[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: fdba72ab05cb9bf32acd4c0795310a94085f5d32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type * as DataGrid from '../../../ui/components/data_grid/data_grid.js';
import * as i18n from '../../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as UI from '../../../ui/legacy/legacy.js';
import * as Protocol from '../../../generated/protocol.js';
import * as SDK from '../../../core/sdk/sdk.js';
import * as PreloadingComponents from './components/components.js';
// eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/es_modules_import
import emptyWidgetStyles from '../../../ui/legacy/emptyWidget.css.js';
import preloadingViewStyles from './preloadingView.css.js';
const UIStrings = {
*@description Text in grid: Rule set is valid
validityValid: 'Valid',
*@description Text in grid: Rule set must be a valid JSON object
validityInvalid: 'Invalid',
*@description Text in grid: Rule set contains invalid rules and they are ignored
validitySomeRulesInvalid: 'Some rules invalid',
*@description Text in grid and details: Preloading attempt is eligible but pending.
statusPending: 'Pending',
*@description Text in grid and details: Preloading is running.
statusRunning: 'Running',
*@description Text in grid and details: Preloading finished and the result is ready for the next navigation.
statusReady: 'Ready',
*@description Text in grid and details: Ready, then used.
statusSuccess: 'Success',
*@description Text in grid and details: Preloading failed.
statusFailure: 'Failure',
*@description Title in infobar
warningTitlePreloadingDisabledByFeatureFlag: 'Preloading was disabled, but is force-enabled now',
*@description Detail in infobar
'Preloading is forced-enabled because DevTools is open. When DevTools is closed, prerendering will be disabled because this browser session is part of a holdback group used for performance comparisons.',
*@description Title in infobar
warningTitlePrerenderingDisabledByFeatureFlag: 'Prerendering was disabled, but is force-enabled now',
*@description Detail in infobar
'Prerendering is forced-enabled because DevTools is open. When DevTools is closed, prerendering will be disabled because this browser session is part of a holdback group used for performance comparisons.',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings('panels/application/preloading/PreloadingView.ts', UIStrings);
const i18nString = i18n.i18n.getLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
class PreloadingUIUtils {
static action({key}: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingAttempt): string {
// Use "prefetch"/"prerender" as is in SpeculationRules.
switch (key.action) {
case Protocol.Preload.SpeculationAction.Prefetch:
return i18n.i18n.lockedString('prefetch');
case Protocol.Preload.SpeculationAction.Prerender:
return i18n.i18n.lockedString('prerender');
static status({status}: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingAttempt): string {
// See content/public/browser/preloading.h PreloadingAttemptOutcome.
switch (status) {
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Pending:
return i18nString(UIStrings.statusPending);
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Running:
return i18nString(UIStrings.statusRunning);
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Ready:
return i18nString(UIStrings.statusReady);
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Success:
return i18nString(UIStrings.statusSuccess);
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Failure:
return i18nString(UIStrings.statusFailure);
// NotSupported is used to handle unreachable case. For example,
// there is no code path for
// PreloadingTriggeringOutcome::kTriggeredButPending in prefetch,
// which is mapped to NotSupported. So, we regard it as an
// internal error.
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.NotSupported:
return i18n.i18n.lockedString('Internal error');
// Summary of error of rule set shown in grid.
static validity({errorType}: Protocol.Preload.RuleSet): string {
switch (errorType) {
case undefined:
return i18nString(UIStrings.validityValid);
case Protocol.Preload.RuleSetErrorType.SourceIsNotJsonObject:
return i18nString(UIStrings.validityInvalid);
case Protocol.Preload.RuleSetErrorType.InvalidRulesSkipped:
return i18nString(UIStrings.validitySomeRulesInvalid);
interface FeatureFlags {
preloadingHoldback: boolean|null;
prerender2Holdback: boolean|null;
// Holds PreloadingModel of current context
// There can be multiple Targets and PreloadingModels and they switch as
// time goes. For example:
// - Prerendering started and a user switched context with
// ExecutionContextSelector. This switching is bidirectional.
// - Prerendered page is activated. This switching is unidirectional.
// Context switching is managed by scoped target. This class handles
// switching events and holds PreloadingModel of current context.
