[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ede80531dd1de9e08832801a51dc97e8d7705811 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const path = require('path');
const parseURL = require('url').parse;
const promisify = require('util').promisify;
const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;
const remoteDebuggingPort = parseInt(process.env.REMOTE_DEBUGGING_PORT, 10) || 9222;
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10);
const requestedPort = port || port === 0 ? port : 8090;
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);
const exists = promisify(fs.exists);
let pathToOutTargetDir = __dirname;
* If we are in the gen directory, we need to find the out/Default folder to use
* as our base to find files from. We could do this with path.join(x, '..',
* '..') until we get the right folder, but that's brittle. It's better to
* search up for the directory containing args.gn to be robust to any folder structures.
const fileSystemRootDirectory = path.parse(process.cwd()).root;
while (!fs.existsSync(path.join(pathToOutTargetDir, 'args.gn'))) {
pathToOutTargetDir = path.resolve(pathToOutTargetDir, '..');
if (pathToOutTargetDir === fileSystemRootDirectory) {
'Could not find the build root directory. You must run the hosted server from within the build root directory containing the args.gn file for it to work. The hosted mode server only works on the built output from DevTools, not from the source input.');
// We care about everything in the gen/ directory.
const devtoolsFolder = path.resolve(path.join(pathToOutTargetDir, 'gen'));
// The certificate is taken from
// https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/tools/apache_config/webkit-httpd.pem
const options = {
key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/cert.pem'),
const server = https.createServer(options, requestHandler);
server.once('error', error => {
if (process.send) {
throw error;
server.once('listening', () => {
// If port 0 was used, then requested and actual port will be different.
const actualPort = server.address().port;
if (process.send) {
console.log(`Started hosted mode server at http://localhost:${actualPort}\n`);
console.log('For info on using the hosted mode server, see our contributing docs:');
console.log('Tip: Look for the \'Development server options\' section\n');
const wss = new WebSocketServer({server});
wss.on('connection', ws => {
ws.on('message', (message, binary) => {
ws.send(message, {binary});
let delayResolve = null;
async function requestHandler(request, response) {
const url = parseURL(request.url);
const filePath = unescape(url.pathname);
if (url.search === '?send_delayed' && delayResolve) {
delayResolve = null;
if (filePath === '/') {
const landingURL = `http://localhost:${remoteDebuggingPort}#custom=true`;
sendResponse(200, `<html>Please go to <a href="${landingURL}">${landingURL}</a></html>`, 'utf8');
const absoluteFilePath = path.join(devtoolsFolder, filePath);
if (!path.resolve(absoluteFilePath).startsWith(path.join(devtoolsFolder, '..'))) {
console.log(`File requested (${absoluteFilePath}) is outside of devtools folder: ${devtoolsFolder}`);
sendResponse(403, `403 - Access denied. File requested is outside of devtools folder: ${devtoolsFolder}`, 'utf8');
const fileExists = await exists(absoluteFilePath);
if (!fileExists) {
console.log(`Cannot find file ${absoluteFilePath}. Requested URL: ${filePath}`);
sendResponse(404, '404 - File not found', 'utf8');
let statusCode, data, headers;
const headersFileExists = await exists(absoluteFilePath + '.headers');
if (headersFileExists) {
try {
const headersFile = await readFile(absoluteFilePath + '.headers', 'utf8');
({statusCode, headers} = parseRawResponse(headersFile));
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Unable to read local file ${absoluteFilePath}.headers:`, err);
sendResponse(500, '500 - Internal Server Error', 'utf8');
let encoding = 'utf8';
if (absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.wasm') || absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.png') || absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.jpg') ||
absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.avif') || absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.wbn') || absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.dwp') ||
absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.dwo')) {
encoding = 'binary';
try {
data = await readFile(absoluteFilePath, encoding);
if (absoluteFilePath.endsWith('.rawresponse')) {
({statusCode, data, headers} = parseRawResponse(data));
sendResponse(statusCode || 200, data, encoding, headers);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Unable to read local file ${absoluteFilePath}:`, err);
sendResponse(500, '500 - Internal Server Error', 'utf8');
function inferContentType(url) {
const path = parseURL(url).pathname;
if (path.endsWith('.js') || path.endsWith('.mjs')) {
return 'text/javascript; charset=utf-8';
if (path.endsWith('.css')) {
return 'text/css; charset=utf-8';
if (path.endsWith('.wasm')) {
return 'application/wasm';
if (path.endsWith('.svg')) {
return 'image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8';
if (path.endsWith('.png')) {
return 'image/png';
if (path.endsWith('.jpg')) {
return 'image/jpg';
if (path.endsWith('.avif')) {
return 'image/avif';
return null;
async function sendResponse(statusCode, data, encoding, headers) {
if (url.search === '?delay') {
delayPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
delayResolve = resolve;
await delayPromise;
if (!headers) {
headers = new Map();
if (!headers.get('Content-Type')) {
const inferredContentType = inferContentType(request.url);
if (inferredContentType) {
headers.set('Content-Type', inferredContentType);
if (!headers.get('Cache-Control')) {
// Lets reduce Disk I/O by allowing clients to cache resources.
// This is fine to do given that test invocations run against fresh Chrome profiles.
headers.set('Cache-Control', 'max-age=3600');
if (!headers.get('Access-Control-Allow-Origin')) {
// The DevTools frontend in hosted-mode uses regular fetch to get source maps etc.
// Disable CORS only for the DevTools frontend, not for resource/target pages.
// Since Chrome will cache resources, we have to indicate that CORS can still vary
// based on the origin that made the request. E.g. the target page loads a script first
// but then DevTools also wants to load it. In the former, we disallow cross-origin requests by default,
// while for the latter we allow it.
const requestedByDevTools = request.headers.origin?.includes('devtools-frontend.test');
if (requestedByDevTools) {
headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request.headers.origin);
headers.set('Vary', 'Origin');
headers.forEach((value, header) => {
response.setHeader(header, value);
const waitBeforeHeaders = parseInt(url.searchParams?.get('waitBeforeHeaders'), 10);
if (!isNaN(waitBeforeHeaders)) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitBeforeHeaders));
if (data && encoding) {
const waitBetweenChunks = parseInt(url.searchParams?.get('waitBetweenChunks'), 10);
const numChunks = parseInt(url.searchParams?.get('numChunks'), 10);
const chunkSize = isNaN(numChunks) ? data.length : data.length / numChunks;
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += chunkSize) {
if (!isNaN(waitBetweenChunks)) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitBetweenChunks));
const chunk = data.subarray ? data.subarray(i, i + chunkSize) : data.substring(i, i + chunkSize);
response.write(chunk, encoding);
function parseRawResponse(rawResponse) {
const newline = '\n';
const lines = rawResponse.split(newline);
let isHeader = true;
let line = lines.shift();
const statusCode = parseInt(line, 10);
const headers = new Map();
let data = '';
while ((line = lines.shift()) !== undefined) {
if (line.trim() === '') {
if (!isHeader) {
// The first empty line should be omitted as it indicates the transition from headers to body.
// All those that follow should be included in the response body.
data += line + newline;
isHeader = false;
if (request.headers['if-none-match'] && response.getHeader('ETag') === request.headers['if-none-match']) {
return {statusCode: 304};
if (isHeader) {
const firstColon = line.indexOf(':');
let headerValue = line.substring(firstColon + 1).trim();
headerValue = headerValue.replace('$host_port', `${server.address().port}`);
headers.set(line.substring(0, firstColon), headerValue);
} else {
data += line + newline;
return {statusCode, data, headers};