[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 9c19922d9406478596ef5de1261c7f7231cedcff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Schemas for project configs.
syntax = "proto3";
package buildbucket;
option go_package = "go.chromium.org/luci/buildbucket/proto;buildbucketpb";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "go.chromium.org/luci/buildbucket/proto/common.proto";
import "go.chromium.org/luci/common/proto/options.proto";
import "go.chromium.org/luci/resultdb/proto/v1/invocation.proto";
option (luci.file_metadata) = {
doc_url: "https://config.luci.app/schemas/projects:buildbucket.cfg";
// Deprecated in favor of LUCI Realms. This proto is totally unused now, exists
// only to not break older configs that still may have deprecated fields
// populated.
message Acl {
enum Role {
Role role = 1 [deprecated = true];
string group = 2 [deprecated = true];
string identity = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Defines a swarmbucket builder. A builder has a name, a category and specifies
// what should happen if a build is scheduled to that builder.
// SECURITY WARNING: if adding more fields to this message, keep in mind that
// a user that has permissions to schedule a build to the bucket, can override
// this config.
// Next tag: 41.
message BuilderConfig {
reserved 8; // cipd_packages
reserved 11; // build_numbers of the old format.
reserved 13; // auto_builder_dimension of the old format.
reserved 15; // experimental of the old format.
reserved 19; // luci_migration_host
reserved 27; // description of the old format.
// Describes a cache directory persisted on a bot.
// Prerequisite reading in BuildInfra.Swarming.CacheEntry message in
// build.proto.
// To share a builder cache among multiple builders, it can be overridden:
// builders {
// name: "a"
// caches {
// path: "builder"
// name: "my_shared_cache"
// }
// }
// builders {
// name: "b"
// caches {
// path: "builder"
// name: "my_shared_cache"
// }
// }
// Builders "a" and "b" share their builder cache. If an "a" build ran on a
// bot and left some files in the builder cache and then a "b" build runs on
// the same bot, the same files will be available in the builder cache.
message CacheEntry {
// Identifier of the cache. Length is limited to 128.
// Defaults to path.
// See also BuildInfra.Swarming.CacheEntry.name in build.proto.
string name = 1;
// Relative path where the cache in mapped into. Required.
// See also BuildInfra.Swarming.CacheEntry.path in build.proto.
string path = 2;
// Number of seconds to wait for a bot with a warm cache to pick up the
// task, before falling back to a bot with a cold (non-existent) cache.
// See also BuildInfra.Swarming.CacheEntry.wait_for_warm_cache in build.proto.
// The value must be multiples of 60 seconds.
int32 wait_for_warm_cache_secs = 3;
// Environment variable with this name will be set to the path to the cache
// directory.
string env_var = 4;
// DEPRECATED. See BuilderConfig.executable and BuilderConfig.properties
// To specify a recipe name, pass "$recipe_engine" property which is a JSON
// object having "recipe" property.
message Recipe {
// Deprecated "repository" mode used git to bootstrap recipes directly from
// the recipe repo. Use `cipd_package` ++ `cipd_version` below instead, as
// they are faster, more reliable, and more flexible (because they could be
// used to provide non-git, non-python recipes).
reserved 1; // repository
// Name of the recipe to run.
string name = 2;
// The CIPD package to fetch the recipes from.
// Typically the package will look like:
// infra/recipe_bundles/chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/build
// Recipes bundled from internal repositories are typically under
// `infra_internal/recipe_bundles/...`.
// But if you're building your own recipe bundles, they could be located
// elsewhere.
string cipd_package = 6;
// The CIPD version to fetch. This can be a lower-cased git ref (like
// `refs/heads/main` or `head`), or it can be a cipd tag (like
// `git_revision:dead...beef`).
// The default is `head`, which corresponds to the git repo's HEAD ref. This
// is typically (but not always) a symbolic ref for `refs/heads/master`.
string cipd_version = 5;
// Colon-separated build properties to set.
// Ignored if BuilderConfig.properties is set.
// Use this field for string properties and use properties_j for other
// types.
repeated string properties = 3;
// Same as properties, but the value must valid JSON. For example
// properties_j: "a:1"
// means property a is a number 1, not string "1".
// If null, it means no property must be defined. In particular, it removes
// a default value for the property, if any.
// Fields properties and properties_j can be used together, but cannot both
// specify values for same property.
repeated string properties_j = 4;
// ResultDB-specific information for a builder.
message ResultDB {
// Whether to enable ResultDB:Buildbucket integration.
bool enable = 1;
// Configuration for exporting test results to BigQuery.