// Note that switching at the timing of activation triggers handing over
// from the old model to the new model. See
// PreloadingMoedl.onPrimaryPageChanged.
class PreloadingModelProxy implements SDK.TargetManager.SDKModelObserver<SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingModel> {
private readonly view: PreloadingView;
model: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingModel;
constructor(view: PreloadingView, model: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingModel) {
this.view = view;
this.model = model;
this.model.addEventListener(SDK.PreloadingModel.Events.ModelUpdated, this.view.render, this.view);
initialize(): void {
SDK.TargetManager.TargetManager.instance().observeModels(SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingModel, this, {scoped: true});
modelAdded(model: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingModel): void {
// Ignore models/targets of non-outermost frames like iframe/FencedFrames.
if (model.target().outermostTarget() !== model.target()) {
this.model.removeEventListener(SDK.PreloadingModel.Events.ModelUpdated, this.view.render, this.view);
this.model = model;
this.model.addEventListener(SDK.PreloadingModel.Events.ModelUpdated, this.view.render, this.view);
modelRemoved(_model: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingModel): void {
this.model.removeEventListener(SDK.PreloadingModel.Events.ModelUpdated, this.view.render, this.view);
export class PreloadingView extends UI.Widget.VBox {
private readonly modelProxy: PreloadingModelProxy;
private focusedRuleSetId: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId|null = null;
private focusedPreloadingAttemptId: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingAttemptId|null = null;
private readonly infobarContainer: HTMLDivElement;
private readonly hsplitUsedPreloading: UI.SplitWidget.SplitWidget;
private readonly hsplit: UI.SplitWidget.SplitWidget;
private readonly vsplitRuleSets: UI.SplitWidget.SplitWidget;
private readonly ruleSetGrid = new PreloadingComponents.RuleSetGrid.RuleSetGrid();
private readonly ruleSetDetails = new PreloadingComponents.RuleSetDetailsReportView.RuleSetDetailsReportView();
private readonly preloadingGrid = new PreloadingComponents.PreloadingGrid.PreloadingGrid();
private readonly preloadingDetails =
new PreloadingComponents.PreloadingDetailsReportView.PreloadingDetailsReportView();
private readonly usedPreloading = new PreloadingComponents.UsedPreloadingView.UsedPreloadingView();
private readonly featureFlagWarningsPromise: Promise<void>;
constructor(model: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingModel) {
super(/* isWebComponent */ true, /* delegatesFocus */ false);
this.modelProxy = new PreloadingModelProxy(this, model);
// this (VBox)
// +- infobarContainer
// +- hsplitUsedPreloading
// +- hsplit
// +- vsplitRuleSets
// +- leftContainer
// +- RuleSetGrid
// +- rightContainer
// +- RuleSetDetailsReportView
// +- vsplitPreloadingAttempts
// +- leftContainer
// +- PreloadingGrid
// +- rightContainer
// +- PreloadingDetailsReportView
// +- VBox
// + UsedPreloadingReportView
// - If an row of RuleSetGrid selected, RuleSetDetailsReportView shows details of it.
// - If not, RuleSetDetailsReportView hides.
// - If an row of PreloadingGrid selected, PreloadingDetailsReportView shows details of it.
// - If not, PreloadingDetailsReportView shows some messages.
this.infobarContainer = document.createElement('div');
this.contentElement.insertBefore(this.infobarContainer, this.contentElement.firstChild);
this.ruleSetGrid.addEventListener('cellfocused', this.onRuleSetsGridCellFocused.bind(this));
this.vsplitRuleSets = this.makeVsplit(this.ruleSetGrid, this.ruleSetDetails);
this.preloadingGrid.addEventListener('cellfocused', this.onPreloadingGridCellFocused.bind(this));
const vsplitPreloadingAttempts = this.makeVsplit(this.preloadingGrid, this.preloadingDetails);
this.hsplit = new UI.SplitWidget.SplitWidget(
/* isVertical */ false,
/* secondIsSidebar */ false,
/* settingName */ undefined,
/* defaultSidebarWidth */ undefined,
/* defaultSidebarHeight */ 200,
/* constraintsInDip */ undefined,
const usedPreloadingContainer = new UI.Widget.VBox();
this.hsplitUsedPreloading = new UI.SplitWidget.SplitWidget(
/* isVertical */ false,
/* secondIsSidebar */ true,
/* settingName */ undefined,
/* defaultSidebarWidth */ undefined,
/* defaultSidebarHeight */ 50,
/* constraintsInDip */ undefined,
this.featureFlagWarningsPromise = this.getFeatureFlags().then(x => this.onGetFeatureFlags(x));
private makeVsplit(left: HTMLElement, right: HTMLElement): UI.SplitWidget.SplitWidget {
const leftContainer = new UI.Widget.VBox();
leftContainer.setMinimumSize(0, 40);
const rightContainer = new UI.Widget.VBox();
rightContainer.setMinimumSize(0, 80);
const vsplit = new UI.SplitWidget.SplitWidget(
/* isVertical */ true,
/* secondIsSidebar */ true,
/* settingName */ undefined,
/* defaultSidebarWidth */ 400,
/* defaultSidebarHeight */ undefined,
/* constraintsInDip */ undefined,
return vsplit;
wasShown(): void {
this.registerCSSFiles([emptyWidgetStyles, preloadingViewStyles]);
// Lazily initialize PreloadingModelProxy because this triggers a chain
// PreloadingModelProxy.initialize()
// -> TargetManager.observeModels()
// -> PreloadingModelProxy.modelAdded()
// -> PreloadingView.render()
// , and PreloadingView.onModelAdded() requires all members are
// initialized. So, here is the best timing.
