();
return Helpers.Trace.getNavigationForTraceEvent(event, frameId, navigationsByFrameId);
return Platform.assertNever(event, `Unexpected event type: ${event}`);
* This methods calculates the Total Blocking Time for navigations for which
* an InteractiveTime event wasn't recorded, that is, navigations without a
* TBT reported by the backend. This could happen for example if the user
* stops the recording before the page has settled. Although TBT is officially
* the sum of the blocking portion of all long tasks between FCP and TTI, we
* can still report the blocking time between FCP and the instant the recording
* was stopped, in case TTI wasn't reached.
function estimateTotalBlockingTimes(): void {
const {processes} = rendererHandlerData();
const LONG_TASK_THRESHOLD = Helpers.Timing.millisecondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.MilliSeconds(50));
for (const [frameId, metricsByNavigation] of metricScoresByFrameId) {
for (const [navigationId, metrics] of metricsByNavigation) {
const navigationTBT = metrics.get(MetricName.TBT);
const navigationFCP = metrics.get(MetricName.FCP);
if (navigationTBT || !navigationFCP) {
// Either a TBT record was reported for this navigation so we don't
// need to estimate its value, or FCP wasn't reached so we can't
// estimate it.
if (!navigationFCP.event) {
// Get Main Thread information
const renderer = processes.get(navigationFCP.event.pid);
if (!renderer) {
// This can happen if the navigation was on a process that had no
// origin, or an origin we discard, such as about:blank. In this case
// we can discard the navigation as it's not relevant and we don't need
// to use it to calculate TBT.
const mainThread = [...renderer.threads.values()].find(thread => thread.name === 'CrRendererMain');
const mainThreadTree = mainThread?.tree;
if (!mainThread || !mainThreadTree) {
throw new Error('Main thread not found.');
const mainThreadEvents = mainThread.events;
const mainThreadNodes = mainThreadTree.nodes;
const fcpTs = navigationFCP.event.ts;
// Calulate TBT from Main Thread tasks.
let tbt = 0;
for (const rootId of mainThreadTree.roots) {
const node = mainThreadNodes.get(rootId);
if (node === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Node not found for id: ${rootId}`);
if (mainThreadEvents[node.eventIndex] === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Event not found for index: ${node.eventIndex}`);
const task = mainThreadEvents[node.eventIndex];
if (task.name !== KnownEventName.RunTask || Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventInstant(task)) {
// Discard event if it ended before FCP.
if (task.ts + task.dur < fcpTs) {
// Following Lighthouse guidance, get the portion of the task occured after FCP
// before calculating its blocking portion (because tasks before FCP are
// unimportant, we consider only the blocking time after FCP).
const timeAfterFCP = task.ts < fcpTs ? fcpTs - task.ts : 0;
const clippedTaskDuration = task.dur - timeAfterFCP;
tbt += clippedTaskDuration > LONG_TASK_THRESHOLD ? clippedTaskDuration - LONG_TASK_THRESHOLD : 0;
const tbtValue = Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(tbt);
const tbtScore = Helpers.Timing.formatMicrosecondsTime(tbtValue, {
format: Types.Timing.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
const tbtMetric = {
score: tbtScore,
estimated: true,
metricName: MetricName.TBT,
classification: scoreClassificationForTotalBlockingTime(tbtValue),
navigation: navigationFCP.navigation,
storeMetricScore(frameId, navigationId, tbtMetric);
* When we first load a new trace, rather than position the playhead at time 0,
* we want to position it such that the thumbnail likely shows something rather
* than a blank white page, and so that it's positioned somewhere that's useful
* for the user. This function takes the model data, and returns either the
* timestamp of the first FCP event, or null if it couldn't find one.
export function getFirstFCPTimestampFromModelData(model: HandlerData<Handlers>): Types.Timing.MicroSeconds|null {
const mainFrameID = model.Meta.mainFrameId;
const metricsForMainFrameByNavigationID = model.PageLoadMetrics.metricScoresByFrameId.get(mainFrameID);
if (!metricsForMainFrameByNavigationID) {
return null;
// Now find the first FCP event by timestamp. Events may not have the raw
// data including timestamp, and if so we skip that event.
