User:GK tramrunner229

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That's me

Hallow and Welcome to my WIKIpedia page. "Writing about myself" is one of the hardest taks for me.

  • Currently I am able just to add some of the pictures, I've made, as well as make minor edits into the category higherarchy. Sorry, that I cant devode more time to WIKI projects, as of now.

It is much easier simply to do something. But anyway let me quickly summarize my major interests.

Photography, especially if they are useful in WIKIpedia. Graphic Design ... especially Double Exposures and preudo-video Web Design, especially in WIKI-format I was born in Odessa, Ukraine where I lived first 13 years of my life. Now I live in Brooklyn, one of New York City boroughs

I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Scinece degree in Polytechnic University, but anyway ... I dont consider it is enough for real life. Yet I love to learn programming languages, systems and always ready for something new.

My hobbies

Tram as the proud representative of my hobby

I am a Railfan... so public transportation, is my hobby. My degree is not in it. However I spend my time

Reading railway books and textbooks. Capturing films with rail and transit scenes Making photos when I ocasionally travel. architecture of europeans and american citites. writing stories about my past, and how is it seen today.



playing some instruments, singing and sound production Electronic Music, both how does it sound, and how to produce it especially late 1980ies



is one of my earliest hobbies. I hope, my second Bachelor's Degree will be in Electronics. Yet I gave it up, because dont think I need it. However I read magazines about electronics.

Graphic Design, and Modeling


Are involved in my current job