[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 857c794cbc12902cba1ae8af06586bd9d6ccfbb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as i18n from '../../../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as Platform from '../../../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as ComponentHelpers from '../../../components/helpers/helpers.js';
import * as LitHtml from '../../../lit-html/lit-html.js';
import linkSwatchStyles from './linkSwatch.css.js';
const UIStrings = {
*@description Text displayed in a tooltip shown when hovering over a var() CSS function in the Styles pane when the custom property in this function does not exist. The parameter is the name of the property.
*@example {--my-custom-property-name} PH1
sIsNotDefined: '{PH1} is not defined',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings('ui/legacy/components/inline_editor/LinkSwatch.ts', UIStrings);
const i18nString = i18n.i18n.getLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
const {render, html, Directives} = LitHtml;
interface BaseLinkSwatchRenderData {
text: string;
title: string;
isDefined: boolean;
onLinkActivate: (linkText: string) => void;
class BaseLinkSwatch extends HTMLElement {
static readonly litTagName = LitHtml.literal`devtools-base-link-swatch`;
protected readonly shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
protected onLinkActivate: (linkText: string, event: MouseEvent|KeyboardEvent) => void = () => undefined;
connectedCallback(): void {
this.shadow.adoptedStyleSheets = [linkSwatchStyles];
set data(data: BaseLinkSwatchRenderData) {
this.onLinkActivate = (linkText: string, event: MouseEvent|KeyboardEvent): void => {
if (event instanceof MouseEvent && event.button !== 0) {
if (event instanceof KeyboardEvent && !Platform.KeyboardUtilities.isEnterOrSpaceKey(event)) {
private render(data: BaseLinkSwatchRenderData): void {
const {isDefined, text, title} = data;
const classes = Directives.classMap({
'link-swatch-link': true,
'undefined': !isDefined,
// The linkText's space must be removed, otherwise it cannot be triggered when clicked.
const onActivate = isDefined ? this.onLinkActivate.bind(this, text.trim()) : null;
html`<span class=${classes} title=${title} @mousedown=${onActivate} @keydown=${
onActivate} role="link" tabindex="-1">${text}</span>`,
this.shadow, {host: this});
const VARIABLE_FUNCTION_REGEX = /(^var\()\s*(--(?:[\s\w\P{ASCII}-]|\\.)+)(,?\s*.*)\s*(\))$/u;
interface CSSVarSwatchRenderData {
text: string;
computedValue: string|null;
fromFallback: boolean;
onLinkActivate: (linkText: string) => void;
interface ParsedVariableFunction {
pre: string;
variableName: string;
fallbackIncludeComma: string;
post: string;
export class CSSVarSwatch extends HTMLElement {
static readonly litTagName = LitHtml.literal`devtools-css-var-swatch`;
protected readonly shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
constructor() {
this.tabIndex = -1;
this.addEventListener('focus', () => {
const link = this.shadow.querySelector<HTMLElement>('[role="link"]');
if (link) {
set data(data: CSSVarSwatchRenderData) {
private parseVariableFunctionParts(text: string): ParsedVariableFunction|null {
// When the value of CSS var() is greater than two spaces, only one is
// always displayed, and the actual number of spaces is displayed when
// editing is clicked.
const result = text.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').match(VARIABLE_FUNCTION_REGEX);
if (!result) {
return null;
return {
// Returns `var(`
pre: result[1],
// Returns the CSS variable name, e.g. `--foo`
variableName: result[2],
// Returns the fallback value in the CSS variable, including a comma if
// one is present, e.g. `,50px`
fallbackIncludeComma: result[3],
// Returns `)`
post: result[4],
private variableName(text: string): string {
const match = text.match(VARIABLE_FUNCTION_REGEX);
if (match) {
return match[2];
return '';
protected render(data: CSSVarSwatchRenderData): void {
const {text, fromFallback, computedValue, onLinkActivate} = data;
const functionParts = this.parseVariableFunctionParts(text);
if (!functionParts) {
render('', this.shadow, {host: this});
const isDefined = Boolean(computedValue) && !fromFallback;
const title = isDefined ? computedValue : i18nString(UIStrings.sIsNotDefined, {PH1: this.variableName(text)});
const fallbackIncludeComma = functionParts.fallbackIncludeComma ? functionParts.fallbackIncludeComma : '';
html`<span title=${data.computedValue || ''}>${functionParts.pre}<${BaseLinkSwatch.litTagName} .data=${
{title, text: functionParts.variableName, isDefined, onLinkActivate} as
this.shadow, {host: this});
interface LinkSwatchRenderData {
isDefined: boolean;
text: string;
onLinkActivate: (linkText: string) => void;
export class LinkSwatch extends HTMLElement {
static readonly litTagName = LitHtml.literal`devtools-link-swatch`;
protected readonly shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
set data(data: LinkSwatchRenderData) {
protected render(data: LinkSwatchRenderData): void {
const {text, isDefined, onLinkActivate} = data;
const title = isDefined ? text : i18nString(UIStrings.sIsNotDefined, {PH1: text});
html`<span title=${data.text}><${BaseLinkSwatch.litTagName} .data=${{
} as LinkSwatchRenderData}></${BaseLinkSwatch.litTagName}></span>`,
this.shadow, {host: this});
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('devtools-base-link-swatch', BaseLinkSwatch);
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('devtools-link-swatch', LinkSwatch);
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('devtools-css-var-swatch', CSSVarSwatch);
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'devtools-base-link-swatch': BaseLinkSwatch;
'devtools-link-swatch': LinkSwatch;
'devtools-css-var-swatch': CSSVarSwatch;