[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 564e6fc62acb18d426d6964f3ad955c618e037d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as i18n from '../../../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as SDK from '../../../../core/sdk/sdk.js';
import * as Protocol from '../../../../generated/protocol.js';
import * as ComponentHelpers from '../../../../ui/components/helpers/helpers.js';
import * as Coordinator from '../../../../ui/components/render_coordinator/render_coordinator.js';
import * as LitHtml from '../../../../ui/lit-html/lit-html.js';
const UIStrings = {
*@description Message that reports counts of prefetch that used for this page.
*@example {1} PH1
prefetchUsed: '{PH1} prefetched resources are used for this page',
*@description Message that reports this page was prerendered.
prerenderUsed: 'This page was prerendered',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings('panels/application/preloading/components/UsedPreloadingView.ts', UIStrings);
const i18nString = i18n.i18n.getLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
const coordinator = Coordinator.RenderCoordinator.RenderCoordinator.instance();
type UsedPreloadingViewData = SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingAttempt[];
export class UsedPreloadingView extends HTMLElement {
static readonly litTagName = LitHtml.literal`devtools-resources-used-preloading-view`;
readonly #shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
#data: SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingAttempt[] = [];
connectedCallback(): void {
this.#shadow.adoptedStyleSheets = [];
set data(data: UsedPreloadingViewData) {
this.#data = data;
void this.#render();
async #render(): Promise<void> {
await coordinator.write('UsedPreloadingView render', () => {
const used = this.#data.filter(attempt => attempt.status === SDK.PreloadingModel.PreloadingStatus.Success);
const prefetchCount =
used.filter(attempt => attempt.key.action === Protocol.Preload.SpeculationAction.Prefetch).length;
const prerenderCount = used.length - prefetchCount;
if (used.length === 0) {
LitHtml.render(LitHtml.nothing, this.#shadow, {host: this});
let message = '';
if (prerenderCount > 0) {
message = i18nString(UIStrings.prerenderUsed);
} else if (prefetchCount > 0) {
message = i18nString(UIStrings.prefetchUsed, {PH1: prefetchCount});
// Disabled until https://crbug.com/1079231 is fixed.
// clang-format off
`, this.#shadow, {host: this});
// clang-format on
ComponentHelpers.CustomElements.defineComponent('devtools-resources-used-preloading-view', UsedPreloadingView);
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'devtools-resources-used-preloading-view': UsedPreloadingView;