[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a4820c350258b9fb863d00cb3e3611d3821e991b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type * as Common from '../common/common.js';
import type * as ProtocolProxyApi from '../../generated/protocol-proxy-api.js';
import * as Protocol from '../../generated/protocol.js';
import {SDKModel} from './SDKModel.js';
import {Capability, type Target} from './Target.js';
import {TargetManager} from './TargetManager.js';
import {
Events as ResourceTreeModelEvents,
type ResourceTreeFrame,
} from './ResourceTreeModel.js';
export interface WithId<I, V> {
id: I;
value: V;
// Holds preloading related information.
// - SpeculationRule rule sets
// - Preloading attempts
// - Relationship between rule sets and preloading attempts
export class PreloadingModel extends SDKModel<EventTypes> {
private agent: ProtocolProxyApi.PreloadApi;
private loaderIds: Protocol.Network.LoaderId[] = [];
private targetJustAttached: boolean = true;
private lastPrimaryPageModel: PreloadingModel|null = null;
private documents: Map<Protocol.Network.LoaderId, DocumentPreloadingData> =
new Map<Protocol.Network.LoaderId, DocumentPreloadingData>();
constructor(target: Target) {
target.registerPreloadDispatcher(new PreloadDispatcher(this));
this.agent = target.preloadAgent();
void this.agent.invoke_enable();
const targetInfo = target.targetInfo();
if (targetInfo !== undefined && targetInfo.subtype === 'prerender') {
this.lastPrimaryPageModel = TargetManager.instance().primaryPageTarget()?.model(PreloadingModel) || null;
ResourceTreeModel, ResourceTreeModelEvents.PrimaryPageChanged, this.onPrimaryPageChanged, this);
dispose(): void {
ResourceTreeModel, ResourceTreeModelEvents.PrimaryPageChanged, this.onPrimaryPageChanged, this);
void this.agent.invoke_disable();
private ensureDocumentPreloadingData(loaderId: Protocol.Network.LoaderId): void {
if (this.documents.get(loaderId) === undefined) {
this.documents.set(loaderId, new DocumentPreloadingData());
private currentLoaderId(): Protocol.Network.LoaderId|null {
// Target is just attached and didn't received CDP events that we can infer loaderId.
if (this.targetJustAttached) {
return null;
if (this.loaderIds.length === 0) {
throw new Error('unreachable');
return this.loaderIds[this.loaderIds.length - 1];
private currentDocument(): DocumentPreloadingData|null {
const loaderId = this.currentLoaderId();
return loaderId === null ? null : this.documents.get(loaderId) || null;
// Returns a rule set of the current page.
// Returns reference. Don't save returned values.
// Returned value may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getRuleSetById(id: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId): Protocol.Preload.RuleSet|null {
return this.currentDocument()?.ruleSets.getById(id) || null;
// Returns rule sets of the current page.
// Returns array of pairs of id and reference. Don't save returned references.
// Returned values may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getAllRuleSets(): WithId<Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId, Protocol.Preload.RuleSet>[] {
return this.currentDocument()?.ruleSets.getAll() || [];
// Returns a preloading attempt of the current page.
// Returns reference. Don't save returned values.
// Returned value may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getPreloadingAttemptById(id: PreloadingAttemptId): PreloadingAttempt|null {
const document = this.currentDocument();
if (document === null) {
return null;
return document.preloadingAttempts.getById(id, document.sources) || null;
// Returs preloading attempts of the current page that triggered by the rule set with `ruleSetId`.
// `ruleSetId === null` means "do not filter".
// Returns array of pairs of id and reference. Don't save returned references.
// Returned values may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getPreloadingAttempts(ruleSetId: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId|null): WithId<PreloadingAttemptId, PreloadingAttempt>[] {
const document = this.currentDocument();
if (document === null) {
return [];
return document.preloadingAttempts.getAll(ruleSetId, document.sources);
// Returs preloading attempts of the previousPgae.
// Returns array of pairs of id and reference. Don't save returned references.
