[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 3ef252877dd7391137de4bbec66fb1971225eaf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as EnvironmentHelpers from '../../../../../test/unittests/front_end/helpers/EnvironmentHelpers.js';
import * as TimelineHelpers from '../../../../../test/unittests/front_end/helpers/TimelineHelpers.js';
import * as TraceHelpers from '../../../../../test/unittests/front_end/helpers/TraceHelpers.js';
import * as PerfUI from '../../../legacy/components/perf_ui/perf_ui.js';
import * as ComponentSetup from '../../helpers/helpers.js';
import type * as Platform from '../../../../core/platform/platform.js';
import * as TraceEngine from '../../../../models/trace/trace.js';
await EnvironmentHelpers.initializeGlobalVars();
await ComponentSetup.ComponentServerSetup.setup();
* Render a basic flame chart with 3 events on the same level
function renderExample1() {
class FakeProviderWithBasicEvents extends TimelineHelpers.FakeFlameChartProvider {
override timelineData(): PerfUI.FlameChart.FlameChartTimelineData|null {
return PerfUI.FlameChart.FlameChartTimelineData.create({
entryLevels: [1, 1, 1],
entryStartTimes: [5, 60, 80],
entryTotalTimes: [50, 10, 10],
groups: [{
name: 'Test Group' as Platform.UIString.LocalizedString,
startLevel: 1,
style: {
height: 17,
padding: 4,
collapsible: false,
color: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'grey',
nestingLevel: 0,
itemsHeight: 17,
const container = document.querySelector('div#container1');
if (!container) {
throw new Error('No container');
const delegate = new TraceHelpers.MockFlameChartDelegate();
const dataProvider = new FakeProviderWithBasicEvents();
const flameChart = new PerfUI.FlameChart.FlameChart(dataProvider, delegate);
flameChart.setWindowTimes(0, 100);
* Render a flame chart with main thread long events to stripe and a warning triangle.
function renderExample2() {
class FakeProviderWithLongTasksForStriping extends TimelineHelpers.FakeFlameChartProvider {
override timelineData(): PerfUI.FlameChart.FlameChartTimelineData|null {
return PerfUI.FlameChart.FlameChartTimelineData.create({
entryLevels: [1, 1, 2],
entryStartTimes: [5, 80, 5],
entryTotalTimes: [70, 10, 80],
entryDecorations: [
type: 'CANDY',
startAtTime: TraceEngine.Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(50_000),
type: 'CANDY',
startAtTime: TraceEngine.Types.Timing.MicroSeconds(50_000),
groups: [{
name: 'Testing Candy Stripe decorations and warning triangles' as Platform.UIString.LocalizedString,
startLevel: 1,
style: {
height: 17,
padding: 4,
collapsible: false,
color: 'black',
backgroundColor: 'grey',
nestingLevel: 0,
itemsHeight: 17,
const container = document.querySelector('div#container2');
if (!container) {
throw new Error('No container');
const delegate = new TraceHelpers.MockFlameChartDelegate();
const dataProvider = new FakeProviderWithLongTasksForStriping();
const flameChart = new PerfUI.FlameChart.FlameChart(dataProvider, delegate);
flameChart.setWindowTimes(0, 100);