// This can have multiple values to export results to multiple BigQuery
// tables, or to support multiple test result predicates.
repeated luci.resultdb.v1.BigQueryExport bq_exports = 2;
// Deprecated. Any values specified here are ignored.
luci.resultdb.v1.HistoryOptions history_options = 3;
// Buildbucket backend-specific information for a builder.
message Backend {
// URI for this backend, e.g. "swarming://chromium-swarm".
string target = 1;
// A string interpreted as JSON encapsulating configuration for this
// backend.
// TODO(crbug.com/1042991): Move priority, wait_for_capacity, etc. here.
string config_json = 2 [(luci.text_pb_format) = JSON];
// Name of the builder.
// If a builder name, will be propagated to "builder" build tag and
// "buildername" recipe property.
// A builder name must be unique within the bucket, and match regex
// ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.\(\) ]{1,128}$.
string name = 1;
// Backend for this builder.
// If unset, builds are scheduled using the legacy pipeline.
Backend backend = 32;
// Alternate backend to use for this builder when the
// "luci.buildbucket.backend_alt" experiment is enabled. Works even when
// `backend` is empty. Useful for migrations to new backends.
Backend backend_alt = 33;
// Hostname of the swarming instance, e.g. "chromium-swarm.appspot.com".
// Required, but defaults to deprecated Swarming.hostname.
string swarming_host = 21;
reserved 10; // mixins
// Builder category. Will be used for visual grouping, for example in Code Review.
string category = 6;
// Used only to enable "vpython:native-python-wrapper"
// Does NOT actually propagate to swarming.
repeated string swarming_tags = 2;
// A requirement for a bot to execute the build.
// Supports 2 forms:
// - "<key>:<value>" - require a bot with this dimension.
// This is a shortcut for "0:<key>:<value>", see below.
// - "<expiration_secs>:<key>:<value>" - wait for up to expiration_secs.
// for a bot with the dimension.
// Supports multiple values for different keys and expiration_secs.
// expiration_secs must be a multiple of 60.
// If this builder is defined in a bucket, dimension "pool" is defaulted
// to the name of the bucket. See Bucket message below.
repeated string dimensions = 3;
// Specifies that a recipe to run.
// DEPRECATED: use exe.
Recipe recipe = 4;
// What to run when a build is ready to start.
buildbucket.v2.Executable exe = 23;
// A JSON object representing Build.input.properties.
// Individual object properties can be overridden with
// ScheduleBuildRequest.properties.
string properties = 24 [(luci.text_pb_format) = JSON];
// A list of top-level property names which can be overridden in
// ScheduleBuildRequest.
// If this field is the EXACT value `["*"]` then all properties are permitted
// to be overridden.
// NOTE: Some executables (such as the recipe engine) can have drastic
// behavior differences based on some properties (for example, the "recipe"
// property). If you allow the "recipe" property to be overridden, then anyone
// with the 'buildbucket.builds.add' permission could create a Build for this
// Builder running a different recipe (from the same recipe repo).
repeated string allowed_property_overrides = 34;
// Swarming task priority.
// A value between 20 and 255, inclusive.
// Lower means more important.
// The default value is configured in
// https://chrome-internal.googlesource.com/infradata/config/+/master/configs/cr-buildbucket/swarming_task_template.json
// See also https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-py.git/+/master/appengine/swarming/doc/User-Guide.md#request
uint32 priority = 5;
// Maximum build execution time.
// Not to be confused with pending time.
// If the timeout is reached, the task will be signaled according to the
// `deadline` section of
// https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-py/+/HEAD/client/LUCI_CONTEXT.md
// and status_details.timeout is set.
// The task will have `grace_period` amount of time to handle cleanup
// before being forcefully terminated.
// NOTE: This corresponds with Build.execution_timeout and
// ScheduleBuildRequest.execution_timeout; The name `execution_timeout_secs` and
// uint32 type are relics of the past.
uint32 execution_timeout_secs = 7;
// Maximum amount of time to wait for the next heartbeat(i.e UpdateBuild).
// After a build is started, the client can send heartbeat requests
// periodically. Buildbucket will mark the build as INFRA_FAILURE, if the
// timeout threshold reaches. It’s to fail a build more quickly, rather than
// waiting for `execution_timeout_secs` to expire. Some V1 users, which don't
// have real task backends, can utilize this feature.
// By default, the value is 0, which means no timeout threshold is applied.
// Note: this field only takes effect for TaskBackendLite builds. For builds
// with full-featured TaskBackend Implementation, `sync_backend_tasks` cron
// job fulfills the similar functionality.
uint32 heartbeat_timeout_secs = 39;
// Maximum build pending time.
