[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 541cb1ef872995edeb75749c0cea975e29024ba7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const glob = require('glob');
const fs = require('fs');
const {getTestRunnerConfigSetting, requireTestRunnerConfigSetting} = require('../scripts/test/test_config_helpers.js');
// To make sure that any leftover JavaScript files (e.g. that were outputs from now-removed tests)
// aren't incorrectly included, we glob for the TypeScript files instead and use that
// to instruct Mocha to run the output JavaScript file.
const testRunnerCWDConfig = requireTestRunnerConfigSetting('cwd');
const testRunnerTestSourceDirConfig = requireTestRunnerConfigSetting('test-suite-source-dir');
function createMochaConfig({suiteName, extraMochaConfig = {}}) {
const ROOT_DIRECTORY = path.join(testRunnerCWDConfig, testRunnerTestSourceDirConfig);
const allTestFiles = glob.sync(path.join(ROOT_DIRECTORY, '**/*_test.ts'));
* TODO(jacktfranklin): once we are migrated to the new test runner, we can remove the fallback to process.env['TESET_PATTERNS']
* alexrudenko: Note that if TEST_PATTERNS is removed, the docs for running stressor (deflake) bots should be updated
* and the bots should be able to consume custom config files provided via `git cl try`.
const customPattern = getTestRunnerConfigSetting('test-file-pattern', process.env['TEST_PATTERNS']);
const testFiles = !customPattern ? allTestFiles :
.map(pattern => glob.sync(pattern, {absolute: true, cwd: ROOT_DIRECTORY}))
.filter(filename => allTestFiles.includes(filename));
if (customPattern && testFiles.length === 0) {
throw new Error(
`\nNo test found matching custom pattern ${customPattern}.` +
` Use a relative path from test/${suiteName}/.`);
const testSuitePath = requireTestRunnerConfigSetting('test-suite-path');
const target = getTestRunnerConfigSetting('target');
const spec = testFiles.map(fileName => {
* We take the source file, change its extension to .js, and then we need to
* find its location in out/TARGET. To do that we can remove the
* ROOT_DIRECTORY part from the file path, and then prepend it with
* test-suite-path (which is relative to out/TARGET), to get our full path
* to the compiled output.
* We have to split ROOT_DIRECTORY on path.sep and join with POSIX
* separator because even on Windows machines the results of glob.sync
* come back with POSIX seperators. Therefore, to be able to replace the
* ROOT_DIRECTORY in that path, we need it to have POSIX seperators else
* it won't match.
const rootDirectoryWithPosixSeps = ROOT_DIRECTORY.split(path.sep).join('/');
const renamedFile = fileName.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js').replace(rootDirectoryWithPosixSeps, '');
const generatedFile = path.join('out', target, testSuitePath, renamedFile);
if (!fs.existsSync(generatedFile)) {
throw new Error(`\n\nERROR RUNNING TESTS:\nTest file missing in "ts_library": ${generatedFile}.
Did you forget to add ${path.relative(process.cwd(), fileName)} to a BUILD.gn?\n`);
return generatedFile;
// We pull the timeout out of the extra mocha config, because whilst we want
// to override the default if it is provided, we don't want to override it if
// in DEBUG mode, where we set the timeout to 0.
const {timeout: extraMochaConfigTimeout, ...restOfExtraMochaConfig} = extraMochaConfig;
// When we are debugging, we don't want to timeout any test. This allows to inspect the state
// of the application at the moment of the timeout. Here, 0 denotes "indefinite timeout".
const timeout = process.env['DEBUG_TEST'] ? 0 : (extraMochaConfigTimeout || 5 * 1000);
const jobs = Number(process.env['JOBS']) || 1;
const parallel = !process.env['DEBUG_TEST'] && jobs > 1;
return {
require: [path.join(__dirname, 'conductor', 'mocha_hooks.js'), 'source-map-support/register'],
reporter: path.join(__dirname, 'shared', 'mocha-resultsdb-reporter'),
module.exports = {createMochaConfig};