Paintings in the Musée Condé

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Condé Museum   wikidata:Q1236032
Condé Museum
Native name Musée Condé
Parent institution Château de Chantilly Edit this at Wikidata
Coordinates 49° 11′ 38″ N, 2° 29′ 07″ E Link to OpenStreetMap Link to Google Maps Edit this at Wikidata
Established 17 April 1898 Edit this at Wikidata
Authority file
institution QS:P195,Q1236032

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image label description creator inception inventory number genre main subject
La Dormition de la Vierge painting by Maso di Banco Maso di Banco 130s PE 1 religious art Death of the Virgin Mary
Le Couronnement de la Vierge painting by Giovanni dal Ponte Giovanni dal Ponte 1425 PE 3 religious art Coronation of the Virgin
Saint Mark painting by Fra Angelico, Musée Condé Fra Angelico 1423 PE 4 religious art Mark the Evangelist
Saint Matthew painting by Fra Angelico, Musée Condé Fra Angelico 1423 PE 5 religious art Matthew the Apostle
Heiliger Benedikt in Subiaco painting by Fra Angelico Fra Angelico 1430 PE 6 religious art
Saint Jean-Baptiste 15th-century painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 140s PE 7 religious art John the Baptist
Zwei knieende Flagellaten painting by Vecchietta Vecchietta
Francesco di Giorgio
1460 PE 8 religious art
Five dancing angels painting by Giovanni di Paolo Giovanni di Paolo 140s PE 9 religious art
Mystic Marriage of St. Francis painting by Stefano di Gionvanni called Sassetta Stefano di Giovanni 140s PE 10 religious art
Vierge entre six anges et deux saints painting by Francesco Pesellino Fra Carnevale 140s PE 11 religious art sacra conversazione
Adoration des mages painting by Francesco Pesellino Francesco Pesellino 1450 PE 12 religious art adoration of the Magi
Portrait of Simonetta Vespucci painting by Piero di Cosimo Piero di Cosimo 1480
PE 13 portrait Simonetta Vespucci
Madonna with Child painting by Davide Ghirlandaio Davide Ghirlandaio 140s PE 14 religious art Madonna and Child
The Virgin Enthroned with the Child between Saint Jerome and Saint Peter painting by Pietro Perugino Andrea di Aloigi
Pietro Perugino
1490 PE 15 religious art sacra conversazione
L'Automne painting by anonymous No/unknown value 140s PE 16 allegory autumn
L'Annonciation avec Saint Albert carmélite painting by Francesco Francia Francesco Francia 1503 PE 17 religious art Annunciation
sacra conversazione
Portrait of Louis II de La Trémoïlle painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 18 portrait Louis II de la Trémoille
Ahasuerus Chooses Esther painting by Filippino Lippi Filippino Lippi
Sandro Botticelli
1480 PE 19 religious art
La Vierge et l'Enfant Jésus painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 20 religious art Madonna and Child
Virgin and Child copy of a lost painting by Giovanni Bellini No/unknown value 15th century PE 21 religious art Madonna and Child
La Vierge et l'Enfant trônant entre Saint Jean-Baptiste et Saint Sébastien painting by Francesco da Cotignola Francesco da Cotignola 15th century PE 22 religious art sacra conversazione
La Vierge painting by Master of the Pala Sforzesca Master of the Pala Sforzesca 1494 PE 23 religious art Virgin Mary
L'Enfant Jésus, sauveur du monde painting by Bernardino Luini Bernardino Luini 1520 PE 24 religious art Christ Child
Buste de putto dans les pampres painting by Bernardino Luini Bernardino Luini 1521 PE 25 mythological painting
Buste de jeune fille avec les cheveux détachés painting by Bernardino Luini Bernardino Luini 1521 PE 26 mythological painting
La Nativité painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 27 religious art Nativity of Jesus
Tête de femme painting by Giampietrino Giampietrino 16th century PE 28 mythological painting
Sainte Barbe painting by Marco d'Oggiono Marco d'Oggiono 15th century PE 29 religious art Saint Barbara
Sainte Marie Madeleine painting by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio 150s PE 30 religious art Mary Magdalene
La Vierge de Ferry Carondelet painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 31 religious art sacra conversazione
Ecce Homo painting attributed to Titian and his workshop Titian 150s PE 32 religious art Ecce Homo
Portrait of Charles V painting by Augustin Quesnel after Titian Augustin Quesnel
1615 PE 33 portrait Charles V
Jesus and the woman taken in adultery painting by an anonymous Venetian painter No/unknown value 1510 PE 34 religious art Jesus and the woman taken in adultery
La Vierge, l'Enfant Jésus, Saint Pierre, Saint Jérôme et un donateur - Musée Condé painting by Palma Vecchio Palma Vecchio 1509 PE 35 religious art sacra conversazione
Ecce homo painting by Ludovico Mazzolino Ludovico Mazzolino 1524 PE 36 religious art Ecce Homo
Vierge à l'Enfant et saint Antoine abbé dans un paysage painting by Ludovico Mazzolino Ludovico Mazzolino 1525 PE 37 religious art sacra conversazione
Three Graces painting by Raphael Raphael 1504 PE 38 mythological painting
Madonna d'Orleans painting by Raphael Raphael 1506 PE 39 religious art Madonna and Child
Madonna of Loreto painting by Raphael, Musée Condé Raphael 1509 PE 40 religious art Madonna and Child
Portrait of Andrea del Sarto painting by Pier Francesco Foschi, Musée Condé Pier Francesco Foschi 1525 PE 41 portrait Andrea del Sarto
Portrait d'un homme : Constantinus de Benedictis anonymous Italian painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th century PE 42 portrait
Portrait of a Woman painting by Dosso Dossi Dosso Dossi 150s PE 43 portrait woman
La Sainte Famille painting by Perino del Vaga No/unknown value 1539 PE 44 religious art Holy Family
Un ange montre à saint François d'Assise le Christ détaché de la croix painting by Alessandro Allori Alessandro Allori 1583 PE 45 religious art
Portrait d'un jeune gentilhomme de la cour de Medicis painting attributed to Mirabello Cavalori Mirabello Cavalori 15th century PE 46 portrait gentleman
Noli me tangere religious painting in the Musée Condé Giovanni Bernardo Lama 16th century PE 47 religious art Noli me tangere
Odet de coligny, cardinal de chatillon painting by François Clouet François Clouet 1548 PE 48 portrait Odet de Coligny
Henri II, roi de France painting by anonymous Luca Penni 15th century PE 49 portrait Henry II of France
Madonna and Child enthroned with Saints Francis, Anthony and two donors painting by Niccolò Pisano Niccolò Pisano 1510 PE 50 religious art sacra conversazione
Le Sommeil de Cupidon painting by Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli 1555 PE 51 mythological painting
Entombment of Christ painting by Jacopino del Conte Jacopino del Conte 150s PE 52 religious art entombment of Christ
Portrait de Bonifacio Agliardi painting by Giovanni Battista Moroni Giovanni Battista Moroni 1565 PE 53 portrait Bonifacio Agliardi
Portrait of Angelica Agliardi de Nicolinis painting by Giovanni Battista Moroni Giovanni Battista Moroni 1565 PE 54 portrait Angelica Agliardi
Mars et Vénus painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1580 PE 55 mythological painting Mars and Venus
Sainte Famille au chat painting by Federico Barocci Federico Barocci 150s PE 56 religious art Holy Family
Les Adieux du Christ à sa mère painting by Federico Barocci Federico Barocci 1612 PE 57 religious art Christ taking leave of his Mother
Maria mit Kind und heilige Elisabeth painting by Alessandro Allori Alessandro Allori 1603 PE 58 religious art
Portrait of a men painting by Scipione Pulzone Scipione Pulzone 1578 PE 59 portrait man
Portrait of a Man anonymous painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 1580 PE 60 portrait man
Portrait of Asdrubale Mattei di Giove painting by anonymous Pietro da Cortona 16th century PE 61 portrait Asdrubale Mattei
Der Erzengel Gabriel painting by Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci 1594 PE 62 religious art Gabriel
Sleeping Venus painting by Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci 160s PE 63 mythological painting Venus
Amoretten mit Blumen painting by the workshop of Annibale Carracci No/unknown value
Annibale Carracci
1603 PE 64 mythological painting
Amour répandant des fleurs painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1603 PE 65 mythological painting
Amor distributing flowers painting by the workshop of Annibale Carracci No/unknown value 1603 PE 66 mythological painting
Amour répandant des fleurs painting by the workshop of Annibale Carracci No/unknown value 1603 PE 67 mythological painting
Die Nacht mit ihren Kindern Tod und Schlaf painting by Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci 1602 PE 68 allegory night
Personifikation des Morgens painting by Annibale Carracci Annibale Carracci 1602 PE 69 allegory
The lapidation of Saint Stephen painting by Domenichino Domenichino 160s PE 70 religious art stoning of Saint Stephen
Madonna and Child with angels painting by Guido Reni Guido Reni 1631 PE 71 religious art Madonna and Child
Le Christ couronné d'épines painting by Leonello Spada Leonello Spada 1615 PE 72 religious art Jesus
Sainte Marie-Madeleine en prière painting by Benedetto Luti Benedetto Luti 16th century PE 73 religious art Mary Magdalene
Pietà painting by Guercino Guercino 160s PE 74 religious art Pietà
Portrait of a man at bust length painting by an anonymous French painter No/unknown value 16th century PE 75 portrait man
L'Enfant Jésus endormi, Saint Jean-Baptiste et Zacharie painting attributed to Benedetto Zalone Benedetto Zallone 160s PE 76 religious art
The Holy Family painting by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato 16th century PE 77 religious art Holy Family
Landscape with a woman on a path painting by an anonymous artist from Rome No/unknown value 17th century PE 78 landscape painting
Vue de la campagne de Rome painting by Gaspard Dughet Gaspard Dughet 16th century PE 79 landscape painting
Landscape painting by Gaspard Dughet in the Musée Condé Gaspard Dughet 1635 PE 80 landscape painting
Landscape. painting by Gaspard Dughet Gaspard Dughet 1635 PE 81 landscape painting
Ecce Homo painting by Mattia Preti Mattia Preti 16th century PE 82 religious art Ecce Homo
Daniel in the Lion's Den painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 16th century PE 83 religious art Daniel in the lions' den
Jeremie pulled from the cistern painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 1622 PE 84 religious art
Tobias and the Angel painting by Salvator Rosa, now in Condé Museum Salvator Rosa 16th century PE 85 religious art Tobias and the Angel
The Raising of Lazarus painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 17th century PE 86 religious art Raising of Lazarus
Jesus carrying the cross painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 16th century PE 87 religious art Christ carrying the cross
Christ resurrected painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 160s PE 88 religious art Resurrection of Jesus
Paysage avec la tentation du Christ painting by Pietro Montanini Pietro Montanini 1680 PE 89 landscape painting
religious art
Temptation of Jesus
Paysage avec un rocher formant arcade et trois figures painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 90 landscape painting
