[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 26e8d57151d258eaa6e6ca5cb35e81cf0fb48c1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
interface StringConstructor {
sprintf(format: string, ...var_arg: any): string;
interface Window {
UI: {themeSupport: unknown}
declare class DOM {
constructor(doc: Document);
interface RegExp {
__fromRegExpQuery: boolean;
interface NumberConstructor {
secondsToString(seconds: number, higherResolution?: boolean): string;
declare class AnchorBox {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
constructor(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number);
contains(x: number, y: number): boolean;
relativeToElement(element: Element): AnchorBox;
declare namespace Adb {
interface Page {
id: string;
name: string;
url: string;
attached: boolean;
interface Browser {
id: string;
adbBrowserChromeVersion: string;
compatibleVersion: boolean;
adbBrowsername: string;
source: string;
adbBrowserVersion: string;
pages: Page[];
interface Device {
id: string;
adbModel: string;
adbSerial: string;
browsers: Browser[];
adbPortStatus: number[];
adbConnected: boolean;
interface PortForwardingConfig {
[field: string]: string;
interface PortForwardingRule {
port: string;
address: string;
interface DevicePortForwardingStatus {
ports: {[port: string]: number};
browserId: string;
interface PortForwardingStatus {
[field: string]: DevicePortForwardingStatus;
interface Config {
discoverUsbDevices: boolean;
portForwardingEnabled: boolean;
portForwardingConfig: PortForwardingConfig;
networkDiscoveryEnabled: boolean;
networkDiscoveryConfig: NetworkDiscoveryConfig;
type NetworkDiscoveryConfig = string[];
interface Document {
createElementWithClass(elementName: string, className?: string, customElementType?: string): Element;
deepActiveElement(): Element|null;
interface HTMLElement {
createChild(tagName: string, className?: string, content?: string): HTMLElement;
totalOffset(): {left: number, top: number};
interface Element {
boxInWindow(targetWindow?: Window): AnchorBox;
createChild(tagName: string, className?: string, content?: string): Element;
hasFocus(): boolean;
positionAt(x: (number|undefined), y: (number|undefined), relativeTo?: Element): void;
removeChildren(): void;
scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(center?: boolean): void;
selectionLeftOffset(): (number|null);
totalOffsetTop(): number;
totalOffsetLeft(): number;
interface DocumentFragment {
createChild(tagName: string, className?: string, content?: string): Element;
interface Event {
consume(preventDefault?: boolean): void;
handled: boolean|undefined;
isMetaOrCtrlForTest: boolean;
interface Node {
enclosingNodeOrSelfWithClass(className: string, stayWithin?: Element): Element;
getComponentRoot(): Document|DocumentFragment|null;
getComponentSelection(): Selection|null;
hasSameShadowRoot(other: Node): boolean;
hasSelection(): boolean;
isAncestor(node: Node|null): boolean;
isDescendant(node: Node|null): boolean;
isSelfOrAncestor(node: Node|null): boolean;
isSelfOrDescendant(node: Node|null): boolean;
parentElementOrShadowHost(): Element|null;
parentNodeOrShadowHost(): Node|null;
setTextContentTruncatedIfNeeded(text: any, placeholder?: string): boolean;
traverseNextNode(stayWithin?: Node): Node|null;
deepTextContent(): string
window(): Window;
childTextNodes(): Node[];
declare function isEnterOrSpaceKey(event: Event): boolean;
declare function isEscKey(event: Event): boolean;
declare function createPlainTextSearchRegex(query: string, flags?: string): RegExp;
declare function onInvokeElement(element: Element, callback: (event: Event) => void): void;
interface ServicePort {
setHandlers(messageHandler: (arg: string) => void, closeHandler: () => void): void;
send(message: string): Promise<boolean>;
close(): Promise<boolean>;
declare class diff_match_patch {
diff_main(text1: string, text2: string): Array<{0: number, 1: string}>;
diff_cleanupSemantic(diff: Array<{0: number, 1: string}>): void;