Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction

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Dies ist eine alte Version dieser Seite, zuletzt bearbeitet am 14. August 2011 um 19:27 Uhr durch FiscalRangers (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Added SIGAR.mil url & logo and reference to blog on Corruption in Iraq and the World which has a CIGAR category). Sie kann sich erheblich von der aktuellen Version unterscheiden.
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Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) is a United States run agency which aims to overlook programs for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. It reports to the US Congress on ongoing activities. Its major goals are as follows:[1]

  • improve effectiveness of the overall reconstruction strategy and its component programs
  • improve management and accountability over funds administered by U.S. and Afghan agencies and their contractors
  • improve contracting and contract management processes
  • prevent fraud, waste, and abuse
  • advance U.S. interests in reconstructing Afghanistan

SIGAR Leadership: The head of SIGAR is appointed by the President. The initial leader of SIGAR was retired Brigadier General Arnold Fields, who resigned in early 2011. Fields had served in many areas, including a position of Chief of Staff of the Iraq Reconstruction Management Office in Bagdhad in the 2004-2005 timeframe. He was replaced by Herbert Richardson, who was appointed by President Barack Obama in February, 2011. However, in early August, 2011, Richardson has submitted his resignation, and the acting head is a current member of the staff (see article links below). The President has not appointed a new head as of August 14, 2011.

==References== Huffington Post article on delays in appointing new SIGAR head Head of SIGAR, Arnold Fields, Resigns Watchdog post - January, 2011 Blog article: Embattled SIGAR head resigns after controversy

==Primary Websites== - Primary website for SIGAR Blog on corruption which includes category on SIGAR & Afghanistan Corruption Vorlage:Reflist Vorlage:Afghanistan-stub


  1. The Tojg Bridge Construction Is Nearly Complete, but Several Contract Issues Need to Be Addressed. Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR);