[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: ce242f5beca95c9a20809e6ef892e85fd6fd27c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This file contains helpers to load the correct path to various scripts and
* directories. It is the Node equivalent of devtools_paths.py.
* Note that not all paths implemented in devtools_paths.py are implemented
* here. Please add any paths you need that are missing.
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
* You would think we can use __filename here but we cannot because __filename
* has any symlinks resolved. This means we can't use it to tell if the user is
* using the external repo with a standalone build setup because the symlink
* from chromium/src/third_party/devtools-frontend => devtools-frontend repo
* gets resolved by Node before it gives us __filename.
* We can use process.argv[1], which is the path to the file currently being
* executed without any symlinks resolution. If we assume that file is always in
* the devtools-frontend repository/directory, we can use that file as the
* starting point for figuring out if we're in Chromium or not. until we find
* the scripts directory, at which point we've found this file and can use it
* for all subsequent logic.
* e.g. the user executes a script: scripts/test/run_lint_check_css.js
* process.argv[1] =
* /full/path/devtools-frontend/src/scripts/test/run_lint_check_css.js
const PATH_TO_EXECUTED_FILE = process.argv[1];
const _lookUpCaches = new Map(
[['chromium', null]],
* This function figures out if we're within a chromium directory, and therefore
* we are in the integrated workflow mode, rather than working in a standalone
* devtools-frontend repository.
function isInChromiumDirectory() {
const cached = _lookUpCaches.get('chromium');
if (cached) {
return cached;
const normalizedPath = PATH_TO_EXECUTED_FILE.split(path.sep).join('/');
const devtoolsPath = 'src/third_party/devtools-frontend';
const isInChromium = normalizedPath.includes(devtoolsPath);
const potentialChromiumDir = PATH_TO_EXECUTED_FILE.substring(0, normalizedPath.indexOf(devtoolsPath));
const result = {isInChromium, chromiumDirectory: potentialChromiumDir};
_lookUpCaches.set('chromium', result);
return result;
* Returns the path to the root of the devtools-frontend repository.
* If we're in Chromium, this will be /path/to/chromium/src/third_party/devtools-frontend/src
* If it's standalone, it will be /path/to/devtools-frontend
function devtoolsRootPath() {
return path.dirname(__dirname);
* Returns the path to the root of the main repository we're in.
* if we're in Chromium, this is /path/to/chromium/src
* if we're in standalone, this is /path/to/devtools-frontend
* Note this is different to devtoolsRootPath(), which always returns the path
* to the devtools-frontend source code.
function rootPath() {
const {isInChromium, chromiumDirectory} = isInChromiumDirectory();
if (isInChromium) {
return path.join(chromiumDirectory, 'src');
return devtoolsRootPath();
* Path to the third_party directory. Used because if we're running in Chromium
* land we need to use e.g. the Node executable from Chromium's third_party
* directory, not from the devtools-frontend third_party directory.
function thirdPartyPath() {
return path.join(rootPath(), 'third_party');
function nodePath() {
const paths = {
'darwin': path.join('mac', 'node-darwin-x64', 'bin', 'node'),
'linux': path.join('linux', 'node-linux-x64', 'bin', 'node'),
'win32': path.join('win', 'node.exe'),
return path.join(thirdPartyPath(), 'node', paths[os.platform()]);
* The path to the devtools-frontend node_modules folder.
function nodeModulesPath() {
return path.join(devtoolsRootPath(), 'node_modules');
function stylelintExecutablePath() {
return path.join(nodeModulesPath(), 'stylelint', 'bin', 'stylelint.js');
function mochaExecutablePath() {
return path.join(nodeModulesPath(), 'mocha', 'bin', 'mocha');
function downloadedChromeBinaryPath() {
const paths = {
'linux': path.join('chrome-linux', 'chrome'),
'darwin': path.join('chrome-mac', 'Chromium.app', 'Contents', 'MacOS', 'Chromium'),
'win32': path.join('chrome-win', 'chrome.exe'),
return path.join(thirdPartyPath(), 'chrome', paths[os.platform()]);
module.exports = {