// Returned values may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getPreloadingAttemptsOfPreviousPage(): WithId<PreloadingAttemptId, PreloadingAttempt>[] {
if (this.loaderIds.length <= 1) {
return [];
const document = this.documents.get(this.loaderIds[this.loaderIds.length - 2]);
if (document === undefined) {
return [];
return document.preloadingAttempts.getAll(null, document.sources);
private onPrimaryPageChanged(
event: Common.EventTarget.EventTargetEvent<{frame: ResourceTreeFrame, type: PrimaryPageChangeType}>): void {
const {frame, type} = event.data;
// Model of prerendered page's target will hands over. Do nothing for the initiator page.
if (this.lastPrimaryPageModel === null && type === PrimaryPageChangeType.Activation) {
if (this.lastPrimaryPageModel !== null && type !== PrimaryPageChangeType.Activation) {
if (this.lastPrimaryPageModel !== null && type === PrimaryPageChangeType.Activation) {
// Hand over from the model of the last primary page.
this.loaderIds = this.lastPrimaryPageModel.loaderIds;
for (const [loaderId, prev] of this.lastPrimaryPageModel.documents.entries()) {
this.lastPrimaryPageModel = null;
// Note that at this timing ResourceTreeFrame.loaderId is ensured to
// be non empty and Protocol.Network.LoaderId because it is filled
// by ResourceTreeFrame.navigate.
const currentLoaderId = frame.loaderId as Protocol.Network.LoaderId;
// Holds histories for two pages at most.
this.loaderIds = this.loaderIds.slice(-2);
for (const loaderId of this.documents.keys()) {
if (!this.loaderIds.includes(loaderId)) {
onRuleSetUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetUpdatedEvent): void {
const ruleSet = event.ruleSet;
const loaderId = ruleSet.loaderId;
// Infer current loaderId if DevTools is opned at the current page.
if (this.currentLoaderId() === null) {
this.loaderIds = [loaderId];
this.targetJustAttached = false;
onRuleSetRemoved(event: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetRemovedEvent): void {
const id = event.id;
for (const document of this.documents.values()) {
onPreloadingAttemptSourcesUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSourcesUpdatedEvent): void {
const loaderId = event.loaderId;
const document = this.documents.get(loaderId);
if (document === undefined) {
onPrefetchStatusUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.PrefetchStatusUpdatedEvent): void {
const loaderId = event.key.loaderId;
const attempt = {
key: event.key,
status: convertPreloadingStatus(event.status),
onPrerenderStatusUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.PrerenderStatusUpdatedEvent): void {
const loaderId = event.key.loaderId;
const attempt = {
key: event.key,
status: convertPreloadingStatus(event.status),
SDKModel.register(PreloadingModel, {capabilities: Capability.Target, autostart: false});
// TODO(crbug.com/1167717): Make this a const enum again
// eslint-disable-next-line rulesdir/const_enum
export enum Events {
ModelUpdated = 'ModelUpdated',
export type EventTypes = {
[Events.ModelUpdated]: void,
class PreloadDispatcher implements ProtocolProxyApi.PreloadDispatcher {
private model: PreloadingModel;
constructor(model: PreloadingModel) {
this.model = model;
ruleSetUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetUpdatedEvent): void {
ruleSetRemoved(event: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetRemovedEvent): void {
preloadingAttemptSourcesUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSourcesUpdatedEvent): void {
prefetchStatusUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.PrefetchStatusUpdatedEvent): void {
prerenderAttemptCompleted(_: Protocol.Preload.PrerenderAttemptCompletedEvent): void {
prerenderStatusUpdated(event: Protocol.Preload.PrerenderStatusUpdatedEvent): void {
class DocumentPreloadingData {
ruleSets: RuleSetRegistry = new RuleSetRegistry();
preloadingAttempts: PreloadingAttemptRegistry = new PreloadingAttemptRegistry();
sources: SourceRegistry = new SourceRegistry();
mergePrevious(prev: DocumentPreloadingData): void {
// Note that CDP events Preload.ruleSetUpdated/Deleted and
// Preload.preloadingAttemptSourcesUpdated with a loaderId are emitted to target that bounded to
// a document with the loaderId. On the other hand, prerendering activation changes targets
// of Preload.prefetch/prerenderStatusUpdated, i.e. activated page receives those events for
// triggering outcome "Success".
if (!this.ruleSets.isEmpty() || !this.sources.isEmpty()) {
throw new Error('unreachable');
this.ruleSets = prev.ruleSets;
this.sources = prev.sources;
class RuleSetRegistry {
private map: Map<Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId, Protocol.Preload.RuleSet> =
new Map<Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId, Protocol.Preload.RuleSet>();
isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.map.size === 0;
// Returns reference. Don't save returned values.
// Returned values may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getById(id: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId): Protocol.Preload.RuleSet|null {
return this.map.get(id) || null;
// Returns reference. Don't save returned values.
// Returned values may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getAll(): WithId<Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId, Protocol.Preload.RuleSet>[] {
return Array.from(this.map.entries()).map(([id, value]) => ({id, value}));
upsert(ruleSet: Protocol.Preload.RuleSet): void {
this.map.set(ruleSet.id, ruleSet);
delete(id: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId): void {
// Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus|'NotTriggered'
// A renderer sends SpeculationCandidate to the browser process and the
// browser process checks eligibilities, and starts PreloadingAttempt.