// `cellfocused` events only emitted focus modified. So, we can't
// catch the case focused cell is clicked. Currently, we need
// 1. Click a cell and focus.
// 2. Click out of rows.
// 3. Click the last cell.
// to hide the details.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1384419): Consider to add `cellclicked` event.
private updateRuleSetDetails(): void {
const id = this.focusedRuleSetId;
const ruleSet = id === null ? null : this.modelProxy.model.getRuleSetById(id);
this.ruleSetDetails.data = ruleSet;
if (ruleSet === null) {
} else {
private updatePreloadingDetails(): void {
const id = this.focusedPreloadingAttemptId;
const preloadingAttempt = id === null ? null : this.modelProxy.model.getPreloadingAttemptById(id);
if (preloadingAttempt === null) {
this.preloadingDetails.data = null;
} else {
const ruleSets =
preloadingAttempt.ruleSetIds.map(id => this.modelProxy.model.getRuleSetById(id)).filter(x => x !== null) as
this.preloadingDetails.data = {
render(): void {
// Update rule sets grid
// Currently, all rule sets that appear in DevTools are valid.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1384419): Add property `validity` to the CDP.
const ruleSetRows = this.modelProxy.model.getAllRuleSets().map(({id, value}) => ({
validity: PreloadingUIUtils.validity(value),
// Update preloaidng grid
const preloadingAttemptRows = this.modelProxy.model.getPreloadingAttempts(this.focusedRuleSetId)
.map(({id, value}) => ({
action: PreloadingUIUtils.action(value),
url: value.key.url,
status: PreloadingUIUtils.status(value),
this.usedPreloading.data = this.modelProxy.model.getPreloadingAttemptsOfPreviousPage().map(({value}) => value);
private onRuleSetsGridCellFocused(event: Event): void {
const focusedEvent = event as DataGrid.DataGridEvents.BodyCellFocusedEvent;
const id = focusedEvent.data.row.cells.find(cell => cell.columnId === 'id')?.value as Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId;
if (this.focusedRuleSetId === id) {
// Toggle details
this.focusedRuleSetId = null;
} else {
this.focusedRuleSetId = id;
private onPreloadingGridCellFocused(event: Event): void {
const focusedEvent = event as DataGrid.DataGridEvents.BodyCellFocusedEvent;
this.focusedPreloadingAttemptId = focusedEvent.data.row.cells.find(cell => cell.columnId === 'id')?.value as
async getFeatureFlags(): Promise<FeatureFlags> {
const preloadingHoldbackPromise = this.modelProxy.model.target().systemInfo().invoke_getFeatureState({
featureState: 'PreloadingHoldback',
const prerender2HoldbackPromise = this.modelProxy.model.target().systemInfo().invoke_getFeatureState({
featureState: 'PrerenderHoldback',
return {
preloadingHoldback: (await preloadingHoldbackPromise).featureEnabled ?? null,
prerender2Holdback: (await prerender2HoldbackPromise).featureEnabled ?? null,
// Shows warnings if features are disabled by feature flags.
private onGetFeatureFlags(flags: FeatureFlags): void {
if (flags.preloadingHoldback === true) {
if (flags.prerender2Holdback === true) {
private showInfobar(titleText: string, detailsText: string): void {
const infobar = new UI.Infobar.Infobar(
UI.Infobar.Type.Warning, /* text */ titleText, /* actions? */ undefined, /* disableSetting? */ undefined);
getInfobarContainerForTest(): HTMLDivElement {
return this.infobarContainer;
getRuleSetGridForTest(): PreloadingComponents.RuleSetGrid.RuleSetGrid {
return this.ruleSetGrid;
getRuleSetDetailsForTest(): PreloadingComponents.RuleSetDetailsReportView.RuleSetDetailsReportView {
return this.ruleSetDetails;
getPreloadingGridForTest(): PreloadingComponents.PreloadingGrid.PreloadingGrid {
return this.preloadingGrid;
getPreloadingDetailsForTest(): PreloadingComponents.PreloadingDetailsReportView.PreloadingDetailsReportView {
return this.preloadingDetails;
getUsedPreloadingForTest(): PreloadingComponents.UsedPreloadingView.UsedPreloadingView {
return this.usedPreloading;
getFeatureFlagWarningsPromiseForTest(): Promise<void> {
return this.featureFlagWarningsPromise;