[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 68f10717a30d20ed383a25f01a5f185c6e3d259f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as i18n from '../../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
const UIStrings = {
* @description Description text for not restored reason NotMainFrame.
notMainFrame: 'Navigation happened in a frame other than the main frame.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason BackForwardCacheDisabled.
'Back/forward cache is disabled by flags. Visit chrome://flags/#back-forward-cache to enable it locally on this device.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RelatedActiveContentsExist.
* Note: "window.open()" is the name of a JavaScript method and should not be translated.
'The page was opened using \'`window.open()`\' and another tab has a reference to it, or the page opened a window.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason HTTPStatusNotOK.
HTTPStatusNotOK: 'Only pages with a status code of 2XX can be cached.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SchemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS.
schemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS: 'Only pages whose URL scheme is HTTP / HTTPS can be cached.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason Loading.
loading: 'The page did not finish loading before navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WasGrantedMediaAccess.
'Pages that have granted access to record video or audio are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason HTTPMethodNotGET.
HTTPMethodNotGET: 'Only pages loaded via a GET request are eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SubframeIsNavigating.
subframeIsNavigating: 'An iframe on the page started a navigation that did not complete.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason Timeout.
timeout: 'The page exceeded the maximum time in back/forward cache and was expired.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason CacheLimit.
cacheLimit: 'The page was evicted from the cache to allow another page to be cached.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason JavaScriptExecution.
JavaScriptExecution: 'Chrome detected an attempt to execute JavaScript while in the cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RendererProcessKilled.
rendererProcessKilled: 'The renderer process for the page in back/forward cache was killed.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RendererProcessCrashed.
rendererProcessCrashed: 'The renderer process for the page in back/forward cache crashed.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason GrantedMediaStreamAccess.
'Pages that have granted media stream access are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason CacheFlushed.
cacheFlushed: 'The cache was intentionally cleared.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ServiceWorkerVersionActivation.
serviceWorkerVersionActivation: 'The page was evicted from back/forward cache due to a service worker activation.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SessionRestored.
sessionRestored: 'Chrome restarted and cleared the back/forward cache entries.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ServiceWorkerPostMessage.
* Note: "MessageEvent" should not be translated.
serviceWorkerPostMessage: 'A service worker attempted to send the page in back/forward cache a `MessageEvent`.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EnteredBackForwardCacheBeforeServiceWorkerHostAdded.
'A service worker was activated while the page was in back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ServiceWorkerClaim.
serviceWorkerClaim: 'The page was claimed by a service worker while it is in back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason HaveInnerContents.
haveInnerContents: 'Pages that use portals are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason TimeoutPuttingInCache.
'The page timed out entering back/forward cache (likely due to long-running pagehide handlers).',
* @description Description text for not restored reason BackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory.
backForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to insufficient memory.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason BackForwardcCacheDisabledByCommandLine.
backForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine: 'Back/forward cache is disabled by the command line.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NetworkRequestDatapipeDrainedAsBytesConsumer.
'Pages that have inflight fetch() or XHR are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NetworkRequestRedirected.
'The page was evicted from back/forward cache because an active network request involved a redirect.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NetworkRequestTimeout.
'The page was evicted from the cache because a network connection was open too long. Chrome limits the amount of time that a page may receive data while cached.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NetworkExceedsBufferLimit.
'The page was evicted from the cache because an active network connection received too much data. Chrome limits the amount of data that a page may receive while cached.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NavigationCancelledWhileRestoring.
'Navigation was cancelled before the page could be restored from back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason BackForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender.
backForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender: 'Back/forward cache is disabled for prerenderer.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason userAgentOverrideDiffers.
userAgentOverrideDiffers: 'Browser has changed the user agent override header.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ForegroundCacheLimit.
foregroundCacheLimit: 'The page was evicted from the cache to allow another page to be cached.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason BackForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate.
backForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate: 'Back/forward cache is not supported by delegate.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason UnloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame.
unloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame: 'The page has an unload handler in the main frame.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason UnloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame.
unloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame: 'The page has an unload handler in a sub frame.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ServiceWorkerUnregistration.
serviceWorkerUnregistration: 'ServiceWorker was unregistered while a page was in back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NoResponseHead.
noResponseHead: 'Pages that do not have a valid response head cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason CacheControlNoStore.
cacheControlNoStore: 'Pages with cache-control:no-store header cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason IneligibleAPI.
ineligibleAPI: 'Ineligible APIs were used.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason InternalError.
internalError: 'Internal error.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebSocket.
webSocket: 'Pages with WebSocket cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebTransport.
webTransport: 'Pages with WebTransport cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebRTC.
webRTC: 'Pages with WebRTC cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason MainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore.