// If the timeout is reached, the build is marked as INFRA_FAILURE status
// and both status_details.{timeout, resource_exhaustion} are set.
// NOTE: This corresponds with Build.scheduling_timeout and
// ScheduleBuildRequest.scheduling_timeout; The name `expiration_secs` and
// uint32 type are relics of the past.
uint32 expiration_secs = 20;
// Amount of cleanup time after execution_timeout_secs.
// After being signaled according to execution_timeout_secs, the task will
// have this many seconds to clean up before being forcefully terminated.
// The signalling process is explained in the `deadline` section of
// https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-py/+/HEAD/client/LUCI_CONTEXT.md.
// Defaults to 30s if unspecified or 0.
google.protobuf.Duration grace_period = 31;
// If YES, will request that swarming wait until it sees at least one bot
// report a superset of the requested dimensions.
// If UNSET/NO (the default), swarming will immediately reject a build which
// specifies a dimension set that it's never seen before.
// Usually you want this to be UNSET/NO, unless you know that some external
// system is working to add bots to swarming which will match the requested
// dimensions within expiration_secs. Otherwise you'll have to wait for all of
// `expiration_secs` until swarming tells you "Sorry, nothing has dimension
// `os:MadeUpOS`".
buildbucket.v2.Trinary wait_for_capacity = 29;
// Caches that should be present on the bot.
repeated CacheEntry caches = 9;
// If YES, generate monotonically increasing contiguous numbers for each
// build, unique within the builder.
// Note: this limits the build creation rate in this builder to 5 per second.
Toggle build_numbers = 16;
// Email of a service account to run the build as or literal 'bot' string to
// use Swarming bot's account (if available). Passed directly to Swarming.
// Subject to Swarming's ACLs.
string service_account = 12;
// If YES, each builder will get extra dimension "builder:<builder name>"
// added. Default is UNSET.
// For example, this config
// builder {
// name: "linux-compiler"
// dimension: "builder:linux-compiler"
// }
// is equivalent to this:
// builders {
// name: "linux-compiler"
// auto_builder_dimension: YES
// }
// (see also http://docs.buildbot.net/0.8.9/manual/cfg-properties.html#interpolate)
// but are currently against complicating config with this.
Toggle auto_builder_dimension = 17;
// Set the "luci.non_production" experiment in the 'experiments' field below,
// instead.
// If YES, sets the "luci.non_production" experiment to 100% for
// builds on this builder.
// See the documentation on `experiments` for more details about the
// "luci.non_production" experiment.
Toggle experimental = 18;
// Set the "luci.buildbucket.canary_software" experiment in the 'experiments'
// field below, instead.
// Percentage of builds that should use a canary swarming task template.
// A value from 0 to 100.
// If omitted, a global server-defined default percentage is used.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value task_template_canary_percentage = 22;
// A mapping of experiment name to the percentage chance (0-100) that it will
// apply to builds generated from this builder. Experiments are simply strings
// which various parts of the stack (from LUCI services down to your build
// scripts) may react to in order to enable certain functionality.
// You may set any experiments you like, but experiments beginning with
// "luci." are reserved. Experiment names must conform to
// [a-z][a-z0-9_]*(\.[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)*
// Any experiments which are selected for a build show up in
// `Build.input.experiments`.
// Its recommended that you confine your experiments to smaller, more explicit
// targets. For example, prefer the experiment named
// "my_project.use_mysoftware_v2_crbug_999999" rather than "use_next_gen".
// It is NOT recommended to 'piggy-back' on top of existing experiment names
// for a different purpose. However if you want to, you can have your build
// treat the presence of ANY experiment as equivalent to "luci.non_production"
// being set for your build (i.e. "if any experiment is set, don't affect
// production"). This is ulimately up to you, however.
// Well-known experiments
// Buildbucket has a number of 'global' experiments which are in various
// states of deployment at any given time. For the current state, see
// go/buildbucket-settings.cfg.
map<string, int32> experiments = 28;
// This field will set the default value of the "critical" field of
// all the builds of this builder. Please refer to build.proto for
// the meaning of this field.
// This value can be overridden by ScheduleBuildRequest.critical
buildbucket.v2.Trinary critical = 25;
// Used to enable and configure ResultDB integration.
ResultDB resultdb = 26;
// Description that helps users understand the purpose of the builder, in
// HTML.
string description_html = 30;
// Configurations that need to be replaced when running a led build for this
// Builder.
// Note: Builders in a dynamic bucket cannot have ShadowBuilderAdjustments.
message ShadowBuilderAdjustments {
string service_account = 1;
string pool = 2;
// A JSON object contains properties to override Build.input.properties
// when creating the led build.
