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[[Connectivity Project[dead link]]]  for wikimania 

  1. Connectivity of articles in our edition — Presentation with accompanying text from Wikiconference in Saint-Petersburg, 2007
  2. Russian Wikipedia — List of common and unusual recipes for determination of links between articles
  3. — wiki-project for russian schoolchildren. Page of joint project Junior Wiki-linkers
  4. Popular Mechanics magazine — article Matemathics as art
  5. Russian Wikipedia — Description of games Wiki-Links and Wikirace
  6. — quote about Wiki-Links game
  1. — 16 images of presentation with accompanying text from Wikiconference in Warsaw, 2010
  2. English Wikipedia — Wiki-Link Game
  3. — Tracking the Lexical Zeitgeist with WordNet and Wikipedia — report at European conference of Artifical Intelligence (ECAI2006)
  4. — Two-dimensional ranking of Wikipedia articles
  5. — The problem with WIkipedia



Scan of article Vom Link zum Lexikon in newspaper:



In order to avoid the need of all lists collecting in a hidden category, we'd like to order pages by link per text density.

The task look pretty simple for the very first look. Indeed, the text size, the amount of links a page contains as well as the overall length of linked titles could all be computed with use of toolserver metadata.

However, articles do usually transclude templates, which have their own links and their own size. And those links are much more difficult to recognize with use of toolserver sql tables.

The pagelinks table contain all links, which are to be shown whith the page they have source at. Once a template page is being shoed, it looks different to what it is when transcluded due to <include>-like constructions in templates.

This is why we cannot get data on what does a template links, except all templates are properly (in a certain sence) documented and structured, which itself is a task (to document all templates) of complexity similar to connectity problems resolving.

Any approaches to links density computation in sql are welcome, the "most welcome" to have lower issues per computational complexity unit ratio, limited overal amount of issues and limited processing time consumptions.

See also