let firstFCPEventInTimeline: Types.Timing.MicroSeconds|null = null;
for (const metrics of metricsForMainFrameByNavigationID.values()) {
const fcpMetric = metrics.get(MetricName.FCP);
const fcpTimestamp = fcpMetric?.event?.ts;
if (fcpTimestamp) {
if (!firstFCPEventInTimeline) {
firstFCPEventInTimeline = fcpTimestamp;
} else if (fcpTimestamp < firstFCPEventInTimeline) {
firstFCPEventInTimeline = fcpTimestamp;
return firstFCPEventInTimeline;
* Classifications sourced from
* https://web.dev/fcp/
export function scoreClassificationForFirstContentfulPaint(fcpScoreInMicroseconds: Types.Timing.MicroSeconds):
ScoreClassification {
const FCP_GOOD_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.secondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.Seconds(1.8));
const FCP_MEDIUM_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.secondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.Seconds(3.0));
let scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.BAD;
if (fcpScoreInMicroseconds <= FCP_MEDIUM_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.OK;
if (fcpScoreInMicroseconds <= FCP_GOOD_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.GOOD;
return scoreClassification;
* Classifications sourced from
* https://web.dev/interactive/#how-lighthouse-determines-your-tti-score
export function scoreClassificationForTimeToInteractive(ttiTimeInMicroseconds: Types.Timing.MicroSeconds):
ScoreClassification {
const TTI_GOOD_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.secondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.Seconds(3.8));
const TTI_MEDIUM_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.secondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.Seconds(7.3));
let scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.BAD;
if (ttiTimeInMicroseconds <= TTI_MEDIUM_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.OK;
if (ttiTimeInMicroseconds <= TTI_GOOD_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.GOOD;
return scoreClassification;
* Classifications sourced from
* https://web.dev/lcp/#what-is-lcp
export function scoreClassificationForLargestContentfulPaint(lcpTimeInMicroseconds: Types.Timing.MicroSeconds):
ScoreClassification {
const LCP_GOOD_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.secondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.Seconds(2.5));
const LCP_MEDIUM_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.secondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.Seconds(4));
let scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.BAD;
if (lcpTimeInMicroseconds <= LCP_MEDIUM_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.OK;
if (lcpTimeInMicroseconds <= LCP_GOOD_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.GOOD;
return scoreClassification;
* DCL does not have a classification.
export function scoreClassificationForDOMContentLoaded(_dclTimeInMicroseconds: Types.Timing.MicroSeconds):
ScoreClassification {
return ScoreClassification.UNCLASSIFIED;
* Classifications sourced from
* https://web.dev/lighthouse-total-blocking-#time/
export function scoreClassificationForTotalBlockingTime(tbtTimeInMicroseconds: Types.Timing.MicroSeconds):
ScoreClassification {
const TBT_GOOD_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.millisecondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.MilliSeconds(200));
const TBT_MEDIUM_TIMING = Helpers.Timing.millisecondsToMicroseconds(Types.Timing.MilliSeconds(600));
let scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.BAD;
if (tbtTimeInMicroseconds <= TBT_MEDIUM_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.OK;
if (tbtTimeInMicroseconds <= TBT_GOOD_TIMING) {
scoreClassification = ScoreClassification.GOOD;
return scoreClassification;
export async function finalize(): Promise<void> {
pageLoadEventsArray.sort((a, b) => a.ts - b.ts);
for (const pageLoadEvent of pageLoadEventsArray) {
const navigation = getNavigationForPageLoadEvent(pageLoadEvent);
if (navigation) {
// Event's navigation was not filtered out as noise.
storePageLoadMetricAgainstNavigationId(navigation, pageLoadEvent);
const mainFrame = metaHandlerData().mainFrameId;
// Filter out LCP candidates to use only definitive LCP values
const allEventsButLCP =
pageLoadEventsArray.filter(event => !Types.TraceEvents.isTraceEventLargestContentfulPaintCandidate(event));
const markerEvents = [...allFinalLCPEvents, ...allEventsButLCP].filter(isTraceEventMarkerEvent);
// Filter by main frame and sort.
allMarkerEvents =
markerEvents.filter(event => getFrameIdForPageLoadEvent(event) === mainFrame).sort((a, b) => a.ts - b.ts);
export type PageLoadMetricsData = {
metricScoresByFrameId: Map<string, Map<string, Map<MetricName, MetricScore>>>,
allMarkerEvents: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent[],
export function data(): PageLoadMetricsData {
return {
* This represents the metric scores for all navigations, for all frames in a trace.
* Given a frame id, the map points to another map from navigation id to metric scores.
* The metric scores include the event related to the metric as well as the data regarding
* the score itself.
metricScoresByFrameId: new Map(metricScoresByFrameId),
* Page load events with no associated duration that happened in the
* main frame.
allMarkerEvents: [...allMarkerEvents],
export function deps(): TraceEventHandlerName[] {
return ['Meta', 'Renderer'];
export const enum ScoreClassification {
GOOD = 'good',
OK = 'ok',
BAD = 'bad',
// Some metrics (such as DOMContentLoaded) don't have a Good/OK/Bad classification, hence this additional entry.
UNCLASSIFIED = 'unclassified',
export const enum MetricName {
FCP = 'FCP',
// First Paint
FP = 'FP',
// MarkLoad
L = 'L',
LCP = 'LCP',
DCL = 'DCL',
// Time To Interactive
TTI = 'TTI',
// Total Blocking Time
TBT = 'TBT',
CLS = 'CLS',
export interface MetricScore {
score: string;
metricName: MetricName;
classification: ScoreClassification;
event?: Types.TraceEvents.PageLoadEvent;
// The last navigation that occured before this metric score.
navigation?: Types.TraceEvents.TraceEventNavigationStart;
estimated?: boolean;