[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 2694bc928a43b6a92f4182af0ce3502e8db57d71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const {assert} = chai;
import * as Common from '../../../../../front_end/core/common/common.js';
import * as Host from '../../../../../front_end/core/host/host.js';
import * as SDK from '../../../../../front_end/core/sdk/sdk.js';
import * as Platform from '../../../../../front_end/core/platform/platform.js';
import type * as Protocol from '../../../../../front_end/generated/protocol.js';
import {createTarget, describeWithEnvironment, describeWithLocale} from '../../helpers/EnvironmentHelpers.js';
import {describeWithMockConnection, setMockConnectionResponseHandler} from '../../helpers/MockConnection.js';
interface LoadResult {
success: boolean;
content: string;
errorDescription: Host.ResourceLoader.LoadErrorDescription;
const initiator = {
target: null,
frameId: '123' as Protocol.Page.FrameId,
initiatorUrl: Platform.DevToolsPath.EmptyUrlString,
describeWithLocale('PageResourceLoader', () => {
const foo1Url = 'foo1' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
const foo2Url = 'foo2' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
const foo3Url = 'foo3' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
const loads: Array<{url: string, resolve?: {(_: LoadResult|PromiseLike<LoadResult>): void}}> = [];
const load = async(url: string): Promise<LoadResult> => {
return {
success: true,
content: `${url} - content`,
errorDescription: {message: '', statusCode: 0, netError: 0, netErrorName: '', urlValid: true},
beforeEach(() => {
loads.length = 0;
it('loads resources correctly', async () => {
const loader = SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance(
{forceNew: true, loadOverride: load, maxConcurrentLoads: 500});
const loading = [
loader.loadResource(foo1Url, initiator),
loader.loadResource(foo2Url, initiator),
loader.loadResource(foo3Url, initiator),
assert.deepEqual(loader.getNumberOfResources(), {loading: 3, queued: 0, resources: 3});
const results = await Promise.all(loading);
assert.deepEqual(loads.map(x => x.url), ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3']);
assert.deepEqual(results.map(x => x.content), ['foo1 - content', 'foo2 - content', 'foo3 - content']);
assert.deepEqual(loader.getNumberOfResources(), {loading: 0, queued: 0, resources: 3});
const resources = Array.from(loader.getResourcesLoaded().values());
assert.isTrue(resources.every(x => x.success));
it('deals with page reloads correctly', async () => {
const loader =
SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance({forceNew: true, loadOverride: load, maxConcurrentLoads: 1});
const loading = [
loader.loadResource(foo1Url, initiator).catch(e => e.message),
loader.loadResource(foo2Url, initiator).catch(e => e.message),
loader.loadResource(foo3Url, initiator).catch(e => e.message),
assert.deepEqual(loader.getNumberOfResources(), {loading: 3, queued: 2, resources: 3});
data: {
frame: {
isOutermostFrame() {
return true;
} as SDK.ResourceTreeModel.ResourceTreeFrame,
type: SDK.ResourceTreeModel.PrimaryPageChangeType.Navigation,
assert.deepEqual(loader.getNumberOfResources(), {loading: 3, queued: 0, resources: 0});
const results = await Promise.all(loading);
assert.deepEqual(loads.map(x => x.url), ['foo1']);
assert.deepEqual(results[0].content, 'foo1 - content');
assert.deepEqual(results[1], 'Load canceled due to reload of inspected page');
assert.deepEqual(results[2], 'Load canceled due to reload of inspected page');
it('respects the max concurrent loads', async () => {
const loader =
SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance({forceNew: true, loadOverride: load, maxConcurrentLoads: 2});
const loading = [
loader.loadResource(foo1Url, initiator),
loader.loadResource(foo2Url, initiator),
loader.loadResource(foo3Url, initiator),
assert.deepEqual(loader.getNumberOfResources(), {loading: 3, queued: 1, resources: 3});
const results = await Promise.all(loading);
assert.deepEqual(loads.map(x => x.url), ['foo1', 'foo2', 'foo3']);
assert.deepEqual(results.map(x => x.content), ['foo1 - content', 'foo2 - content', 'foo3 - content']);
assert.deepEqual(loader.getNumberOfResources(), {loading: 0, queued: 0, resources: 3});
const resources = Array.from(loader.getResourcesLoaded().values());
assert.isTrue(resources.every(x => x.success));
// Loading via host bindings requires the settings infra to be booted.
