[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 30746c21136d09d29fa194343979eecff818184e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
const {assert} = chai;
import * as SDK from '../../../../../front_end/core/sdk/sdk.js';
import {describeWithEnvironment} from '../../helpers/EnvironmentHelpers.js';
import {loadTraceEventsLegacyEventPayload, allModelsFromFile} from '../../helpers/TraceHelpers.js';
import {StubbedThread} from '../../helpers/TimelineHelpers.js';
describeWithEnvironment('TracingModel', () => {
it('can create events from an EventPayload[] and finds the correct number of processes', async () => {
const events = await loadTraceEventsLegacyEventPayload('basic.json.gz');
const model = new SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel();
assert.strictEqual(model.sortedProcesses().length, 4);
describe('fromPayload', () => {
it('can create an event from a payload for an LCP candidate event', async () => {
const rawEvents = await loadTraceEventsLegacyEventPayload('lcp-images.json.gz');
// Find an event to test with; pick the first LCP event so it is an event
// we understand and we get the same event each time.
const firstLCPEventPayload = rawEvents.find(event => {
return event.name === 'largestContentfulPaint::Candidate';
if (!firstLCPEventPayload) {
throw new Error('Could not find LCP event');
const fakeThread = StubbedThread.make(firstLCPEventPayload.tid);
const event = SDK.TracingModel.PayloadEvent.fromPayload(firstLCPEventPayload, fakeThread);
assert.deepEqual(event.args, firstLCPEventPayload.args);
assert.deepEqual(event.name, firstLCPEventPayload.name);
assert.strictEqual(event.startTime, firstLCPEventPayload.ts / 1000);
it('stores the event ID if it has one', async () => {
const rawEvents = await loadTraceEventsLegacyEventPayload('lcp-images.json.gz');
// Find an event to test with; pick the first LCP event so it is an event
// we understand and we get the same event each time.
const firstLCPEventPayload = rawEvents.find(event => {
return event.name === 'largestContentfulPaint::Candidate';
if (!firstLCPEventPayload) {
throw new Error('Could not find LCP event');
// Set an ID property to test the behaviour, even though LCP Candidate
// events do not have an ID field.
firstLCPEventPayload.id = 'test-id';
const fakeThread = StubbedThread.make(firstLCPEventPayload.tid);
const event = SDK.TracingModel.PayloadEvent.fromPayload(firstLCPEventPayload, fakeThread);
assert.deepEqual(event.id, firstLCPEventPayload.id);
it('stores the raw payload and you can retrieve it', async () => {
const rawEvents = await loadTraceEventsLegacyEventPayload('lcp-images.json.gz');
// Find an event to test with; pick the first LCP event so it is an event
// we understand and we get the same event each time.
const firstLCPEventPayload = rawEvents.find(event => {
return event.name === 'largestContentfulPaint::Candidate';
if (!firstLCPEventPayload) {
throw new Error('Could not find LCP event');
const fakeThread = StubbedThread.make(firstLCPEventPayload.tid);
const event = SDK.TracingModel.PayloadEvent.fromPayload(firstLCPEventPayload, fakeThread);
assert.strictEqual(event.rawLegacyPayload(), firstLCPEventPayload);
it('sets the begin and end time correctly for an event with a duration', async () => {
const rawEvents = await loadTraceEventsLegacyEventPayload('animation.json.gz');
// Use a RunTask which will always have a ts (start) and dur.
const firstRunTask = rawEvents.find(event => {
return event.name === 'RunTask';
if (!firstRunTask) {
throw new Error('Could not find run task');
const fakeThread = StubbedThread.make(firstRunTask.tid);
const event = SDK.TracingModel.PayloadEvent.fromPayload(firstRunTask, fakeThread);
assert.strictEqual(event.startTime, firstRunTask.ts / 1000);
assert.strictEqual(event.endTime, (firstRunTask.ts + firstRunTask.dur) / 1000);
describe('extractID', () => {
it('can extract the ID from the id field if it exists', async () => {
const fakePayload = {
id: '123',
} as unknown as SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload;
assert.strictEqual(SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel.extractId(fakePayload), '123');
it('prepends the scope to the id if it is present', async () => {
const fakePayload = {
id: '123',
scope: 'test-scope',
} as unknown as SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload;
assert.strictEqual(SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel.extractId(fakePayload), 'test-scope@123');
it('prioritises the id2 global field over id if they are both present', async () => {
const fakePayload = {
id: '123',
id2: {
global: 'global-id',
scope: 'test-scope',
} as unknown as SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload;
assert.strictEqual(SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel.extractId(fakePayload), ':test-scope:global-id');
it('prioritises the id2 local field over id if they are both present, and includes the PID of the event',
async () => {
const fakePayload = {
id: '123',
id2: {
local: 'local-id',
pid: 'test-pid',
scope: 'test-scope',
} as unknown as SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload;
assert.strictEqual(SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel.extractId(fakePayload), ':test-scope:test-pid:local-id');
it('logs an error and returns undefined if the id2 object has both global and local keys', async () => {
const fakePayload = {
id: '123',
id2: {
local: 'local-id',
global: 'global-id',
pid: 'test-pid',
scope: 'test-scope',
ts: 1000,
} as unknown as SDK.TracingManager.EventPayload;
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
// The number 1 here is the timestamp divided by 1000.
'Unexpected id2 field at 1, one and only one of \'local\' and \'global\' should be present.'));
it('finds the browser main thread from the tracing model', async () => {
const {tracingModel} = await allModelsFromFile('web-dev.json.gz');
const mainThread = SDK.TracingModel.TracingModel.browserMainThread(tracingModel);
assert.strictEqual(mainThread?.id(), 775);
assert.strictEqual(mainThread?.name(), 'CrBrowserMain');