Create a Windows VM from ISO image in Distributed Cloud

This document shows you how to create a Windows virtual machine (VM) that boots from an ISO using VM Runtime on GDC. When the VM boots, you manually complete the Windows setup routine.

You can also create a Windows VM from a prepared disk image using an HTTP source or from Cloud Storage.

Before you begin

To complete this document, you need access to the following resources:

Create a virtual disk for the ISO image

To successfully create a Windows VM, follow the steps and sections in this document in order.

To boot from a Windows ISO image, first create a VirtualMachineDisk with diskType of cdrom. Use your Windows ISO as the source for this disk.

  1. Create a VirtualMachineDisk manifest, such as windows-iso.yaml, in the editor of your choice:

    nano windows-iso.yaml
  2. Copy and paste the following YAML manifest:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: windows-iso
          url: IMG_URL
      size: 10Gi
      diskType: cdrom

    Replace IMG_URL with the HTTP path to your Windows ISO. You can also create and use credentials to import an ISO from Cloud Storage.

  3. Save and close the manifest in your editor.

  4. Create the VirtualMachineDisk using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f windows-iso.yaml

Create a VM drivers disk

To successfully boot from a Windows ISO and complete the install process, the VM needs access to the virtio drivers. To provide the virtio drivers to the VM, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a VirtualMachineDisk manifest, such as virtio-driver.yaml, in the editor of your choice:

    nano virtio-driver.yaml
  2. Copy and paste the following YAML manifest:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: virtio-driver
      size: 1Gi
          url: docker://
      diskType: cdrom

    This manifest pulls the latest virtio drivers from a public Docker repo and sets the diskType as cdrom. Your VM uses this disk during the install process.

  3. Save and close the manifest in your editor.

  4. Create the VirtualMachineDisk using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f virtio-driver.yaml

Create a Windows VM

Create a VM that boots from the Windows ISO VirtualMachineDisk, and attaches the virtio drivers disk:

  1. Create a manifest that defines a VirtualMachineDisk for the boot volume and a VirtualMachine, such as windows-vm.yaml, in the editor of your choice:

    nano windows-vm.yaml
  2. Copy and paste the following YAML manifest:

    kind: VirtualMachineDisk
      name: VM_NAME-boot-dv
      size: 100Gi
    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: VM_NAME
      osType: Windows
        - virtualMachineDiskName: VM_NAME-boot-dv
          boot: true
        - virtualMachineDiskName: windows-iso
        - virtualMachineDiskName: virtio-driver
          vcpus: 2
          capacity: 4Gi
        - name: eth0
          networkName: pod-network

    Replace VM_NAME with the name that you want for your VM.

    This manifest creates a 100 Gibibyte (GiB) boot volume. As this boot volume is empty when the VM first starts, the VM boots from ISO as a CD-ROM device to start the setup routine. The virtio drivers are also attached to complete the install process.

  3. Save and close the manifest in your editor.

  4. Create the VirtualMachineDisk and VirtualMachine using kubectl:

    kubectl apply -f windows-vm.yaml

Connect to Windows VM and complete OS install

The VM starts and boots from the Windows ISO in the previous section. Connect to your VM and complete the Windows install process and configure your VM:

  1. Connect to your Windows VM:

    kubectl virt vnc VM_NAME

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of your Windows VM.

    When prompted, enter your Windows guest OS user credentials for your VM.

    For more information about using kubectl virt vnc to connect to your VM, see Connect directly using VNC.

  2. In the Windows setup, choose to perform a Custom install.

  3. Select Load driver, browse to the viostor directory on the virtio disk, then select the directory that matches the version of Windows you want to install.

    For more information, see KubeVirt Windows virtio drivers.

  4. With the storage and network drivers from virtio now available, complete the rest of the Windows install process.

    We recommend that you enable Remote Desktop Protocol so you can connect directly to the VM after install.

Detach the ISO image and drivers disk

After the Windows install is complete, remove the virtio drivers disk and Windows ISO image from the VM:

  1. Stop your Windows VM:

    kubectl virt stop VM_NAME

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of your Windows VM.

  2. Use kubectl to edit the VM:

    kubectl edit gvm VM_NAME

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of your Windows VM.

  3. In your editor, update the spec.disks section to remove the Windows ISO and virtio disks, as shown in the following example. The only disk left attached to the VM should be the VM_NAME-boot-dv:

    kind: VirtualMachine
      name: windows-vm
      osType: Windows
        - virtualMachineDiskName: windows-vm-boot-dv
          boot: true
  4. Save and close the VM manifest.

  5. Start your Windows VM:

    kubectl virt start VM_NAME

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of your Windows VM.

  6. Check the STATUS of your VM:

    kubectl get gvm VM_NAME

    Replace VM_NAME with the name of your Windows VM.

    Make sure that your VM is in a Running state. If the VM isn't in a Running state, check your VirtualMachine resource manifest to make sure you only removed the Windows ISO and virtio disk. Check that the host has enough compute resources to start your VM.

What's next