'Pages whose main resource has cache-control:no-store cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason MainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache.
'Pages whose main resource has cache-control:no-cache cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SubresourceHasCacheControlNoStore.
'Pages whose subresource has cache-control:no-store cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SubresourceHasCacheControlNoCache.
'Pages whose subresource has cache-control:no-cache cannot enter back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ContainsPlugins.
containsPlugins: 'Pages containing plugins are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason DocumentLoaded.
documentLoaded: 'The document did not finish loading before navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason DedicatedWorkerOrWorklet.
'Pages that use a dedicated worker or worklet are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason OutstandingNetworkRequestOthers.
'Pages with an in-flight network request are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason OutstandingIndexedDBTransaction.
'Page with ongoing indexed DB transactions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RequestedNotificationsPermission.
'Pages that have requested notifications permissions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RequestedMIDIPermission.
'Pages that have requested MIDI permissions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RequestedAudioCapturePermission.
'Pages that have requested audio capture permissions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RequestedVideoCapturePermission.
'Pages that have requested video capture permissions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RequestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors.
'Pages that have requested sensor permissions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RequestedBackgroundWorkPermission.
'Pages that have requested background sync or fetch permissions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason BroadcastChannel.
broadcastChannel: 'The page cannot be cached because it has a BroadcastChannel instance with registered listeners.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason IndexedDBConnection.
'Pages that have an open IndexedDB connection are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebXR.
webXR: 'Pages that use WebXR are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SharedWorker.
sharedWorker: 'Pages that use SharedWorker are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebLocks.
webLocks: 'Pages that use WebLocks are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebHID.
webHID: 'Pages that use WebHID are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebShare.
webShare: 'Pages that use WebShare are not currently eligible for back/forwad cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason RequestedStorageAccessGrant.
'Pages that have requested storage access are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebNfc.
webNfc: 'Pages that use WebNfc are not currently eligible for back/forwad cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason OutstandingNetworkRequestFetch.
'Pages with an in-flight fetch network request are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason OutstandingNetworkRequestXHR.
'Pages with an in-flight XHR network request are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason AppBanner.
appBanner: 'Pages that requested an AppBanner are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason Printing.
printing: 'Pages that show Printing UI are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebDatabase.
webDatabase: 'Pages that use WebDatabase are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason PictureInPicture.
pictureInPicture: 'Pages that use Picture-in-Picture are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason Portal.
portal: 'Pages that use portals are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SpeechRecognizer.
speechRecognizer: 'Pages that use SpeechRecognizer are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason IdleManager.
idleManager: 'Pages that use IdleManager are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason PaymentManager.
paymentManager: 'Pages that use PaymentManager are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason SpeechSynthesis.
speechSynthesis: 'Pages that use SpeechSynthesis are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason KeyboardLock.
keyboardLock: 'Pages that use Keyboard lock are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason WebOTPService.
webOTPService: 'Pages that use WebOTPService are not currently eligible for bfcache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason OutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket.
'Pages with an in-flight network request are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason InjectedJavascript.
'Pages that `JavaScript` is injected into by extensions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason InjectedStyleSheet.
'Pages that a `StyleSheet` is injected into by extensions are not currently eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ContentSecurityHandler.
contentSecurityHandler: 'Pages that use SecurityHandler are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NotMainFrame.
contentWebAuthenticationAPI: 'Pages that use WebAuthetication API are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NotMainFrame.
contentFileChooser: 'Pages that use FileChooser API are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NotMainFrame.
contentSerial: 'Pages that use Serial API are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NotMainFrame.
contentFileSystemAccess: 'Pages that use File System Access API are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NotMainFrame.
contentMediaDevicesDispatcherHost: 'Pages that use Media Device Dispatcher are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason NotMainFrame.
contentWebBluetooth: 'Pages that use WebBluetooth API are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ContentWebUSB.
contentWebUSB: 'Pages that use WebUSB API are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ContentMediaSession.
'Pages that use MediaSession API and set a playback state are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ContentMediaSessionService.
'Pages that use MediaSession API and set action handlers are not eligible for back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ContentMediaPlay.
contentMediaPlay: 'A media player was playing upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ContentScreenReader.
contentScreenReader: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to screen reader.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderPopupBlockerTabHelper.
embedderPopupBlockerTabHelper: 'Popup blocker was present upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderSafeBrowsingTriggeredPopupBlocker.
embedderSafeBrowsingTriggeredPopupBlocker: 'Safe Browsing considered this page to be abusive and blocked popup.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails.
embedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails: 'Safe Browsing details were shown upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderAppBannerManager.
embedderAppBannerManager: 'App Banner was present upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderDomDistillerViewerSource.
embedderDomDistillerViewerSource: 'DOM Distiller Viewer was present upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderDomDistillerSelfDeletingRequestDelegate.
embedderDomDistillerSelfDeletingRequestDelegate: 'DOM distillation was in progress upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderOomInterventionTabHelper.
embedderOomInterventionTabHelper: 'Out-Of-Memory Intervention bar was present upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderOfflinePage.
embedderOfflinePage: 'The offline page was shown upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderChromePasswordManagerClientBindCredentialManager.
embedderChromePasswordManagerClientBindCredentialManager: 'Chrome Password Manager was present upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderPermissionRequestManager.
embedderPermissionRequestManager: 'There were permission requests upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderModalDialog.
