[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: cb2b1d4b89722c6dea744689f2e667291201053b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
devtools_test_files = [
application_templates = [ "front_end/entrypoint_template.html" ]
devtools_applications = [
gen_generated_applications_js = []
applications_js = []
foreach(application, devtools_applications) {
applications_js += [ "entrypoints/$application/$application.js" ]
gen_generated_applications_js +=
[ "$target_gen_dir/front_end/entrypoints/$application/$application.js" ]
non_autostart_non_remote_modules = [
gen_non_autostart_non_remote_modules = []
foreach(module_file, non_autostart_non_remote_modules) {
gen_non_autostart_non_remote_modules +=
[ "$target_gen_dir/front_end/$module_file" ]
devtools_frontend_resources_deps = [
group("devtools_all_files") {
testonly = true
data = all_devtools_files
data += [
# This enables us to test bots with whitespace changes.
data_deps = devtools_frontend_resources_deps
public_deps = [ "front_end/ui/components/docs" ]
group("devtools_frontend_resources") {
public_deps = devtools_frontend_resources_deps
deps = [ ":assert_grd" ]
group("generate_devtools_inspector_overlay_resources") {
public_deps = [ "inspector_overlay:build_inspector_overlay" ]
action("assert_grd") {
script = "scripts/build/assert_grd.py"
deps = [
inputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/expected_grd_files.json", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/input_grd_files.json", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/assert_grd.stamp", root_build_dir),
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/assert_grd.stamp" ]
_expected_grd_files = []
_expected_grd_files += grd_files_release_sources
if (is_debug) {
_expected_grd_files += grd_files_debug_sources
generated_file("expected_grd_files") {
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/expected_grd_files.json" ]
contents = _expected_grd_files
output_conversion = "json"
generated_file("input_grd_files") {
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/input_grd_files.json" ]
data_keys = [ "grd_files" ]
output_conversion = "json"
rebase = target_gen_dir
deps = [
_compressable_grd_files = filter_include(_expected_grd_files,
if (!is_debug) {
node_action("compress") {
script = "scripts/build/compress_files.js"
public_deps = [ ":devtools_frontend_resources" ]
sources = []
foreach(_grd_file, _compressable_grd_files) {
sources += [ "$target_gen_dir/$_grd_file" ]
response_file_contents = rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
outputs = []
foreach(_grd_file, _compressable_grd_files) {
outputs += [
args = [
} else {
not_needed([ "_compressable_grd_files" ])
action("generate_devtools_grd") {
script = "scripts/build/generate_devtools_grd.py"
response_file_contents = rebase_path(_expected_grd_files, "front_end")
outfile = "$target_gen_dir/front_end/devtools_resources.grd"
outputs = [ outfile ]
args = [
rebase_path(outfile, root_build_dir),
inputs = []
if (is_debug) {
deps = [ ":devtools_frontend_resources" ]
foreach(_grd_file, _expected_grd_files) {
inputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/$_grd_file" ]
} else {
deps = [ ":compress" ]
foreach(_grd_file, _expected_grd_files) {
inputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/$_grd_file" ]
foreach(_grd_file, _compressable_grd_files) {
inputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/$_grd_file.compressed" ]
# Compression is slow, particularly in debug builds, so only compress in
# non-debug builds.
args += [ "--compress" ]
build_release_devtools_args = []
if (!is_debug) {
build_release_devtools_args += [ "--rollup" ]
action("build_release_devtools") {
script = "scripts/build/build_release_applications.py"
helper_scripts = [
deps = [ "front_end" ]
inputs = helper_scripts + all_devtools_files + devtools_test_files +
outputs = gen_generated_applications_js + gen_non_autostart_non_remote_modules
args = devtools_applications + [
rebase_path("front_end", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/front_end", root_build_dir),
] + build_release_devtools_args
metadata = {
grd_files = outputs