[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: fbe843a9a558ac6cecb6106e7fcbd9bba77ae76e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert} from 'chai';
import {unregisterAllServiceWorkers} from '../../conductor/hooks.js';
import {type BrowserAndPages} from '../../conductor/puppeteer-state.js';
import {
} from '../../shared/helper.js';
import {describe, it} from '../../shared/mocha-extensions.js';
import {
} from '../helpers/network-helpers.js';
async function getRequestRowInfo(frontend: BrowserAndPages['frontend'], name: string) {
const statusColumn = await frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.status-column')).map(node => node.textContent);
const timeColumn = await frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.time-column')).map(node => node.textContent);
const typeColumn = await frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.type-column')).map(node => node.textContent);
const nameColumn = await frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.name-column')).map(node => node.textContent);
const index = nameColumn.findIndex(x => x === name);
return {status: statusColumn[index], time: timeColumn[index], type: typeColumn[index]};
describe('The Network Tab', async function() {
if (this.timeout() !== 0.0) {
// These tests take some time on slow windows machines.
const formatByteSize = (value: number) => {
return `${value}\xA0B`;
beforeEach(async () => {
await navigateToNetworkTab('empty.html');
await setCacheDisabled(true);
await setPersistLog(false);
afterEach(async () => {
await unregisterAllServiceWorkers();
it('can click on checkbox label to toggle checkbox', async () => {
await navigateToNetworkTab('resources-from-cache.html');
// Click the label next to the checkbox input element
await click('[title^="Disable cache"] + label');
const checkbox = await waitFor('[title^="Disable cache"]');
const checked = await checkbox.evaluate(box => (box as HTMLInputElement).checked);
assert.strictEqual(checked, false, 'The disable cache checkbox should be unchecked');
it('shows Last-Modified', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('last-modified.html');
// Reload to populate network request table
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await step('Wait for the column to show up and populate its values', async () => {
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
await step('Open the contextmenu for all network column', async () => {
await click('.name-column', {clickOptions: {button: 'right'}});
await step('Click "Response Headers" submenu', async () => {
await click('aria/Response Headers');
await step('Enable the Last-Modified column in the network datagrid', async () => {
await click('aria/Last-Modified, unchecked');
await step('Wait for the "Last-Modified" column to have the expected values', async () => {
const expectedValues = JSON.stringify(['Last-Modified', '', 'Sun, 26 Sep 2010 22:04:35 GMT']);
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const lastModifiedColumnValues = await frontend.$$eval(
cells => cells.map(element => element.textContent),
return JSON.stringify(lastModifiedColumnValues) === expectedValues;
it('shows size of chunked responses', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('chunked.txt?numChunks=5');
// Reload to populate network request table
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(1);
// Get the size of the first two network request responses (excluding header and favicon.ico).
const getNetworkRequestSize = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.size-column')).slice(1, 3).map(node => node.textContent);
assert.deepEqual(await getNetworkRequestSize(), [
it('shows size of chunked responses for sync XHR', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('chunked_sync.html');
// Reload to populate network request table
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
// Get the size of the first two network request responses (excluding header and favicon.ico).
const getNetworkRequestSize = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.size-column')).slice(1, 3).map(node => node.textContent);
assert.deepEqual(await getNetworkRequestSize(), [
it('the HTML response including cyrillic characters with utf-8 encoding', async () => {
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('utf-8.rawresponse');
// Reload to populate network request table
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
// Wait for the column to show up and populate its values
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(1);
// Open the HTML file that was loaded
await click('td.name-column');
// Open the raw response HTML
await click('[aria-label="Response"]');
// Disable pretty printing
await waitFor('[aria-label="Pretty print"]');
await Promise.all([
click('[aria-label="Pretty print"]'),
waitFor('[aria-label="Pretty print"][aria-pressed="true"]'),
// Wait for the raw response editor to show up
const codeMirrorEditor = await waitFor('[aria-label="Code editor"]');
const htmlRawResponse = await codeMirrorEditor.evaluate(editor => editor.textContent);
'<html> <body>The following word is written using cyrillic letters and should look like "SUCCESS": SU\u0421\u0421\u0415SS.</body></html>');
it('the correct MIME type when resources came from HTTP cache', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('resources-from-cache.html');
// Reload the page without a cache, to force a fresh load of the network resources
await setCacheDisabled(true);
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
// Wait for the column to show up and populate its values
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
// Get the size of the first two network request responses (excluding header and favicon.ico).