'Modal dialog such as form resubmission or http password dialog was shown for the page upon navigating away.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderExtensions.
embedderExtensions: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to extensions.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderExtensionMessaging.
embedderExtensionMessaging: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to extensions using messaging API.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderExtensionMessagingForOpenPort.
'Extensions with long-lived connection should close the connection before entering back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason EmbedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame.
'Extensions with long-lived connection attempted to send messages to frames in back/forward cache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason ErrorDocument.
errorDocument: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to a document error.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason FencedFramesEmbedder.
fencedFramesEmbedder: 'Pages using FencedFrames cannot be stored in bfcache.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason KeepaliveRequest.
keepaliveRequest: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to a keepalive request.',
* @description Empty string to roll protocol.
authorizationHeader: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to a keepalive request.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason IndexedDBEvent.
indexedDBEvent: 'Back/forward cache is disabled due to an IndexedDB event.',
* @description Description text for not restored reason CookieDisabled.
'Back/forward cache is disabled because cookies are disabled on a page that uses `Cache-Control: no-store`.',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings('panels/application/components/BackForwardCacheStrings.ts', UIStrings);
const i18nLazyString = i18n.i18n.getLazilyComputedLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
export const NotRestoredReasonDescription = {
'NotPrimaryMainFrame': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.notMainFrame)},
'BackForwardCacheDisabled': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.backForwardCacheDisabled)},
'RelatedActiveContentsExist': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.relatedActiveContentsExist)},
'HTTPStatusNotOK': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.HTTPStatusNotOK)},
'SchemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.schemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS)},
'Loading': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.loading)},
'WasGrantedMediaAccess': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.wasGrantedMediaAccess)},
'HTTPMethodNotGET': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.HTTPMethodNotGET)},
'SubframeIsNavigating': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.subframeIsNavigating)},
'Timeout': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.timeout)},
'CacheLimit': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.cacheLimit)},
'JavaScriptExecution': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.JavaScriptExecution)},
'RendererProcessKilled': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.rendererProcessKilled)},
'RendererProcessCrashed': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.rendererProcessCrashed)},
'GrantedMediaStreamAccess': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.grantedMediaStreamAccess)},
'CacheFlushed': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.cacheFlushed)},
'ServiceWorkerVersionActivation': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.serviceWorkerVersionActivation)},
'SessionRestored': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.sessionRestored)},
'ServiceWorkerPostMessage': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.serviceWorkerPostMessage)},
{name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.enteredBackForwardCacheBeforeServiceWorkerHostAdded)},
'ServiceWorkerClaim': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.serviceWorkerClaim)},
'HaveInnerContents': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.haveInnerContents)},
'TimeoutPuttingInCache': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.timeoutPuttingInCache)},
'BackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.backForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory)},
'BackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.backForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine)},
{name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.networkRequestDatapipeDrainedAsBytesConsumer)},
'NetworkRequestRedirected': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.networkRequestRedirected)},
'NetworkRequestTimeout': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.networkRequestTimeout)},
'NetworkExceedsBufferLimit': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.networkExceedsBufferLimit)},
'NavigationCancelledWhileRestoring': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.navigationCancelledWhileRestoring)},
'BackForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.backForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender)},
'UserAgentOverrideDiffers': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.userAgentOverrideDiffers)},
'ForegroundCacheLimit': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.foregroundCacheLimit)},
'BackForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.backForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate)},
'UnloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.unloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame)},
'UnloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.unloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame)},
'ServiceWorkerUnregistration': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.serviceWorkerUnregistration)},
'NoResponseHead': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.noResponseHead)},
'CacheControlNoStore': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.cacheControlNoStore)},
'CacheControlNoStoreCookieModified': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.cacheControlNoStore)},
'CacheControlNoStoreHTTPOnlyCookieModified': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.cacheControlNoStore)},
'DisableForRenderFrameHostCalled': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.ineligibleAPI)},
'BlocklistedFeatures': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.ineligibleAPI)},
'SchedulerTrackedFeatureUsed': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.ineligibleAPI)},
'DomainNotAllowed': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'ConflictingBrowsingInstance': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'NotMostRecentNavigationEntry': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'IgnoreEventAndEvict': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'BrowsingInstanceNotSwapped': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'ActivationNavigationsDisallowedForBug1234857': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'Unknown': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'RenderFrameHostReused_SameSite': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'RenderFrameHostReused_CrossSite': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'WebSocket': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webSocket)},
