The Mapping Camera on the Apollo 15 CSM Endeavour photographed this view of the landing site. The Lunar Module is sited near the centre of the image between Hadley Rille and Mons Hadley. Note that the face of Mount Hadley towards the Rille is still in shadow. When astronauts Dave Scott and Jim Irwin saw it the following day, it was lit by a very low-angled sunlight causing the crew to believe they saw lineations, initially interpreted as layering, across its face.
Image name: AS15-M-0414
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The Mapping Camera on the Apollo 15 CSM ''Endeavour'' photographed this view of the landing site. The LM is sited near the centre of the image between Hadley Rille and Mount Hadley. Note that the face of Mount Hadley towards the Rille is still in shad
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