Paysage avec une cascade et un pâtre gardant un troupeau painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 91 landscape painting
Paysage avec un ermite painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 92 landscape painting
Landscape with St Jerome painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 160s PE 93 religious art
landscape painting
Landscape with Fishermen painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 160s PE 94 landscape painting
Landscape with Tower and Boat painting by Salvator Rosa Salvator Rosa 160s PE 95 landscape painting
Madonna with Child painting by the school of Carlo Cignani No/unknown value 1680 PE 96 religious art Madonna and Child
Christ entouré de deux anges et de deux saints painting by Antonis Mor Antonis Mor 1556 PE 96 C religious art Resurrection of Jesus
Les Troupeaux à Mondello painting by Francesco Lojacono Francesco Lojacono 180s PE 96 F animal art
Le Palais royal de Caserte painting by Gabriele Smargiassi Gabriele Smargiassi 1833 PE 96 E landscape painting Palace of Caserta
Paysage painting by Gabriele Smargiassi Gabriele Smargiassi 18th century PE 96 D landscape painting
The Last Supper 17th-century religious painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 96 B religious art Last Supper
Portrait de Charles Quint 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 97 portrait Charles V
Eleanor of Austria (1498–1558), Queen of France painting by Joos van Cleve Joos van Cleve 1530 PE 98 portrait Eleanor of Austria
Portrait of Mencia de Mendoza 16th century painting, by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 99 portrait Mencía de Mendoza y Fonseca
Q98232301 painting by Sofonisba Anguissola Sofonisba Anguissola 1564 PE 100 portrait woman
Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus painting by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 17th century PE 101 religious art
Jean sans peur painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 103 portrait John the Fearless
Porträt eines Ehepaares painting by Master of Saint Giles Master of Saint Giles 1500 PE 104 portrait
Portrait d'Antoine, grand bâtard de Bourgogne painting by anonymous No/unknown value 14th century PE 105 portrait Anthony, bastard of Burgundy
Translation of the Relics of Saint Foillan painting by an anonymous painter from Picardy No/unknown value 14th century PE 106 religious art
La Vierge et l'Enfant Jésus apparaissant à Jeanne de France painting by anonymous No/unknown value 140s PE 107 religious art
Le calvaire painting by anonymous No/unknown value 140s PE 108 religious art Crucifixion of Jesus
Portrait du cardinal Charles de Bourbon painting by anonymous in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 18th century PE 109 portrait Charles II, Duke of Bourbon
Portrait de Philippe de Clèves 15th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 14th millenium PE 110 portrait Philip of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein
The Virgin of Mercy of the Cadard Family painting by Enguerrand Quarton and Pierre Vilatte Enguerrand Quarton 1452 PE 111 religious art Virgin of Mercy
Jean Bugenhagen painting by Hans Holbein the Younger Hans Holbein the Younger 1538 PE 112 portrait Johannes Bugenhagen
Portrait of Katharina von Bora painting by Barthel Bruyn the Elder Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 15th century PE 113 portrait Katharina von Bora
Self-Portrait painting by Heinrich Aldegrever Heinrich Aldegrever 15th century PE 114 portrait Heinrich Aldegrever
Le duc d'Aumont painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 115 portrait Jean VI d'Aumont
Portrait d'homme painting by Pieter Pourbus Pieter Pourbus 16th century PE 116 portrait man
Portrait d'homme 1594 portrait painting from Flanders in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 1594 PE 117 portrait man
Portrait d'Elisabeth Stuart, reine de Bohême painting by the workshop of Michiel van Mierevelt No/unknown value 1630 PE 118 portrait Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
Portrait of Gilles de Glarges (1559-1641) painting by Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt 1637 PE 119 portrait Gilles de Glarges
Portrait of Johannes Rutgersius (1589-1625) painting by or after Michiel van Mierevelt No/unknown value
Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt
1625 PE 120 portrait Jan Johannes Rutgers
Hugo Grotius painting by Michiel van Mierevelt, Musée Condé Michiel Jansz. van Mierevelt 16th century PE 121 portrait Hugo Grotius
Portrait of Henri IV de Bourbon (1553-1610), King of France painting by Frans Pourbus the Younger in the Musée Condé Frans Pourbus the Younger 1610 PE 122 portrait Henry IV of France
Portrait of Andries Hooftman (...-...) painting by Hendrik Gerritsz Pot Hendrik Gerritsz Pot 1633 PE 123 portrait
The Supper at Emmaus painting by Trophime Bigot Trophime Bigot 16th century PE 124 religious art Supper at Emmaus
Portrait of Gaston de France painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1632
PE 125 portrait Gaston, Duke of Orléans
Portrait of Hendrik van den Bergh (1573-1638) painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 160s PE 126 portrait Hendrik van den Bergh
Portrait of a Lady painting by Anton van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1630 PE 127 portrait woman
Portrait de Guillaume de Neubourg painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 128 portrait Wolfgang William, Count Palatine of Neuburg
Portrait of Louis II de Bourbon-Condé dit le Grand Condé painting by David Teniers the Younger David Teniers the Younger 1653 PE 130 portrait Louis, Grand Condé
Portrait de Louis II, prince de Bourbon, surnommé le Grand Condé painting by Justus van Egmont Justus van Egmont 160s PE 131 portrait Louis, Grand Condé
Portrait of Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Condé painting by Justus van Egmont Justus van Egmont 16th century PE 132 portrait Louis, Grand Condé
Portrait de Françoise Angélique de la Mothe Houdancourt, duchesse d'Aumont painting by Justus van Egmont Justus van Egmont 16th century PE 133 portrait Françoise Angélique de la Mothe Houdancourt
Battle between Christians and Turks painting by Pieter Wouwerman Philips Wouwerman 17th century PE 134 battle painting
Porträt der Henriette von Frankreich, Königin von England painting by Peter Lely Peter Lely 1660 PE 135 portrait Henrietta Maria of France
Ships in a snowstorm painting by Allaert van Everdingen Allaert van Everdingen 1650 PE 136 marine art storm
Beach and Dunes at Scheveningen painting by Jacob van Ruisdael Jacob van Ruisdael 160s PE 138 marine art Scheveningen
Fishing Boats In-shore in a Calm Sea painting by Willem van de Velde Willem van de Velde the Younger 1680 PE 140 marine art
Oiseaux de basse-cour painting by Melchior d'Hondecoeter Melchior d'Hondecoeter 160s PE 141 animal art barnyard
Double portrait of Henriette Stuart (1644-1670), holding a portrait of her husband Philippe d' Orleans (1640-1701) painting by Theodorus Netscher Theodorus Netscher 1664 PE 142 portrait Henrietta of England
Chasse à l'ours painting by Adriaen de Grijef Adriaen de Grijef 16th millenium PE 143 hunting
Chasse à la panthère painting by Adriaen de Grijef Adriaen de Grijef 16th millenium PE 144 hunting
Portrait de Louis-Philippe Joseph d'Orléans, duc de Chartres, depuis duc d'Orléans copy of a painting by Joshua Reynolds No/unknown value 1779 PE 145 portrait Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
Maria Walpole, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh, with her daughter Elisabeth Laura painting by Joshua Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 1761 PE 146 portrait Maria, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh
Ferdinand Ier chassant le sanglier à Carditello painting by Jacob Philipp Hackert Jacob Philipp Hackert 1783 PE 147 hunting
Chantilly in 1781, View from the Lawn painting by Hendrik-Frans De Cort Hendrik-Frans De Cort 1781 PE 148 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Chantilly in 1781, View from the Vertugadin painting by Hendrik-Frans De Cort Hendrik-Frans De Cort 1781 PE 149 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Empress Maria Feodorovna painting by Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder 1780 PE 150 portrait Sophie Dorothee of Württemberg (Maria Feodorovna)
Panorama de Naples painting by Simon Denis Simon Denis 1808 PE 151 landscape painting Naples
Eruption du Vésuve en 1812 painting by Simon Denis Simon Denis 1812 PE 152 landscape painting
Portrait de Frédéric II de Prusse 18th-century anonymous portrait painting No/unknown value 17th millenium PE 154 portrait Frederick II of Prussia
Madame la duchesse d'Orléans aux eaux de Spa Paintings by Victor Amédée Faure Amédée Fauré 1848 PE 156 history painting
Portrait of Francis I (1768–1835), Emperor of Austria, last Holy-Roman Emperor under the name of Francis II painting replica by Thomas Lawrence Thomas Lawrence 1818 PE 157 portrait Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
Le pont de Sèvres, vu des bords du parc de Saint-Cloud painting Samuel William Reynolds 18th century PE 158 landscape painting Pont de Sèvres
Portrait de la princesse de Salerne painting by Johann Peter Krafft Johann Peter Krafft 1815 PE 159 portrait Archduchess Maria Clementina, Princess of Salerno
Vue de Vetri painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 160 landscape painting
Vue de Baia painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 161 landscape painting Baia
Le golfe de Naples, vu de Chiaja painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 162 landscape painting
Le golfe de Naples, vu du Pausilippe painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 163 landscape painting
Portici, paysage painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 164 landscape painting
Palais de la Favorite, Portici painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 165 landscape painting Villa Favorita, Ercolano
Palais de Studi, Naples painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1815 PE 166 landscape painting
Palais Royal de Naples, côté de l'arsenal painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 167 landscape painting
Palais Royal de Naples, vu de Largo Reale painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 168 landscape painting
Vue de Naples painting by Josef Rebell Josef Rebell 1814 PE 169 landscape painting Naples
La ménagère painting by Jan August Hendrik Leys Jan August Hendrik Leys 19th century PE 170 genre art
Coucher de soleil sur l'île de Philae painting by Edward Lear Edward Lear 1861 PE 171 landscape painting Philae
Portrait d'Abd-El-Kader painting by Stanisław Chlebowski Stanisław Chlebowski 1864 PE 172 portrait Abdelkader El Djezairi
Francis I of France (1494-1547), king of France painting by Jean Clouet No/unknown value 150s PE 241 portrait Francis I of France
Portrait d'un gentilhomme inconnu painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1520 PE 242 portrait gentleman
Portrait de François Ier paintings by an anonymous painter No/unknown value 1535 PE 243 portrait Francis I of France
François, dauphin of France painting after Corneille de Lyon No/unknown value 1540 PE 244 portrait Francis III
