[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: f1c4bab3b759f1e352100a1cb58bf7de1c69ac7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import type * as SDKModule from '../../../../../front_end/core/sdk/sdk.js';
import * as Protocol from '../../../../../front_end/generated/protocol.js';
import {createTarget} from '../../helpers/EnvironmentHelpers.js';
import {
} from '../../helpers/MockConnection.js';
const {assert} = chai;
describeWithMockConnection('Script', () => {
let SDK: typeof SDKModule;
before(async () => {
SDK = await import('../../../../../front_end/core/sdk/sdk.js');
describe('originalContentProvider', () => {
it('doesn\'t strip //# sourceURL annotations', async () => {
const target = createTarget();
const debuggerModel = target.model(SDK.DebuggerModel.DebuggerModel) as SDKModule.DebuggerModel.DebuggerModel;
const url = 'webpack:///src/foo.js';
const scriptId = '1';
const scriptSource = `
//# sourceURL=${url}
dispatchEvent(target, 'Debugger.scriptParsed', {
startLine: 2,
startColumn: 14,
endLine: 5,
endColumn: 0,
executionContextId: 1,
hash: '',
hasSourceURL: true,
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('Debugger.getScriptSource', (): Protocol.Debugger.GetScriptSourceResponse => {
return {
getError() {
return undefined;
const script = debuggerModel.scriptForId(scriptId) as SDKModule.Script.Script;
const {content} = await script.originalContentProvider().requestContent();
assert.strictEqual(content, scriptSource);
describe('editSource', () => {
function setupEditTest(scriptId: string, scriptSource: string = '') {
const target = createTarget();
const model = target.model(SDK.DebuggerModel.DebuggerModel) as SDKModule.DebuggerModel.DebuggerModel;
dispatchEvent(target, 'Debugger.scriptParsed', {
url: 'https://example.com/test.js',
startLine: 0,
startColumn: 0,
endLine: 2,
endColumn: 0,
executionContextId: 1,
hash: '',
hasSourceURL: false,
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('Debugger.getScriptSource', () => {
return {
getError: () => undefined,
const script = model.scriptForId(scriptId) as SDKModule.Script.Script;
return {script, target, model};
it('does not invoke the backend when new content and old content match', async () => {
const {script} = setupEditTest('1', 'console.log("foo")');
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('Debugger.setScriptSource', () => {
throw new Error('Debugger.setScriptSource must not be called');
const {status} = await script.editSource('console.log("foo")');
assert.strictEqual(status, Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus.Ok);
it('updates the source content when the live edit succeeds', async () => {
const {script} = setupEditTest('1', 'console.log("foo")');
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('Debugger.setScriptSource', () => {
return {
status: Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus.Ok,
const newContent = 'console.log("bar")';
const {status} = await script.editSource(newContent);
assert.strictEqual(status, Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus.Ok);
assert.strictEqual((await script.requestContent()).content, newContent);
it('does not update the source content when the live edit fails', async () => {
const scriptContent = 'console.log("foo")';
const {script} = setupEditTest('1', scriptContent);
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('Debugger.setScriptSource', () => {
return {
status: Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus.CompileError,
const {status} = await script.editSource('console.log("bar")');
assert.strictEqual(status, Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus.CompileError);
assert.strictEqual((await script.requestContent()).content, scriptContent);
it('throws an error for protocol failures', done => {
const {script, target} = setupEditTest('1', 'console.log("foo")');
sinon.stub(target.debuggerAgent(), 'invoke_setScriptSource').returns(Promise.resolve({
status: undefined as unknown as Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus, // Make TS happy.
getError: () => 'setScriptSource failed for some reason',
.then(() => {
assert.fail('expected "editSource" to throw an exception!');
.catch(() => done());
it('fires an event on the DebuggerModel after returning from the backend', async () => {
const {script, model} = setupEditTest('1', 'console.log("foo")');
setMockConnectionResponseHandler('Debugger.setScriptSource', () => {
return {
status: Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus.Ok,
const newContent = 'console.log("bar")';
const eventPromise = model.once(SDK.DebuggerModel.Events.ScriptSourceWasEdited);
void script.editSource(newContent);
const {script: eventScript, status} = await eventPromise;
assert.strictEqual(eventScript, script);
assert.strictEqual(status, Protocol.Debugger.SetScriptSourceResponseStatus.Ok);