// In the frontend, "NotTriggered" is used to denote that a
// PreloadingAttempt is waiting for at trigger event (eg:
// mousedown/mouseover). All PreloadingAttempts will start off as
// "NotTriggered", but "eager" preloading attempts (attempts not
// actually waiting for any trigger) will be processed by the browser
// immediately, and will not stay in this state for long.
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1384419): Add NotEligible.
export const enum PreloadingStatus {
NotTriggered = 'NotTriggered',
Pending = 'Pending',
Running = 'Running',
Ready = 'Ready',
Success = 'Success',
Failure = 'Failure',
NotSupported = 'NotSupported',
function convertPreloadingStatus(status: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus): PreloadingStatus {
switch (status) {
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Pending:
return PreloadingStatus.Pending;
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Running:
return PreloadingStatus.Running;
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Ready:
return PreloadingStatus.Ready;
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Success:
return PreloadingStatus.Success;
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.Failure:
return PreloadingStatus.Failure;
case Protocol.Preload.PreloadingStatus.NotSupported:
return PreloadingStatus.NotSupported;
throw new Error('unreachable');
export type PreloadingAttemptId = string;
export interface PreloadingAttempt {
key: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptKey;
status: PreloadingStatus;
ruleSetIds: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId[];
nodeIds: Protocol.DOM.BackendNodeId[];
export interface PreloadingAttemptInternal {
key: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptKey;
status: PreloadingStatus;
function makePreloadingAttemptId(key: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptKey): PreloadingAttemptId {
let action;
switch (key.action) {
case Protocol.Preload.SpeculationAction.Prefetch:
action = 'Prefetch';
case Protocol.Preload.SpeculationAction.Prerender:
action = 'Prerender';
let targetHint;
switch (key.targetHint) {
case undefined:
targetHint = 'undefined';
case Protocol.Preload.SpeculationTargetHint.Blank:
targetHint = 'Blank';
case Protocol.Preload.SpeculationTargetHint.Self:
targetHint = 'Self';
return `${key.loaderId}:${action}:${key.url}:${targetHint}`;
class PreloadingAttemptRegistry {
private map: Map<PreloadingAttemptId, PreloadingAttemptInternal> =
new Map<PreloadingAttemptId, PreloadingAttemptInternal>();
private enrich(attempt: PreloadingAttemptInternal, source: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSource|null):
PreloadingAttempt {
let ruleSetIds: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId[] = [];
let nodeIds: Protocol.DOM.BackendNodeId[] = [];
if (source !== null) {
ruleSetIds = source.ruleSetIds;
nodeIds = source.nodeIds;
return {
// Returns reference. Don't save returned values.
// Returned values may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getById(id: PreloadingAttemptId, sources: SourceRegistry): PreloadingAttempt|null {
const attempt = this.map.get(id) || null;
if (attempt === null) {
return null;
return this.enrich(attempt, sources.getById(id));
// Returs preloading attempts that triggered by the rule set with `ruleSetId`.
// `ruleSetId === null` means "do not filter".
// Returns reference. Don't save returned values.
// Returned values may or may not be updated as the time grows.
getAll(ruleSetId: Protocol.Preload.RuleSetId|null, sources: SourceRegistry):
WithId<PreloadingAttemptId, PreloadingAttempt>[] {
return [...this.map.entries()]
.map(([id, value]) => ({id, value: this.enrich(value, sources.getById(id))}))
.filter(({value}) => !ruleSetId || value.ruleSetIds.includes(ruleSetId));
upsert(attempt: PreloadingAttemptInternal): void {
const id = makePreloadingAttemptId(attempt.key);
this.map.set(id, attempt);
maybeRegisterNotTriggered(sources: SourceRegistry): void {
for (const [id, {key}] of sources.entries()) {
if (this.map.get(id) !== undefined) {
const attempt = {
status: PreloadingStatus.NotTriggered,
this.map.set(id, attempt);
mergePrevious(prev: PreloadingAttemptRegistry): void {
for (const [id, attempt] of this.map.entries()) {
prev.map.set(id, attempt);
this.map = prev.map;
class SourceRegistry {
private map: Map<PreloadingAttemptId, Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSource> =
new Map<PreloadingAttemptId, Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSource>();
entries(): IterableIterator<[PreloadingAttemptId, Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSource]> {
return this.map.entries();
isEmpty(): boolean {
return this.map.size === 0;
getById(id: PreloadingAttemptId): Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSource|null {
return this.map.get(id) || null;
update(sources: Protocol.Preload.PreloadingAttemptSource[]): void {
this.map = new Map(sources.map(s => [makePreloadingAttemptId(s.key), s]));