[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 4661433016825ccc3811c27ddfd9f08d468d2fc0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert, AssertionError} from 'chai';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
import {getDevToolsFrontendHostname, reloadDevTools} from '../conductor/hooks.js';
import {getBrowserAndPages, getTestServerPort} from '../conductor/puppeteer-state.js';
import {getTestRunnerConfigSetting} from '../conductor/test_runner_config.js';
import {AsyncScope} from './async-scope.js';
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
interface Window {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
__pendingEvents: Map<string, Event[]>;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
__getRenderCoordinatorPendingFrames(): number;
export type Platform = 'mac'|'win32'|'linux';
export let platform: Platform;
switch (os.platform()) {
case 'darwin':
platform = 'mac';
case 'win32':
platform = 'win32';
platform = 'linux';
// TODO: Remove once Chromium updates its version of Node.js to 12+.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const globalThis: any = global;
* Returns an {x, y} position within the element identified by the selector within the root.
* By default the position is the center of the bounding box. If the element's bounding box
* extends beyond that of a containing element, this position may not correspond to the element.
* In this case, specifying maxPixelsFromLeft will constrain the returned point to be close to
* the left edge of the bounding box.
export const getElementPosition =
async (selector: string|puppeteer.ElementHandle, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, maxPixelsFromLeft?: number) => {
const rectData = await waitForFunction(async () => {
let element: puppeteer.ElementHandle;
if (typeof selector === 'string') {
element = await waitFor(selector, root);
} else {
element = selector;
return element.evaluate((element: Element) => {
if (!element) {
return {};
if (!element.isConnected) {
return undefined;
const {left, top, width, height} = element.getBoundingClientRect();
return {left, top, width, height};
if (rectData.left === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find element with selector "${selector}"`);
let pixelsFromLeft = rectData.width * 0.5;
if (maxPixelsFromLeft && pixelsFromLeft > maxPixelsFromLeft) {
pixelsFromLeft = maxPixelsFromLeft;
return {
x: rectData.left + pixelsFromLeft,
y: rectData.top + rectData.height * 0.5,
export interface ClickOptions {
root?: puppeteer.JSHandle;
clickOptions?: PuppeteerClickOptions;
maxPixelsFromLeft?: number;
interface PuppeteerClickOptions extends puppeteer.ClickOptions {
modifier?: 'ControlOrMeta';
export const click = async (selector: string|puppeteer.ElementHandle, options?: ClickOptions) => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
const clickableElement =
await getElementPosition(selector, options && options.root, options && options.maxPixelsFromLeft);
if (!clickableElement) {
throw new Error(`Unable to locate clickable element "${selector}".`);
const modifier = platform === 'mac' ? 'Meta' : 'Control';
if (options?.clickOptions?.modifier) {
await frontend.keyboard.down(modifier);
// Click on the button and wait for the console to load. The reason we use this method
// rather than elementHandle.click() is because the frontend attaches the behavior to
// a 'mousedown' event (not the 'click' event). To avoid attaching the test behavior
// to a specific event we instead locate the button in question and ask Puppeteer to
// click on it instead.
await frontend.mouse.click(clickableElement.x, clickableElement.y, options && options.clickOptions);
if (options?.clickOptions?.modifier) {
await frontend.keyboard.up(modifier);
export const doubleClick =
async (selector: string, options?: {root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, clickOptions?: puppeteer.ClickOptions}) => {
const passedClickOptions = (options && options.clickOptions) || {};
const clickOptionsWithDoubleClick: puppeteer.ClickOptions = {
clickCount: 2,
return click(selector, {
clickOptions: clickOptionsWithDoubleClick,
export const typeText = async (text: string) => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.keyboard.type(text);
export const pressKey =
async (key: puppeteer.KeyInput, modifiers?: {control?: boolean, alt?: boolean, shift?: boolean}) => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
if (modifiers) {
if (modifiers.control) {
if (platform === 'mac') {
// Use command key on mac
await frontend.keyboard.down('Meta');
} else {
await frontend.keyboard.down('Control');
if (modifiers.alt) {
await frontend.keyboard.down('Alt');
if (modifiers.shift) {
await frontend.keyboard.down('Shift');
await frontend.keyboard.press(key);
if (modifiers) {
if (modifiers.shift) {
await frontend.keyboard.up('Shift');
if (modifiers.alt) {
await frontend.keyboard.up('Alt');
if (modifiers.control) {
if (platform === 'mac') {
// Use command key on mac
await frontend.keyboard.up('Meta');
} else {
await frontend.keyboard.up('Control');
export const pasteText = async (text: string) => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.keyboard.sendCharacter(text);
// Get a single element handle. Uses `pierce` handler per default for piercing Shadow DOM.