Marguerite de France, duchesse de Berry, duchesse de Savoie painting by Corneille de Lyon Corneille de Lyon 16th century PE 245 portrait Margaret of France, Duchess of Berry
Portrait présumé de Gabrielle de Rochechouart painting by Corneille de Lyon Corneille de Lyon 150s PE 246 portrait Gabrielle de Rochechouart, dame de Lansac
Gabrielle de Rochechouart, dame de Lansac painting by anonymous No/unknown value 150s PE 247 portrait Gabrielle de Rochechouart
Catherine de Médicis painting after Corneille de Lyon No/unknown value 16th century PE 248 portrait Catherine de' Medici
Portrait de Jean de Taix painting by Corneille de Lyon No/unknown value 1550 PE 249 portrait Jean de Thais
Portrait d'Aimée Motier de la Fayette painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 250 portrait Aimee Motier de La Fayette
Portrait d'inconnue painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1536 PE 251 portrait lady
Portrait d'une dame 16th-century anonymous portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 252 portrait woman
Portrait of Michel de Montaigne by unknown painter in the Musée Condé painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1578 PE 253 portrait Michel de Montaigne
Portrait of an unknown woman Portrait by François Clouet François Clouet 150s PE 254 portrait lady
Marguerite of Valois painting by anonymous François Clouet 1560 PE 255 portrait Margaret of Valois
Henri de France, duc d'Anjou, futur Henri III (1551-1589) painting by Jean de Court Jean de Court 15th century PE 256 portrait Henry III of France
Portrait de Jacques de Savoie, duc de Nemours painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1565 PE 257 portrait Jacques, Duke of Nemours
Elisabeth of Austria, Queen of France painting by François Clouet François Clouet 150s PE 258 portrait Elisabeth of Austria
Henri II enfant painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 259 portrait Henry II of France
Portrait d'Odet de Coligny painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1550 PE 261 portrait Odet de Coligny
Marguerite d'Angoulême, reine de Navarre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1544 PE 262 portrait Margaret of Valois-Angoulême
Portrait of Henri d'Albret, king of Navarre (1503-1555) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1550 PE 263 portrait Henri II of Navarre
Albert de Gondi (1522-1602), gouverneur de Charles IX painting by Jean de Court Jean de Court 15th century PE 265 portrait Albert de Gondi
Portrait d'un gentilhomme 16th-century portrait paintings of an unidentified man No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 266 portrait man
Portrait of Charles IX portrait painting, Condé Museum No/unknown value 1561 PE 267 portrait Charles IX of France
Charles IX, roi de France painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 268 portrait Charles IX of France
Charles IX, roi de France painting by François Clouet François Clouet 15th century PE 269 portrait Charles IX of France
Portrait de Michel de L'Hospital, chancelier de France painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1566 PE 270 portrait Michel de l'Hôpital
Henri III painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1581 PE 271 portrait Henry III of France
Portrait d'Henri III 16th-century portrait painting of Henry III in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 273 portrait Henry III of France
Portrait du maréchal de Cossé-Brissac 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 274 portrait Artus de Cossé, comte de Secondigny
Portrait de Diane de Poitiers painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 275 portrait Diane de Poitiers
Portrait de Catherine de Médicis Portrait painting by anonymous in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th century PE 276 portrait Catherine de' Medici
Portrait de Catherine de Médicis 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 277 portrait Catherine de' Medici
Gabrielle d'Estrées au bain anonymous painting School of Fontainebleau 16th century PE 278 group portrait Gabrielle d'Estrées
Portrait équestre de Charles IX painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 282 portrait Charles IX of France
Equestrian portrait of François, duke of Alençon 16th-century equestrian portrait in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 285 equestrian portrait Francis, Duke of Anjou
Portrait de Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully 17th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 287 portrait Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully
Portrait présumé de Martin Ruzé painting by François Quesnel François Quesnel 16th century PE 288 portrait Martin Ruzé de Beaulieu
Bustes de Henri IV, Marie de Médicis et Louis XIII 17th-century portrait paintings in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 289 portrait
Portrait of Louise Marguerite of Lorraine, Princess of Conti painting by anonymous No/unknown value 160s PE 290 portrait Louise Marguerite of Lorraine
Portrait of François de l'Aubépine, Margrave of Hauterive. painting by Daniel Dumonstier Daniel Dumonstier 16th century PE 291 portrait François de L'Aubespine
Portrait of Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Longueville (1595-1663) Anonymous painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 292 portrait Henri II d'Orléans, Duke of Longueville
Portrait allégorique du Grand Condé Painting by Lubin Baugin in the Musée Condé Lubin Baugin 1645 PE 294 portrait Louis, Grand Condé
Nicolas, sieur de Mollais painting by Augustin Quesnel Augustin Quesnel 1651 PE 295 portrait
The Nurture of Bacchus painting by Nicolas Poussin in the Musée Condé Nicolas Poussin 160s PE 298 mythological painting
Leda et le cygne painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 299 mythological painting Leda and the Swan
Theseus Finds His Father's Sword painting by Nicolas Poussin Nicolas Poussin 1638 PE 300 mythological painting
Midas transformant en or le rameau d'une yeuse painting by Nicolas Poussin Nicolas Poussin 160s PE 301 mythological painting
Landscape with two nymphs painting by Nicolas Poussin Nicolas Poussin 160s PE 302 landscape painting
mythological painting
Annunciation painting by Nicolas Poussin in the Musée Condé Nicolas Poussin 1627 PE 303 religious art Annunciation
The Holy Family painting by Nicolas Poussin in the Musée Condé Nicolas Poussin 1638 PE 304 religious art Holy Family
Massacre of the Innocents painting by Nicolas Poussin Nicolas Poussin 160s PE 305 religious art
history painting
Massacre of the Innocents
Paysage à la femme qui se lave les pieds painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 306 landscape painting
Louis II de Bourbon, duc d’Enghien painting by Jacques Stella Jacques Stella 1643 PE 307 portrait Louis, Grand Condé
Portrait of Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1636 PE 308 portrait Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de Richelieu
Cardinal Mazarin painting by Philippe de Champaigne Philippe de Champaigne 16th century PE 309 portrait Cardinal Mazarin
La mère Angélique Arnauld painting by Philippe de Champaigne Philippe de Champaigne 1648 PE 310 portrait Marie Angélique Arnauld
Madame de Longueville 17th-century portrait painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 311 portrait Anne-Geneviève de Bourbon
Mademoiselle de Longueville painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 312 portrait Marie de Nemours
Molière painting by Pierre Mignard Pierre Mignard I 1658 PE 313 portrait Molière
Portrait of cardinal Jules Mazarin painting by Pierre Mignard Pierre Mignard I 1659 PE 314 portrait Cardinal Mazarin
Portrait of Henrietta of England, Duchess of Orléans painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1664 PE 315 portrait Henrietta of England
Portrait de Louis XIV painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 316 portrait Louis XIV of France
Portrait de Philippe Ier, duc d'Orléans painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 317 portrait Philippe, Duke of Orléans
Portrait of Victoire de Bavière, dauphine of France as wife of the Grand Dauphin painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1680 PE 318 portrait Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria
Portrait d'Henriette de Coligny, comtesse de la Suze 17th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 319 portrait Henriette de Coligny de La Suze
Presumed portrait of Catherine Mignard painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 320 portrait Catherine-Marguerite Mignard
Self-portrait painting by Élisabeth Sophie Chéron Élisabeth Sophie Chéron 16th century PE 321 self-portrait Élisabeth Sophie Chéron
Portrait d'une dame inconnue painting by Pierre Mignard Pierre Mignard I 16th century PE 322 portrait lady
Portrait de Thomas Corneille painting by Jacob van Loo Jacob van Loo 16th century PE 323 portrait Thomas Corneille
Pomponne de Bellièvre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 324 portrait Pomponne II de Bellièvre
Self portrait of Wallerant Vaillant (1623-1677) painting after Wallerant Vaillant No/unknown value 17th century PE 325 portrait Wallerant Vaillant
Portrait présumé de Chapelle painting by Claude Lefèbvre Claude Lefèbvre 16th millenium PE 327 portrait Claude-Emmanuel Lhuillier
Mademoiselle de Nantes, duchesse de Bourbon painting by Jean François de Troy Marc Nattier 1690 PE 328 portrait Louise Françoise de Bourbon
Portrait de Charles Gobinet painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 329 portrait Charles Gobinet
Marie-Anne de Châteauneuf, dite Mlle Duclos, dans le rôle d'Ariane painting by Nicolas de Largillière Nicolas de Largillière 170s PE 330 portrait Mademoiselle Duclos
Portrait of a lady, traditionally identified as Elisabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate (Princess Palatine at the well) painting by Nicolas de Largillière Nicolas de Largillière 17th century PE 331 portrait Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, Duchess of Orléans
Portrait présumé de Anne Thérèse de Marquenat de Courcelles painting by Nicolas de Largillière Nicolas de Largillière 17th century PE 332 portrait Anne-Thérèse de Marquenat de Courcelles, g. de Lambert/Marquise de Lambert, 1644-1733
Portrait présumé de Charles-Paris d'Orléans duc de Longueville et d'Estouville painting by Nicolas de Largillière Nicolas de Largillière 1682 PE 333 portrait Charles-Paris of Orléans
Un chevalier de l'ordre de saint Michel painting by Nicolas de Largillière Nicolas de Largillière 16th millenium PE 334 portrait Knight of the Order of Saint-Michel
Louis XIV in Coronation Robes painting by Hyacinthe Rigaud Hyacinthe Rigaud 1701 PE 335 portrait
Louis XIV of France
Louis XV, roi de France painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1742 PE 336 portrait Louis XV of France
Portrait d'Armand Jean le Bouthillier de Rancé, abbé de la Trappe painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 337 portrait Armand Jean Le Bouthillier Rancé
Portrait d'homme painting by Hyacinthe Rigaud in the Musée Condé Hyacinthe Rigaud 16th millenium PE 338 portrait man
