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Unified Platform for Continuous IT Education

Enhance CIS and CS Degree Courses with Immersive Learning Experience

Sample Course View with CourseMatix


352.6 lower than National Average *

*41% of students drop a class while they are a freshman or sophomore at a 4-year college or university, or in their first year at a 2-year community or junior college

Code Assignments
Assignment Submissions Graded
620+ Hours
Instructor's Grading Time

Teach Anything

Technology advances so rapidly that it is hard to keep up with the current state of IT and software development. We got this covered! Whether it is Python and PHP backend or web development using Flask or Django, DevOps with Terraform, Helm, and Containerization, or Tensorflow machine learning and Data Science courses, we deliver the required tools.

LMS Integration

Single sign-on, assignment launcher, and grades publishing to learning management systems like Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and more.

Hands-on Lab Environment

A hands-on lab environment is a virtual environment for students to gain hands-on experience with the same software and tools they will use at a workplace. Each student is assigned an assignment-specific dedicated Hands-on Lab Environment.

Real-world tools

No simulators! Instructors and students use real-world tools, software, and environments without managing complex IT or cloud infrastructure. As a result, students gain access to the best industry tools and experience to be successful in their chosen career path, identifying and developing the most in-demand skills in the job market.

Single sign-on

Log in once with one set of credentials to access all products, apps, portals, and data for which you have permission


Student assignments are stored in git repositories, which can be accessed by the git command line utility or through the UI interface. Students can work on their assignments individually or work together on the same project with ease without interfering with each other’s work.


With our microservices-powered solution, all students need is a browser to start assignments, with no additional software installation required. Students can write their code, run, debug, and submit assignments - all in one place. We support various IDEs, such as VScode, JupyterLab, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, PyCharm, Cloud9, Android Studio, Apache Zeppelin, and many more.

Inline Code Assignment Comments

An instructor can provide students with accessible feedback, precisely in code. Share feedback and receive messages from students from one single interface. Use super easy and efficient shortcuts for high efficiency and consistency and even interact with students within the code. Comments allow students to ask clarifying questions or discuss their solutions with an instructor or a grader. In addition, instructors can insert suggestions for one or more lines of code rather than going back and forth in emails.


StudentHub makes access to students easy — message anyone and collaborate just like students and instructors would in person. Users can work in dedicated spaces called channels where information can be shared with everyone at once, helping keep students aligned with the course pace. An Instructor can set up channels for shared discourse, idea generation, and knowledge-building with their peers.

StudentHub Calls

With Sudenthub calls, you can make a voice call or screenshare to connect with students in the course. Support both student assignments and live in-class demonstration activities.

Integrated Code Debug

Built-in debugging support for languages and runtimes (including PHP, Ruby, Go, C#, Python, C++, PowerShell, and many others). Code debuggers help students accelerate their edit, compile, and debug loop.

Embedded Browser Preview

Students can preview their web projects inside IDE and see changes. In-editor debugging of Browser Preview. Changes appear as students make them in the editor.

Browser Console Logs

Students can use browser console logs to troubleshoot the problem with their lab assignment thoroughly. Console Logs often contain important error details essential to identify the root cause of the issue/bug.

Grade Anything

Our Auto-Grading System supports any programming language and any framework. Tested with 250+ programming languages.


For many instructors, grading is the most stressful part of the job because it’s hard to be equally fair to each student, and it takes too long to grade complex assignments. Our Auto-Grading System saves instructors time and provides consistent assignment grading while improving feedback agility.

Anonymous Grading

Auto-Grading System works in anonymous mode without passing student identity to grading pipelines, preventing bias from influencing grading.

Grading Pipelines

Each assignment submission is graded by grading pipelines in a centralized environment. No assignments are ever graded on local student environment. Grading pipelines work against grading criteria designed by the instructor, and run through a series of parallel steps, such as code compilation and analysis, binaries creation, and unit tests.

Grading Feedback

Students are better engaged with a course while receiving immediate and continuous automatic feedback after each assignment submission. Intuitive feedback with custom grading messages provides real-time feedback that promotes a more positive student experience. The grading interface helps students better understand how their submission differs from the expectations with timely feedback and motivates students to try again.

Instructor Portal

Instructors can instantly access their courses, assignment grading criteria, and student grades. Courses are structured into a hierarchy of weeks, modules, and assignments. We allow course customization so instructors can teach at the pace they want. In addition, an instructor can review all student assignment submission attempts with grading pipeline logs at any time.

Grading Criteria

Instructors can create rubrics and have them graded without writing any code themselves. Leave the rest up to our Course Success Team. Instructors can easily update the grading criteria rubric and comments when discovering common issues in the submissions. Moreover, changes made to rubrics after the assignment start date are propagated to student submissions to which the rubric has been applied. So course instructors can easily change a deduction or fix a typo.

Student Lab Connect

An instructor can access each student’s lab environment to review the work student has completed. Reviewing the work instructor can ensure students progress through the course assignment correctly.


Use a real-time dashboard to track the progress of grading, so no submission slips through the cracks. Each assignment submission's grading results are automatically recorded and available for the course instructor's review and publishing to LMS.

Grades Sync

An instructor can review, approve, and publish student grades to the LMS gradebook.

We Know How To Do It

CourseMatix was developed by Cloud Initiatives’ senior solution architects, engineers, and in-field consultants. With our collective real-world team experience, we deliver tools and technologies to help schools bridge the technical skills gap between graduates and employers.

We continue to invest our knowledge and energy in CourseMatix to deliver technology that can positively impact learning and, in turn, each student’s future.

Premium quality

Multicultural experience in US and EU companies

Business development experience

Striving for integrations

Innovative technology competence

Deep expertise in technology and software development process, IP analysis and due diligence, US patents

Course Onboarding

Onboarding involves face-to-face or remote sessions, where instructors are guided through the product features, navigation, and strategies to keep students engaged with a course. Before beginning a course, the Course Success Team works with instructors and TAs to prepare lab assignments and ensure course readiness.​ Course instructors can create as many lab assignments as necessary for the course. Each student assignment can be personalized and tailored to the training each learner needs.


A help desk is a tool where students can request and receive assistance with technical-related problems, particularly concerning products, services, and access.

Advanced Course Support

Course Success Team understands the subject matter deeply and flexibly so that they can provide students with the resources and guidance needed to complete all course assignments. The CST does not solve an assignment for students but gives substantive feedback that acknowledges student achievement and offers guidance on how assignment solutions can be improved. All CST student communications are recorded and visible to the instructor. Service combines real-time chat with the ability to collect information and share links, screenshots, screen share, and calls, making it an ideal online platform for students seeking immediate help.

© CourseMatix 2023