export const $ =
async<ElementType extends Element = Element>(selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, handler = 'pierce') => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
const rootElement = root ? root as puppeteer.ElementHandle : frontend;
const element = await rootElement.$<ElementType>(`${handler}/${selector}`);
return element;
// Get multiple element handles. Uses `pierce` handler per default for piercing Shadow DOM.
export const $$ =
async<ElementType extends Element = Element>(selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, handler = 'pierce') => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
const rootElement = root ? root.asElement() || frontend : frontend;
const elements = await rootElement.$$<ElementType>(`${handler}/${selector}`);
return elements;
* Search for an element based on its textContent.
* @param textContent The text content to search for.
* @param root The root of the search.
export const $textContent = async (textContent: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle) => {
return $(textContent, root, 'pierceShadowText');
* Search for all elements based on their textContent
* @param textContent The text content to search for.
* @param root The root of the search.
export const $$textContent = async (textContent: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle) => {
return $$(textContent, root, 'pierceShadowText');
export const timeout = (duration: number) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration));
export const waitFor = async<ElementType extends Element = Element>(
selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope(), handler?: string) => {
return await asyncScope.exec(() => waitForFunction(async () => {
const element = await $<ElementType>(selector, root, handler);
return (element || undefined);
}, asyncScope));
export const waitForMany = async (
selector: string, count: number, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope(), handler?: string) => {
return await asyncScope.exec(() => waitForFunction(async () => {
const elements = await $$(selector, root, handler);
return elements.length >= count ? elements : undefined;
}, asyncScope));
export const waitForNone =
async (selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope(), handler?: string) => {
return await asyncScope.exec(() => waitForFunction(async () => {
const elements = await $$(selector, root, handler);
if (elements.length === 0) {
return true;
return false;
}, asyncScope));
export const waitForAria = (selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope()) => {
return waitFor(selector, root, asyncScope, 'aria');
export const waitForAriaNone = (selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope()) => {
return waitForNone(selector, root, asyncScope, 'aria');
export const waitForElementWithTextContent =
(textContent: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope()) => {
return waitFor(textContent, root, asyncScope, 'pierceShadowText');
export const waitForElementsWithTextContent =
(textContent: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope()) => {
return asyncScope.exec(() => waitForFunction(async () => {
const elems = await $$textContent(textContent, root);
if (elems && elems.length) {
return elems;
return undefined;
}, asyncScope));
export const waitForNoElementsWithTextContent =
(textContent: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, asyncScope = new AsyncScope()) => {
return asyncScope.exec(() => waitForFunction(async () => {
const elems = await $$textContent(textContent, root);
if (elems && elems.length === 0) {
return true;
return false;
}, asyncScope));
export const waitForFunction = async<T>(fn: () => Promise<T|undefined>, asyncScope = new AsyncScope()): Promise<T> => {
return await asyncScope.exec(async () => {
while (true) {
if (asyncScope.isCanceled()) {
throw new Error('Test timed out');
const result = await fn();
if (result) {
return result;
await timeout(100);
export const waitForFunctionWithTries = async<T>(
fn: () => Promise<T|undefined>, options: {tries: number} = {
tries: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
asyncScope = new AsyncScope()): Promise<T|undefined> => {
return await asyncScope.exec(async () => {
let tries = 0;
while (tries++ < options.tries) {
const result = await fn();
if (result) {
return result;
await timeout(100);
return undefined;
export const waitForWithTries = async (
selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle, options: {tries: number} = {
tries: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
asyncScope = new AsyncScope(), handler?: string) => {
return await asyncScope.exec(() => waitForFunctionWithTries(async () => {
const element = await $(selector, root, handler);
return (element || undefined);
}, options, asyncScope));
export const debuggerStatement = (frontend: puppeteer.Page) => {
return frontend.evaluate(() => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-debugger
export const logToStdOut = (msg: string) => {
if (!process.send) {
pid: process.pid,