Presumed portrait of Marie Anne de La Trémoille, princesse des Ursins painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1670 PE 339 portrait Marie Anne de La Trémoille, princesse des Ursins
Le Grand Condé en 1662 painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 340 portrait Louis, Grand Condé
Le duc d'Anjou (futur Philippe V d'Espagne) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 345 portrait Philip V of Spain
portrait of a man with a flap 17th-century anonymous painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 346 portrait man
Portrait du duc du Maine painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 347 portrait Louis Auguste, Duke of Maine
Portrait du comte de Toulouse en costume de Novice de l'ordre du Saint-Esprit painting by Louis de Boullogne Louis de Boullogne 1693 PE 348 portrait Louis Alexandre, Count of Toulouse
Siège de Philippsburg (août 1644) painting by Jean-Baptiste Le Paon Jean-Baptiste Le Paon 1769 PE 349 B battle painting
Siège d'Ypres (1648) painting by Jean-Baptiste Le Paon Jean-Baptiste Le Paon 1769 PE 349 C battle painting
Siège de Dunkerque (1646) painting by Jean-Baptiste Le Paon Jean-Baptiste Le Paon 1769 PE 349 A battle painting
Les Actions du Grand Condé, Bataille de Rocroi, 1643 painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 16th century PE 354 history painting Battle of Rocroi
Les Actions du Grand Condé, Bataille de Fribourg, 1644 painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 16th century PE 355 history painting Battle of Freiburg
Les Actions du Grand Condé, Bataille de Norlingue, 1645 painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 16th century PE 356 history painting Battle of Nördlingen
Les Actions du Grand Condé, Siège de Dunkerque et Furnes, 1646 painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 16th century PE 357 history painting Siege of Dunkirk
Conquête d'Ager et siège de Lérida painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 16th century PE 358 history painting
The Acts of the Grand Condé, Paris Blockade 1649 painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 160s PE 360 landscape painting
architectural view
genre art
history painting
Les Actions du Grand Condé, Conquête de la Franche-Comté painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 16th century PE 361 history painting
Les Actions du Grand Condé, Passage du Rhin, 1672 painting by Sauveur Lecomte Sauveur Lecomte 16th century PE 362 history painting
Le Repentir painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1691 PE 364 allegory
Portrait de Louis Henri de Bourbon, septième prince de Condé painting by Pierre Gobert in the Musée Condé Pierre Gobert 17th century PE 365 portrait Louis Henri, Duke of Bourbon
The Lunch of Oysters painting by Jean-François de Troy Jean-François de Troy 1735 PE 366 genre art
Angelo Constantini dans le rôle de Mezetin painting by François de Troy François de Troy 16th century PE 367 portrait Angelo Costantini
Portrait d'homme en costume oriental painting by Alexis Grimou Alexis Grimou 17th century PE 368 portrait
Cupid Disarmed painting by Antoine Watteau Jean-Antoine Watteau 1715 PE 369 mythological painting
Pastoral Pleasure painting by Antoine Watteau Jean-Antoine Watteau 1714 PE 370 Fête galante
The Chord painting by Antoine Watteau Jean-Antoine Watteau 1715 PE 371 portrait
genre art
Angelo Costantini
The Worried Lover painting by Antoine Watteau Jean-Antoine Watteau 1715 PE 372 genre art
Hunting piece with aping mimicry painting by Christophe Huet Christophe Huet 1735 PE 374 genre art
Portrait de mademoiselle de Clermont aux Eaux minérales de Chantilly painting by Jean-Marc Nattier, musée Condé Jean-Marc Nattier 1729 PE 375 portrait
Marie Anne de Bourbon
Portrait de Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti, duchesse d'Orléans en Hébé. painting by Jean-Marc Nattier at the Musée Condé Jean-Marc Nattier 1732 PE 376 portrait Louise Henriette de Bourbon
Portrait de Caroline de Hesse-Rheinfels, duchesse de Bourbon, princesse de Condé painting by Pierre Gobert Pierre Gobert 1754 PE 377 portrait Landgravine Caroline of Hesse-Rotenburg
L'hallali du loup painting by Jean-Baptiste Oudry Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1725 PE 378 hunting
L'Hallali du renard painting by Jean-Baptiste Oudry Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1725 PE 379 hunting
Briador painting by Alexandre-François Desportes Alexandre-François Desportes 17th century PE 380 animal art
Baltazar painting by Alexandre-François Desportes Alexandre-François Desportes 17th century PE 381 animal art
Fanfaraut painting by Alexandre-François Desportes Alexandre-François Desportes 17th century PE 382 animal art
The Ham Dinner painting by Nicolas Lancret Nicolas Lancret 1735 PE 383 genre art
Portrait of Pope Benedict XIV painting by Pierre Subleyras Pierre Subleyras 170s PE 384 portrait Benedict XIV
Allégorie de la Richesse painting by Jacob van Loo Jacob van Loo 16th century PE 385 allegory wealth
La Duchesse de Chartres en présence du vaisseau le Saint-Esprit qui emporte le duc de Chartres au combat d'Ouessant painting by Joseph Duplessis Joseph-Siffred Duplessis 170s PE 386 portrait Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon
Portrait of Comte de Provence, brother of the King (1755-1824) painting by Joseph Duplessis Joseph-Siffred Duplessis 1778 PE 387 portrait Louis XVIII of France
Portrait de Louis XVI painting by Joseph Duplessis Joseph-Siffred Duplessis 17th century PE 388 portrait Louis XVI of France
Portrait du comte d'Angiviller painting by Joseph Duplessis Joseph-Siffred Duplessis 1778 PE 389 portrait Charles-Claude Flahaut de la Billaderie
Portrait de Madame Denis, nièce de Voltaire painting by Joseph Duplessis Joseph-Siffred Duplessis 1778 PE 390 portrait Marie Louise Mignot
Jeune fille painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1765 PE 391 portrait girl
Jeune garçon painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze Jean-Baptiste Greuze 17th century PE 392 portrait boy
Le tendre désir painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1769 PE 393 allegory
La Surprise painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1800 PE 394 allegory
Madame la Dauphine Marie-Antoinette, as Hebe Painting François-Hubert Drouais 1773 PE 395 portrait Marie Antoinette
Portrait de Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, marquise de Pompadour painting by François-Hubert Drouais François-Hubert Drouais 1764 PE 396 portrait Madame de Pompadour
Portrait de Charles de Bourbon, duc de Vendôme painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.01 portrait Charles, Duke of Vendôme
Portrait d'Antoine de Bourbon, roi de Navarre painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.02 portrait Antoine of Navarre
Portrait de Jeanne d'Albret, reine de Navarre painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.03 portrait Jeanne d'Albret
Portrait de Henri IV Portrait painting by Jean-Mari Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.04 portrait Henry IV of France
Portrait de Marie de Médicis portrait by Ribou after Pourbus Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.05 portrait Marie de' Medici
Portrait de Louis XIII Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.06 portrait Louis XIII of France
Portrait d'Anne d'Autriche Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.07 portrait Anne of Austria
Marie de' Medici
Portrait de Louis XIV painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.08 portrait
Portrait de Marie-Thérèse d'Autriche painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.09 portrait Maria Theresa of Spain
Portrait de Louis Dauphin ; fils unique de Louis XIV Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.10 portrait Louis, Grand Dauphin
Portrait de Marie-Anne-Christine-Victoire de Bavière, femme de Louis, Dauphin painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.11 portrait Maria Anna Victoria of Bavaria
Portrait de Louis, duc de Bourgogne, père de Louis XV Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.12 portrait Louis, Dauphin of France, Duke of Burgundy
Portrait de Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie, femme de Louis, duc de Bourgogne painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.13 portrait Marie Adélaïde of Savoy
Portrait de Louis XV painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.14 portrait Louis XV of France
Portrait de Marie Leczinska, reine de France painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.15 portrait Marie Leszczyńska
Portrait de Éléonore, princesse de Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.23 portrait Eléanore de Roye
Charlotte-Catherine de La Trémoille, Princess of Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.25 portrait Charlotte Catherine de La Trémoille
Portrait of Charlotte-Marguerite de Montmorency, Princesse of Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.27 portrait Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency
Portrait of Claire Clémence de Maillé (1628-1694)) painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.29 portrait Claire-Clémence de Maillé-Brézé
Henri Jules, Duke of Enghien painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.30 portrait Henri Jules, Prince of Condé
Portrait de Anne de Bavière, femme de Honoré-Jules, prince de Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 17th century PE 397.31 portrait Anne Henriette of Bavaria
Portrait de Anne-Geneviève de Bourbon-Condé, duchesse de Longueville painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.32 portrait Anne-Geneviève de Bourbon
Portrait of the Duchess of Bourbon, Louise-Françoise de Bourbon, Mademoiselle de Nantes (1673-1743) painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.34 portrait Louise Françoise de Bourbon
Portrait de Charlotte de Hesse, mère de S.A.S. Mgr le prince de Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.36 portrait Landgravine Caroline of Hesse-Rotenburg
Louis V Joseph de Bourbon-Condé, huitième prince de Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE397.37 portrait Louis Joseph, Prince of Condé
Portrait of Charlotte de Rohan, Princess of Condé (1760-1737) painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.38 portrait Charlotte de Rohan
Portrait de Louis-Henry-Joseph, duc de Bourbon, 9e prince de Condé painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE397.40 portrait Louis Henri, Prince of Condé
Portrait de Louise-Marie-Thérèse-Bathilde d'Orléans, duchesse de Bourbon painting by Jean-Marie Ribou Jean-Marie Ribou 1776 PE 397.41 portrait Bathilde d'Orléans
Portrait de Louis-Joseph de Bourbon, huitième prince de Condé (1736-1818) painting by Sophie de Tott Sophie de Tott 1802 PE 398 portrait Louis Joseph, Prince of Condé
Hallali du cerf aux Grandes Ecuries le 13 septembre 1776 painting by Nicolas-Anne Dubois Nicolas-Anne Dubois 1780 PE 399 hunting
Chasse au cerf en 1782 dans le grand parc de Chantilly painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th millenium PE 400 hunting
Paysage avec singes macaques rhésus, cygnes tuberculés, spréo royal d'Afrique, sur le palmier, canard colvert et pastèques painting by Christophe Huet Christophe Huet 1735 PE 401.10 animal art
