[go: nahoru, domu]

Global Settings

Global Settings


Global settings apply to all the tables that can be discovered through an API connection. This page covers the configuration of authentication, headers, and pagination. Once these are set, you can continue to the Tables tab and create Tables.


By default, an API connector is set to No Auth for its Authentication Type. If no authentication is required to access your API endpoints, click Create to save the connector. Afterwards, you can create any required Headers or set the Pagination type for your connector before proceeding to create Tables. If authentication is required, select the Authentication method and follow the instructions in the relevant section.

Note: The authentication method you choose applies to every table added to this connector.

Basic Auth

  1. In the User field, enter the Global Settings username for authentication.

  2. Enter the user password in the Password field.

  3. At the top of the CData Connect Cloud Add Global Settings Connection page, click Create to save the connection.

  4. After saving the connection, click Tables to move on to creating Tables.

Digest Auth

  1. In the User field, enter the Global Settings username for authentication.

  2. Enter the user password in the Password field.

  3. At the top of the CData Connect Cloud Add Global Settings Connection page, click Create to save the connection.

  4. After saving the connection, click Tables to move on to creating Tables.

OAuth 1.0

  1. The Callback URL, or Redirect URL, is the URL you need (https://oauth.cdata.com/oauth/) when setting up your OAuth app. Copy this URL and paste it into your OAuth app.

  2. Enter the OAuth Client Id assigned when you registered for OAuth.

  3. Enter the OAuth Client Secret assigned when you registered for OAuth.

  4. Enter your OAuth Request Token URL to retrieve request tokens from.

  5. Enter your OAuth Authorization URL so request tokens can be authorized on sign in.

  6. Enter your OAuth Access Token URL so authorized request tokens can be exchanged for access tokens.

  7. Click Sign in to connect securely through OAuth. This action opens the Global Settings sign-in page in a new tab.

  8. Log into your Global Settings account and provide the requested permissions (if applicable).

  9. At the top of the CData Connect Cloud Add Global Settings Connection page, click Create to save the connection.

  10. After saving the connection, click Tables to move on to creating Tables.

OAuth 2.0

  1. The Callback URL, or Redirect URL, is the URL you need (https://oauth.cdata.com/oauth/) when setting up your OAuth app. Copy this URL and paste it into your OAuth app.

  2. Enter the OAuth Client Id assigned when you registered for OAuth.

  3. Enter the OAuth Client Secret assigned when you registered for OAuth.

  4. Enter your OAuth Authorization URL so users can be authorized on sign in.

  5. Enter your OAuth Access Token URL so authorization tokens can be exchanged for access tokens.

  6. Enter your OAuth Refresh Token URL so refresh tokens can be exchanged for access tokens when old access tokens expire.

  7. Click Sign in to connect securely through OAuth. This action opens the Global Settings sign-in page in a new tab.

  8. Log into your Global Settings account and provide the requested permissions (if applicable).

  9. At the top of the CData Connect Cloud Add Global Settings Connection page, click Create to save the connection.

  10. After saving the connection, click Tables to move on to creating Tables.


To add HTTP headers that are sent with all API calls, do the following:

  1. Enter the header name in the Name field.

  2. Specify the value of the header in the Value field.

To add additional headers, click Add Header and repeat the above steps as required.


You can specify the pagination Type to use with API Connector. First, select the Pagination type. The options available are:


Any API request returns the full dataset in one response.


When using offset paging, CData Connect Cloud defines the page size and the number of records to skip when retrieving subsequent pages. For offset paging, set the following values:

  • Offset Param: The name of the URL parameter defining the API offset in the API request.

  • Page Size Param (Optional): The name of the URL parameter defining how many records to retrieve per page.

  • Page Size: The number of records to retrieve per page. The connector uses this value to calculate the offset. Set this to the default page size of the API you are connecting to.


In the request below, the user has set Offset Param to “pageOffset”, Page Size Param to “pageSize”, and Page Size to 1000. This example is showing the request for page 6 of data because the connector automatically increments the offset.



When using page numbers to control paging, set the following values:

  • Page Number Param: The name of the URL parameter defining the page number.

  • Page Size Param (Optional): The name of the URL parameter that defines the page size.

  • Page Size (Optional): The number of records to retrieve per page.


In the request below, the user has set Page Number Param to “pageNum”, Page Size Param to “pageSize”, and Page Size to 1000. This example is showing the request for page 6 of data because the connector automatically increments the page.



When using next page token to control paging, set the following values. The connector automatically includes the token in each request from the previous response.

  • Token Path: The path in the API response defining the next page token.

  • Has More Path (Optional): The path in the API response defining whether there are more records available.

  • Token Source: Select whether the token should be sent in the request as a URL Parameter or in the Request Body.

  • URL Parameter: The name of the URL parameter to pass the paging token.

  • Request Body: The path in the request body where to pass the paging token.

Example using Parameters

In the request below, the user has set URL Parameter to “pageToken” and Token Path to “/results/nextpagetoken”.




  "results": [
      "rows": [
          "id": "123",
          "name": "Acme",
          "country": "United States",
          "no_employees": 500
      "nextpagetoken": 123457

Example using Body

In the request below, the user has set Request Body to “/request/pageToken”, Token Path to “/results/nextpagetoken”, and Has More Path to “/results/morePages”.

Request Body:

  "request": [
      "country": "United States",
      "pageToken": 123456


  "results": [
      "rows": [
          "id": "123",
          "name": "Acme",
          "country": "United States",
          "no_employees": 500
      "nextpagetoken": 123457,
      "morePages": true


When using next page URLs to control paging, you first need to select where the URL for the next page is in the response:

  • Response Type: Select either Response Body if the URL is in the body of the response, or Response Header if the URL is in a header of the response.

  • Response Body: The path in the API response defining the next page URL. This value should be supplied in XPath notation. See the example below.

  • Response Header: If the next page URL is passed in the response headers with a “Link” header, set this to specify the header name.

Example using Path

In the example below, the user has set Response Body to “/results/nextpageurl”. Here is an example response which contains the next page URL:


  "results": [
      "rows": [
          "id": "123",
          "name": "Acme",
          "country": "United States",
          "no_employees": 500
      "nextpageurl": "https://myapi?nextpage=81a3ebdb-1483-45cd-84d1-f711d1308698"


The Verbosity field should be left at 2 unless required for troubleshooting purposes.

After creating an API connection, proceed to creating Tables.