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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import * as Common from '../../core/common/common.js';
import * as i18n from '../../core/i18n/i18n.js';
import * as UI from '../../ui/legacy/legacy.js';
import type * as InspectorMain from './inspector_main.js';
const UIStrings = {
* @description Title of the Rendering tool. The rendering tool is a collection of settings that
* lets the user debug the rendering (i.e. how the website is drawn onto the screen) of the
* website.
* https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/evaluate-performance/reference#rendering
rendering: 'Rendering',
* @description Command for showing the 'Rendering' tool
showRendering: 'Show Rendering',
* @description Command Menu search query that points to the Rendering tool. This refers to the
* process of drawing pixels onto the screen (called painting).
paint: 'paint',
* @description Command Menu search query that points to the Rendering tool. Layout is a phase of
* rendering a website where the browser calculates where different elements in the website will go
* on the screen.
layout: 'layout',
* @description Command Menu search query that points to the Rendering tool. 'fps' is an acronym
* for 'Frames per second'. It is in lowercase here because the search box the user will type this
* into is case-insensitive. If there is an equivalent acronym/shortening in the target language
* then a translation would be appropriate, otherwise it can be left in English.
fps: 'fps',
* @description Command Menu search query that points to the Rendering tool.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media#media_types. This is something the user
* might type in to search for the setting to change the CSS media type.
cssMediaType: 'CSS media type',
* @description Command Menu search query that points to the Rendering tool.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media#media_features This is something the
* user might type in to search for the setting to change the value of various CSS media features.
cssMediaFeature: 'CSS media feature',
* @description Command Menu search query that points to the Rendering tool. Possible search term
* when the user wants to find settings related to visual impairment e.g. blurry vision, blindness.
visionDeficiency: 'vision deficiency',
* @description Command Menu search query that points to the Rendering tool. Possible search term
* when the user wants to find settings related to color vision deficiency/color blindness.
colorVisionDeficiency: 'color vision deficiency',
* @description Title of an action that reloads the inspected page.
reloadPage: 'Reload page',
* @description Title of an action that 'hard' reloads the inspected page. A hard reload also
* clears the browser's cache, forcing it to reload the most recent version of the page.
hardReloadPage: 'Hard reload page',
* @description Title of a setting under the Network category in Settings. All ads on the site will
* be blocked (the setting is forced on).
forceAdBlocking: 'Force ad blocking on this site',
* @description A command available in the command menu to block all ads on the current site.
blockAds: 'Block ads on this site',
* @description A command available in the command menu to disable ad blocking on the current site.
showAds: 'Show ads on this site, if allowed',
* @description A command available in the command menu to automatically open DevTools when
* webpages create new popup windows.
autoOpenDevTools: 'Auto-open DevTools for popups',
* @description A command available in the command menu to stop automatically opening DevTools when
* webpages create new popup windows.
doNotAutoOpen: 'Do not auto-open DevTools for popups',
* @description Title of a setting under the Appearance category in Settings. When the webpage is
* paused by devtools, an overlay is shown on top of the page to indicate that it is paused. The
* overlay is a pause/unpause button and some text, which appears on top of the paused page. This
* setting turns off this overlay.
disablePaused: 'Disable paused state overlay',
* @description Title of an action that toggle
* "forces CSS prefers-color-scheme" color
toggleCssPrefersColorSchemeMedia: 'Toggle CSS media feature prefers-color-scheme',
const str_ = i18n.i18n.registerUIStrings('entrypoints/inspector_main/inspector_main-meta.ts', UIStrings);
const i18nLazyString = i18n.i18n.getLazilyComputedLocalizedString.bind(undefined, str_);
let loadedInspectorMainModule: (typeof InspectorMain|undefined);
async function loadInspectorMainModule(): Promise<typeof InspectorMain> {
if (!loadedInspectorMainModule) {
loadedInspectorMainModule = await import('./inspector_main.js');
return loadedInspectorMainModule;
location: UI.ViewManager.ViewLocationValues.DRAWER_VIEW,
id: 'rendering',
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.rendering),
commandPrompt: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.showRendering),
persistence: UI.ViewManager.ViewPersistence.CLOSEABLE,
order: 50,
async loadView() {
const InspectorMain = await loadInspectorMainModule();
return InspectorMain.RenderingOptions.RenderingOptionsView.instance();
tags: [
category: UI.ActionRegistration.ActionCategory.NAVIGATION,
actionId: 'inspector_main.reload',
async loadActionDelegate() {
const InspectorMain = await loadInspectorMainModule();
return InspectorMain.InspectorMain.ReloadActionDelegate.instance();
iconClass: UI.ActionRegistration.IconClass.LARGEICON_REFRESH,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.reloadPage),
bindings: [
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.WindowsLinux,
shortcut: 'Ctrl+R',
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.WindowsLinux,
shortcut: 'F5',
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.Mac,
shortcut: 'Meta+R',
category: UI.ActionRegistration.ActionCategory.NAVIGATION,
actionId: 'inspector_main.hard-reload',
async loadActionDelegate() {
const InspectorMain = await loadInspectorMainModule();
return InspectorMain.InspectorMain.ReloadActionDelegate.instance();
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.hardReloadPage),
bindings: [
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.WindowsLinux,
shortcut: 'Shift+Ctrl+R',
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.WindowsLinux,
shortcut: 'Shift+F5',
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.WindowsLinux,
shortcut: 'Ctrl+F5',
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.WindowsLinux,
shortcut: 'Ctrl+Shift+F5',
platform: UI.ActionRegistration.Platforms.Mac,
shortcut: 'Shift+Meta+R',
actionId: 'rendering.toggle-prefers-color-scheme',
category: UI.ActionRegistration.ActionCategory.RENDERING,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.toggleCssPrefersColorSchemeMedia),
async loadActionDelegate() {
const InspectorMain = await loadInspectorMainModule();
return InspectorMain.RenderingOptions.ReloadActionDelegate.instance();
category: Common.Settings.SettingCategory.NETWORK,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.forceAdBlocking),
settingName: 'network.adBlockingEnabled',
settingType: Common.Settings.SettingType.BOOLEAN,
storageType: Common.Settings.SettingStorageType.Session,
defaultValue: false,
options: [
value: true,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.blockAds),
value: false,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.showAds),
category: Common.Settings.SettingCategory.GLOBAL,
storageType: Common.Settings.SettingStorageType.Synced,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.autoOpenDevTools),
settingName: 'autoAttachToCreatedPages',
settingType: Common.Settings.SettingType.BOOLEAN,
order: 2,
defaultValue: false,
options: [
value: true,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.autoOpenDevTools),
value: false,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.doNotAutoOpen),
category: Common.Settings.SettingCategory.APPEARANCE,
storageType: Common.Settings.SettingStorageType.Synced,
title: i18nLazyString(UIStrings.disablePaused),
settingName: 'disablePausedStateOverlay',
settingType: Common.Settings.SettingType.BOOLEAN,
defaultValue: false,
async loadItem() {
const InspectorMain = await loadInspectorMainModule();
return InspectorMain.InspectorMain.NodeIndicator.instance();
order: 2,
location: UI.Toolbar.ToolbarItemLocation.MAIN_TOOLBAR_LEFT,
showLabel: undefined,
condition: undefined,
separator: undefined,
actionId: undefined,