Portrait of Maria Teresa of Naples and Sicily painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 402 portrait Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily
Marie-Caroline-Louise, reine de Naples painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century PE 403 portrait Maria Carolina of Austria
Portrait de Marie-Louise-Amélie, Grande-Duchesse de Toscane painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1805 PE 404 portrait Princess Luisa of Naples and Sicily
Portrait de Louis-Philippe, duc d'Orléans 18th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th millenium PE 405 portrait Louis Philippe I, Duke of Orléans
Portrait of Philippe of Orléans as with the insigniae of the Grand Orient de France painting by Michel Garnier Michel Garnier 1777 PE 406 portrait Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
Portrait de Louise-Marie-Adélaïde de Bourbon-Penthièvre, duchesse de Chartres 18th-century painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 1786 PE 407 portrait Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon
Choc de cavalerie painting by Francesco Giuseppe Casanova in the Musée Condé Francesco Giuseppe Casanova 1769 PE 408 battle painting
Choc de cavalerie painting by Francesco Giuseppe Casanova in the Musée Condé Francesco Giuseppe Casanova 1769 PE 409 battle painting
Portrait d'homme en habit gris et gilet rouge painting by Joseph Aved Joseph Aved 17th century PE 410 portrait man
Portrait d'homme en habit gris painting by Joseph Aved Joseph Aved 17th century PE 411 portrait man
Portrait d'homme 18th-century anonymous portrait painting No/unknown value 1750 PE 412 portrait man
Portrait of Louis François Joseph, Prince of Conti (1734-1814) painting by Louis Petit Louis Petit 1774 PE 414 portrait Louis François II de Bourbon
Portrait de Louis-Antoine-Henry de Bourbon-Condé, duc d'Enghien painting by Nanine Vallain Nanine Vallain 1788 PE 415 portrait Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien
Portrait de Louis-Henry-Joseph de Bourbon, neuvième et dernier prince de Condé painting by Henri-Pierre Danloux Henri-Pierre Danloux 1797 PE 417 portrait Louis Henri, Prince of Condé
Passage du Pô par l'armée française sous Plaisance le 7 mai 1796 painting by Nicolas-Didier Boguet Nicolas-Didier Boguet 1813 PE 418 A history painting
Portrait de Louis-Henry-Joseph de Bourbon-Condé painting by Henri-Pierre Danloux Henri-Pierre Danloux 1795 PE 418 portrait Louis Henri, Prince of Condé
The Duke of Orléans and the Duke of Chartres at a meet in 1787 painting by Carle Vernet Carle Vernet 1788 PE 419 hunting
Vénus painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century PE 420 mythological painting Venus
Hommage à la Beauté painting by Pierre-Paul Prud'hon Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 1808 PE 421 mythological painting
Venus and Cupid asleep, caressed and awakened by the Zephyrs painting by Pierre-Paul Prud'hon Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 18th century PE 422 mythological painting
L'Abondance painting by Pierre-Paul Prud'hon Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 18th century PE 423 allegory
L’Intérieur d’un café painting by Louis-Léopold Boilly Louis-Léopold Boilly 1824 PE 424 genre art
Napoléon Bonaparte Premier Consul painting by François Gérard François Gérard 1803 PE 425 portrait Napoleon
Les trois âges painting by François Gérard François Gérard 1806 PE 426 allegory
Portrait de la duchesse d'Orléans painting by François Gérard François Gérard 1817 PE 427 portrait Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily
Bonaparte and the Plague Victims of Jaffa painting by Antoine-Jean Gros, at the Musée Condé Antoine-Jean Gros 1804 PE 428 history painting
Maria Amalia of Naples-Sicilia (1782-1866), Queen of the French painting by Louis Hersent Louis Hersent 1828 PE 429 portrait Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily
Self-Portrait Aged 24 Self-portrait by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1804 PE 430 self-portrait Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres
Portrait of Madame Devaucay painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1807 PE 431 portrait Antonia Duvauçey de Nittis
Antiochus and Stratonice painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1840 PE 432 history painting
Vénus Anadyomène painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1808 PE 433 nude
mythological painting
Venus Anadyomene
Paolo et Francesca painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1814 PE 434 Troubadour style
Portrait d'Ahmed Ben Ferruch painting by Édouard Pingret Édouard Pingret 1847 PE 435 A portrait
Le tombeau de Jacopo Sannazzaro dans l'église de Santa Maria del Parto, Naples paintings by Louis Nicolas Lemasle Louis Nicolas Lemasle 18th century PE 435 landscape painting Tomb of Jacopo Sannazaro
The Duke of Orléans asking for hospitality from the monks of the Mont Saint-Gothard hospice on August 27, 1793 painting by Horace Vernet Horace Vernet 1818 PE 436 history painting
Porträt des Herzogs von Orléans (Louis-Philippe) painting by Horace Vernet, Musée Condé Horace Vernet 1818 PE 437 portrait Louis-Philippe I
Arab Chieftains in Council (The Negotiator) painting by Horace Vernet Horace Vernet 1834 PE 438 history painting
Louis-Philippe with his son in Versailles painting by Léon Bazille Perrault after Horace Vernet Léon Bazille Perrault 19th century PE 439 portrait
Portrait en pied du duc de Bourbon, en tenue de lieutenant général painting by Pierre-Louis Delaval Pierre-Louis Delaval 180s PE 440 portrait Louis Henri, Prince of Condé
The horse is out of the stable painting by Théodore Géricault Théodore Géricault
Horace Vernet
1810 PE 441 animal art
Soldat de la République painting by Nicolas Toussaint Charlet Nicolas Toussaint Charlet 18th century PE 442 military art
Napolitan woman crying in the ruins of her house after an earthquake painting by Léopold Robert Léopold Robert 1830 PE 443 genre art
The confidence painting by Léopold Robert Léopold Robert 19th century PE 444 genre art
Portrait du prince de Talleyrand painting by Ary Scheffer Ary Scheffer 1828 PE 445 portrait Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Portrait du duc d'Orléans painting by Ary Scheffer Ary Scheffer 1830 PE 446 portrait Prince Ferdinand Philippe, Duke of Orléans
Portrait de la reine Marie-Amélie painting by Ary Scheffer Ary Scheffer 1857 PE 447 portrait Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily
Pastoral Concert painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1857 PE 448 landscape painting
figure painting
genre art
Vue de la ville et du golfe de Salerne painting by Achille Etna Michallon Achille Etna Michallon 18th century PE 449 landscape painting Gulf of Salerno
The Assassination of the Duke of Guise painting by Paul Delaroche (1834) Paul Delaroche 1834 PE 450 history painting Assassination of Henry I, Duke of Guise
Portrait of Princess Louise of Orléans, Queen of the Belgians painting by Joseph-Désiré Court Joseph-Désiré Court 1835 PE 451 portrait Louise of Orléans
Henri d'Orleans, Duke of Aumale at the age of nine painting by Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury 1831 PE 452 portrait Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale
Portrait du Duc de Montpensier à l'âge de sept ans painting by Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury 1831 PE 453 portrait Prince Antoine, Duke of Montpensier
Portrait de Madame Adélaïde d'Orléans painting by Marie Amélie Cogniet Marie-Amélie Cogniet 1838 PE 454 portrait Princess Adélaïde of Orléans
Capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders in the fourth crusade painting by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix 1840 PE 455 history painting Siege of Constantinople
The Two Foscari painting by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix 1855 PE 456 history painting
Le corps de garde à Meknès painting by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix 1847 PE 457 Orientalist painting
Ancienne Abbaye de Doue près de la ville du Puy (Haute-Loire) painting by Pierre Thuillier Pierre Thuillier 1837 PE 459 A landscape painting Abbaye de Doue
La duchesse de Nemours en Diane chasseresse painting by Henri Decaisne Henri Decaisne 1847 PE 459 portrait Princess Victoria, Duchess of Nemours
Vue du pont de Neuilly painting by Alexandre-Hyacinthe Dunouy Alexandre-Hyacinthe Dunouy 18th century PE 461 landscape painting
Porte-drapeau de la République painting by Hippolyte Bellangé Hippolyte Bellangé 1836 PE 463 military art
Prise de la Smalah d'Abd-el-Kader le 16 mai 1843 painting by Hippolyte Bellangé Hippolyte Bellangé 1847 PE 464 military art Battle of the Smala
Portrait de la princesse de Joinville painting by Amédée Fauré Amédée Fauré 180s PE 468 portrait Princess Francisca of Brazil
Escadre française devant Le Tréport painting by Théodore Gudin Théodore Gudin 1838 PE 471 marine art
The Seine and the park of Neuilly painting by Théodore Gudin Théodore Gudin 1831 PE 472 landscape painting
Paysage turc painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 18th century PE 473 Orientalist painting
Un corps de garde turc sur la route de Smyrne à Magnésie painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1833 PE 474 Orientalist painting
Souvenir de la Turquie d'Asie - enfants jouant avec une tortue painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1836 PE 475 Orientalist painting
Souvenir de la Turquie d'Asie, dit aussi Enfants turcs auprès d'une fontaine painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1846 PE 476 Orientalist painting
Cavaliers turcs painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1839 PE 477 Orientalist painting
L'école turque painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 18th century PE 478 Orientalist painting
Rebecca at the Well painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1848 PE 479 religious art Rebecca at the well
Paysage (Don Quichotte) painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1834 PE 480 landscape painting
Bertrand et Raton painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1846 PE 481 animal art
Enfant donnant à manger à un mouton painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1846 PE 482 genre art
Vue du Val-Fleury et de l'aqueduc painting by Camille Roqueplan Camille Roqueplan 18th century PE 487 landscape painting
Place du Gouvernement à Alger painting by Adrien Dauzats Adrien Dauzats 1849 PE 488 landscape painting Martyrs Square
Expédition des Portes de fer, octobre 1839 ; le premier défilé painting by Adrien Dauzats Adrien Dauzats 1849 PE 489 military art Iron Gates
Hallali du cerf aux étangs de Commelle painting by Louis Godefroy Jadin Louis Godefroy Jadin 1841 PE 490 hunting
Portrait de Louis-Philippe d'Orléans, duc de Chartres, (futur roi Louis-Philippe) à Reichenau painting by Franz Xaver Winterhalter Franz Xaver Winterhalter 18th century PE 491 portrait Louis-Philippe I
Le duc d'Aumale en chef de bataillon du XVIIe léger painting by Franz Xaver Winterhalter Franz Xaver Winterhalter 1840 PE 492 portrait Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale
