[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 942eb433130df1b5d26694e37ab63b653b49180e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const {assert} = chai;
import * as SDK from '../../../../../front_end/core/sdk/sdk.js';
import type * as Protocol from '../../../../../front_end/generated/protocol.js';
import {createTarget} from '../../helpers/EnvironmentHelpers.js';
import {describeWithMockConnection} from '../../helpers/MockConnection.js';
function assertPropertValues<T>(object: T, expectedKeyValuePairs: [key: string, value: unknown][]): void {
for (const [key, value] of expectedKeyValuePairs) {
assert.propertyVal(object, key, value);
describeWithMockConnection('CSSStyleDeclaration', () => {
it('should correctly construct new CSSStyleDeclaration', () => {
const target = createTarget();
const cssModel = new SDK.CSSModel.CSSModel(target);
const stubCSSStyle = {
styleSheetId: 'STYLE_SHEET_ID' as Protocol.CSS.StyleSheetId,
cssProperties: [
name: 'margin',
value: '1px',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [
{name: 'margin-top', value: '1px'},
{name: 'margin-right', value: '1px'},
{name: 'margin-bottom', value: '1px'},
{name: 'margin-left', value: '1px'},
range: {startLine: 1, startColumn: 4, endLine: 1, endColumn: 16},
text: 'margin: 1px;',
name: 'margin-top',
value: '5px',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 2, startColumn: 4, endLine: 2, endColumn: 20},
text: 'margin-top: 5px;',
shorthandEntries: [],
cssText: '\n margin: 1px;\n margin-top: 5px;\n',
range: {startLine: 0, startColumn: 0, endLine: 3, endColumn: 0},
} as Protocol.CSS.CSSStyle;
const style = new SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.CSSStyleDeclaration(
cssModel, null, stubCSSStyle, SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.Type.Regular);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[0], [
['name', 'margin'],
['value', '1px'],
['implicit', false],
['index', 0],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[0].activeInStyle(), true);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[1], [
['name', 'margin-top'],
['value', '5px'],
['implicit', false],
['index', 1],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[1].activeInStyle(), true);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[2], [
['name', 'margin-top'],
['value', '1px'],
['implicit', true],
['index', 2],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[2].activeInStyle(), false);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[3], [
['name', 'margin-right'],
['value', '1px'],
['implicit', true],
['index', 3],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[3].activeInStyle(), true);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[4], [
['name', 'margin-bottom'],
['value', '1px'],
['implicit', true],
['index', 4],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[4].activeInStyle(), true);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[5], [
['name', 'margin-left'],
['value', '1px'],
['implicit', true],
['index', 5],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[5].activeInStyle(), true);
it('should correctly compute active and inactive declarations', () => {
const target = createTarget();
const cssModel = new SDK.CSSModel.CSSModel(target);
const stubCSSStyle = {
styleSheetId: 'STYLE_SHEET_ID' as Protocol.CSS.StyleSheetId,
cssProperties: [
name: 'margin-top',
value: '5px',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 1, startColumn: 4, endLine: 1, endColumn: 20},
text: 'margin-top: 5px;',
name: 'margin',
value: '1px',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [
{name: 'margin-top', value: '1px'},
{name: 'margin-right', value: '1px'},
{name: 'margin-bottom', value: '1px'},
{name: 'margin-left', value: '1px'},
range: {startLine: 2, startColumn: 4, endLine: 2, endColumn: 16},
text: 'margin: 1px;',
name: 'margin-left',
value: '30px',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 3, startColumn: 4, endLine: 3, endColumn: 22},
text: 'margin-left: 30px;',
name: 'margin',
value: '42px',
disabled: true,
longhandProperties: [
{name: 'margin-top', value: '42px'},
{name: 'margin-right', value: '42px'},
{name: 'margin-bottom', value: '42px'},
{name: 'margin-left', value: '42px'},
range: {startLine: 4, startColumn: 4, endLine: 4, endColumn: 23},