const getNetworkRequestSize = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.size-column')).slice(1, 3).map(node => node.textContent);
const getNetworkRequestMimeTypes = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.type-column')).slice(1, 3).map(node => node.textContent);
assert.deepEqual(await getNetworkRequestSize(), [
assert.deepEqual(await getNetworkRequestMimeTypes(), [
// Allow resources from the cache again and reload the page to load from cache
await setCacheDisabled(false);
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
// Wait for the column to show up and populate its values
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
assert.deepEqual(await getNetworkRequestSize(), [
`(memory cache)${formatByteSize(28)}`,
assert.deepEqual(await getNetworkRequestMimeTypes(), [
it('shows the correct initiator address space', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('fetch.html');
// Reload to populate network request table
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
await step('Open the contextmenu for all network column', async () => {
await click('.name-column', {clickOptions: {button: 'right'}});
await step('Enable the Initiator Address Space column in the network datagrid', async () => {
await click('aria/Initiator Address Space, unchecked');
await step('Wait for the Initiator Address Space column to have the expected values', async () => {
const expectedValues = JSON.stringify(['Initiator Address Space', '', 'Local']);
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const initiatorAddressSpaceValues = await frontend.$$eval(
cells => cells.map(element => element.textContent),
return JSON.stringify(initiatorAddressSpaceValues) === expectedValues;
it('shows the correct remote address space', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('fetch.html');
// Reload to populate network request table
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
await step('Open the contextmenu for all network column', async () => {
await click('.name-column', {clickOptions: {button: 'right'}});
await step('Enable the Remote Address Space column in the network datagrid', async () => {
await click('aria/Remote Address Space, unchecked');
await step('Wait for the Remote Address Space column to have the expected values', async () => {
const expectedValues = JSON.stringify(['Remote Address Space', 'Local', 'Local']);
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const remoteAddressSpaceValues = await frontend.$$eval(
cells => cells.map(element => element.textContent),
return JSON.stringify(remoteAddressSpaceValues) === expectedValues;
it('indicates resources from the web bundle in the size column', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('resources-from-webbundle.html');
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(3);
await waitForElementWithTextContent(`(Web Bundle)${formatByteSize(27)}`);
const getNetworkRequestSize = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.size-column')).slice(2, 4).map(node => node.textContent);
assert.sameMembers(await getNetworkRequestSize(), [
`(Web Bundle)${formatByteSize(27)}`,
it('shows web bundle metadata error in the status column', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('resources-from-webbundle-with-bad-metadata.html');
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(3);
await waitForElementWithTextContent('Web Bundle error');
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const [nameColumn, statusColumn] = await frontend.evaluate(() => {
return [
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.name-column')).map(node => node.textContent),
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.status-column')).map(node => node.textContent),
const webBundleStatus = statusColumn[nameColumn.indexOf('webbundle_bad_metadata.wbn/test/e2e/resources/network')];
const webBundleInnerRequestStatus =
return webBundleStatus === 'Web Bundle error' &&
(webBundleInnerRequestStatus === '(failed)net::ERR_INVALID_WEB_BUNDLE' ||
// There's a race in the renderer where the subresource request will
// be canceled if it hasn't finished before parsing the metadata failed.
webBundleInnerRequestStatus === '(canceled)');
it('shows web bundle inner request error in the status column', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('resources-from-webbundle-with-bad-inner-request.html');
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(3);
await waitForElementWithTextContent('Web Bundle error');
const getNetworkRequestSize = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.status-column')).slice(2, 4).map(node => node.textContent);
assert.sameMembers(await getNetworkRequestSize(), ['200OK', 'Web Bundle error']);
it('shows web bundle icons', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('resources-from-webbundle.html');
await setCacheDisabled(true);
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(3);
await waitFor('.name-column > [role="link"] > .icon');
const getNetworkRequestIcons = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.name-column > .icon'))
.slice(1, 4)
.map(node => (node as HTMLDivElement).title);
assert.sameMembers(await getNetworkRequestIcons(), [
const getFromWebBundleIcons = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.name-column > [role="link"] > .icon'))
.map(node => (node as HTMLDivElement).title);
assert.sameMembers(await getFromWebBundleIcons(), [
'Served from Web Bundle',
it('shows preserved pending requests as unknown', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('send_beacon_on_unload.html');
await setCacheDisabled(true);
await target.bringToFront();
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await frontend.bringToFront();
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(1);
await setPersistLog(true);
await navigateToNetworkTab('fetch.html');
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(1);
// We need to wait for the network log to update.
await waitForFunction(async () => {
const {status} = await getRequestRowInfo(frontend, 'sendBeacon');
// Depending on timing of the reporting, the status infomation (404) might reach DevTools in time.
return (status === '(unknown)' || status === '404Not Found');
it('repeats xhr request on "r" shortcut when the request is focused', async () => {
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('xhr.html');
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
await selectRequestByName('image.svg');
await waitForSelectedRequestChange(null);
await pressKey('r');
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(3);
const updatedRequestNames = await getAllRequestNames();
assert.deepStrictEqual(updatedRequestNames, ['xhr.html', 'image.svg', 'image.svg']);
it('displays focused background color when request is selected via keyboard navigation', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await navigateToNetworkTab('xhr.html');
await target.reload({waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
await selectRequestByName('xhr.html');
await pressKey('ArrowDown');
const getSelectedRequestBgColor = () => frontend.evaluate(() => {
return document.querySelector('.network-log-grid tbody tr.selected')?.getAttribute('style');
assert.deepStrictEqual(await getSelectedRequestBgColor(), 'background-color: var(--color-grid-focus-selected);');
it('shows the request panel when clicked during a websocket message (https://crbug.com/1222382)', async () => {
await navigateToNetworkTab('websocket.html?infiniteMessages=true');
await waitForSomeRequestsToAppear(2);
// WebSocket messages get sent every 100 milliseconds, so holding the mouse
// down for 300 milliseconds should suffice.
await selectRequestByName('localhost', {delay: 300});
await waitFor('.network-item-view');
it('shows the main service worker request as complete', async () => {
const {target, frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
const promises = [
waitForFunction(async () => {
const {status, type} = await getRequestRowInfo(frontend, 'service-worker.html/test/e2e/resources/network');
return status === '200OK' && type === 'document';
waitForFunction(async () => {
const {status, type} =
await getRequestRowInfo(frontend, '⚙ service-worker.jslocalhost/test/e2e/resources/network');
return status === 'Finished' && type === 'script';
await navigateToNetworkTab('service-worker.html');
await target.waitForSelector('xpath///div[@id="content" and text()="pong"]');
await Promise.all(promises);