details: msg,
export const logFailure = () => {
if (!process.send) {
pid: process.pid,
details: 'failure',
export const enableExperiment = async (
experiment: string, options: {selectedPanel?: {name: string, selector?: string}, canDock?: boolean} = {}) => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.evaluate(experiment => {
// @ts-ignore
globalThis.Root.Runtime.experiments.setEnabled(experiment, true);
}, experiment);
await reloadDevTools(options);
export const setDevToolsSettings = async (settings: Record<string, string>) => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.evaluate(settings => {
for (const name in settings) {
globalThis.InspectorFrontendHost.setPreference(name, JSON.stringify(settings[name]));
}, settings);
await reloadDevTools();
export const goTo = async (url: string) => {
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
await target.goto(url);
export const overridePermissions = async (permissions: puppeteer.Permission[]) => {
const {browser} = getBrowserAndPages();
await browser.defaultBrowserContext().overridePermissions(`https://localhost:${getTestServerPort()}`, permissions);
export const clearPermissionsOverride = async () => {
const {browser} = getBrowserAndPages();
await browser.defaultBrowserContext().clearPermissionOverrides();
export const goToResource = async (path: string) => {
await goTo(`${getResourcesPath()}/${path}`);
export const goToResourceWithCustomHost = async (host: string, path: string) => {
assert.isTrue(host.endsWith('.test'), 'Only custom hosts with a .test domain are allowed.');
await goTo(`${getResourcesPath(host)}/${path}`);
export const getResourcesPath = (host: string = 'localhost') => {
let resourcesPath = getTestRunnerConfigSetting('hosted-server-e2e-resources-path', '/test/e2e/resources');
if (!resourcesPath.startsWith('/')) {
resourcesPath = `/${resourcesPath}`;
return `https://${host}:${getTestServerPort()}${resourcesPath}`;
export const step = async (description: string, step: Function) => {
try {
return await step();
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof AssertionError) {
throw new AssertionError(
`Unexpected Result in Step "${description}"
} else {
error.message += ` in Step "${description}"`;
throw error;
export const waitForAnimationFrame = async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.waitForFunction(() => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
export const activeElement = async(): Promise<puppeteer.ElementHandle> => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await waitForAnimationFrame();
return frontend.evaluateHandle(() => {
let activeElement = document.activeElement;
while (activeElement && activeElement.shadowRoot) {
activeElement = activeElement.shadowRoot.activeElement;
return activeElement;
export const activeElementTextContent = async () => {
const element = await activeElement();
return element.evaluate(node => node.textContent);
export const activeElementAccessibleName = async () => {
const element = await activeElement();
return element.evaluate(node => node.getAttribute('aria-label'));
export const tabForward = async (page?: puppeteer.Page) => {
let targetPage: puppeteer.Page;
if (page) {
targetPage = page;
} else {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
targetPage = frontend;
await targetPage.keyboard.press('Tab');
export const tabBackward = async (page?: puppeteer.Page) => {
let targetPage: puppeteer.Page;
if (page) {
targetPage = page;
} else {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
targetPage = frontend;
await targetPage.keyboard.down('Shift');
await targetPage.keyboard.press('Tab');
await targetPage.keyboard.up('Shift');
export const selectTextFromNodeToNode = async (
from: puppeteer.JSHandle|Promise<puppeteer.JSHandle>, to: puppeteer.JSHandle|Promise<puppeteer.JSHandle>,
direction: 'up'|'down') => {
const {target} = getBrowserAndPages();
// The clipboard api does not allow you to copy, unless the tab is focused.
await target.bringToFront();
return target.evaluate(async (from, to, direction) => {
const selection = from.getRootNode().getSelection();
const range = document.createRange();
if (direction === 'down') {
} else {
return navigator.clipboard.readText();
}, await from, await to, direction);
export const closePanelTab = async (panelTabSelector: string) => {
// Get close button from tab element
const selector = `${panelTabSelector} > .tabbed-pane-close-button`;
await click(selector);
await waitForNone(selector);
export const closeAllCloseableTabs = async () => {
// get all closeable tools by looking for the available x buttons on tabs
const selector = '.tabbed-pane-close-button';
const allCloseButtons = await $$(selector);
// Get all panel ids
const panelTabIds = await Promise.all(allCloseButtons.map(button => {
return button.evaluate(button => button.parentElement ? button.parentElement.id : '');
// Close each tab
for (const tabId of panelTabIds) {
const selector = `#${tabId}`;
await closePanelTab(selector);
// Noisy! Do not leave this in your test but it may be helpful
// when debugging.