Portrait de Marie Caroline Auguste de Bourbon, duchesse d'Aumale painting by Franz Schrotzberg Franz Schrotzberg 1842 PE 493 portrait Princess Maria Carolina, Duchess of Aumale
Vue de Schaffhouse painting by Pierre-Justin Ouvrié Pierre-Justin Ouvrié 1862 PE 493 A landscape painting Schaffhausen
Portrait of Mme de Montesson painting by Eugène Goyet Eugène Goyet 1833 PE 494 portrait Madame de Montesson
Le duc d'Aumale assis au bois des Oliviers avec le commandant Durrieu et l'agha Chourar painting by Pierre-Antoine Labouchère Pierre-Antoine Labouchère 1849 PE 494 A Orientalist painting
Portrait de Henri d'Orléans à Claremont painting by Victor Mottez Victor Mottez 1851 PE 496 portrait Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale
Dash, chien du duc d'Aumale painting by Alfred de Dreux Alfred de Dreux 1853 PE 497 animal art
Souvenir of the Rosetta Campaign painting by Prosper Marilhat Prosper Marilhat 1835 PE 498 Orientalism
Vue de Lattaquieh (Syrie) painting by Prosper Marilhat Prosper Marilhat 1840 PE 499 Orientalist painting Latakia
Arabes syriens en voyage painting by Prosper Marilhat Prosper Marilhat 1844 PE 500 Orientalist painting
Baba-Ali, cheval arabe du général Henri d'Orléans, duc d'Aumale painting by Daniel Casey Daniel Casey 1852 PE 502 animal art
Le port Saint-Nicolas à Paris painting by Jules Dupré Jules Dupré 18th century PE 503 landscape painting port Saint-Nicolas
Pâtres bas-bretons painting by Adolphe Pierre Leleux Adolphe Pierre Leleux 1845 PE 505 genre art
Paysage painting by Théodore Rousseau Théodore Rousseau 19th century PE 506 landscape painting
Le labour en Afrique painting by Karl Girardet Karl Girardet 1844 PE 507 genre art
Orientalist painting
Les Baigneuses ; souvenir de Charenton painting by Alexandre-Victor Fontaine Alexandre-Victor Fontaine 1846 PE 508 genre art
Le château de Chantilly au XVIIe siècle painting by Maximilian Godefroy Maximilian Godefroy 1846 PE 510 A landscape painting
history painting
Château de Chantilly
Vue du hameau de Chantilly painting by François-Louis Français François-Louis Français 1846 PE 511 landscape painting hameau de Chantilly
Reddition d'Abd-El-Kader painting by Augustin Regis Augustin Regis 1847 PE 512 history painting
La vedette des dragons sous Louis XV painting by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1863 PE 514 military art
1805, Cuirassiers Before the Charge painting by Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1875 PE 515 history painting
Vue du Tréport painting by Jules Achille Noël Jules Achille Noël 1873 PE 517 A landscape painting
Vue du château de Saint-Cloud painting by Charles-François Daubigny in the Musée Condé Charles-François Daubigny 1865 PE 519 landscape painting Château de Saint-Cloud
Malaria (painting) painting by Ernest Hébert in the Musée Condé Ernest Hébert 1850 PE 520 genre art malaria
Portrait de la reine Marie-Amélie painting by Charles Jalabert Charles Jalabert 1880 PE 521 portrait Maria Amalia of Naples and Sicily
Portrait du Prince de Condé painting by Charles Jalabert Charles Jalabert 18th century PE 522 portrait Prince Louis, Prince of Condé
Petit portrait du prince de Condé painting by Charles Jalabert Charles Jalabert 1865 PE 523 portrait Prince Louis, Prince of Condé
Portrait du duc du Guise painting by Charles Jalabert Charles Jalabert 1865 PE 524 portrait Prince François, Duke of Guise
Étangs de Commelles (Chantilly) painting by Auguste Anastasi Auguste Anastasi 18th century PE 525 landscape painting Étangs de Commelles
Les Étangs de Commelle painting by Auguste Anastasi Auguste Anastasi 18th century PE 526 landscape painting Étangs de Commelles
Amsterdam le soir painting by Auguste Anastasi Auguste Anastasi 18th century PE 527 landscape painting Amsterdam
Hunting heron, Algeria painting by Eugène Fromentin Eugène Fromentin 1865 PE 528 Orientalist painting
Sainte Claire recevant le corps de saint François d'Assise au couvent de Sainte-Marie-des-Anges painting by François-Léon Benouville François-Léon Benouville 1858 PE 529 religious art
Les Eaux douces d'Asie painting by Félix Ziem Félix Ziem 18th century PE 530 landscape painting
Berger des Pyrénées painting by Rosa Bonheur Rosa Bonheur 1864 PE 531 landscape painting
animal art
La meute sortant des grandes écuries de Chantilly painting by Jean-Maxime Claude Jean-Maxime Claude 1865 PE 532 hunting
The Duel After the Masquerade painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme, Musée Condé Jean-Léon Gérôme 1857 PE 533 genre art
Le Matin avant l'attaque painting by Paul Alexandre Protais Paul Alexandre Protais 1863 PE 534 military art
Le Soir après le combat painting by Paul Alexandre Protais Paul Alexandre Protais 1863 PE 535 military art
Vénus jouant avec l'Amour painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1858 PE 537 mythological painting
Diane au repos painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1858 PE 538 mythological painting Diana
Amours portant les attributs de Vénus painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1858 PE 539.11 mythological painting
Amours portant les attributs de Diane painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1858 PE 539.3 mythological painting
Amours portant les attributs de Mars painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1858 PE 539.6 mythological painting
Amours portant les attributs de Mercure painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1858 PE 539.7 mythological painting
Amours portant les attributs de Minerve painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1858 PE 539.8 mythological painting
The Vision of Saint Hubert painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1882 PE 540 religious art
L'Enlèvement de Psyché painting by Paul Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 1885 PE 541 mythological painting
Olifant de saint Hubert painting by Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe 1881 PE 542 still life
Le duc d'Orléans chassant à courre au Bosquet de Sylvie en 1841 painting by Charles Olivier de Penne Charles Olivier de Penne 18th century PE 543 hunting
Hallali du cerf dans l'étang de Sylvie. Chasse du duc d'Aumale en 1880 painting by Charles Olivier de Penne Charles Olivier de Penne 1880 PE 544 hunting
Combat sur la voie ferrée (armée de la Loire) painting by Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville 1874 PE 545 history painting
The execution of the Duke of Enghien painting by Jean-Paul Laurens Jean-Paul Laurens 1873 PE 546 history painting Affaire du duc d'Enghien
L'Espérance painting by Diogene Ulyssee Napoleon Maillart Diogene Ulyssee Napoleon Maillart 1892 PE 547 allegory
Marie Felice des Ursins, duchesse de Montmorency, et le poète Théophile de Viau à la Maison de Sylvie painting by Luc-Olivier Merson Luc-Olivier Merson 1895 PE 548 history painting
Mademoiselle de Clermont et le comte de Melun à la Maison de Sylvie en 1724 painting by Luc-Olivier Merson Luc-Olivier Merson 1895 PE 549 history painting
Vase de fleurs painting by Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle 1858 PE 550.1 still life
Vase de fleurs (2) painting by Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle 1858 PE 550.2 still life
Vase de fleurs (3) painting by Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle 1858 PE 550.3 still life
Vase de fleurs (4) painting by Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle Alexis-Joseph Mazerolle 1858 PE 550.4 still life
Colonel Lepic at Eylau with Grenadiers à Cheval of the Garde Impériale painting by Édouard Detaille Édouard Detaille 1893 PE 551 history painting Battle of Eylau
Portrait du général Henri d'Orléans, duc d'Aumale (1880) painting by Léon Bonnat Léon Bonnat 1880 PE 552 portrait Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale
Portrait of Henri d'Orléans, duc d'Aumale (1822-1897) painting by Léon Bonnat Léon Bonnat 1890 PE 553 portrait Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale
Portrait d'un inconnu painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 554 portrait man
Henri II, roi de France painting by the workshop of François Clouet No/unknown value 15th century PE 555 portrait Henry II of France
Portrait de Claude de Beaune painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1563 PE 556 portrait Claude de Beaune
Portrait de Catherine de Médicis painting by anonymous in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 557 portrait Catherine de' Medici
Portrait de Philippe Chabot, amiral de Brion painting by Corneille de Lyon Corneille de Lyon 15th century PE 558 portrait Philippe de Chabot
Portrait de Charles IX painting by anonymous in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 1569 PE 559 portrait Charles IX of France
Portrait de Catherine de Médicis painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 560 portrait Catherine de' Medici
Portrait de Charles IX painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1569 PE 561 portrait Charles IX of France
Portrait of an unknown woman painting after François Clouet No/unknown value 15th century
PE 562 portrait lady
Portrait d'Antoine de Bourbon, roi de Navarre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1560 PE 563 portrait Antoine of Navarre
Portrait of an unknown woman, formerly identified as Anne Boleyn 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 564 portrait woman
Elizabeth of Austria 16th-century anonymous portrait in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 565 portrait Elisabeth of Austria
Portrait de Jacqueline van Caestre, épouse de Cordes painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 566 portrait Jacqueline van Caestre
Portrait d'Henri de France, duc d'Anjou, futur Henri III painting by anonymous No/unknown value 150s PE 567 portrait Henry III of France
Portrait de Charles IX à trois ans et demi jouant avec un chat painting by Germain Le Mannier Germain Le Mannier 1553 PE 568 portrait Charles IX of France
Portrait du roi Charles IX painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 569 portrait Charles IX of France
Portrait de Charles VII, roi de France painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1600 PE 570 portrait Charles VII of France
Portrait de Charles IX painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1561 PE 571 portrait Charles IX of France
Portrait of Philip the Good 15th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 14th century PE 572 portrait Philip III the Good
Portrait d'un seigneur et d'une femme portrait of anonymous people of the 16th century No/unknown value 15th century PE 573 portrait
Portrait d'Henri de Lorraine, duc de Guise Portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 574 portrait Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise
Portrait de Maximilien d'Autriche 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 575 portrait Maximilian I
Charles VIII of France (1470-1498) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 576 portrait Charles VIII of France
Portrait de Luther painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 577 portrait Martin Luther
Portrait de Jacques de Bourdin, seigneur de Vilaines (?) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1565 PE 579 portrait Jacques Bourdin