describeWithEnvironment('PageResourceLoader', () => {
it('blocks UNC file paths with the default setting', async () => {
if (!Host.Platform.isWin()) {
const loader =
SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance({forceNew: true, loadOverride: null, maxConcurrentLoads: 1});
const message =
await loader
.loadResource('file:////' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString, initiator)
.catch(e => e.message);
assert.include(message, 'remote file');
it('blocks remote file paths with the default setting', async () => {
const loader =
SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance({forceNew: true, loadOverride: null, maxConcurrentLoads: 1});
const message =
await loader.loadResource('file://host/source-map.js.map' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString, initiator)
.catch(e => e.message);
assert.include(message, 'remote file');
it('blocks UNC file paths with a backslash on Windows with the default setting', async () => {
if (!Host.Platform.isWin()) {
const loader =
SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance({forceNew: true, loadOverride: null, maxConcurrentLoads: 1});
const message =
await loader
.loadResource('file:///\\' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString, initiator)
.catch(e => e.message);
assert.include(message, 'remote file');
it('allows remote file paths with the setting enabled', async () => {
const loader =
SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance({forceNew: true, loadOverride: null, maxConcurrentLoads: 1});
sinon.stub(Host.InspectorFrontendHost.InspectorFrontendHostInstance, 'loadNetworkResource')
.callsFake((_url, _headers, streamId, callback) => {
Host.ResourceLoader.streamWrite(streamId, 'content of the source map');
callback({statusCode: 200});
const response =
await loader.loadResource('file://host/source-map.js.map' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString, initiator);
assert.strictEqual(response.content, 'content of the source map');
it('allows UNC paths on Windows with the setting enabled', async () => {
if (!Host.Platform.isWin()) {
const loader =
SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance({forceNew: true, loadOverride: null, maxConcurrentLoads: 1});
sinon.stub(Host.InspectorFrontendHost.InspectorFrontendHostInstance, 'loadNetworkResource')
.callsFake((_url, _headers, streamId, callback) => {
Host.ResourceLoader.streamWrite(streamId, 'content of the source map');
callback({statusCode: 200});
const response = await loader.loadResource(
'file:////' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString, initiator);
assert.strictEqual(response.content, 'content of the source map');
describeWithMockConnection('PageResourceLoader', () => {
describe('loadResource', () => {
const stream = 'STREAM_ID' as Protocol.IO.StreamHandle;
const initiatorUrl = 'htp://example.com' as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
const url = `${initiatorUrl}/test.txt` as Platform.DevToolsPath.UrlString;
function setupLoadingSourceMapsAsNetworkResource(): Promise<Protocol.Network.LoadNetworkResourceRequest> {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let contentToRead: string|null = 'foo';
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('IO.read', () => {
const data = contentToRead;
contentToRead = null;
return {data};
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('IO.close', () => ({}));
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('Network.loadNetworkResource', request => {
return {resource: {success: true, stream, statusCode: 200}};
for (const disableCache of [true, false]) {
it(`loads with ${disableCache ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'} cache based on the setting`, async () => {
const target = createTarget();
const initiator = {target, frameId: null, initiatorUrl};
const loader = SDK.PageResourceLoader.PageResourceLoader.instance();
const [{options}, {content}] = await Promise.all([
loader.loadResource(url, initiator),
// Check that we loaded the resources with appropriately enabled caching.
assert.strictEqual(options.disableCache, disableCache);
// Sanity check on the content.
assert.deepEqual(content, 'foo');