[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: e656d244c77baa68273ebe27b7e123c56b232f08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as path from 'path';
* `path.dirname` does not include trailing slashes. If we would always
* use `path.dirname` and then later perform comparisons on the paths that
* it returns, we could run into false positives. For example, given the
* the following two paths:
* front_end/timeline_model/TimelineModel.js
* front_end/timeline/Timeline.js
* And that would have the following values for `path.dirname`:
* front_end/timeline_model
* front_end/timeline
* If we would do a simple `.startswith` on the `path.dirname` of both of
* these paths, then the first path would start with the dirname of the
* second. However, they *are* part of different folders. To fix that problem,
* we need to force a path separator after each folder. That makes sure we
* and up with the following comparison of path dirnames:
* front_end/timeline_model/
* front_end/timeline/
* Now, the first path does *not* start with the second one, as expected.
* @param {string} file
* @return {string}
function dirnameWithSeparator(file) {
return path.dirname(file) + path.sep;
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default {
treeshake: false,
context: 'self',
output: {
format: 'esm',
(() => {
return {
name: 'devtools-plugin',
buildStart(options) {
let inputFile = options.input;
if (Array.isArray(inputFile)) {
if (inputFile.length !== 1) {
throw new Error(`Invalid multiple inputs: ${JSON.stringify(inputFile)}`);
inputFile = inputFile[0];
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid input file type specified: ${JSON.stringify(options.input)}`);
* @param {string} source
* @param {string} importer
resolveId(source, importer) {
if (!importer) {
return null;
const currentDirectory = path.normalize(dirnameWithSeparator(importer));
const importedFilelocation = path.normalize(path.join(currentDirectory, source));
const importedFileDirectory = dirnameWithSeparator(importedFilelocation);
// Generated files are part of other directories, as they are only imported once
if (path.basename(importedFileDirectory) === 'generated') {
return null;
// An import is considered external (and therefore a separate
// bundle) if its filename matches its immediate parent's folder
// name (without the extension). For example:
// import * as Components from './components/components.js' = external
// import * as UI from '../ui/ui.js' = external
// import * as LitHtml from '../third_party/lit-html/lit-html.js' = external
// import {DataGrid} from './components/DataGrid.js' = not external
// import * as Components from './components/foo.js' = not external
// We currently still have to import third_party packages and put them in separate
// folders with the `module.json` files.
// Note that we can't do a simple check for only `third_party`, as in Chromium
// our full path is `third_party/devtools-frontend/src/`, which thus *always*
// includes third_party. It also not possible to use the current directory
// as a check for the import, as the import will be different in Chromium and
// would therefore not match the path of `__dirname`.
// These should be removed because the new heuristic _should_ deal with these
// e.g. it'll pick up third_party/lit-html/lit-html.js is its own entrypoint
// Our heuristic for deciding if an import is external (and
// therefore a separate bundle) works for most third_party
// imports; e.g. it correctly detects that
// 'third_party/lit-html/lit-html.js' is its own bundle. However
// due to the structure of Acorn and the fact that it's many files
// that augment the Acorn module, we can't apply the same logic to
// any Acorn files, so we special case Acorn here to make sure
// that we treat acorn.js correctly.
if (importedFileDirectory.includes(path.join('front_end', 'third_party', 'acorn')) &&
// Note that we have to include the path.sep for `acorn`, as there are multiple packages
// in `third_party` that start with `acorn-`
dirnameWithSeparator(path.join('front_end', 'third_party', 'acorn', 'acorn.js')))) {
return null;
// Puppeteer has dynamic imports in its build gated on an ifNode
// flag, but our Rollup config doesn't know about that and tries
// to parse dynamic import('fs'). Let's ignore Puppeteer for now.
// The long term plan is probably for Puppeteer to ship a web
// bundle anyway. See go/pptr-agnostify for details.
if (importedFileDirectory.includes(path.join('front_end', 'third_party', 'puppeteer'))) {
return null;
// The CodeMirror addons look like bundles (addon/comment/comment.js) but are not.
if (importedFileDirectory.includes(path.join('front_end', 'third_party', 'codemirror', 'package'))) {
return null;
const importedFileName = path.basename(importedFilelocation, '.js');
const importedFileParentDirectory = path.basename(path.dirname(importedFilelocation));
const isExternal = importedFileName === importedFileParentDirectory;
return {
id: importedFilelocation,
external: isExternal,