Gaspard II de Coligny
Cavalier painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 580 genre art
Portrait de Jacques de Savoie, duc de Nemours painting by the workshop of François Clouet No/unknown value 1566 PE 581 portrait Jacques, Duke of Nemours
Louis XIV, king of France, child, hunting with falcon painting by Justus van Egmont Justus van Egmont 1647 PE 582 portrait Louis XIV of France
Portrait d'un vieillard inconnu 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 583 portrait Christophe de Thou
Portrait of an unidentified noble man painting by anonymous in the Musée Condé Gillis Claeissens 1575 PE 584 portrait gentleman
Portrait d'une dame inconnue 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 150s PE 585 portrait lady
portrait de femme painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 586 portrait woman
Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency, princesse de Condé painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 587 portrait Charlotte Marguerite de Montmorency
Mary Magdalene, also wrongly called Portrait of Mary of Burgundy painting by Master of the Legend of the Magdalen Master of the Legend of the Magdalene 1510 PE 588 portrait Mary Magdalene
Marguerite de Valois, reine de Navarre painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 589 portrait Margaret of Valois
Portrait de François de Scépeaux, sieur de Vieilleville painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1566 PE 590 portrait François de Scépeaux
Le connétable Anne de Montmorency painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th millenium PE 591 portrait Anne de Montmorency
Portrait of Laura de Noves 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 592 portrait Laura de Noves
Portrait of Dante Alighieri portrait by an anonymous Florentine painter No/unknown value 16th century PE 593 portrait Dante Alighieri
Henriette de Balsac d'Entragues, marquise de Verneuil (1579-1633) painting No/unknown value 16th millenium
PE 595 portrait Catherine Henriette de Balzac d'Entragues
Portrait de Louis Ier de Bourbon, prince de Condé painting by anonymous No/unknown value 15th century PE 596 portrait Louis, Prince of Condé
Portrait of Louis I de Bourbon, Prince de Condé (1530-1569) 15th century PE596
Portrait de Roger de Saint-Lary, duc de Bellegarde painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1620 PE 598 portrait Roger de Saint-Lary de Termes
Abraham de Fabert, marquis d'Esternay painting by anonymous after Louis Ferdinand Elle the Elder No/unknown value 16th century PE 599 portrait Abraham de Fabert
Portrait de Gaspard de Coligny 16th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 600 portrait Gaspard II de Coligny
Francois-Henri Montmorency, Duke of Luxembourg (1628-1695), Marshall of France painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1693 PE 601 portrait François-Henri de Montmorency, duc de Luxembourg
Eléonore Galigaï, maréchale d'Ancre 16th-century anonymous portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 15th century PE 602 portrait Leonora Dori
Portrait of an anonymous lawyer 17th-century anonymous painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 603 portrait magistrate
Portrait de Jacques Ier d'Angleterre 17th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 16th century PE 604 portrait James VI and I
Portrait d'Albert, archiduc d'Autriche painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 605 portrait Albert VII, Archduke of Austria
In den Abruzzen painting by Oswald Achenbach Oswald Achenbach 1863 PE 606 landscape painting
La Croix du Triève painting by Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin Louis Marie Baptiste Atthalin 1831 PE 607 landscape painting
Mademoiselle de Montpensier painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century PE 608 portrait Anne Marie Louise d'Orléans
Église de montagne painting by Nicolas Alexandre Barbier Nicolas Alexandre Barbier 18th century PE 609 landscape painting
Nature morte aux raisins painting by Charles Jules Nestor Bavoux Charles Jules Nestor Bavoux 18th century PE 610 still life
Collège Henri IV à Paris painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 611 landscape painting Lycée Henri-IV
Le Château d'Aumale painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 612 landscape painting
Le Palais royal de Paris painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 613 landscape painting Palais-Royal
Le Palais d'Orléans, Palerme painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 614 landscape painting Palazzo d'Orleans
Le Château d'Ecouen painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 615 landscape painting château d'Écouen
Le Château de Guise painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 616 landscape painting The fortified castle of Guise
Le Château de Villers-Cotterêts painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 617 landscape painting Villers-Cotterêts Castle
Orleans House à Twickenham painting by Armand Bernard Armand Bernard 180s PE 618 landscape painting Orleans House Gallery
Portrait de Louis Bernier painting by Léon Bonnat Léon Bonnat 1882 PE 619 portrait Louis Bernier
Voilà comment les enfants viennent painting by Clément Boulanger Clément Boulanger 1838 PE 620 genre art
Pré à Bercenay-en-Othe (Aube) painting by Louis-Nicolas Cabat Louis-Nicolas Cabat 18th century PE 622 landscape painting
Baie de Naples painting by Alceste Campriani Alceste Campriani 1880 PE 623 marine art Gulf of Naples
Vue du jardin des Tuileries painting by Jean-Louis Chéret Jean-Louis Chéret 1835 PE 624 landscape painting Tuileries Garden
Le Valromey painting by Antoine Claude Ponthus-Cinier Antoine Claude Ponthus-Cinier 18th century PE 625 landscape painting Valromey
La Villa Pamphili painting by Antoine Claude Ponthus-Cinier Antoine Claude Ponthus-Cinier 1844 PE 626 landscape painting Villa Doria Pamphili
Valet de limier partant pour faire le bois painting by Jean-Maxime Claude Jean-Maxime Claude 1864 PE 627 genre art
Péniches à Bezons painting by Charles-François Daubigny Charles-François Daubigny 18th century PE 628 landscape painting
Taking of the smalah of Abd El-Kader painting by Alfred Decaen Alfred Decaen 1856 PE 629 history painting Battle of the Smala
Chien couché painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1850 PE 630 animal art
Etude du bois des brosses faite à Saint-Pierre près de Pont-Saint-Maxence painting by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1850 PE 631 landscape painting
Descente de croix painting by Paul Delaroche Paul Delaroche 1820 PE 632 religious art Descent from the Cross
L'Annonciation painting by Paul-Joseph Delcloche Paul-Joseph Delcloche 1755 PE 633 religious art Annunciation
The Duke of Penthièvre as a child painting by Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet 1825 PE 634 portrait Prince Charles, Duke of Penthièvre
Marie d'Orléans, future duchesse de Wurtemberg (1813-1839) painting by Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet Alexandre-Jean Dubois-Drahonet 1825 PE 635 portrait Princess Marie of France
Jean-Baptiste de Santeuil (1630-1697), chanoine de Saint-Victor painting by Toussain Dumée Toussain Dumée 16th millenium PE 638 portrait Jean-Baptiste de Santeul
Nativité painting by Jacques Dumont le Romain Jacques Dumont le Romain 17th century PE 639 religious art Nativity of Jesus
Portrait de l'Archiduc Louis No/unknown value 18th century PE 640 portrait Louis of Austria
Portrait of Henri, Prince of Condé (1588–1646) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th century PE 645 portrait Henri, Prince of Condé
Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) painting after Paul Mignard No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 647 portrait Jean-Baptiste Lully
Portrait de Jeanne d'Arc 17th-century anonymous painting No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 648 portrait Joan of Arc
Portrait de femme au manteau bleu bordé de fourrure blanche 18th-century anonymous portrait painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 649 portrait woman
Portrait de Louis, duc de Bourgogne (1682-1712) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 650 portrait Louis, Dauphin of France, Duke of Burgundy
Portrait de Louis III de Bourbon-Condé 18th-century anonymous painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 651 portrait Louis, Prince of Condé
Portrait de Louis XIV painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 652 portrait Louis XIV of France
Portrait équestre de Louis XIV painting by anonymous No/unknown value 19th century PE 654 portrait Louis XIV of France
Autoportrait painting by Charles-Joseph Natoire Charles-Joseph Natoire 17th century PE 655 portrait Charles-Joseph Natoire
Portrait de Philippe, duc d'Orléans, régent de France à cheval 18th-century equestrian portrait in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 656 equestrian portrait Philippe, Duke of Orléans
Portrait de Mademoiselle de Nantes sous les traits de Vénus sur un char trainé par deux colombes portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 657 portrait Louise Françoise de Bourbon
Le Grand Condé à Fribourg 18th-century anonymous painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 18th century PE 658 history painting
Portrait de Furetière 18th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 18th century PE 659 portrait Antoine Furetière
Portrait de Charles XII de Suède painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 660 portrait Carl XII of Sweden
Portrait de Frédéric II de Prusse painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 661 portrait Frederick II of Prussia
Portrait of Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 662 portrait Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon
Scène de combat painting by Francesco Giuseppe Casanova Francesco Giuseppe Casanova 17th century PE 663 battle painting
Henry de Lorraine duc de Guise No/unknown value 18th century PE 664 portrait Henry I of Lorraine, duke of Guise
Vue du château de Chantilly 18th-century anonymous painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 665 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Vue du château de Chantilly 18th-century anonymous painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 666 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Vue du parc du château de Chantilly 18th-century anonymous painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 667 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Vue du château de Chantilly 18th-century anonymous painting in the musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 668 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Vue du parc du château de Chantilly : le kiosque chinois 18th-century anonymous painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 669 landscape painting
Vue des grandes écuries du château de Chantilly 18th-century landscape painting No/unknown value 17th century PE 670 landscape painting
Le Château de Chantilly vu du Vertugadin 18th-century anonymous painting in the musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 674 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Autoportrait painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 675 portrait Jean-Baptiste Greuze