// Same as ScheduleBuild, the top-level properties here will override the
// ones in builder config, instead of deep merge.
string properties = 3 [(luci.text_pb_format) = JSON];
// Overrides default dimensions defined by builder config.
// Same as ScheduleBuild,
// * dimensions with empty value will be excluded.
// * same key dimensions with both empty and non-empty values are disallowed.
// Note: for historical reason, pool can be adjusted individually.
// If pool is adjusted individually, the same change should be reflected in
// dimensions, and vice versa.
repeated string dimensions = 4;
ShadowBuilderAdjustments shadow_builder_adjustments = 35;
// This field will set the default value of the "retriable" field of
// all the builds of this builder. Please refer to build.proto for
// the meaning of this field.
// This value can be overridden by ScheduleBuildRequest.retriable
buildbucket.v2.Trinary retriable = 36;
message BuilderHealthLinks {
// Mapping of username domain to clickable link for documentation on the health
// metrics and how they were calculated.
// The empty domain value will be used as a fallback for anonymous users, or
// if the user identity domain doesn't have a matching entry in this map.
// If linking an internal google link (say g3doc), use a go-link instead of a
// raw url.
map<string, string> doc_links = 1;
// Mapping of username domain to clickable link for data visualization or
// dashboards for the health metrics.
// Similar to doc_links, the empty domain value will be used as a fallback for
// anonymous users, or if the user identity domain doesn't have a matching
// entry in this map.
// If linking an internal google link (say g3doc), use a go-link instead of a
// raw url.
map<string, string> data_links = 2;
BuilderHealthLinks builder_health_metrics_links = 37;
// The owning team's contact email. This team is responsible for fixing
// any builder health issues (see Builder.Metadata.HealthSpec).
// Will be validated as an email address, but nothing else.
// It will display on milo and could be public facing, so please don't put anything sensitive.
string contact_team_email = 38;
message CustomBuildMetric {
// Name of custom metrics to report build events.
// It must be a pre-registered custom metric in buildbucket's service config.
string name = 1;
// Predicates for the build metadata. A build has to meet all the predicates
// in order for its build events to be reported.
// This is a required field.
// If this is to report events of all builds under the builder, use
// the standard build metrics instead.
// If this is to report events of all builds under the builder, but
// with additional metric fields, copied from a build metadata, such as
// tags, then add a predicate for the metadata.
// e.g., `build.tags.get_value("key")!=""`
// Each item must be a boolean expression formatted in
// https://github.com/google/cel-spec.
// Example predicates that are supported currently:
// * a build field has non-default value, e.g. `has(build.tags)` means
// build.tags is not empty,
// * input/output properties has a key, e.g. `has(build.input.properties.pro_key)`
// * an input/output property with key "key" has "value":
// `string(build.output.properties.key) == "value"`
// - Note that because input/output properties are Struct, we have to cast
// the value to string.
// * experiments includes an experiment, e.g.
// `build.input.experiments.exists(e, e=="luci.buildbucket.exp")`
// * tags includes a tag with key "key", and there are two ways:
// - `build.tags.get_value("key")!=""`
// - `build.tags.exists(t, t.key=="key")`
repeated string predicates = 2;
// Describes how to generate metric field values.
// In the map,
// - each key is a custom metric field name, configured in the reference metric.
// - each value is a string expression formatted in
// https://github.com/google/cel-spec to set the field with.
// Example of the string experssions that are currently supported:
// * value of any build string field, e.g. `build.summary_markdown`
// * value of an input/output property, e.g. `string(build.input.properties.key)`
// - Note that because input/output properties are Struct, we have to cast
// the value to string.
// * value of a tag, e.g. `build.tags.get_value("os")`
// Must include all the metric fields defined in the referenced metrics.
// May include additional fields that are not defined in the referenced
// metrics, but those fields will be ignored (this is helpful for adding
// new fields into existing custom metrics).
// Note that the possible values of each field should be bounded.
// So below fields should not be included:
// * build id
// * any timestamp (e.g. build's creation time)
// * any markdown strings (e.g. build's summary_markdown)
// * any log strings (e.g. build's output logs)
// * any PII
// * build's gitiles commit hash
// * build's gerrit change number
// * etc
map<string, string> fields = 3;
// Custom metrics for the builds.
repeated CustomBuildMetric custom_build_metrics = 40;
// Configuration of buildbucket-swarming integration for one bucket.
message Swarming {
reserved 1; // hostname
reserved 2; // url_format
reserved 3; // builder_defaults
// Configuration for each builder.
