[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: db7e3414dc3434ba7db2d817f230b36514b5facc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("front_end") {
public_deps = [
group("legacy_test-resources") {
public_deps = [
group("legacy_css") {
public_deps = [
group("legacy_entrypoints") {
public_deps = [
ts_library("shell") {
no_emit = true
sources = [ "shell.js" ]
deps = [
ts_library("devtools_app") {
no_emit = true
sources = [ "devtools_app.js" ]
deps = [
ts_library("inspector") {
no_emit = true
sources = [ "inspector.js" ]
deps = [
ts_library("js_app") {
no_emit = true
sources = [ "js_app.js" ]
deps = [
ts_library("ndb_app") {
no_emit = true
sources = [ "ndb_app.js" ]
deps = [
ts_library("node_app") {
no_emit = true
sources = [ "node_app.js" ]
deps = [
devtools_entrypoint("toolbox") {
entrypoint = "toolbox.ts"
deps = [
ts_library("worker_app") {
no_emit = true
sources = [ "worker_app.js" ]
deps = [
group("integration_test_runner") {
public_deps = [
data_deps = public_deps
copy_sources_to_resources("integration_test_runner-resources") {
sources = [ "integration_test_runner.html" ]
copy_to_gen("integration_test_runner-gen") {
sources = [ "integration_test_runner.html" ]
node_action("html_entrypoints-generation") {
inputs = [ "entrypoint_template.html" ]
script = "scripts/build/generate_html_entrypoint.js"
args = [
rebase_path("entrypoint_template.html", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(target_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
outputs = [
copy("html_entrypoints") {
sources = [
outputs = [ "$resources_out_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
public_deps = [ ":html_entrypoints-generation" ]
data_deps = [ ":html_entrypoints-generation" ]
group("embedder-scripts") {
public_deps = [
copy_sources_to_resources("resources-embedder-scripts") {
sources = [
copy_to_gen("gen-embedder-scripts") {
sources = [
# This target is used to perform checks on all generated `.d.ts` files.
# Previously we would only run these checks when `is_debug=false`, but
# this complicated debugging. Therefore, this target now always perform
# the check, but we only check the `.d.ts` files once (rather than for
# every single defined `ts_library`).
# Whenever a folder is fully checked by the TypeScript compiler, add
# the folder to the `deps` of this target AND add a corresponding
# `import`-statement to the `verification.ts` file. Without adding
# the `import`-statement, TypeScript will be "smart" and ignore all
# declaration files it doesn't have to use.
ts_library("ts_library-verification") {
verify_lib_check = true
sources = [ "verification.ts" ]
deps = [