Portrait présumé du duc de Bourbon 19th-century anonymous portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 19th century PE 676 portrait Louis Henri, Prince of Condé
Chasse du duc d'Orléans au Thillay 23 janvier 1786 painting by François-Joseph Bélanger François-Joseph Bélanger 1786 PE 677 hunting
Portrait présumé du duc d'Enghien 19th-century anonymous portrait painting No/unknown value 19th century PE 678 portrait Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien
Presumed portrait of Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien (1772-1804) painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century PE 679 portrait Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien
Louis Henri, Prince of Condé
Vue du château de Chantilly prise de l'entrée painting by anonymous No/unknown value 1739 PE 680 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Marie Stuart No/unknown value 19th century PE 681 portrait Mary, Queen of Scots
Portrait de Marie-Catherine de Champeron, marquise de Châteaumorand 18th-century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th millenium PE 685 portrait
Portrait de Marie-Antoinette painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century PE 687 portrait Marie Antoinette
Portrait of pope Pius VII painting by anonymous after Jacques-Louis David No/unknown value 19th century PE 689 portrait Pius VII
Saint Joseph anonymous painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century PE 693 religious art Joseph
Départ en bateau de la duchesse d'Aumale dans le golfe de Naples painting by Salvatore Fergola Salvatore Fergola 1844 PE 696 marine art
Chasseur dans un sous-bois dans le Jura painting by Émile Isenbart Émile Isenbart 1874 PE 729 landscape painting
Vue d'Arcier près de Besançon painting by Émile Isenbart Émile Isenbart 1874 PE 730 landscape painting
Accident survenu à la famille royale dans une promenade au Tréport painting by Auguste Jugelet Auguste Jugelet 1843 PE 732 history painting
La Curée à la Table painting by Adolphe Ladurner Adolphe Ladurner 1828 PE 733 hunting
L’hallali aux étangs de Commelles painting by Adolphe Ladurner Adolphe Ladurner 1828 PE 734 hunting
Groupe d'enfants symbolisant l'été painting by Florent de La Mare-Richart Florent de La Mare-Richart 1697 PE 735 allegory summer
Fontainebleau : cerf au repos sous une futaie painting by Eugène Lavieille Eugène Lavieille 1873 PE 736 landscape painting
Fontainebleau : bouleaux et pins painting by Eugène Lavieille Eugène Lavieille 1873 PE 737 landscape painting
Portrait d'Anne de Montmorency painting by Edmond Lechevallier-Chevignard Edmond Lechevallier-Chevignard 1889 PE 738 portrait Anne de Montmorency
Portrait de Madeleine de Savoie painting by Edmond Lechevallier-Chevignard Edmond Lechevallier-Chevignard 1889 PE 739 portrait Madeleine of Savoy
Madame Henri Lehmann (Clemence Casadavant) painting by Henri Lehmann Henri Lehmann 1866 PE 747 portrait
Portrait du marquis de Saint-Clair, vice-président du conseil de guerre du roi de Naples painting by Louis Nicolas Lemasle Louis Nicolas Lemasle 1816 PE 748 portrait
Choc de cavalerie painting by Francesco Giuseppe Casanova Francesco Giuseppe Casanova 17th century PE 749 battle painting
Vue du parc du Raincy painting by Pierre Antoine Marchais Pierre Antoine Marchais 1814 PE 757 landscape painting Parc à l'anglaise du duc d'Orléans
Entrevue de Toury de 1562 painting by Adrien Marie Adrien Marie 1884 PE 758 history painting
Vue de Saint-Waast-la-Hougue (Manche) painting by Frederic Montenard in the Musée Condé Frédéric Montenard 1880 PE 775 landscape painting Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue
Symonds mendiant de Londres painting by Antoine Philippe, Duke of Montpensier Antoine Philippe, Duke of Montpensier 1804 PE 777 portrait
La Duchesse d'Aumale et son fils le prince de Condé painting by Victor Mottez Victor Mottez 1851 PE 778 portrait
Zeuxis choisissant ses modèles painting by Victor Mottez Victor Mottez 1859 PE 779 history painting
Campement au Sénégal painting by Édouard Auguste Nousveaux Édouard Auguste Nousveaux 1845 PE 780 genre art
Ruelle d'Italie painting by Maria von Parmentier Maria von Parmentier 1875 PE 781 portrait
Massacre et mue de cerf en trompe l'oeil painting by Jean François Perdrix Jean François Perdrix 1772 PE 782 still life
Cantique de saint Siméon painting by Miguel Jacinto Meléndez Miguel Jacinto Meléndez 170s PE 783 religious art Nunc dimittis
Paysage de neige painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1875 PE 784 landscape painting
Berger avec son troupeau, au bord de l'eau, dans une peupleraie painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1880 PE 785 landscape painting
Cabane de bûcheron au milieu d'une clairière, l'hiver painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1882 PE 786 landscape painting
Lavoir, au centre d'une prairie painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1886 PE 787 landscape painting
Chasseur tirant un faisan dans une allée painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1925 PE 788 landscape painting
Maison sous la neige painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1925 PE 789 landscape painting
Bouquet de chrysanthèmes dans un vase blanc torsadé painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1926 PE 790 still life
Charrette attelée à un cheval painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1930 PE 791 genre art
Homme assis sur une barrière painting by Ernest Peulot Ernest Peulot 1937 PE 792 landscape painting
Portrait de Jean de la Bruyère painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 794 portrait Jean de La Bruyère
Crépuscule en Sologne painting by Théodore Rousseau Théodore Rousseau 18th century PE 795 landscape painting
Fermes normandes painting by Théodore Rousseau Théodore Rousseau 18th century PE 796 landscape painting
Le Comte de Paris enfant painting by Victor-Marie Roussin Victor-Marie Roussin 1845 PE 797 portrait Prince Philippe, Count of Paris
Portrait de Jean Racine painting by anonymous No/unknown value 16th millenium PE 798 portrait Jean Racine
Princess Marie of Orléans (1813–1839) painting by Ary Scheffer Ary Scheffer 1837 PE 799 portrait Princess Marie of France
Portrait of the king Louis-Philippe painting by Ary Scheffer Ary Scheffer 1835 PE 800 portrait Louis-Philippe I
Vases et armes d'orient painting by Max Schödl Max Schödl 1879 PE 801 still life
Paysage painting by Zygmunt Sidorowicz Zygmunt Sidorowicz 1880 PE 803 landscape painting
Muse painting by Raffaele d'Auria Raffaele d'Auria 18th century PE 804 mythological painting Muse
Portrait d'Henri IV painting by Antonio Tempesta Antonio Tempesta 17th century PE 805 portrait Henry IV of France
Portrait d'homme dit Le Condottiere Joseph Gabriel Tourny 1865 PE 806 portrait
Violinstunde des Grafen von Paris painting by Horace Vernet, Musée Condé Horace Vernet 1842 PE 807 portrait Prince Philippe, Count of Paris
Course à Chantilly : prix d'Orléans painting in the Musée Condé Pierre Vernet 1836 PE 808 genre art
Ferdinand Ier roi des Bulgares painting by Jaroslav Věšín Jaroslav Věšín 1908 PE 809 portrait Ferdinand I of Bulgaria
Portrait de Georges Lafenestre painting by Jean-Joseph Weerts Jean-Joseph Weerts 1907 PE 810 portrait Georges Lafenestre
Portrait d'Ernest Lavisse painting by Jean-Joseph Weerts Jean-Joseph Weerts 1919 PE 811 portrait Ernest Lavisse
Portrait du roi Louis-Philippe painting by anonymous No/unknown value 18th century PE 812 portrait
Après la pluie, Mosio, Basse Autriche painting by Ludwig Halauska Ludwig Halauska 1880 PE 816 landscape painting
Portrait de Marie-Caroline-Auguste de Bourbon-Siciles painting by Ludwig Halle Ludwig Halle 1970 PE 817 portrait Princess Maria Carolina, Duchess of Aumale
Marchande de pommes painting by Gustav August Hessl Gustav August Hessl 1880 PE 818 genre art
Vue de Orleans House No/unknown value 180s PE 819 landscape painting Orleans House Gallery
Geymüller, cheval favori de François Ier empereur d'Autriche (1768-1835) painting of a horse from Austria No/unknown value 1833 PE 820 animal art
Sarai [Sarah] brings Hagar to Abram [Abraham] (Genesis 16:3) painting by Matthias Stom Matthias Stom 16th century PE 822 religious art
Portrait de Gustave Macon, premier conservateur du musée Condé painting by Frédéric Montenard Frédéric Montenard 1928 PE 834 portrait Gustave Macon
Siège d'Arras (1640), prise d'Aire (1641), et prise de Perpignan painting by Armand Bernard after Sauveur Le Conte Armand Bernard 1889 PE 351-353 battle painting
Portrait de Marie-Victoire-Sophie de Noailles, comtesse de Toulouse painting by anonymous No/unknown value 17th century 2013.1.1 portrait Marie Victoire de Noailles
Portrait de Louis II de Bourbon, dit le Grand Condé painting by Justus van Egmont Justus van Egmont 17th century 2008.1.1 portrait Louis, Grand Condé
Portrait of Louis-Henri de Bourbon-Condé, duke of Bourbon (1692-1740) Painting by Rosalie Grossard after Pierre Gobert Rosalie Grossard 18th century 2013.1.2 portrait Louis Henri, Duke of Bourbon
Le duc d’Aumale et sa suite rendant visite à Ange-Henri de La Sizeranne, sénateur, devant la façade du château de Beausemblant 19th-century painting in the Musée Condé Paul Boulat 1841 2005.2.1 portrait
Esquisse pour Diane au Repos painting by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry 180s 2022.19.1 mythological painting Diana
Vue du Petit Château de Chantilly en ruines painting by Alexandre-Hyacinthe Dunouy Alexandre-Hyacinthe Dunouy 19th century 2021.12.1 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Portrait de Hercule-François, duc d'Alençon painting by François Clouet François Clouet 1561 2023.5.1 portrait
Portrait of Sophie Dawes, Baroness of Feuchère painting by Alexis Leon Louis Valbrun Alexis Leon Louis Valbrun 18th century Na 41 portrait Sophie Dawes, Baronne de Feuchères
Le Duc d'Aumale et Alfred-Auguste Cuvillier-Fleury au cabinet des livres au château de Chantilly painting by Gabriel Ferrier Gabriel Ferrier 1880 NA 82 portrait
Portrait de Louis-Joseph de Bourbon en uniforme de colonel général de l'infanterie, avec le cordon du Saint-Esprit 18th century portrait painting in the Musée Condé No/unknown value 17th century Na 86 portrait Louis Joseph, Prince of Condé
Portrait of Louise-Françoise de Bourbon painting by Pierre Gobert in the Musée Condé Pierre Gobert 1737 Na 301 portrait Louise Françoise de Bourbon
Vue du château de Chantilly prise du parc anglais painting by Nicolas Alexandre Barbier Nicolas Alexandre Barbier 1845 Na 451 landscape painting Château de Chantilly
Henri d’Orléans, duc d’Aumale painting by Charles Jalabert Charles Jalabert 1866 Na 861 portrait Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale
Porträt Maria Karolinas von Neapel-Sizilien (1822–1869) painting by Charles Jalabert Charles Jalabert 1866 Na 862 portrait Princess Maria Carolina, Duchess of Aumale
Portrait de Henri d'Orléans duc d'Aumale painting by Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant 1896 Na 863 portrait Henri d'Orléans, Duke of Aumale
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