'WebTransport': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webTransport)},
'WebRTC': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webRTC)},
'MainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.mainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore)},
'MainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.mainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache)},
'SubresourceHasCacheControlNoStore': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.subresourceHasCacheControlNoStore)},
'SubresourceHasCacheControlNoCache': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.subresourceHasCacheControlNoCache)},
'ContainsPlugins': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.containsPlugins)},
'DocumentLoaded': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.documentLoaded)},
'DedicatedWorkerOrWorklet': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.dedicatedWorkerOrWorklet)},
'OutstandingNetworkRequestOthers': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.outstandingNetworkRequestOthers)},
'OutstandingIndexedDBTransaction': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.outstandingIndexedDBTransaction)},
'RequestedNotificationsPermission': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.requestedNotificationsPermission)},
'RequestedMIDIPermission': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.requestedMIDIPermission)},
'RequestedAudioCapturePermission': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.requestedAudioCapturePermission)},
'RequestedVideoCapturePermission': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.requestedVideoCapturePermission)},
'RequestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.requestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors)},
'RequestedBackgroundWorkPermission': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.requestedBackgroundWorkPermission)},
'BroadcastChannel': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.broadcastChannel)},
'IndexedDBConnection': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.indexedDBConnection)},
'WebXR': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webXR)},
'SharedWorker': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.sharedWorker)},
'WebLocks': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webLocks)},
'WebHID': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webHID)},
'WebShare': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webShare)},
'RequestedStorageAccessGrant': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.requestedStorageAccessGrant)},
'WebNfc': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webNfc)},
'OutstandingNetworkRequestFetch': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.outstandingNetworkRequestFetch)},
'OutstandingNetworkRequestXHR': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.outstandingNetworkRequestXHR)},
'AppBanner': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.appBanner)},
'Printing': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.printing)},
'WebDatabase': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webDatabase)},
'PictureInPicture': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.pictureInPicture)},
'Portal': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.portal)},
'SpeechRecognizer': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.speechRecognizer)},
'IdleManager': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.idleManager)},
'PaymentManager': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.paymentManager)},
'SpeechSynthesis': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.speechSynthesis)},
'KeyboardLock': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.keyboardLock)},
'WebOTPService': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.webOTPService)},
'OutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.outstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket)},
'InjectedJavascript': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.injectedJavascript)},
'InjectedStyleSheet': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.injectedStyleSheet)},
'Dummy': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.internalError)},
'ContentSecurityHandler': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentSecurityHandler)},
'ContentWebAuthenticationAPI': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentWebAuthenticationAPI)},
'ContentFileChooser': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentFileChooser)},
'ContentSerial': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentSerial)},
'ContentFileSystemAccess': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentFileSystemAccess)},
'ContentMediaDevicesDispatcherHost': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentMediaDevicesDispatcherHost)},
'ContentWebBluetooth': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentWebBluetooth)},
'ContentWebUSB': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentWebUSB)},
'ContentMediaSession': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentMediaSession)},
'ContentMediaSessionService': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentMediaSessionService)},
'ContentMediaPlay': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentMediaPlay)},
'ContentScreenReader': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.contentScreenReader)},
'EmbedderPopupBlockerTabHelper': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderPopupBlockerTabHelper)},
{name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderSafeBrowsingTriggeredPopupBlocker)},
'EmbedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails)},
'EmbedderAppBannerManager': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderAppBannerManager)},
'EmbedderDomDistillerViewerSource': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderDomDistillerViewerSource)},
{name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderDomDistillerSelfDeletingRequestDelegate)},
'EmbedderOomInterventionTabHelper': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderOomInterventionTabHelper)},
'EmbedderOfflinePage': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderOfflinePage)},
{name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderChromePasswordManagerClientBindCredentialManager)},
'EmbedderPermissionRequestManager': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderPermissionRequestManager)},
'EmbedderModalDialog': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderModalDialog)},
'EmbedderExtensions': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderExtensions)},
'EmbedderExtensionMessaging': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderExtensionMessaging)},
'EmbedderExtensionMessagingForOpenPort': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderExtensionMessagingForOpenPort)},
{name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.embedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame)},
'ErrorDocument': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.errorDocument)},
'FencedFramesEmbedder': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.fencedFramesEmbedder)},
'KeepaliveRequest': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.keepaliveRequest)},
'AuthorizationHeader': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.authorizationHeader)},
'IndexedDBEvent': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.indexedDBEvent)},
'CookieDisabled': {name: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.cookieDisabled)},