// Swarming tasks are created only for builds for builders that are not
// explicitly specified.
repeated BuilderConfig builders = 4;
// DEPRECATED. Use builder_defaults.task_template_canary_percentage instead.
// Setting this field sets builder_defaults.task_template_canary_percentage.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value task_template_canary_percentage = 5;
// Defines one bucket in buildbucket.cfg
message Bucket {
reserved 4; // acl_sets
// Name of the bucket. Names are unique within one instance of buildbucket.
// If another project already uses this name, a config will be rejected.
// Name reservation is first-come first-serve.
// Regex: ^[a-z0-9\-_.]{1,100}$
string name = 1;
// Deprecated and ignored. Use Realms ACLs instead.
repeated Acl acls = 2 [deprecated = true];
// Buildbucket-swarming integration.
// Mutually exclusive with builder_template.
Swarming swarming = 3;
// Name of this bucket's shadow bucket for the led builds to use.
// If omitted, it implies that led builds of this bucket reuse this bucket.
// This is allowed, but note that it means the led builds will be in
// the same bucket/builder with the real builds, which means Any users with
// led access will be able to do ANYTHING that this bucket's bots and
// service_accounts can do.
// It could also be noisy, such as:
// * On the LUCI UI, led builds will show under the same builder as the real builds,
// * Led builds will share the same ResultDB config as the real builds, so
// their test results will be exported to the same BigQuery tables.
// * Subscribers of Buildbucket PubSub need to filter them out.
// Note: Don't set it if it's a dynamic bucket. Currently, a dynamic bucket is
// not allowed to have a shadow bucket.
string shadow = 5;
// Constraints for a bucket.
// Buildbucket.CreateBuild will validate the incoming requests to make sure
// they meet these constraints.
message Constraints {
// Constraints allowed pools.
// Builds in this bucket must have a "pool" dimension which matches an entry in this list.
repeated string pools = 1;
// Only service accounts in this list are allowed.
repeated string service_accounts = 2;
// Security constraints of the bucket.
// This field is used by CreateBuild on this bucket to constrain proposed
// Builds. If a build doesn't meet the constraints, it will be rejected.
// For shadow buckets, this is what prevents the bucket from allowing
// totally arbitrary Builds.
// `lucicfg` will automatically populate this for the "primary" bucket
// when using `luci.builder`.
// Buildbuceket.CreateBuild will validate the incoming requests to make sure
// they meet these constraints.
Constraints constraints = 6;
// Template of builders in a dynamic bucket.
message DynamicBuilderTemplate {
// The Builder template which is shared among all builders in this dynamic
// bucket.
BuilderConfig template = 1;
// Template of builders in a dynamic bucket.
// Mutually exclusive with swarming.
// If is not nil, the bucket is a dynamic LUCI bucket.
// If a bucket has both swarming and dynamic_builder_template as nil,
// the bucket is a legacy one.
DynamicBuilderTemplate dynamic_builder_template = 7;
// Schema of buildbucket.cfg file, a project config.
message BuildbucketCfg {
reserved 2; // acl_sets
reserved 3; // builder_mixins
reserved 4; // might be taken by builds_notification_topics
// All buckets defined for this project.
repeated Bucket buckets = 1;
message Topic {
// Topic name format should be like
// "projects/<projid>/topics/<topicid>" and conforms to the guideline:
// https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/admin#resource_names.
string name = 1;
// The compression method that `build_large_fields` uses in pubsub message
// data. By default, it's ZLIB as this is the most common one and is the
// built-in lib in many programming languages.
buildbucket.v2.Compression compression = 2;
message CommonConfig {
// A list of PubSub topics that Buildbucket will publish notifications for
// build status changes in this project.
// The message data schema can be found in message `BuildsV2PubSub` in
// https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/luci/luci-go/+/main/buildbucket/proto/notification.proto
// Attributes on the pubsub messages:
// - "project"
// - "bucket"
// - "builder"
// - "is_completed" (The value is either "true" or "false" in string.)
// Note: `pubsub.topics.publish` permission must be granted to the
// corresponding luci-project-scoped accounts in the cloud project(s) hosting
// the topics.
repeated Topic builds_notification_topics = 1;
// Global configs are shared among all buckets and builders defined inside
// this project.
CommonConfig common_config = 5;
// Toggle is a boolean with an extra state UNSET.
// When protobuf messages are merged, UNSET does not overwrite an existing
// value.
// TODO(nodir): replace with Trinary in ../common.proto.
enum Toggle {
UNSET = 0;
YES = 1;
NO = 2;