text: '/* margin: 42px; */',
name: 'margin-top',
value: '35px',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 5, startColumn: 4, endLine: 5, endColumn: 21},
text: 'margin-top: 35px;',
shorthandEntries: [],
'\n margin-top: 5px;\n margin: 1px;\n margin-left: 30px;\n /* margin: 42px; */\n margin-top: 35px;\n',
range: {startLine: 0, startColumn: 0, endLine: 6, endColumn: 0},
} as Protocol.CSS.CSSStyle;
const style = new SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.CSSStyleDeclaration(
cssModel, null, stubCSSStyle, SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.Type.Regular);
assert.strictEqual(style.getPropertyValue('margin'), '1px');
assert.strictEqual(style.getPropertyValue('margin-top'), '35px');
assert.strictEqual(style.getPropertyValue('margin-right'), '1px');
assert.strictEqual(style.getPropertyValue('margin-bottom'), '1px');
assert.strictEqual(style.getPropertyValue('margin-left'), '30px');
it('should use ranged declaration as the active one', () => {
const target = createTarget();
const cssModel = new SDK.CSSModel.CSSModel(target);
const stubCSSStyle = {
styleSheetId: 'STYLE_SHEET_ID' as Protocol.CSS.StyleSheetId,
cssProperties: [
name: '-webkit-background-clip',
value: 'border-box',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 0, startColumn: 0, endLine: 0, endColumn: 36},
text: '-webkit-background-clip: border-box;',
name: 'background-clip',
value: 'border-box',
shorthandEntries: [],
cssText: '-webkit-background-clip: border-box;',
range: {startLine: 0, startColumn: 0, endLine: 0, endColumn: 36},
} as Protocol.CSS.CSSStyle;
const style = new SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.CSSStyleDeclaration(
cssModel, null, stubCSSStyle, SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.Type.Regular);
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties().length, 1);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[0], [
['name', '-webkit-background-clip'],
['value', 'border-box'],
['implicit', false],
['index', 0],
assert.strictEqual(style.getPropertyValue('-webkit-background-clip'), 'border-box');
it('should parse invalid property texts while skipping comment and nested blocks', () => {
const target = createTarget();
const cssModel = new SDK.CSSModel.CSSModel(target);
const stubCSSStyle = {
styleSheetId: 'STYLE_SHEET_ID' as Protocol.CSS.StyleSheetId,
cssProperties: [
name: 'margin-top',
value: '12px',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 2, startColumn: 4, endLine: 2, endColumn: 21},
text: 'margin: 12px;',
name: 'color',
value: 'red',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 4, startColumn: 4, endLine: 4, endColumn: 15},
text: 'color: red;',
name: 'display',
value: 'grid',
disabled: false,
implicit: false,
longhandProperties: [],
range: {startLine: 9, startColumn: 4, endLine: 9, endColumn: 18},
text: 'display: grid;',
shorthandEntries: [],
'\n margin-top: 10px;\n /* some-property: 10px; */\n color: red; /* here is {\n multiline-comment}*/\n .block {\n color: blue;\n }\n display: grid; & div { color: green; }\n .block {color: yellow;} invalid.property: 1px; .block {color: white;}\n @media (min-width: 1px) {\n & div { margin-left: 10px; }\n }\n ',
range: {startLine: 1, startColumn: 11, endLine: 14, endColumn: 2},
} as Protocol.CSS.CSSStyle;
const style = new SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.CSSStyleDeclaration(
cssModel, null, stubCSSStyle, SDK.CSSStyleDeclaration.Type.Regular);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[0], [
['name', 'margin-top'],
['value', '12px'],
['implicit', false],
['index', 0],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[0].activeInStyle(), true);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[1], [
['name', 'color'],
['value', 'red'],
['implicit', false],
['index', 1],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[1].activeInStyle(), true);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[2], [
['name', 'display'],
['value', 'grid'],
['implicit', false],
['index', 2],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[2].activeInStyle(), true);
assertPropertValues(style.allProperties()[3], [
['name', 'invalid.property'],
['value', '1px'],
['parsedOk', false],
['index', 3],
assert.strictEqual(style.allProperties()[3].activeInStyle(), false);