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OpenReview Author Instructions

CVPR 2024 employs OpenReview as our paper submission and peer review system. To match papers to reviewers (including conflict handling and computation of affinity scores), OpenReview requires carefully populated and up-to-date OpenReview profiles. To this end, we require every author to (1) create and activate an OpenReview profile (if not already existent) and (2) to update the profile with the most recent email addresses, career positions, and publications.

Important note: We may desk-reject papers that contain authors without a valid OpenReview profile after the paper submission deadline (Nov. 17).

More specifically, we require every author to perform the following steps:

Step 1
Log in to your OpenReview account.

If you do not already have an account, you can sign up here. Please make sure to confirm your email address and to complete the registration to activate the profile. (Detailed instructions for the sign up process can be found here.)

Step 2
If required, please update the email addresses of your profile. Most importantly, ensure that the email address that receives the paper registration notification is linked to your profile and has been confirmed. (Detailed instructions for adding an email address can be found here.)

Please note: Do not remove old email addresses. Those are used for conflict determination in the review process.

IMPORTANT: All future OpenReview messages will be addressed to your "preferred email" address of your OpenReview profile. Hence, please make sure to adapt the preferred email address of your profile - if required.

Step 3
Please follow the instructions to enter or update the institutional data of your profile.

(If your institution is not part of the drop-down list, you should be able to just enter a new institution domain and name.)

Please note: Do not remove old positions. Those are used for conflict determination in the review process.

Step 4
Please update your list of publications in your profile; see instructions to import papers from DBLP to your profile.

(If you have not published yet, you can skip this step.)   

Please note: The list of papers in your OpenReview profile is shared across conferences, so it should contain all your publications. OpenReview uses this list of papers for conflict determination in the review process.

Step 5
Complete paper registration for each of your papers by Nov. 3 11:59pm Pacific Time and paper submission by Nov. 17 11:59pm Pacific Time. To begin both the registration and submission process, go to the OpenReview CVPR 2024 submission page, make sure you are logged in, click on the "CVPR 2024 Conference Submission" button, and then follow the instructions on the form that will appear.