export const enableCDPLogging = async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.evaluate(() => {
globalThis.ProtocolClient.test.dumpProtocol = console.log; // eslint-disable-line no-console
export const enableCDPTracking = async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.evaluate(() => {
globalThis.__messageMapForTest = new Map();
globalThis.ProtocolClient.test.onMessageSent = (message: {method: string, id: number}) => {
globalThis.__messageMapForTest.set(message.id, message.method);
globalThis.ProtocolClient.test.onMessageReceived = (message: {id?: number}) => {
if (message.id) {
export const logOutstandingCDP = async () => {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.evaluate(() => {
for (const entry of globalThis.__messageMapForTest) {
export const selectOption = async (select: puppeteer.ElementHandle<HTMLSelectElement>, value: string) => {
await select.evaluate(async (node: HTMLSelectElement, _value: string) => {
node.value = _value;
const event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
event.initEvent('change', false, true);
}, value);
export const scrollElementIntoView = async (selector: string, root?: puppeteer.JSHandle) => {
const element = await $(selector, root);
if (!element) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find element with selector "${selector}"`);
await element.evaluate(el => {
export const installEventListener = function(frontend: puppeteer.Page, eventType: string) {
return frontend.evaluate(eventType => {
if (!('__pendingEvents' in window)) {
window.__pendingEvents = new Map();
window.addEventListener(eventType, (e: Event) => {
let events = window.__pendingEvents.get(eventType);
if (!events) {
events = [];
window.__pendingEvents.set(eventType, events);
}, eventType);
export const getPendingEvents = function(frontend: puppeteer.Page, eventType: string): Promise<Event[]|undefined> {
return frontend.evaluate(eventType => {
if (!('__pendingEvents' in window)) {
return undefined;
const pendingEvents = window.__pendingEvents.get(eventType);
window.__pendingEvents.set(eventType, []);
return pendingEvents;
}, eventType);
export const hasClass = async(element: puppeteer.ElementHandle<Element>, classname: string): Promise<boolean> => {
return await element.evaluate((el, classname) => el.classList.contains(classname), classname);
export const waitForClass = async(element: puppeteer.ElementHandle<Element>, classname: string): Promise<void> => {
await waitForFunction(async () => {
return hasClass(element, classname);
* This is useful to keep TypeScript happy in a test - if you have a value
* that's potentially `null` you can use this function to assert that it isn't,
* and satisfy TypeScript that the value is present.
export function assertNotNullOrUndefined<T>(val: T): asserts val is NonNullable<T> {
if (val === null || val === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Expected given value to not be null/undefined but it was: ${val}`);
// We export Puppeteer so other test utils can import it from here and not rely
// on Node modules resolution to import it.
export {getBrowserAndPages, getDevToolsFrontendHostname, getTestServerPort, reloadDevTools, puppeteer};
export function matchString(actual: string, expected: string|RegExp): true|string {
if (typeof expected === 'string') {
if (actual !== expected) {
return `Expected item "${actual}" to equal "${expected}"`;
} else if (!expected.test(actual)) {
return `Expected item "${actual}" to match "${expected}"`;
return true;
export function matchArray<A, E>(
actual: A[], expected: E[], comparator: (actual: A, expected: E) => true | string): true|string {
if (actual.length !== expected.length) {
return `Expected [${actual.map(x => `"${x}"`).join(', ')}] to have length ${expected.length}`;
for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
const result = comparator(actual[i], expected[i]);
if (result !== true) {
return `Mismatch in row ${i}: ${result}`;
return true;
export function assertOk<Args extends unknown[]>(check: (...args: Args) => true | string) {
return (...args: Args) => {
const result = check(...args);
if (result !== true) {
throw new AssertionError(result);
export function matchTable<A, E>(
actual: A[][], expected: E[][], comparator: (actual: A, expected: E) => true | string) {
return matchArray(actual, expected, (actual, expected) => matchArray<A, E>(actual, expected, comparator));
export const matchStringArray = (actual: string[], expected: (string|RegExp)[]) =>
matchArray(actual, expected, matchString);
export const assertMatchArray = assertOk(matchStringArray);
export const matchStringTable = (actual: string[][], expected: (string|RegExp)[][]) =>
matchTable(actual, expected, matchString);
export async function renderCoordinatorQueueEmpty(): Promise<void> {
const {frontend} = getBrowserAndPages();
await frontend.evaluate(() => {
return new Promise<void>(resolve => {
const pendingFrames = globalThis.__getRenderCoordinatorPendingFrames();
if (pendingFrames < 1) {
globalThis.addEventListener('renderqueueempty', resolve, {once: true});
export async function setCheckBox(selector: string, wantChecked: boolean): Promise<void> {
const checkbox = await waitFor(selector);
const checked = await checkbox.evaluate(box => (box as HTMLInputElement).checked);
if (checked !== wantChecked) {
await click(`${selector} + label`);
assert.strictEqual(await checkbox.evaluate(box => (box as HTMLInputElement).checked), wantChecked);